OK...so that everyone realizes this:
Planning for the 150th Anniversarry events, is already well underway (both in the Campaigner Side and I'm sure in the Mainstream side as well).
While we're certain to have some true EBUFU oppurtunities during the anniversary cycle...a number of our members will more than likely support some of the "Mega" eventu, Therefore the focus of this thread topic is centered mainly around the "Larger" events (since this is where we currently have very little input)...(take the 145th G-burg last year...our membership on this forum seemed to split 50/50 with some doing the GAC event, and others doing the Andersburg event)...are we to have the same scenario play out again...or can we come together with one voice intime for the next "Big" anniversary with what we expect...how we plan to support...and what help as a community we can do to make it a success???
Being that this is the 150ths, and a number of members here are sure to be looking to attend the "next big event"...where is our voice in this community...because unless we have some sort of Solidarity, our roles will be defined for us...and we'll be forced to "play on someone elses terms" if we choose to attend some of the events already in the works...
Any thoughts on this...can we have a serious, no B.S. talk about how "we" in this end of the community plan to be apart of the LARGER 150th celebrations/reenactments??
Of course...a healthy discussion on EBUFU type Anniversary Eventum is also hightly encouraged!!!
Yours in Solidarity Brothers/Sisters,
Paul B.
Planning for the 150th Anniversarry events, is already well underway (both in the Campaigner Side and I'm sure in the Mainstream side as well).
While we're certain to have some true EBUFU oppurtunities during the anniversary cycle...a number of our members will more than likely support some of the "Mega" eventu, Therefore the focus of this thread topic is centered mainly around the "Larger" events (since this is where we currently have very little input)...(take the 145th G-burg last year...our membership on this forum seemed to split 50/50 with some doing the GAC event, and others doing the Andersburg event)...are we to have the same scenario play out again...or can we come together with one voice intime for the next "Big" anniversary with what we expect...how we plan to support...and what help as a community we can do to make it a success???
Being that this is the 150ths, and a number of members here are sure to be looking to attend the "next big event"...where is our voice in this community...because unless we have some sort of Solidarity, our roles will be defined for us...and we'll be forced to "play on someone elses terms" if we choose to attend some of the events already in the works...
Any thoughts on this...can we have a serious, no B.S. talk about how "we" in this end of the community plan to be apart of the LARGER 150th celebrations/reenactments??
Of course...a healthy discussion on EBUFU type Anniversary Eventum is also hightly encouraged!!!
Yours in Solidarity Brothers/Sisters,
Paul B.