The Princess Anne Greys/ Lee's Sharpshooters will be sponsoring, along with Petersburg NMP a living history event the the Five Forks site.
This will be held the evening of March 26th through March 28th on the original battlefield at Five Forks.
We will be portraying Company D of the old Dominion Guard, 1st VA infantry, Terry's Brigade (Kemper's old brigade), and will be in their original position on the battlefield. We will be conducting camp life demonstration (campaign style camp, no tents, just company rain flys!!), ration issue, company battle formations, maneuvers and firings, skirmishers tactics, and uniform and weapons presentations for the public.
Information concerning authenticity standards, a history of the battle, and other event info can be viewed on the event web page at
Anyone interested in joining us for this event my contact me at or Mike Hendricks at
This will be a great opportunity to interact with the public and have fun with your fellow living historians. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.
Mike Dougherty
This will be held the evening of March 26th through March 28th on the original battlefield at Five Forks.
We will be portraying Company D of the old Dominion Guard, 1st VA infantry, Terry's Brigade (Kemper's old brigade), and will be in their original position on the battlefield. We will be conducting camp life demonstration (campaign style camp, no tents, just company rain flys!!), ration issue, company battle formations, maneuvers and firings, skirmishers tactics, and uniform and weapons presentations for the public.
Information concerning authenticity standards, a history of the battle, and other event info can be viewed on the event web page at
Anyone interested in joining us for this event my contact me at or Mike Hendricks at
This will be a great opportunity to interact with the public and have fun with your fellow living historians. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.
Mike Dougherty