Here are a couple links to look over to help you freshen up on picket and outpost duties. I am sure that these rules and regs were not adhered to based on what history has shown us for the time period of this event. It is always good to review so we have some semblance of what we are supposed to be doing.
Camp and Outpost Duty: With Standing Orders, Extracts from the Revised Regulations for the Army, Rules for Health, Maxims for Soldiers, and Duties of Officers Daniel Butterfield 1862
Silas' Handy Booklet of Rules and Regulations Governing Guards, Pickets, Camps and marches
Camp and Outpost Duty: With Standing Orders, Extracts from the Revised Regulations for the Army, Rules for Health, Maxims for Soldiers, and Duties of Officers Daniel Butterfield 1862
Silas' Handy Booklet of Rules and Regulations Governing Guards, Pickets, Camps and marches