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Camp Jackson, April 29-May 1, 2011

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  • Camp Jackson, April 29-May 1, 2011

    This event will be one of the first of the 150th rotation. The actual Camp Jackson affair had deep consequences for Missouri during the Civil War. Presently it appears that it will be held at Jefferson Barracks. It will be Living History in nature and will begin Friday so that we can interpret to the local schools.

    The cost or registration fee is presently $0. Yes there are event costs but the plan at present is to get corporate sponsorships. There are some very talented people in my town that are working on this. So, assuming they do their job don't expect to pay anyting. Anyone wising to attend needs only fill out a registration form so that we can better organize companies and get head counts. Rations are not presently part of the plan. Unless someone at a later date wants to set up a commissary the committee just wasn't interested. Bring your own food but this may change.

    There will be a variety of impressions to be filled. We will need lots of U.S. Homeguards or U.S. Volunteers they outnumbered the Militia 10:1.
    There were two regiments of Missouri State Militia. Both regiments had different uniforms. There was also, of course, civilians. Civilians came from the City to see the Milita and what would happen when Lyon's pro-union forces showed up and civilians who were recruited into the militia. In fact the U.S. Volunteers didn't have uniforms yet and looked like German-speaking civilians with no accutrements besides the white mexwar belts and shiney new muskets they were issued at the St. Louis Arsenal.

    Civilian guidelines for women will be posted soon.

    The crowd will be mixed with varing levels of authenticity because there are many reenactors in Missouri who have not learned of our dark ways but are devoted to the local history.
    It is expected that all involved will make an effort to follow the guidelines for their particular impression. At the present we invite anyone who is willing to follow the guidelines. The link below still needs some tweaking but the event is still almost two years off and anyone that has been reenacting for any length of time at all can meet any of various impressions if they want to . At the very least anyone can look at them and get the gist.

    Company commanders will be announced soon.

    For those of you that have not heard of Jefferson Barracks it was a military post going back to 1826. If they had fame and served in the Civil War chances are they served at Jefferson Barracks some time during their career. Just to name a few: Davis, Longstreet, Grant.....

    Since some of you from the St. Louis area showed interest I'll give my full report below.

    First this event will not be held on the original ground where Camp Jackson happened. The reason why is because the original site is now called Frost Campus or A.K.A. St. Louis University. There isn't much period about the site and not much room for 200 participants. We could have done it there but the grounds are a maze of underground irrigation pipes and I didn't think there would be much interest camping on a Soccer field surrounded my moder-day inner city St. Louis.

    There were other places we could have had the event that would have had some historical significance and were related to Camp Jackson however when the city heard about the 150 year rotation the City parks got dollar signs in their eyes. We were quoted prices that ranged between $14,000 and $24,000 at least one of those parks had problems with things like: Tent stakes, horses, wagons, firing demonstrations, and my favorite, the portrayal of actual historic events. They also couldn't get over the point that for logistical reasons we would need the site for three days. One of these parks wanted our money but objected to anything resembeling a reenactment of the Camp Jackson massacre But it is ok to have a clothing optional bike race during Pridefest. They wanted us to pay for everything from porta johns to dumpsters and renting the police protection my tax dollars already pay for. I guess I woundn't have minded any of this much but the $24,000 park actually invited us then decided that they could make money renting us the park. Then we could only rent certain parts of it. It was apparent that the people related to the City had no concept of Civil War reenacting and had no idea what they had gotten themselves into. If the city wanted to have any part in this part of the 150th rotation they had a funny way of showing it.

    Jefferson Barracks is a County Park as in not part of the city. They are used to reenactors and seem to want us there. After we approached them they waived all fees and already have the things in place that the other parks wanted us to pay for. Bottom line, the event isn't going to cost nearly as much as it would have in the city.

    Frank Aufmuth
    Frank Aufmuth
    When you hear my whistle, Hell will be upon you.

  • #2
    Re: Camp Jackson May 6-8, 2011

    Cool beans.
    John Pillers
    Looking for images/accounts of 7th through 12th Ill. Inf. regiments from April 1861 - April 1862

    'We're putting the band back together'


    • #3
      Re: Camp Jackson May 6-8, 2011

      You can count on strong participation from the Mo/Ks border, an' that's a fac.
      [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Carl Anderton[/FONT]

      [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][SIZE="2"]"A very good idea of the old style of playing may be formed by referring to the [I]Briggs Banjo Instructor."[/I][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][B]Albert Baur, Sgt., Co. A, 102nd Regiment, NY Volunteer Infantry.[/B][/FONT]


      • #4
        Re: Camp Jackson May 6-8, 2011

        Don't forget Iowa!
        Nathan Hellwig
        AKA Harrison "Holler" Holloway
        "It was the Union armies west of the Appalachians that struck the death knell of the Confederacy." Leslie Anders ,Preface, The Twenty-First Missouri


        • #5
          Re: Camp Jackson May 6-8, 2011

          I figure that there will be several of us Louisiana Boy`s showing up just for giggles.
          Larry Young
          Deo Volente

          DeQuincy F&AM #279 PM
          Pelican Civil War Lodge F&AM #1861

          "ITPW" Survivor"
          Proud member of "The Independent Rifles"

          11th TVI
          "Swamp Angels Mess"
          Proud decendant of Freeman Hughes 33rd Ark Co. G
          John McGowan 19th Ark Co.K (Dockerys)
          D.R. Booth 3rd Ark Co.G Three CReeks Rifles


          • #6
            Re: Camp Jackson May 6-8, 2011

            This Cheesehead Will be there!
            Terry Sorchy


            • #7
              Re: Camp Jackson May 6-8, 2011

              Frank, if this is even half as much fun as Marmaduke's, it will be grand!
              Another Badger for the fray!
              (Andy, can I borrow your shotgun?!
              No, forget that - it will give me an excuse to buy an acceptable firearm
              of my very own!)
              Your most obedient servant and comrade,
              James C. Schumann
              Mess #3
              Old Northwest Volunteers


              • #8
                Re: Camp Jackson May 6-8, 2011

                I'm looking forward to this event and 2011 as a whole. Many places in Missouri to celebrate the 150th anniversary of 1861 and Camp Jackson is a great start.
                Robert W. Talbott


                • #9

                  Planning for Camp Jackson in 2011 is going well.

                  Besides civilian men and women there are opportunites for a varitey of impressions including, U.S. Regulars, Missouri U.S. Volunteers (Homeguard),
                  1st Regiment Missouri Volunteer Militia, and 2nd Regiment, Missouri Volunteer Militia. Of the four military impressions we will need lots of (German) Pro-Union men to fill the ranks of the Homeguard. These troops made up the largest part of Lyon's army. They were all pretty much in civilian clothing save the old white mexican war belts and muskets they were issued. Most didn't even have accutrements and carried cartriges and caps in their pockets.

                  While there are many impressions and many openings (since the event is almost 2 years off), my part of the "authentic adjunct" will be to form a battalion. The impression for this battalion is the 1st Missouri Volunteer Militia. The impression guidelines for all impressions are up and are posted in an earlier post above.

                  The 1st MVM was the pride of St. Louis and they were captured by Capt. Nathaniel Lyon and overwhelming numbers at Camp Jackson. The guidelines for the 1st MVM are specific but achievable a good federal kit with white crossbelts and forage caps are the basic guidelines.

                  The battalion structure for this battalion is as follows:

                  Terry Sorchy

                  Nathan (Holler) Hellwig
                  Mike Comer/Mike Kupsch
                  Nic Clark

                  The white crossbelts have raised some eyebrows over the cost of white buff leather however it is a matter of fact that the St. Louis Grays uniform called for white [cotton] webbing. Anyone with the desire could easily fashion a cartrige box sling, baldric, and waist belt out of 2 1/2" cotton webbing. There is a picture of the 1st MVM on the guidelines page.
                  Frank Aufmuth
                  When you hear my whistle, Hell will be upon you.


                  • #10
                    Re: Camp Jackson May 6-8, 2011


                    This sounds great! I hope to make it up from Mississippi and return the favor for you (and many others) coming to the Grenada LH many years ago.
                    Dave Ray
                    Tallahatchie Rifle Guards
                    Hot B**ch Mess

                    "...say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos." Walter Sobchak, Vietnam veteran.


                    • #11
                      Re: Camp Jackson May 6-8, 2011

                      Ja, dieser großartigen Klang für mich.
                      Tony Evans[FONT="Georgia"][/FONT][FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="6"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

                      "I ain't no damn Yank, I'm a Rebel." My Father's reply to an Australian greeting during WWII.


                      • #12
                        Re: Camp Jackson May 6-8, 2011

                        This sucker will plan on it !

                        Rod Miller
                        [COLOR=SlateGray]Old Pards[/COLOR]
                        [COLOR=DarkRed]Cornfed Comrades[/COLOR]
                        [COLOR=Navy]Old Northwest Volunteers[/COLOR]

                        [FONT=Palatino Linotype]"We trust, Sir, that God is on our side." "It is more important to know that we are on God's side."
                        A. Lincoln[/FONT]

                        150th Anniversary
                        1861 Camp Jackson-Sgt. German Milita US
                        1st Manassas- Chaplain T. Witherspoon, 2nd Miss. Inf. CS
                        1862 Shiloh -Lt. ,6th Miss. Inf. CS
                        1863 VicksburgLH-Captain Cephas Williams, 113th Co.B US
                        Gettysburg BGA- Chaplain WilliamWay, 24th MI US
                        1864 Charleston Riot-Judge Charles Constable "Copperhead".
                        Bermuda Hundred Campaign-USCC Field Agent J.R. Miller


                        • #13
                          Re: Camp Jackson May 6-8, 2011

                          Its been awhile since I've posted anything but I just wanted everyone to know that the planning still continues and things seem to be going well.

                          At the present it is shaping up to be part living history; part reenactment; part immersive. We have decided that we want this event to tell a story. The public will be able to learn about things that led to Camp Jackson. Then they will see Camp Jackson happen. Finally they see what Camp Jackson led to. There is a thesis in all of this but it will be a three day event. To make this scenario possible we will need lots of people. We are looking at forming four Militia Compaines with limited numbers and getting as many pro-union men in civilian clothing as we can muster. We want to give the public a proper impression of the scale of the ratios between both sides.

                          Day One: School Day. Living History programs will be split up into various stations. A curriculum will be put on line for the teachers.

                          Day Two: Living History programs will continue for the general public with the addition of the Camp Jackson Affair

                          Day Three: This will be based on the idea Camp Jackson was the tipping point and this is the day in which the public sees how events on the second day led to open fighting. The event will end with a battle.

                          Certainly, the schedule will be fleshed out a little more than it is but that's about all anyone needs to know for right now.
                          So, planning continues and I'll post more later.
                          Frank Aufmuth
                          Last edited by Campjacksonboy; 01-18-2010, 01:56 PM. Reason: insertion
                          Frank Aufmuth
                          When you hear my whistle, Hell will be upon you.


                          • #14
                            Re: Camp Jackson April 20-May 1 2011

                            We had to change the dates for Camp Jackson because there was a conflict with Mother's Day Weekend. After Considerable searching we tried to pick the weekend that didn't have any conflicts with other events.
                            Frank Aufmuth
                            Frank Aufmuth
                            When you hear my whistle, Hell will be upon you.


                            • #15
                              Re: Camp Jackson May 6-8, 2011

                              I'll move my schedule around this one. Its too close to where I live to miss.

                              So many people think most of the War was out East and can benefit by seeing a lot happened very close to home. The Camp Jackson affair was an integral part of many Missourian's decision to put down the hoe and pick up a gun, and which side to take.

                              I look forward to this event.
                              Ron Mueller
                              New Madrid Guards

                              "How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg?
                              Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg."
                              Abraham Lincoln

