For the sake of clarity, past examples would be Perryville, or Franklin, or Corinth or other large events where the AOP (for example) has organized an "authentic" battalion... or, more recent events would be the efforts by Doug Cooper, Jim Butler and others at the "At High Tide" Event this year to organize "campaigners" or "authentics" in a company or battalion similar to the AOP examples above.
The more practical application would be that if events are posted here and don't have a known "authentic" "ad-hoc" element to them, our more-informed members will certainly hit the alert button as they have in the past and the moderators will make a decision on an event-by-event basis.
The more practical application would be that if events are posted here and don't have a known "authentic" "ad-hoc" element to them, our more-informed members will certainly hit the alert button as they have in the past and the moderators will make a decision on an event-by-event basis.