Hello All, On Sunday Eric Isaacs, Dave Gerow, and myself worked at the Fight For Crampton's Gap event site constructing Beth Crabb's general store. Despite getting multiple vehicles stuck in the mud, good progress was made. The general store is framed and has a roof, all that is left is to side and put a door on it, and Beth's store is ready for business!!! Here are a few photo's showing the work progress, as well as a few pictures from a site ride done in March with the commanders. Huh,,,, what do ya know, infantry boys can stay in the saddle after all!!! :wink_smil

The road running at the base of the hill. Crampton's Gap has a road named Mountain Church Road running along the base of the hill in the same fashion. This will be our Mountain Church Road.

The general store, half completed, with Mountain Church Road running in front of it.
Remember, registration ends July 1st. Right now we are sitting at 48 Federals. We still are in need of several more Confederate infantry as well!!! Don't miss the boat on this one boys!

The road running at the base of the hill. Crampton's Gap has a road named Mountain Church Road running along the base of the hill in the same fashion. This will be our Mountain Church Road.

The general store, half completed, with Mountain Church Road running in front of it.
Remember, registration ends July 1st. Right now we are sitting at 48 Federals. We still are in need of several more Confederate infantry as well!!! Don't miss the boat on this one boys!