Re: December 2, 1860
FORT MOULTRIE, S. C., December 2, 1860.
(Received A. G. O., December 5.)
Col. S. COOPER, Adjutant-General:
COLONEL: I have the honor to report that I have seen Captain Foster, and that he says that he told several gentlemen in Charleston yesterday that he intended commencing at once certain repairs at Castle Pinckney. He is satisfied, from the manner in which his remark was received, that no offense will be taken at his putting his workmen in the Castle. I shall, consequently, not interpose any objection to his doing so. He has applied to me for an officer to take charge temporarily of his workmen until an Engineer officer can be sent on, and although I cannot very well spare one, I shall, in consideration of my regarding that detachment as really acting the part of an advance guard for my command take the responsibility of assigning Lieutenant Davis to that duty.
Captain Foster thinks that he will finish the small projection at the northwest salient of this work to-morrow, and he will then repoint the walls of this fort (a work very essential) and commence digging a shallow wet ditch at or near the foot of the wall. The presence of quicksand prevents his digging a regular ditch, but he can dig one that will afford such an obstruction as will, with ordinary precaution, prevent our works being carried by a rush.
When he has finished these works I shall feel that, by the blessing of God, even my little command will be enabled to make such a resistance that the authorities of South Carolina will, though they may surround, hardly venture to attack us. We expect a full supply of provisions about the 10th of this month. I trust that such arrangements will be made as will secure their delivery, as well as that of the supply of ordnance and ordnance stores recently required.
Then, with men merely enough to enable us to keep up a respectable guard without wearing our men out, I would, in humble reliance on Providence, feel ready for any emergency that could reasonably occur.
I am, colonel, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Major, First Artillery, Commanding.
CHARLESTON, S. C., December 2, 1860.
Col. R. E. DE RUSSY,
Commanding Corps of Engineers, U. S. A., Washington, D. C.:
COLONEL: I have the honor to request that application may be made to the War Department to have, Colonel Huger, Ordnance Corps, issue to me four boxes of muskets (smooth-bores), with percussion caps for sixty rounds. Fifty of these muskets are required for Fort Sumter and fifty for Castle Pinckney The cartridge boxes and belts are not absolutely necessary, but I would like to have an equal number issued if it is convenient to do so.
Colonel Huger, whom I consulted upon the subject of the muskets, {p.84} said he could not issue them without authority from Washington, not even for the short time that I want them, and I declined at the time to request him to write for this authority; but after consulting with Major Anderson to-day we axe both agreed that it is best to write for the requisite authority at once, and I therefore make the above request. Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain of Engineers.
Handed to Adjutant-General, and by him laid before the Secretary of War on the 6th of December.
Returned by the Adjutant-General on the 7th. Action deferred for the present. (See Captain Foster’s upcoming letter of December 4.)
FORT MOULTRIE, S. C., December 2, 1860.
(Received A. G. O., December 5.)
Col. S. COOPER, Adjutant-General:
COLONEL: I have the honor to report that I have seen Captain Foster, and that he says that he told several gentlemen in Charleston yesterday that he intended commencing at once certain repairs at Castle Pinckney. He is satisfied, from the manner in which his remark was received, that no offense will be taken at his putting his workmen in the Castle. I shall, consequently, not interpose any objection to his doing so. He has applied to me for an officer to take charge temporarily of his workmen until an Engineer officer can be sent on, and although I cannot very well spare one, I shall, in consideration of my regarding that detachment as really acting the part of an advance guard for my command take the responsibility of assigning Lieutenant Davis to that duty.
Captain Foster thinks that he will finish the small projection at the northwest salient of this work to-morrow, and he will then repoint the walls of this fort (a work very essential) and commence digging a shallow wet ditch at or near the foot of the wall. The presence of quicksand prevents his digging a regular ditch, but he can dig one that will afford such an obstruction as will, with ordinary precaution, prevent our works being carried by a rush.
When he has finished these works I shall feel that, by the blessing of God, even my little command will be enabled to make such a resistance that the authorities of South Carolina will, though they may surround, hardly venture to attack us. We expect a full supply of provisions about the 10th of this month. I trust that such arrangements will be made as will secure their delivery, as well as that of the supply of ordnance and ordnance stores recently required.
Then, with men merely enough to enable us to keep up a respectable guard without wearing our men out, I would, in humble reliance on Providence, feel ready for any emergency that could reasonably occur.
I am, colonel, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Major, First Artillery, Commanding.
CHARLESTON, S. C., December 2, 1860.
Col. R. E. DE RUSSY,
Commanding Corps of Engineers, U. S. A., Washington, D. C.:
COLONEL: I have the honor to request that application may be made to the War Department to have, Colonel Huger, Ordnance Corps, issue to me four boxes of muskets (smooth-bores), with percussion caps for sixty rounds. Fifty of these muskets are required for Fort Sumter and fifty for Castle Pinckney The cartridge boxes and belts are not absolutely necessary, but I would like to have an equal number issued if it is convenient to do so.
Colonel Huger, whom I consulted upon the subject of the muskets, {p.84} said he could not issue them without authority from Washington, not even for the short time that I want them, and I declined at the time to request him to write for this authority; but after consulting with Major Anderson to-day we axe both agreed that it is best to write for the requisite authority at once, and I therefore make the above request. Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain of Engineers.
Handed to Adjutant-General, and by him laid before the Secretary of War on the 6th of December.
Returned by the Adjutant-General on the 7th. Action deferred for the present. (See Captain Foster’s upcoming letter of December 4.)