Raising a company of Federals to take part in this event November 11-14 in Collierville Tn.
Thread to the main site is http://www.firstfederaldivision.com/
We will portray Co. A, 44th Indiana at Ft. Donelson. Research allows us to do a very accurate impression of this company. A discussion board has been set up here:
Please look it over and join if you are interested in taking part in this endeavor.
I would really like to get 50 enlisted for this which would accurately reflect Co. A's strength at the time of the battle. We will be operating a bit differently that what is seen at most events and I hope it will be a bit of a different experience drill-wise.
We will operate under the batallion command of Jim Moffett.
I will be 1st Lt. and acting captain of the company. Brian Hicks will be orderly sergeant and will be acting as a Lt which will give us a bit of a different look.
Anyway, please consider joining us.
Thread to the main site is http://www.firstfederaldivision.com/
We will portray Co. A, 44th Indiana at Ft. Donelson. Research allows us to do a very accurate impression of this company. A discussion board has been set up here:
Please look it over and join if you are interested in taking part in this endeavor.
I would really like to get 50 enlisted for this which would accurately reflect Co. A's strength at the time of the battle. We will be operating a bit differently that what is seen at most events and I hope it will be a bit of a different experience drill-wise.
We will operate under the batallion command of Jim Moffett.
I will be 1st Lt. and acting captain of the company. Brian Hicks will be orderly sergeant and will be acting as a Lt which will give us a bit of a different look.
Anyway, please consider joining us.