Allaire State Park
Farmingdale, NJ
April 10-11, 2010
This event will feature a School of the Soldier basic training encampment and will include artillery instruction and demonstrations.
Our Events Committee has put together a comprehensive program for the weekend which includes the use of Allaire Village’s railroad to ferry recruits to the camp and to deliver the trained soldiers to the front.
The camp will open on Friday afternoon (April 9th) at 3:00 PM for early set-up.
The public is welcomed from 10:00 AM until 4:00 PM on Saturday and from 10:00 AM until 3:00 PM on Sunday.
There is also be a Candle Light Tour of the camp scheduled for Saturday evening 7:00 PM until 9:00 PM.
Confederate reenactors are encouraged to attend dressed as 1860’s period civilians; they can serve as the recruits and cycle through camp to promote authenticity.
We will have Sutlers, an Authors Tent and the Sanitary Commission set up to do business!
This is an excellent opportunity to dust off you kit and prepare for the up-coming season.
The registration fee is $10.00 which includes an Associate Membership in the NJCWHA. For more information, please e-mail me at
Farmingdale, NJ
April 10-11, 2010
This event will feature a School of the Soldier basic training encampment and will include artillery instruction and demonstrations.
Our Events Committee has put together a comprehensive program for the weekend which includes the use of Allaire Village’s railroad to ferry recruits to the camp and to deliver the trained soldiers to the front.
The camp will open on Friday afternoon (April 9th) at 3:00 PM for early set-up.
The public is welcomed from 10:00 AM until 4:00 PM on Saturday and from 10:00 AM until 3:00 PM on Sunday.
There is also be a Candle Light Tour of the camp scheduled for Saturday evening 7:00 PM until 9:00 PM.
Confederate reenactors are encouraged to attend dressed as 1860’s period civilians; they can serve as the recruits and cycle through camp to promote authenticity.
We will have Sutlers, an Authors Tent and the Sanitary Commission set up to do business!
This is an excellent opportunity to dust off you kit and prepare for the up-coming season.
The registration fee is $10.00 which includes an Associate Membership in the NJCWHA. For more information, please e-mail me at