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2011 1st Manassas- CS Regiment to be formed-July 22-24, 2011

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  • #31
    Re: 2011 1st Manassas- CS Regiment to be formed-July 2011

    So any word on weapons?

    I am part of group of guys interested and we want to hook up with one of the companies but are we talking converted 1816's - civilian rifles, flint muskets. I am assuming that not all of the companies had the same longarms.

    George Susat
    Confederate Guard


    • #32
      Re: 2011 1st Manassas- CS Regiment to be formed-July 2011

      The website says nay on the flintlock question.
      Jon Harris

      Mang Rifles & Friends
      Ora pro nobis!

      ~ McIlvaine’s 64th Ohio Infantry at Missionary Ridge 11/2019
      ~ Head’s 49th Tennessee Infantry at Fort Donelson - Defending The Heartland 2/2020
      ~ Wever’s 10th Iowa Infantry at Bentonville 3/2020
      ~ Opdycke's 125th Ohio Infantry at Franklin, 1863 - For God and the Right 5/2020
      ~ Pardee’s 42nd Ohio Infantry during the Vicksburg Campaign 5/2020
      ~ Day's Silent Machines, 12th U.S. Regulars during the Gettysburg Campaign 6/2020



      • #33
        Re: 2011 1st Manassas- CS Regiment to be formed-July 2011

        I found this on a website devoted to the 2nd. Miss. Is that the website you are refering to?

        A May 23, 1861 Inspector General report on the conditions at Harpers Ferry was not very complimentary to the Second in comparison with its “sister” regiment, the Eleventh:

        The two regiments from Mississippi have with them their tents and camp equipage, but are not satisfied with their arms, which are chiefly of the old flint-lock musket altered into percussion. As usual with troops of this description, they all want rifles. They were informed that, for the present, they must rest contented with such arms as it was in the power of the Government to give them. One of these regiments (the Eleventh), under the command of Colonel Moore, is very superior to the other (the Second), under Colonel Falkner. The latter is badly clothed and very careless in its appointments. The officers are entirely without military knowledge of any description, and the men have a slovenly and unsoldier-like appearance. The other regiment seems to take much pride in its appearance, and is endeavoring to improve itself by military exercises...

        Exposure to many cold, rainy nights had caused some severe colds among the men from the extreme South, and there were some cases of the ordinary camp diseases, but nothing very serious. The clothing of the troops is not abundant, and, in the regiment from Mississippi, under Colonel Falkner, almost every necessary is wanting. They seem to have come away from home without making proper preparations in this respect, and, indeed, it would seem that they expected to receive on their arrival in Virginia all the appointments of a soldier. [15]

        So I guess then the it looks like converted Flint muskets.

        There are 4 photos of members of the unit in uniform - two from company A are in a tripple breasted coat and one has a 1855 Rifle bayonet. Is that the challenge for Co A? Frock coats and/ or 1855 rifles?
        That would be cool.....
        George Susat
        Confederate Guard


        • #34
          Re: 2011 1st Manassas- CS Regiment to be formed-July 2011

          George, What is the link that you got that info from?

          Also since no one has claimed Company A yet I really don't think that you'll get the answer about the coats or rifles right now.
          Herb Coats
          Armory Guards &


          • #35
            Re: 2011 1st Manassas- CS Regiment to be formed-July 2011


            Here is the link to the website I pulled the information from.

            The footnote listed on the information was [15]] O.R., 2, p. 868-869.

            I did not look up the OR reference. The website has a few pictures of members of the unit in their military uniforms. Two are from Co. A and have the tripple breasted frocks on.

            Here is a link to one of the photos.

            George Susat
            Confederate Guard


            • #36
              Re: 2011 1st Manassas- CS Regiment to be formed-July 2011


              The Inspector General was quoted from the official records and the same quotes can be found in The University Greys by Maud Morrow Brown (Company A, 11th Miss Regt).

              11th Miss Regt wore "Bright Uniforms" and show up in several photographs in a cadet grey frock and pants with a crimson stripe down the leg, tape across the chest with three columns of buttons. The jacket cuffs and collars were faced in the same crimson. You can see several examples on our website at

              Would appear these were the same uniforms of Company A as shown in the photographs.

              Clay Goser


              • #37
                2011 1st Manassas- CS Regiment to be formed-July 2011

                For the event we are stating that conversions or 42s are preferred. With companies A and B allowed to have a mix of Mississippi rifles and smoothbores.

                We also are aware that most are NOT going to run out and buy a new weapon nor do we expect that among the staff. We are using discretion on the long arms but we know the goal!

                [B][I]Skip Owens[/I][/B]


                [U]Southern Guard Living History Assn.

                The Company of Military Historians[/U]


                • #38
                  Re: 2011 1st Manassas- CS Regiment to be formed-July 2011

                  Not to turn this into a discussion about the 11th Miss., but where's the primary documentation that says Co. A and G (I know you didn't mean the entire regiment) were wearing red? I thought the primary sources said they were trimmed in black.
                  Nic Clark
                  2017 - 24 years in the hobby
                  Proud co-founder of the Butcherknife Roughnecks


                  • #39
                    Re: 2011 1st Manassas- CS Regiment to be formed-July 2011

                    Gents: I have no dog in the fight but the attached photo of Henry Davenport of Company 'A' (Tishomingo Riflemen) seems to be the same as worn in the well known contemporary newspaper drawing of the 2nd Mississippi (also attached). That would make for an awesome portrayal.I realize this may be only a company impression. Photo from Roberts and Moneyhon's " Portraits of Conflict: Mississippi." If you have this info already then kindly indulge my intrusion.
                    Last edited by roundshot; 10-25-2010, 04:30 PM.
                    Bob Williams
                    26th North Carolina Troops

                    As [one of our cavalry] passed by, the general halted him and inquired "what part of the army he belonged to." "I don't belong to the army, I belong to the cavalry." "That's a fact," says [the general], "you can pass on." Silas Grisamore, 18th Louisiana


                    • #40
                      Re: 2011 1st Manassas- CS Regiment to be formed-July 2011


                      Thanks for the link sir!
                      Herb Coats
                      Armory Guards &


                      • #41
                        Re: 2011 1st Manassas- CS Regiment to be formed-July 2011

                        Re: 2011 1st Manassas- WIG to take part in a Campaigner CS Regiment being formed -July 2011
                        Fate led me to contact Bro. Craddock as he informed me of this upcoming event. Having been born and reared in Pontotoc Co. MS I have seen the Bonnie Blue of the Pontotoc Minute Men company flag. Actually it was in 1968 that my great uncle found either a copy or the original. I have sent Bro. Craddock a copy of Lt. Fontaine's account given in full to the Pontotoc Examiner Aug 9 1861 of Co. G's involvement of said fight. God willing I hope to be back in the field with the WIG for this event. The comments by Fontaine about Miller led to a major falling out, dueling did not occur, both were at the Mississippi Secession Convention and later Col. Miller formed the 42nd Mississippi Inf. and was mortally wounded at Gettysburg.
                        Thank you for selecting the 2nd Mississippi Infantry and Company G to portray at Manasses.

                        More uniform pictures:

                        Below is Pvt. Rose from Pontotoc Co MS community of Cherry Creek which was just a few miles north of the town of Pontotoc. The county seat Pontotoc had the Federal Land Office which handled all the transfers of land being purchased in the 1835-36 time period. Bro. Craddock will remember Don Browning that would come to Oxford for our winter drill's. Don named his son after his GGUncle Elija Guide Browning on Roll of Honor at South Mountain, killed a few days later at Sharpsburg, MD

                        An old WIG wanting back in the field for this event, who is the commander for Co. G ? The Pontotoc Minute Men.
                        Most of this came from my postings on the WIG part of the forum.
                        Thanks Brothers
                        Last edited by Pious Jeems; 10-29-2010, 10:19 PM. Reason: Links not working
                        Dean Burchfield
                        [B][FONT="Century Gothic"]WIG [I]The Old Guard[/I][/FONT][/B]
                        Hard Case Boys
                        Green Bottle Mess

                        [I][U]PM Joseph Warren #71 F & AM [/U][/I]

                        Un soldat sera long et dur combat pour un peu de ruban de couleur.
                        Napoléon Bonaparte
                        A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon.


                        • #42
                          Re: 2011 1st Manassas- CS Regiment to be formed-July 2011

                          Gents- Here is the latest from the Event staff. Hear there were some rumors questioning the event happening. Please see below. The "adjunt" Regiment under the 2nd Mississippi impession is going to be fielded along side Anders "Bee's Brigade" at a site away from the larger event. Again the plan is to camp away from the masses, and march into the fight just like the 2nd did each day! As we look for Registrations with the Adjunct we are going to have repective company commanders-representitaves take up their registration. With groups of 10 or more send them into LT Pat Craddock (the Adj). This will be both Ration money and Event registrations. Details are posted on our website for the 2nd.




                          This is an update to let you know that REGISTRATION FOR THE 150TH ANNIVERSARY OF 1ST BULL RUN IS NOW OPEN.

                          We still have a lot to do, but thought it was important to start getting information out and begin the registration process. As noted in previous correspondence, the reenactment site is on privately owned land adjacent to the NPS National Bull Run Military Park and associated with the 2nd Battle of Manassas, has excellent access to I-66 and cross county access to the City of Manassas and I-95. We are hopeful that this site will be used for the 150th of 2nd Bull Run in 2012,

                          The web page is still in development and will continue to be updated. However, the registration forms and other information has been posted by the event sponsor, the Prince William County Visitors Board at:

                          The reenactment is capped at 15,000 reenactors. As a result, we recommend early registration for the July 23/24 reenactment. Other related events include the NPS 150th commemoration, the Manassas commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the first Veteran’s “Jubilee” and “hands across the lines” held in Manassas on July 21st 1911, and living history demonstrations at other historic sites/venues.

                          "Event Staff"
                          [B][I]Skip Owens[/I][/B]


                          [U]Southern Guard Living History Assn.

                          The Company of Military Historians[/U]


                          • #43
                            Re: 2011 1st Manassas- CS Regiment to be formed-July 2011


                            I'll take the conversation offline since I don't want to send this thread on a tangent about the 11th. Check PM.

                            Clay Goser


                            • #44
                              Re: 2011 1st Manassas- CS Regiment to be formed-July 22-24, 2011

                              Sounds like I should start getting a cs kit together!
                              Tyler Underwood
                              Pawleys Island #409 AFM
                              Governor Guards, WIG

                              Click here for the AC rules.

                              The search function located in the upper right corner of the screen is your friend.


                              • #45
                                Re: 2011 1st Manassas- CS Regiment to be formed-July 22-24, 2011


                                We have officially opened registration for the Authentic Adjunct for the 150th Anniversary of Manassas. Click here for details: 2nd Mississippi Infantry. Contact a company commander from the list if you wish to fall in with us.

                                To get to the official registration thread on the Authentic Campaigner click here: Official thread
                                Last edited by Matt Woodburn; 11-16-2010, 11:31 AM.
                                Matt Woodburn
                                Retired Big Bug
                                Hiram Lodge #7, F&AM, Franklin, TN
                                "There is a fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."

