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Campaigner Battalion for Wison's Creek

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  • #46
    Re: Sos!!!

    Here's who I show on the registered list as of the last update. I know many of you have contacted me saying you have registered or are in the process of registering. Keep an eye on the list to see if you show up on it. If not, let me know and I'll look into it. Remember, the deadline is tomorrow , so get them in. Mail ins are taking longer to process so if you have sent one in be patient and you should show up on the registered list soon.

    Comer, Michael
    Aufmuth, Frank
    Aufmuth, Sam
    Aufmuth, Xavier
    Hill, Dan
    Kasmar, Andrew
    Kupsch, Mike
    Helvey, Christopher
    Lipe, Aaron
    McAllister, Patrick
    Snyder, Jeremy
    Weik, Thom
    Yearby, Tom
    Jenkins, Johnnie
    Baker, Fred
    Carr, Brett
    Graves, Seth
    McCarty, Brian
    Mobley, Cody
    Royers, Ron
    Shelton, Stacie
    Spain, John
    Lauderdale, Jim
    Erickson, Paul
    Leggans, Terry
    Richardson, Greg
    House, Scott
    Rector, Matthew
    Graf, Phil
    Stamos, Christopher
    Parent, David
    Winslow, Dominic
    Ruyle, Tim
    Green, William
    West, Dave
    Spence, Dennie
    Allison, Jason
    Gale, Andrew
    Wicks, Timothy
    Duff, John
    McCollum, Payton
    Boyd, Mike
    Cunning, John
    Moran, Nathan
    Patrick, Andy
    Stevens, Jay
    Michael Comer
    one of the moderator guys


    • #47
      Re: Campaigner Battalion for Wison's Creek

      I got Adam Johnson registered last night so he should show up anytime....and possibly one more Texan will be registering tonight.
      Cody Mobley

      Texas Ground Hornets
      Texas State Troops

      [HOUSTON] TRI-WEEKLY TELEGRAPH, October 28, 1863,


      All ladies in Houston and surrounding counties who have cloth on hand, which they can spare, are requested to donate it to the ladies of Crockett for the purpose of making petticoats for the Minute Men of this county, who have "backed out" of the service. We think the petticoat more suitable for them in these times.


      • #48
        Re: Campaigner Battalion for Wison's Creek

        Here is what I have as of now. Not all are on the registered list but I have added them if they are listed above:

        Comer, Michael
        Aufmuth, Frank
        Aufmuth, Sam
        Aufmuth, Xavier
        Hill, Dan
        Kasmar, Andrew
        Kupsch, Mike
        Helvey, Christopher
        Lipe, Aaron
        McAllister, Patrick
        Snyder, Jeremy
        Weik, Thom
        Yearby, Tom
        Jenkins, Johnnie
        Baker, Fred
        Carr, Brett
        Graves, Seth
        McCarty, Brian
        Mobley, Cody
        Royers, Ron
        Shelton, Stacie
        Spain, John
        Lauderdale, Jim
        Erickson, Paul
        Leggans, Terry
        Richardson, Greg
        House, Scott
        Rector, Matthew
        Graf, Phil
        Stamos, Christopher
        Parent, David
        Winslow, Dominic
        Ruyle, Tim
        Green, William
        West, Dave
        Spence, Dennie
        Allison, Jason
        Gale, Andrew
        Wicks, Timothy
        Duff, John
        McCollum, Payton
        Boyd, Mike
        Cunning, John
        Moran, Nathan
        Patrick, Andy
        Stevens, Jay
        Bears, David
        Carr, Jeffrey
        Clark, Nic
        Hadley, Dan
        Henderson, Patrick
        Pillers, John
        Pretzl, Kyle
        Laird, Matthew
        Barrett, Dan
        Barrett, Jon
        Herman, Graham
        Rogers, Scott
        Creekmore, Erik
        Barber, Andrew
        Duncam, Ray
        Tarver, Patrick

        Read more:
        Michael Comer
        one of the moderator guys


        • #49
          Re: Campaigner Battalion for Wison's Creek

          That's going to be a NICE company!!!!! 64 guys so far not counting last minutes and mail-ins.......

          We may be too big for some of Burbridge's companies, lol.

          This is going to be nice to have a good adjunct company with some stellar names on there, in the company/encampment.... Anyone still on the fence? Got a few more hours....
          Jay Stevens
          Tater Mess
          Independent Volunteers
          Iron Man Mess
          Reenactor Preservation Coalition
          Friends of Historic Lone Jack

          Wyandotte Lodge # 03, AF&AM

          Into The Piney Woods, March 2009
          Lost Tribes, October 2009
          Bummers, November 2009
          Backwaters, March 12-14 2010
          The Fight For Crampton's Gap July 2010
          In the Van, August 2010
          Before The Breakout Sept 2010

          "If You Want To Call Yourself A Campaigner, You Attend True Campaign Events" -B. Johnson


          • #50
            Re: Campaigner Battalion for Wison's Creek

            I signed up my pard Randy McLemore over a week ago I'm surprised he's not on your list.
            David Parent

            The Cracker Mess
            MLK Mess
            Black Hat Boys

            Veterans would tell of Sherman's ordering a flanking movement and instructing a subordinate how to report his progress: "See here Cox, burn a few barns occasionally, as you go along. I can't understand those signal flags, but I know what smoke means"


            • #51
              Re: Campaigner Battalion for Wison's Creek

              It's known that the Missouri State Guard were issued bolts of cloth and sewing notions to make their own clothing in the field by Price, rather than being issued clothing. But, to my knowledge we don't know what type of cloth Price issued. I think they might have been issued patterns, too, but I could be wrong; it might have been only bolts of cloth and sewing notions. You can imagine the quality of clothing these men were making for themselves in the field, probably never having made any of their own clothing before, unless they were a tailor by trade before the war.

              Out of curiosity, I spent the day reading through what historical Missouri newspapers I could find on-line, to see what sort of cloth was being advertised as being in-stock and for sale, to get an idea of what sort of material Price and his officers would have had access to when issuing their men bolts of cloth in the field. I was only able to find two newspapers on-line that cover the months before Wilson's Creek; Liberty Tribune and the Rolla Express. Liberty is a eastern suburb of Kansas City, and Rolla is more central / east-central Missouri. In these two newspapers, here is what I found in regards to the type of cloth either on-hand or able to be manufactured in Missouri at the start of the war (for fun, I added some info about weapons, too):

              SPRING GOODS! - James M. Jones, Merchant Tailor, North Side Square, Liberty, Has just received his usual fine assortment of Spring& Summer Goods, consisting of Fine Black and Blue Clothes, Black Doe Skin and Fancy French Cassimeres, Black and France Grenadine silk, plush, and velvet & Marseilles vestings, All kinds of linens. I also have a complete assortment of Furnishing Goods, consisting of all kinds of Shirts, Collars, Silk and Woolen undershirts, cotton and wool drawers, stocks, Ties, Cravats, Gloves, Morning Gowns, Suspenders, etc., etc.

              Also, Tailors’ Trimmings. His Goods are equal to any ever offered in the market and will be sold at fair living prices. All work warrented to give satisfaction.

              Work from other houses will be cut and made with the same care as that sold by us.

              Liberty (MO) Tribune Newspaper, July 26, 1861

              Woolen Goods, suitable to the wants of the country, which we offer for sale at wholesale or retail for CASH, or in Exchange for Wool, for which we will allow the highest market price for clean wool, and sell our goods as LOW as any Factory in the State.
              Persons wishing their own wool manufactured (of 40 pounds or more,) can have it doen on the following conditions, viz: -
              6-4 Fulled Lindsay, 65 cts, and 1 ¾ lbs clean wool per yard
              4-4 Plaid Lindsay, 30 cts, and 5 – 8 lbs clean wool per yard
              4-4 White Flannels 30 cts, and ¾ lbs clean wool per yard
              7-8 Jeans, 40 cents, and 3 – 4 lbs clean wool per yard
              7-8 Cassimere, (all wool,) 80 cents, and 1 lb wool per yard
              8-4 No 1 Blankets, $5 per pair, and 14 lbs clean wool
              8-4 No. 2 Blankets, $4 per pair, and 8 lbs clean wool

              Liberty (MO) Tribune Newspaper, July 26, 1861

              NEW GOODS! – James Feruson, Respectfully informs his customers, and purchasers, generally that he is now receiving direct from Philadelphia, a variety of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, that he will sell to suit the hard times. In his stock may be found a variety of DRESS GOODS, Consisting in part of – PLAIN & BROCADED POPLINS, Plain & Brocade Berages, ORGANDY & JACONET LAWNS, Prints, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons, Flowers, Ruches, Shakers, Hooped Skirts, Brown, Bleached, and Dress Cottons, Cottonades, Osnaburgs, Plain and Twilled linen, and most articles needed for Summer Wear.

              Liberty (MO) Tribune Newspaper, July 26, 1861

              SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING! – M. Goldman, Respectfully informs the citizens of Liberty and surrounding country, that he has just received his new and well selected stock of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, consisting of fine Cloth, Business, Summer and Working Coats, Vests, Pants, Shirts, Drawers, Cravats, Stocks, Gloves, Suspenders, Hats, Caps, Trunks, etc., etc.

              Liberty (MO) Tribune Newspaper, July 26, 1861

              Rifles and shot guns; He also has on hand a fine stock of COLT’S, SHARP’S AND ALLEN’S PISTOLS, BOWIE-KNIVES, all sizes, Shot Bags, Powder and Pistol Flasks, Powder, Shot, Lead, Caps, and everything in the gunsmith line.

              Liberty (MO) Tribune Newspaper, July 26, 1861

              CLOTHING. We have a mammoth stock of Clothing of every grade and quality. Outfitting Goods, Gum Blankets and Coats, etc.

              Liberty (MO) Tribune, July 12, 1861

              Bowie Knives, Shot, Caps & Lead. M. Dickson has just received a large stock of Bowie Knives, Shot, Caps, Lead, &c., to which he invites attention.

              Liberty (MO) Tribune, July 12, 1861

              To the People of Missouri – Missourians! Strike for your Firesides and your Homes!
              Head Qrs. 1st Mil. District, Mo. State Guards, Bloomfield, MO.

              . . . . . we have plenty of ammunition . . . We have forty thousand Belgian muskets coming; but bring your guns and muskets with you, if you have them; if not, come without them.

              - M. Jeff. Thompson, Brigadier General Commanding

              Liberty (MO) Tribune, August 16, 1861

              Rolla Markets.
              . . . . Jeans – Common 50 cts, per yard; Indigo blue 75 cts.

              Rolla Express, June 3, 1861
              Nic Clark
              2017 - 24 years in the hobby
              Proud co-founder of the Butcherknife Roughnecks


              • #52
                Re: Campaigner Battalion for Wison's Creek

                I know it is the weekend before but we are in nerd of some men to attend Athens as State Guard. Actual battlefield and Mr.Comer is the State Guard commander.
                Nathan Hellwig
                AKA Harrison "Holler" Holloway
                "It was the Union armies west of the Appalachians that struck the death knell of the Confederacy." Leslie Anders ,Preface, The Twenty-First Missouri


                • #53
                  Re: Campaigner Battalion for Wison's Creek

                  To follow up on my previous post; I don't have the source in front of me, but in the two years that I spent working for the NPS at Pea Ridge, I came across a Union soldier's comment about how the people in the Ozarks / SW MO / NW Ark. wore only two colors; brown from walnut and blue from indigo. Others make mention of Price and the MSG as wearing butternut, like all MO farmers wore at that time (I'm paraphrasing). I make mention of this, because of the Rolla newspaper add making mention of indigo jean being 75 cents per yard. However, brown - or butternut - doesn't have to come from walnut dye, either. Cotton grows in more colors than white, and natural brown cotton (also called nankeen cotton) was a common, poor, cheap cotton worn by slaves and poor working class. There are still sources for natural brown cotton, if you look hard enough. I know that there's a natural spinner and weaver at Bayou Vermilionville, in Lafayette, LA, and she looms yards of nankeen cotton (but it's not cheap).
                  Nic Clark
                  2017 - 24 years in the hobby
                  Proud co-founder of the Butcherknife Roughnecks


                  • #54
                    Re: Campaigner Battalion for Wison's Creek

                    We have a company of over 30 coming to the event. There are more than a few of us that would like to participate in the march. We'd still love to support you if we can. I'll talk to you offline.
                    Clay Goser


                    • #55
                      Re: Campaigner Battalion for Wison's Creek


                      I think Piston and Hatcher mention several of the cloth types that were handed out to the troops to make their own clothes. It's not at hand but is in my office but I'll try to track it down and post the info here.
                      Michael Comer
                      one of the moderator guys


                      • #56
                        Re: Campaigner Battalion for Wison's Creek

                        Originally posted by Mcguire View Post
                        I signed up my pard Randy McLemore over a week ago I'm surprised he's not on your list.

                        He's on there. I don't know him and he signed up under something other than Burbridge's so I didn't know he was with us.
                        Michael Comer
                        one of the moderator guys


                        • #57
                          Re: Campaigner Battalion for Wison's Creek

                          Nic, the list of cloth that I have found attributed to being issued to the Missouri State Guard is as follows: jeans, calico, toweling, twills, bed ticking, hickory shirting, blue and brown drill cloth, osnaburg, stripped cotton cloth, lindsey, cottonade, satinet, and cassimere. Unfortunately I cannot find nothing on the color of some of the cloths listed. I don't have the book that this stated in, on hand. But I can post it tomorrow if you would like. They also mention tape trim being issued to the troops, although it does not say what exactly this was to be used for. Thanks

                          All the best,

                          Andrew Kasmar


                          • #58
                            Re: Campaigner Battalion for Wison's Creek

                            It's the quartermaster receipt book for Parsons Sixth Division, MSG, that show issuance in July 1861 of the types of cloth. It also shows some foodstuffs, to include canned tomatoes. At least one member of Burbridges Regiment (H.M. Cheavens) recorded making a pair of trousers for himself from bolt goods.

                            It was a soldier in the 37th Illinois Infantry passing through Bolivar, Missouri, in the fall of 1861 who recorded the local residents were all wearing either blue or brown jeans.

                            It was Otto Lademann of the 3rd Missouri Volunteers (Federal) who said the MSG at Carthage "... had no uniforms, being entirely clad in the homespun butternut jeans worn by every Missouri farmer in those days."

                            Eugene Ware, with the 1st Iowa, spent some time in July 1861 talking with a young woman near Forsyth, Missouri as she prepared to dye her weaving with a iron tub of "brown-black walnut juice."

                            Wiley Britton, a young farmer from Neosho, Missouri, recorded that when he left his family home in 1858 to start a new life in Kansas City (he helped build the Warnall House) his mother presented him with a frock coat and trousers made from jeans and dyed with walnut juice.
                            Kip Lindberg


                            • #59
                              Re: Campaigner Battalion for Wison's Creek

                              Here is what I have as of now. Registration is closed and I have heard nothing of any extension. However, if you wish to join our effort let me know and I will see what I can do on a case by case basis.

                              If you have registered and are not on here, please let me know via PM or email so I can be looking for you.

                              Comer, Michael
                              Aufmuth, Frank
                              Aufmuth, Sam
                              Aufmuth, Xavier
                              Hill, Dan
                              Kasmar, Andrew
                              Kupsch, Mike
                              Helvey, Christopher
                              Lipe, Aaron
                              McAllister, Patrick
                              Snyder, Jeremy
                              Weik, Thom
                              Yearby, Tom
                              Jenkins, Johnnie
                              Baker, Fred
                              Carr, Brett
                              Graves, Seth
                              McCarty, Brian
                              Mobley, Cody
                              Royers, Ron
                              Shelton, Stacie
                              Spain, John
                              Lauderdale, Jim
                              Erickson, Paul
                              Leggans, Terry
                              Richardson, Greg
                              House, Scott
                              Rector, Matthew
                              Graf, Phil
                              Stamos, Christopher
                              Parent, David
                              Winslow, Dominic
                              Ruyle, Tim
                              Green, William
                              West, Dave
                              Spence, Dennie
                              Allison, Jason
                              Gale, Andrew
                              Wicks, Timothy
                              Duff, John
                              McCollum, Payton
                              Boyd, Mike
                              Cunning, John
                              Moran, Nathan
                              Patrick, Andy
                              Stevens, Jay
                              Bears, David
                              Carr, Jeffrey
                              Clark, Nic
                              Hadley, Dan
                              Henderson, Patrick
                              Pillers, John
                              Pretzl, Kyle
                              Laird, Matthew
                              Barrett, Dan
                              Barrett, Jon
                              Herman, Graham
                              Rogers, Scott
                              Creekmore, Erik
                              Barber, Andrew
                              Duncam, Ray
                              Tarver, Patrick
                              Irvin, Ken
                              McLemore, Randy
                              Rubin, Marty
                              Regan, Kelly
                              Bemis, Todd
                              Michael Comer
                              one of the moderator guys


                              • #60
                                Re: Campaigner Battalion for Wison's Creek


                                I realized that I was running low on cartridges and decided that I would crank the mill up for this one. If any one needs any rounds or tubes let me know and I will get them made up for you. Just let me know. PM me or email at

                                Adam "OX" Johnson
                                Texas Ground Hornets

