The Federal impression for "Before the Breakout" will be the 8th Kansas Infantry Regiment. Thanks to Pete Berezuk for his research on this:
The Eighth saw more than its share of action, and as the following synopsis will display, the unit was engaged in a variety of theaters of war. Eighth Infantry. - Cols., Henry W. Wessells, Robert H. Graham, John A. Martin; Lieut. Cols., John A. Martin, James L. Abernathy, Edward F. Schneider, James M. Graham, John Connover. Majors, Edward F. Schneider, James M. Graham, John Connover, Henry C. Austin. This regiment, like most of the first Kansas organizations, was originally intended for service in the state and along the border, and, as was also true of many of the early regiments formed, it was at first a mixed organization, intended to have eight companies of infantry and two of cavalry. The first six companies were mustered into U.S. service in Sept. 1861, for three years, two more companies were added in October, and the regimental headquarters were established in Lawrence. During December 1861 and January 1862, two more incomplete companies joined the regiment as Cos. I and K.
On February 7, 1862, Col. Wessells was ordered to rejoin his regiment in the Regular Army, and on the 28th, by order of Gen. Hunter, commanding the department, the regiment was thoroughly reorganized and consolidated with a battalion raised for service in New Mexico, and Col. Graham of the latter was assigned to the command. As finally reorganized, the regiment had strength of 862 officers and men. Late in May, 1862, with other regiments, under the command of Gen. Robert B. Mitchell, it was ordered to Corinth, Mississippi, and a battalion of five companies left the state for that point on May 27th. After some delays at Columbus, Ky., Union City, Trenton and Humboldt, Tenn., it finally arrived at Corinth on July 3rd and was temporarily attached to Col. Fuller's brigade, Brig. Gen. Jeff. C. Davis' division, Army of the Mississippi. On Feb. 22, 1863, Cos. A, C, D and F along with Co. G on Mar. 29 which composed the battalion which had been left behind in Kansas, reported at Nashville and the regiment was there united for the first time since its organization. Meanwhile, prior to Feb. 22, 1863, Co. G, which had been stationed at Ft. Laramie, and the other companies, had seen considerable service along the border of Kansas and in Missouri, fighting with Coffey, Cockrell, Quantrill and other guerrilla leaders. The battalion at Corinth left that point on July 22, 1862, for Jacinto, where it was attached to the 1st Brigade, 9th Division, Army of the Mississippi, with Brig. Gen. Davis commanding the division and Col. Mitchell the brigade. Col. Graham had been taken sick at St. Louis and never rejoined his command, being succeeded by Lieut. Col. Martin.
The military historian of the regiment in summarizing its services for the adjutant general's report says: "During its term of service, the 8th traveled 10, 750 miles. It participated in 15 battles and 18 skirmishes...It lost a total of 64 killed, 272 wounded and 21 missing." In the above losses there are not included 5 men killed and 17 men wounded in slight skirmishes or by guerrillas while foraging and scouting. Hence, the aggregate loss of the regiment was 379 killed, wounded and missing. Three officers and 92 men died of disease, bringing the total loss by death to 212.* The heaviest loss sustained by the regiment was at Chickamauga, where out of a total of 406 engaged, it lost 243 officers and men killed, wounded or missing, or 55 percent, of those present.
Says the same military historian: "The gleam of its bayonets was seen from Ft. Laramie. Neb., to the Rio Grande; its banners fluttered in the sunlight from Kansas to North Carolina, the crack of its rifles startled the echoes in the valley of the Platte and along the hillsides of the Tennessee and Chattahoochee, and the tramp of its soldiers resounded in the dusty highways of twelve different states. It hunted guerrillas in Missouri, combated Longstreet's veterans at Chickamauga, stormed the blazing heights of Missionary Ridge, fought a continuous battle from Kennesaw Mountain to Atlanta and broke through Hood's lines at the battle that annihilated the rebel army of the West. At Nashville, it did duty in white gloves and at Knoxville it was shirtless, hatless, shoeless and in rags. It knew how to garrison a post or charge a line of entrenchments. At Ft. Leavenworth it vied with the oldest and best trained soldiers in the Regular Army in the perfection of its discipline and drill, and in Georgia it lived on the countryside with Sherman's bummers." The regiment was the last of the Kansas troops to be discharged, being finally mustered out at Ft. Leavenworth on January 9, 1866, when it mustered a total of 196 officers and men.
The note of losing 55% of its strength at Chickamagua and reducing it to 163 effectives puts this in the realm of us recreating a specific historical regiment for this event. Also, the 8th Kansas is the furthest traveling and longest serving unit from Kansas during the whole Civil War.
The Kansas Historical Society also has lists of the soldiers who were assigned to the the Kansas Regiments for view online.
It also appears a Biography of the 8th Kansas has been written recently. Its not available through Amazon, so I'm going to contact the author...
Overall History
8th Kansas Regiment Infantry
Regiment organized for service in the State and along border August, 1861. Companies "A," "D," "G" and "H" at Lawrence, Kan., October, 1861. Companies "A" and "G" march to West Point, Mo., December 16-19, and Companies "D" and "H," to same place November 23-25, 1861. Companies "A," "F" and "G" moved to Fort Kearney, Neb., February 16, 1862. Companies "D," "H" and "K" to Osawatomie, Kan., February 22, thence to Fort Leavenworth March 12. Companies "A," "D" and "G" at Fort Kearney, Neb. Companies "B" and "F" at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. Company "C" at Fort Riley until April, then at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. Companies "E" and "K" at Aubrey, Kan. Company "H" at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., until April, then at Fort Riley, and Company "I" at Leavenworth City. All until May, 1862. Companies "B," "E," "H," "I" and "K" moved from Leavenworth to Columbus, Ky., May 28-June 2, and to Union City, Tenn., June 8-11. To Trenton, Tenn., June 16-17. To Humboldt, Tenn., June 26, and to Corinth, Miss., July 2-3. Attached to 2nd Brigade, 4th Division, Army Mississippi, to September, 1862. 32nd Brigade, 9th Division, Army Ohio, to October, 1862. 32nd Brigade, 9th Division, 3rd Corps, Army Ohio, to November, 1862. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, Right Wing 14th Army Corps, Dept. of the Cumberland, to January, 1863. Post of Nashville, Dept. of the Cumberland, to June, 1863. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 20th Army Corps, Army Cumberland, to October, 1863. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 4th Army Corps, Army Cumberland, to August, 1865. Dept. of Texas to November, 1865.
SERVICE.--Companies "B," "E," "H," "I" and "K" moved from Corinth, Miss., to Jacinto July 22, 1862, and to Eastport, Miss., August 3-5. March to Nashville, Tenn., August 18-September 4, thence to Louisville, Ky., in pursuit of Bragg September 11-26. Pursuit of Bragg into Kentucky October 1-16. Near Perryville October 6-7. Battle of Perryville October 8. Lancaster October 14. March to Nashville, Tenn., October 16-November 7. Reconnaissance toward Franklin December 9. Near Brentwood December 9. Assigned to provost duty at Nashville December 18, 1862, to June 9, 1863. Company "G" stationed at Leavenworth until February, 1863. Joined Regiment at Nashville, Tenn., March 29, 1863. Companies "A," "D" and "F" at Fort Kearney until June, 1862, then at Leavenworth, Kan., until February, 1863. Company "C" at Leavenworth, Kan., until February, 1863. Skirmish with Gordon's guerrillas at Hickory Grove, Mo., August 7, 1862 (Cos. "A," "D" and "F"). Scout from Fort Leavenworth to Independence, Mo., August 12-14, 1862 (Cos. "A" and "F"). Hickory Grove August 23 (Cos. "A," "C" and "F"). Expedition through Jasper, Cass, Johnson and LaFayette Counties, Mo., September 8-23 (Cos. "C" and "F"). Companies "A," "C," "D" and "F" joined Regiment at Nashville, Tenn., February 22, 1863. Regiment moved from Nashville to Murfreesboro, Tenn., June 9, 1863. Middle Tennessee or Tullahoma Campaign June 23-July 7. Liberty Gap June 24-27. Passage of Cumberland Mountains and Tennessee River, and Chickamauga (Ga.) Campaign August 16-September 22. Caperton's Ferry, Bridgeport, August 29. Battle of Chickamauga, Ga., September 19-20. Siege of Chattanooga September 24-October 27. Battles of Chattanooga November 23-25; Orchard Knob November 23-24; Missionary Ridge November 26. Pursuit to Graysville November 26-27. March to relief of Knoxville, Tenn., November 28-December 8. Campaign in East Tennessee until February, 1864. Veterans on furlough February 17-April 5. Moved to Nashville, Tenn., April 20-28. Escort train from Nashville to Sherman's army May 1 to June 17. Rejoined Brigade before Kennesaw Mountain June 28. Operations against Kennesaw Mountain June 28-July 2. Ruff's Station, Smyrna Camp Ground, July 4. Chattahoochie River July 5-17. Battle of Peach Tree Creek July 19-20. Siege of Atlanta July 22-August 25. Flank movement on Jonesboro August 25-30. Battle of Jonesboro August 31-September 1. Lovejoy's Station September 2-6. Operations against Hood in North Georgia and North Alabama October 1-26. Moved to Nashville, thence to Pulaski, Tenn. Nashville Campaign November-December. Columbia, Duck River, November 24-27. Spring Hill November 29. Battle of Franklin November 30. Battles of Nashville December 15-16. Pursuit of Hood to the Tennessee River December 17-28. March to Huntsville, Ala., December 1, 1864, to January 5, 1865, duty there until February 1. Moved to Nashville and back to Huntsville February 1-6, and duty there until March 15. Bull's Gap Expedition and operations in East Tennessee March 15-April 22. Moved to Nashville April 22 and duty there until June 15. Moved to New Orleans, La., June 15-29, thence to Indianola, Texas, July 6-9. March to Green Lake July 9, and duty there until August 10. Moved to San Antonio August 10-23, and duty there until November 29. Mustered out November 29, 1865. Moved to Fort Leavenworth, Kan., November 30, 1865-January 6, 1866, and honorably discharged January 9, 1866.
Regiment lost during service 3 Officers and 94 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 3 Officers and 144 Enlisted men by disease. Total 244.
Jim Butler
The Eighth saw more than its share of action, and as the following synopsis will display, the unit was engaged in a variety of theaters of war. Eighth Infantry. - Cols., Henry W. Wessells, Robert H. Graham, John A. Martin; Lieut. Cols., John A. Martin, James L. Abernathy, Edward F. Schneider, James M. Graham, John Connover. Majors, Edward F. Schneider, James M. Graham, John Connover, Henry C. Austin. This regiment, like most of the first Kansas organizations, was originally intended for service in the state and along the border, and, as was also true of many of the early regiments formed, it was at first a mixed organization, intended to have eight companies of infantry and two of cavalry. The first six companies were mustered into U.S. service in Sept. 1861, for three years, two more companies were added in October, and the regimental headquarters were established in Lawrence. During December 1861 and January 1862, two more incomplete companies joined the regiment as Cos. I and K.
On February 7, 1862, Col. Wessells was ordered to rejoin his regiment in the Regular Army, and on the 28th, by order of Gen. Hunter, commanding the department, the regiment was thoroughly reorganized and consolidated with a battalion raised for service in New Mexico, and Col. Graham of the latter was assigned to the command. As finally reorganized, the regiment had strength of 862 officers and men. Late in May, 1862, with other regiments, under the command of Gen. Robert B. Mitchell, it was ordered to Corinth, Mississippi, and a battalion of five companies left the state for that point on May 27th. After some delays at Columbus, Ky., Union City, Trenton and Humboldt, Tenn., it finally arrived at Corinth on July 3rd and was temporarily attached to Col. Fuller's brigade, Brig. Gen. Jeff. C. Davis' division, Army of the Mississippi. On Feb. 22, 1863, Cos. A, C, D and F along with Co. G on Mar. 29 which composed the battalion which had been left behind in Kansas, reported at Nashville and the regiment was there united for the first time since its organization. Meanwhile, prior to Feb. 22, 1863, Co. G, which had been stationed at Ft. Laramie, and the other companies, had seen considerable service along the border of Kansas and in Missouri, fighting with Coffey, Cockrell, Quantrill and other guerrilla leaders. The battalion at Corinth left that point on July 22, 1862, for Jacinto, where it was attached to the 1st Brigade, 9th Division, Army of the Mississippi, with Brig. Gen. Davis commanding the division and Col. Mitchell the brigade. Col. Graham had been taken sick at St. Louis and never rejoined his command, being succeeded by Lieut. Col. Martin.
The military historian of the regiment in summarizing its services for the adjutant general's report says: "During its term of service, the 8th traveled 10, 750 miles. It participated in 15 battles and 18 skirmishes...It lost a total of 64 killed, 272 wounded and 21 missing." In the above losses there are not included 5 men killed and 17 men wounded in slight skirmishes or by guerrillas while foraging and scouting. Hence, the aggregate loss of the regiment was 379 killed, wounded and missing. Three officers and 92 men died of disease, bringing the total loss by death to 212.* The heaviest loss sustained by the regiment was at Chickamauga, where out of a total of 406 engaged, it lost 243 officers and men killed, wounded or missing, or 55 percent, of those present.
Says the same military historian: "The gleam of its bayonets was seen from Ft. Laramie. Neb., to the Rio Grande; its banners fluttered in the sunlight from Kansas to North Carolina, the crack of its rifles startled the echoes in the valley of the Platte and along the hillsides of the Tennessee and Chattahoochee, and the tramp of its soldiers resounded in the dusty highways of twelve different states. It hunted guerrillas in Missouri, combated Longstreet's veterans at Chickamauga, stormed the blazing heights of Missionary Ridge, fought a continuous battle from Kennesaw Mountain to Atlanta and broke through Hood's lines at the battle that annihilated the rebel army of the West. At Nashville, it did duty in white gloves and at Knoxville it was shirtless, hatless, shoeless and in rags. It knew how to garrison a post or charge a line of entrenchments. At Ft. Leavenworth it vied with the oldest and best trained soldiers in the Regular Army in the perfection of its discipline and drill, and in Georgia it lived on the countryside with Sherman's bummers." The regiment was the last of the Kansas troops to be discharged, being finally mustered out at Ft. Leavenworth on January 9, 1866, when it mustered a total of 196 officers and men.
The note of losing 55% of its strength at Chickamagua and reducing it to 163 effectives puts this in the realm of us recreating a specific historical regiment for this event. Also, the 8th Kansas is the furthest traveling and longest serving unit from Kansas during the whole Civil War.
The Kansas Historical Society also has lists of the soldiers who were assigned to the the Kansas Regiments for view online.
It also appears a Biography of the 8th Kansas has been written recently. Its not available through Amazon, so I'm going to contact the author...
Overall History
8th Kansas Regiment Infantry
Regiment organized for service in the State and along border August, 1861. Companies "A," "D," "G" and "H" at Lawrence, Kan., October, 1861. Companies "A" and "G" march to West Point, Mo., December 16-19, and Companies "D" and "H," to same place November 23-25, 1861. Companies "A," "F" and "G" moved to Fort Kearney, Neb., February 16, 1862. Companies "D," "H" and "K" to Osawatomie, Kan., February 22, thence to Fort Leavenworth March 12. Companies "A," "D" and "G" at Fort Kearney, Neb. Companies "B" and "F" at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. Company "C" at Fort Riley until April, then at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. Companies "E" and "K" at Aubrey, Kan. Company "H" at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., until April, then at Fort Riley, and Company "I" at Leavenworth City. All until May, 1862. Companies "B," "E," "H," "I" and "K" moved from Leavenworth to Columbus, Ky., May 28-June 2, and to Union City, Tenn., June 8-11. To Trenton, Tenn., June 16-17. To Humboldt, Tenn., June 26, and to Corinth, Miss., July 2-3. Attached to 2nd Brigade, 4th Division, Army Mississippi, to September, 1862. 32nd Brigade, 9th Division, Army Ohio, to October, 1862. 32nd Brigade, 9th Division, 3rd Corps, Army Ohio, to November, 1862. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, Right Wing 14th Army Corps, Dept. of the Cumberland, to January, 1863. Post of Nashville, Dept. of the Cumberland, to June, 1863. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 20th Army Corps, Army Cumberland, to October, 1863. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 4th Army Corps, Army Cumberland, to August, 1865. Dept. of Texas to November, 1865.
SERVICE.--Companies "B," "E," "H," "I" and "K" moved from Corinth, Miss., to Jacinto July 22, 1862, and to Eastport, Miss., August 3-5. March to Nashville, Tenn., August 18-September 4, thence to Louisville, Ky., in pursuit of Bragg September 11-26. Pursuit of Bragg into Kentucky October 1-16. Near Perryville October 6-7. Battle of Perryville October 8. Lancaster October 14. March to Nashville, Tenn., October 16-November 7. Reconnaissance toward Franklin December 9. Near Brentwood December 9. Assigned to provost duty at Nashville December 18, 1862, to June 9, 1863. Company "G" stationed at Leavenworth until February, 1863. Joined Regiment at Nashville, Tenn., March 29, 1863. Companies "A," "D" and "F" at Fort Kearney until June, 1862, then at Leavenworth, Kan., until February, 1863. Company "C" at Leavenworth, Kan., until February, 1863. Skirmish with Gordon's guerrillas at Hickory Grove, Mo., August 7, 1862 (Cos. "A," "D" and "F"). Scout from Fort Leavenworth to Independence, Mo., August 12-14, 1862 (Cos. "A" and "F"). Hickory Grove August 23 (Cos. "A," "C" and "F"). Expedition through Jasper, Cass, Johnson and LaFayette Counties, Mo., September 8-23 (Cos. "C" and "F"). Companies "A," "C," "D" and "F" joined Regiment at Nashville, Tenn., February 22, 1863. Regiment moved from Nashville to Murfreesboro, Tenn., June 9, 1863. Middle Tennessee or Tullahoma Campaign June 23-July 7. Liberty Gap June 24-27. Passage of Cumberland Mountains and Tennessee River, and Chickamauga (Ga.) Campaign August 16-September 22. Caperton's Ferry, Bridgeport, August 29. Battle of Chickamauga, Ga., September 19-20. Siege of Chattanooga September 24-October 27. Battles of Chattanooga November 23-25; Orchard Knob November 23-24; Missionary Ridge November 26. Pursuit to Graysville November 26-27. March to relief of Knoxville, Tenn., November 28-December 8. Campaign in East Tennessee until February, 1864. Veterans on furlough February 17-April 5. Moved to Nashville, Tenn., April 20-28. Escort train from Nashville to Sherman's army May 1 to June 17. Rejoined Brigade before Kennesaw Mountain June 28. Operations against Kennesaw Mountain June 28-July 2. Ruff's Station, Smyrna Camp Ground, July 4. Chattahoochie River July 5-17. Battle of Peach Tree Creek July 19-20. Siege of Atlanta July 22-August 25. Flank movement on Jonesboro August 25-30. Battle of Jonesboro August 31-September 1. Lovejoy's Station September 2-6. Operations against Hood in North Georgia and North Alabama October 1-26. Moved to Nashville, thence to Pulaski, Tenn. Nashville Campaign November-December. Columbia, Duck River, November 24-27. Spring Hill November 29. Battle of Franklin November 30. Battles of Nashville December 15-16. Pursuit of Hood to the Tennessee River December 17-28. March to Huntsville, Ala., December 1, 1864, to January 5, 1865, duty there until February 1. Moved to Nashville and back to Huntsville February 1-6, and duty there until March 15. Bull's Gap Expedition and operations in East Tennessee March 15-April 22. Moved to Nashville April 22 and duty there until June 15. Moved to New Orleans, La., June 15-29, thence to Indianola, Texas, July 6-9. March to Green Lake July 9, and duty there until August 10. Moved to San Antonio August 10-23, and duty there until November 29. Mustered out November 29, 1865. Moved to Fort Leavenworth, Kan., November 30, 1865-January 6, 1866, and honorably discharged January 9, 1866.
Regiment lost during service 3 Officers and 94 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 3 Officers and 144 Enlisted men by disease. Total 244.
Jim Butler