Once again on behalf of all the event organizers, I wanted to thank everyone that made it for Before the Breakout. We tried hard to create a unique event. I hope that everyone left the event with at least one positive experience that made the journey and putting up with the heat worthwhile.
Overall I believe we were able to accomplish most of the goals we set forth for the event. I saw a lot of trading between the lines especially after the truce was in place. I heard many folks got a chance to interact with the civilians and their unique impression. I also understand the river was very refreshing. We did have a couple of minor issues happen during the course of the event. The biggest was the forest fire that got started on the adjacent northern property Saturday night. As best we can figure this fire was accidently started by clearing of guns and the associated wadding setting off the dry leaves on the ground. Luckily the fire was easily contained to about a 200 foot by 100 foot area. Aside from some fence post no real damage appears to have been done.
There are a couple of key people that I need to thank because without them this event would never had happened. Thanks to Lewis Robinson, of the Armory Guards, for getting us the land to hold the event. I had tried to secure land in Mississippi, Ohio, and South Carolina with no success and was on the verge of giving up when Lewis came forward with the possibility of this site. A big thanks to Mr. Watters the property owner. He allowed us free use of his land and almost free reign to do whatever we wanted. He and his family have to be some of the nicest and easiest going folks I have ever had the pleasure to meet. Even the little forest fire we had on the Confederate side did not phase them. Mr. Watters was even crazy enough to invite us back.
Thanks also need to go out to Brandon Jolly for making the 45th Alabama flag for us. It looked great. Thanks to Jordan Roberts, Robby Mitchell, Lewis Robinson, John Culp, Robert Saye, Dylan Woodliff, and Ricky Jones for helping get everything set up for the event and cleaning up afterwards. And of course thanks to Jim Butler, Sean Cooper and Pete Berezuk for organizing everything on the Federal side. Thanks to our civilian ladies for providing a very unique impression that to my knowledge has not been attempted at another event. Everyone that got a chance to visit their establishment seemed to enjoy themselves. My hats is off to Mark Choate for helping to coordinate the Cavalry effort. I enjoyed working with Tom Helton on the CS side. He and his troopers did a good job. Oh and I don't want to forget everyone that came out to the workdays either. Thanks. Lastly thanks to all the Company Commanders and their company staffs for making sure everything went smoothly.
I am sure I am missing someone. I am sorry if I did. Like all of you I am still recovering.
One last thing, while I feel the event went pretty well and we accomplished most of the goals we had set, we are only human and I am sure some things could have been done better. The only way to improve is to find out what could have been done better or what went right and learn from that. The event staff would appreciate some constructive comments and feedback from the event. So please feel free to let us know what you thing went well or suggestions for what we could have done better.
Well that is all for now. Look forward to seeing you all in the field again soon.
Overall I believe we were able to accomplish most of the goals we set forth for the event. I saw a lot of trading between the lines especially after the truce was in place. I heard many folks got a chance to interact with the civilians and their unique impression. I also understand the river was very refreshing. We did have a couple of minor issues happen during the course of the event. The biggest was the forest fire that got started on the adjacent northern property Saturday night. As best we can figure this fire was accidently started by clearing of guns and the associated wadding setting off the dry leaves on the ground. Luckily the fire was easily contained to about a 200 foot by 100 foot area. Aside from some fence post no real damage appears to have been done.
There are a couple of key people that I need to thank because without them this event would never had happened. Thanks to Lewis Robinson, of the Armory Guards, for getting us the land to hold the event. I had tried to secure land in Mississippi, Ohio, and South Carolina with no success and was on the verge of giving up when Lewis came forward with the possibility of this site. A big thanks to Mr. Watters the property owner. He allowed us free use of his land and almost free reign to do whatever we wanted. He and his family have to be some of the nicest and easiest going folks I have ever had the pleasure to meet. Even the little forest fire we had on the Confederate side did not phase them. Mr. Watters was even crazy enough to invite us back.
Thanks also need to go out to Brandon Jolly for making the 45th Alabama flag for us. It looked great. Thanks to Jordan Roberts, Robby Mitchell, Lewis Robinson, John Culp, Robert Saye, Dylan Woodliff, and Ricky Jones for helping get everything set up for the event and cleaning up afterwards. And of course thanks to Jim Butler, Sean Cooper and Pete Berezuk for organizing everything on the Federal side. Thanks to our civilian ladies for providing a very unique impression that to my knowledge has not been attempted at another event. Everyone that got a chance to visit their establishment seemed to enjoy themselves. My hats is off to Mark Choate for helping to coordinate the Cavalry effort. I enjoyed working with Tom Helton on the CS side. He and his troopers did a good job. Oh and I don't want to forget everyone that came out to the workdays either. Thanks. Lastly thanks to all the Company Commanders and their company staffs for making sure everything went smoothly.
I am sure I am missing someone. I am sorry if I did. Like all of you I am still recovering.
One last thing, while I feel the event went pretty well and we accomplished most of the goals we had set, we are only human and I am sure some things could have been done better. The only way to improve is to find out what could have been done better or what went right and learn from that. The event staff would appreciate some constructive comments and feedback from the event. So please feel free to let us know what you thing went well or suggestions for what we could have done better.
Well that is all for now. Look forward to seeing you all in the field again soon.