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To Prevent the Effusion of Blood - 7 to 9 January 2011

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  • To Prevent the Effusion of Blood - 7 to 9 January 2011


    The flash point of the American Civil War is accepted to be Charleston Harbor with the events of December 1860 and January 1861 providing an impetus on the part of the new Confederacy to organize their forces for combat and providing the Federal Government a breathing space until the inauguration of Abraham Lincoln.

    Major Robert Anderson had been sent to Fort Moultrie to take command by the Buchannan Administration in the hope that a Southern Gentlemen would be congizant and respectful of Southern Sensibilities. Major Anderson decided his duty lay with executing his vague orders from the Federal Government. He was mindful of the moves the State of South Carolina made to arm itself and the situation of his command. In his own words, Major Anderson decided to move the Fort Moultrie Garrison to Fort Sumter on the night of 26-27 December 1860 "To prevent the effusion of blood."

    This action caused an up roar in South Carolina and led to a delegation demanding Major Anderson return to Fort Moultrie. Major Anderson refused under the pretense that as commander of the Defenses of Charleston Harbor he could occupy any Federal Property of this choosing. By moving the garrison he removed them from direct contact with the people of South Carolina and forced the Secessionists into a corner, where they would be required to either impose a seige or overtly attack Fort Sumter.

    A merchant ship, the Star of the West, was sent with supplies but was turned back by South Carolina Artillerists on 9 January 1861. This event is still considered by the Military College of South Carolina, The Citadel, and many scholars as the first shot of the Civil War.

    The Tramp Brigade Organization of Historical Interpreters has been given approval to plan and coordinate a living history to commemorate these events at Forts Moultrie and Sumter during the period of 7 to 9 January 2011. We will be planning and coordinating with concerned parties during 2009 and intend to open registration for this event in January 2010.

    Name - To Prevent the Effusion of Blood
    Dates - 7 to 9 January 2011
    Location - Forts Moultrie and Sumter, in Charleston, SC
    Coordinator - Pete Berezuk -
    Event Type - Semi-immersion, Historical Reenactment
    Sponsor - Tramp Brigade Organization of Historical Interpreters -
    Website - To Be Announced
    Discussion Site - AC Thread and Tramp Brigade Forum
    Impression - 1st US Artillery, Civilian Laborers at Fort Sumter and South Carolina Military
    Your Obedient Servant,

    Peter M. Berezuk

  • #2
    Re: To Prevent the Effusion of Blood - 7 to 9 January 2011

    Count me in Pete!
    [B][SIZE="3"]N.E. Miller[/SIZE][/B]

    [SIZE="2"][B][CENTER][I]"Live as brave men; and if fortune is adverse, front its blows with brave hearts"
    -Marcus Tullius Cicero[/I][/CENTER][/B][/SIZE]


    • #3
      Re: To Prevent the Effusion of Blood - 7 to 9 January 2011

      As previously committed, I will be there.
      Brian Hicks
      Widows' Sons Mess

      Known lately to associate with the WIG and the Armory Guards

      "He's a good enough fellow... but I fear he may be another Alcibiades."

      “Every man ever got a statue made of him was one kinda sumbitch or another. It ain’t about you. It’s about what THEY need.”CAPTAIN MALCOLM REYNOLDS


      • #4
        Re: To Prevent the Effusion of Blood - 7 to 9 January 2011

        This will be on my calender.
        Andrew Grim
        The Monte Mounted Rifles, Monte Bh'oys

        Burbank #406 F&AM
        x-PBC, Co-Chairman of the Most Important Committee
        Peter Lebeck #1866, The Ancient and Honorable Order of E Clampus Vitus
        Billy Holcomb #1069, Order of Vituscan Missionaries


        • #5
          Re: To Prevent the Effusion of Blood - 7 to 9 January 2011

          This is a great lead in for the start of the 150 anniversary events. Looking forward to taking part. Please let me know if I can help.
          [FONT=Times New Roman][b]Tripp Corbin[/b][/FONT]
          [URL=]Western Independent Grays[/URL]
          [URL=]Armory Guards[/url]


          • #6
            Re: To Prevent the Effusion of Blood - 7 to 9 January 2011

            Originally posted by trippcor View Post
            This is a great lead in for the start of the 150 anniversary events. Looking forward to taking part. Please let me know if I can help.
            Yeah buddy..I am in.
            Kiev Thomason
            a.k.a. King Corn:baring_te
            Armory Guards
            Forest Park Lodge #399
            Forest Park GA.


            • #7
              Re: To Prevent the Effusion of Blood - 7 to 9 January 2011

              Pete, you know I am there. The event is on my 2011 calendar.

              Not to add to the "hype" but The Tramp Brigade guys have a good solid plan for this event. This event will be a great kickoff to the 150th events.

              There are a great deal of sources regarding the actions of Regulars and the South Carolina Militia. Hit the books!
              Herb Coats
              Armory Guards &


              • #8
                Re: To Prevent the Effusion of Blood - 7 to 9 January 2011

                Thanks for the votes of support Comrades.

                We'll be putting more information out as the detailed plan comes together. To whet the appetite of those thinking about socking away some leave and kitchen passes, here are a few items to think on...

                - We are limited to a maximum of 100 participants for this event. The initial breakdown will be 58 Federals (The Officers, Staff, Band and Company H of the 1st US Artillery), 12 civilians and 30 South Carolina Military (tentatively the 30 Riflemen attached to DeSaussure's Charleston Artillery Battalion). We are pending the participation decision of the band organization we've asked to attend. If they are unable to support the event, the 8 band members of the Federal Garrison will be replaced with 8 additional civilians.

                - There were civilian laborers as well as the wives and children of the Garrison present during this period. We will be soliciting for civilian impressions to recreate the feel of Fort Sumter by including civilians in this event. Interested civilians should contact me about the available roles.

                - We'll be recreating the movements of the Federal Garrison, this will include portions of the Garrison rowing in period boats between Forts Moultrie and Sumter.

                - We have documentation of several activities performed by the Federal Garrision and will endeavor to recreate or represent as many of those activities as possible.

                - There will be a South Carolina Military contingent portrayed that will occupy Fort Moultrie during the event and will interact as historically documented with the Federal Garrision.

                - We will use the actual rosters of Federal, Civilians and South Carolina Military as our guide for participants. Each participant will be able to request (within reason and availablility) an actual person to portray from the available roster. These 'first person' assignments will be made based on paid registrations once we commence registration in January 2010. Our hope is to be in First Person throughout the event, except when interacting with the public.

                I know the timing of the event in early January is odd for the regular reenacting calendar. I hope the uniqueness of the event will be a draw for the community to help us achieve a fitting commemorative recreation of the often overlooked events of December 1860 and January 1861.

                I would appreciate any thoughts, suggestions or question about 'To Prevent the Effusion of Blood' and request that you send them directly to me as the event coordinator at It is our intention to launch the event website in October 2009 and open registration for this event in January 2010.

                My thanks for the well wishes and pledges of support so far for 'To Prevent the Effusion of Blood'...
                Your Obedient Servant,

                Peter M. Berezuk


                • #9
                  Re: To Prevent the Effusion of Blood - 7 to 9 January 2011


                  Since it has been mentioned elsewhere... I wanted to bump up this thread and provide a quick update.

                  We're progressing with our planning and coordination for 'To Prevent the Effusion of Blood' (TPEB) to be held the weekend of 7 to 9 January 2011 in Charleston, SC. I've had a meeting with the Citadel Living History Club's Faculty Advisor and will be meeting with representatives of the Fort Sumter / Fort Moultrie Trust this week also. As soon as we have additional details we will be providing them online as well as sending out event descriptions and information to living history organizations across the country soliciting support.
                  Your Obedient Servant,

                  Peter M. Berezuk


                  • #10
                    Re: To Prevent the Effusion of Blood - 7 to 9 January 2011

                    I know that me have never met but I must say you exude much confidence and seem to attend a lot of meetings. You also visit Museums, do your research, and are very enthusiastic. I suspect that you are Irish so that may or may not count against you. Besides these facts, are there any other reasons why I or any others should attend your event? Do you have any credentials, experience, savy or other unknown qualities to offer? It appears you have permission and a good site, and SC is worthy of support, but what else about the event would inspire my confidence?

                    I have been to many CWEvents in SC and most of them, history speaking, are extremely deficient and I have stopped all except one because of Pards in SC. They are at their wit's ends about doing worthy history in SC and have pretty much given up like they did when Sherman burned Columbia. Good at starting things up but poor finishers.

                    I do respectfully submit this question and please don't take this as a slam on your event, but more as a friendly question at you personally. I would gladly bring my seven or eight soldiers and assorted (wonderful) civilians to hang out at the historic site if I knew you can put on a serious moment.......jus' askin'
                    Stephen B. Dunn

                    One thing I can't stand is noisy silence...James Stewart[I][/I]


                    • #11
                      Re: To Prevent the Effusion of Blood - 7 to 9 January 2011

                      Originally posted by littleforkranger View Post
                      I know that me have never met but I must say you exude much confidence and seem to attend a lot of meetings. You also visit Museums, do your research, and are very enthusiastic. I suspect that you are Irish so that may or may not count against you. Besides these facts, are there any other reasons why I or any others should attend your event? Do you have any credentials, experience, savy or other unknown qualities to offer? It appears you have permission and a good site, and SC is worthy of support, but what else about the event would inspire my confidence?

                      I have been to many CWEvents in SC and most of them, history speaking, are extremely deficient and I have stopped all except one because of Pards in SC. They are at their wit's ends about doing worthy history in SC and have pretty much given up like they did when Sherman burned Columbia. Good at starting things up but poor finishers.

                      I do respectfully submit this question and please don't take this as a slam on your event, but more as a friendly question at you personally. I would gladly bring my seven or eight soldiers and assorted (wonderful) civilians to hang out at the historic site if I knew you can put on a serious moment.......jus' askin'
                      Pete and the boys at the Tramp Brigade are class acts and they walk the walk. They had an awesome pre war Fort Moultrie living History event earlier in the year, They put that on and it was very successful. Ask around, the people that go to the CPH quality events will tell you....Why not send Pete a PM, I am sure he will discuss it in further detail with you.
                      Last edited by PetePaolillo; 09-04-2009, 10:55 PM.


                      • #12
                        Re: To Prevent the Effusion of Blood - 7 to 9 January 2011

                        Thank you for your impressions. I've heard that event was very nicely done but I'm still a little leary of anyone calling themselves Tramp. We had a bad experience with a hobo when I was a kid and get a little squeamish when clowns come around my baby daughter even now. You sound like a veteran campaigner which is my goal and I do appreciate your input. However the question still stands, and as Mr. Berezuk claims to be an obedient servant I am sure I will get an answer. No worries on my part...
                        Stephen B. Dunn

                        One thing I can't stand is noisy silence...James Stewart[I][/I]


                        • #13
                          Re: To Prevent the Effusion of Blood - 7 to 9 January 2011

                          Mr. Dunn,

                          The gentlemen involved in sponsoring the event in question have participated in numerous history heavy events far from their base of operations, and have demonstrated a solid dedication to the history heavy, immersion type events which they are striving for with this particular endeavor.

                          You ask
                          are there any other reasons why I or any others should attend your event? Do you have any credentials, experience, savy or other unknown qualities to offer? It appears you have permission and a good site, and SC is worthy of support, but what else about the event would inspire my confidence?
                          Their credentials and experience are based on their participation in events such as 'Into the Piney Woods (IPW)' and other challenging events over the past few years, as well as their success with Ft. Moultrie 1859. Perhaps if you had stood in the ranks with them as often as many of us have you would understand where they earned their credentials, and appreciate their experiences.

                          what else about the event would inspire my confidence?
                          Perhaps the amount of pre-event research? Or the level of interaction with the NPS personnel as well as their willingness to keep potential participants so well informed, so far in advance of the event date? All of these speak highly of their efforts, and surpass the efforts of most other event sponsors. If these activities fail to install confidence, then one must ask... what is it, specifically, that you are asking for?

                          For most of us in this end of the Hobby, these gentlemen have proven them selves worthy of our support.

                          You have stated
                          I have been to many CWEvents in SC and most of them, history speaking, are extremely deficient and I have stopped all except one because of Pards in SC.
                          . I would submit, respectfully, that perhaps you should travel beyond the boundaries of the great state of SC, and attend events farther afield. There are numerous endeavors that are well worth the time, distance and expense. Pete, and the other men involved in planning the 'Effusion of Blood' event have done just that, and have benefited greatly from those experiences.

                          National Park programs are very controlled by the NPS personnel, and are some what limited in certain facets when contrasted against the experiences one would enjoy in events such as week long campaigns. Just as we did new and innovative activities with the 'Re-Occupation of Ft. Sumter' event back a few years ago, so will their be new and innovative activities at the 'Effusion of blood' event, such as an actual movement of Federal Troops from Ft. Moultrie to Ft. Sumter, and the participation of the actual numbers of troops and civilian personnel.
                          Brian Hicks
                          Widows' Sons Mess

                          Known lately to associate with the WIG and the Armory Guards

                          "He's a good enough fellow... but I fear he may be another Alcibiades."

                          “Every man ever got a statue made of him was one kinda sumbitch or another. It ain’t about you. It’s about what THEY need.”CAPTAIN MALCOLM REYNOLDS


                          • #14
                            Re: To Prevent the Effusion of Blood - 7 to 9 January 2011

                            Stephen... Wardawg...

                            Before we get started with the good questions you brought up. You must be trying to pull my leg... its me Pete that washed up Marine you've talked with in that off topic place with the Irish and Ukrainian Blood.

                            I definately don't want to advertize anything untruthful. We've decided to describe 'To Prevent the Effusion of Blood' as a semi-immersive event. It is impossible to achieve the perfect pristine setting due to the fact that these sites have modern intrusion. However, those who can suspend disbelief for a few minutes at a time and face the right direction will be back in Charleston on 26 December 1860.

                            We are blessed with several accounts of the events we are going to try and recreate. We are making serious effort to include as many of the historically documented activities as possible. I am the sort who would row across Charleston Harbor at night eluding a guard boat. Unfortunately modern risk management decisions preclude that. We are going to plan and attempt the waterborne movements of 27 December 1860 during daylight when the conditions are most favorable.

                            Because of the public nature of the sites, there will be visitors,hopefully many, many visitors. I will attempt to make a schedule of events where our participants can focus on reliving this specific moment in time, some concessions will need to be made during the times the sites are open to the public, but once the public has departed I hope everyone involved will focus on their first person interaction. I assure you, there will be many things going on.

                            Those signed up as civilians and the Federal Garrison will be staying on Fort Sumter and those signed on as members of the South Carolina Military will stay at Fort Moultrie throughout the event. I hope that is a significant draw. Being on the site of the flash point of the War Between the States on the 150th Anniversary of those events. Please forgive me for not elaborating further, I do want to keep somethings a surprise, although if you pick up a pair of books you'll be able to guess everything we are planning.

                            I am a recent emigree to South Carolina (from New York by way of Virginia, North Carolina, Okinawa,,,) The Tramp Brigade is a new organization in relation to the Hobby being only 2 years old at this point. I myself have been in the hobby for just a tad over three years. We had a successful Living History at Fort Moultrie this past May and have been active participants in events across the country since our incorporation. I don't profess that we know it all, but we have seen and done a good bit and decided we would make the attempt at a first class event in our home state.

                            I think in closing this missive, I'll address your concern about whether this event is 'worth' the effort to attend given some earlier, poorly percieved South Carolina Events. I do not want to denigrate anyone else's efforts. This is a new effort, run by individuals in a new organization who have attended many great EBUFU Events and have the desire to produce an event worthy of remembrance in honor of the Men and Boys that took up arms in service of their country in 1861. I think it will be a great event, but I am a bit biased.

                            The next step is for those contemplating attending this event. Do you want to be part of a once in a lifetime event and are you prepared to do your part as participants in recreating history. I hope you are and I welcome and appreciate your support in this endeavor.
                            Your Obedient Servant,

                            Peter M. Berezuk


                            • #15
                              Re: To Prevent the Effusion of Blood - 7 to 9 January 2011

                              I am sorry that I couldn't make the May 09 event, as work dragged me away to the regions of South Asia. Appoligies again as i hear it was a great event.

                              Jan 2011 you can count me amoung the interested in seeing how this develops. The Citadel (my alumni) had a large role in this time period and would love to contribute. You mentioned the Citadel Living History org? What role are they going to play? While I cadet their authenticity was severly in question, ie why i didn't participate with them. If they are invited, to what capacity? What standards are going to be enforced to see to it they toe the line with our expectations? I would see no problem with them being in attendance as they bring the states representation, and numerous field peices. But would ask that some rules be agreed upon before the green light for all jumpers out the door for them..

                              Once again, if you need any help i would be glad to assit. If MAJ Smith is still the lead for that group, im familiar with him from my cadet days... wait and im about the be pinned MAJ.. EKK im getting up there...

                              Cheers and all that Jaz!
                              [B][I]Skip Owens[/I][/B]


                              [U]Southern Guard Living History Assn.

                              The Company of Military Historians[/U]

