On Page 103 of Surgeon Crawford's Account he mentions what occurred to the Women and Children, as well as the Supplies of the Garrison.
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Once a final decision is made, we will announce our Civilian Coordinator for TPEB.
We have a limited number of spaces available for Women and Children in this event, it is our intention to send out individual invitations for these roles. I have a few I've already contacted about this and a few more I intend to over the next month.
If you are interested in participating as a civilian, please feel free to contact me directly at pete.berezuk@gmail.com and we will make the best effort to accomodate your participation within the constraints we have.
To ensure secrecy in the movement, Major Anderson had not communicated his intention to any of his officers until their co-operation and assistance were indispensable. As the principal means of transportation for the troops were the boats in use by the Engineer Department at Fort Sumter and Castle Pinckney, and the assistance of the officers of that department was important, Lieutenants Snyder and Meade, the officers in charge of those works, were early informed of his purpose and intention. By noon the women and children had embarked upon the two lighters in readiness at the wharf at Sullivan's Island. The provisions for four months had been put on board, and Lieutenant Hall, the adjutant of the post, who had been put in charge by Major Anderson, received, for the first time, his orders to proceed towards Fort Johnson. He was not to land, but to await the firing of two signal guns from Fort Moultrie, when he was to make all sail for Fort Sumter, as the report of those guns would inform him that the command had safely arrived there.
Once a final decision is made, we will announce our Civilian Coordinator for TPEB.
We have a limited number of spaces available for Women and Children in this event, it is our intention to send out individual invitations for these roles. I have a few I've already contacted about this and a few more I intend to over the next month.
If you are interested in participating as a civilian, please feel free to contact me directly at pete.berezuk@gmail.com and we will make the best effort to accomodate your participation within the constraints we have.