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Fate Cards

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  • Fate Cards

    The process of assigning fate cards has begun.

    If all the various elements fall into place, we will removing the wounded of the 2nd Miss from the field using our wagons. The catch is, the severely wounded will spend the balance of the day and Saturday night in a field hospital. I remember being drawn off the field in a wagon at DMX. We will seek to replicate that on a grander scale. This depends on various elements.

    If you need plenty of rest prior to the drive home, this is for you. Need to leave early for some reason? Just want to see if your comrades miss you? Send me an email at

    The more that volunteer, the more random this will be. Thanks.

    'Capt.' Bill Birney
    'QM, 2nd Miss. Inf.'
    Columbia Rifles
    William Birney
    Columbia Rifles

    "The OTB is made up of the dregs of humanity, the malcontents, the bit*#ers and moaners, the truth tellers, the rebellious, etc. In other words, the ones that make good soldiers when the firing starts or the marching gets tough. The $&#*$& is run by parade ground, paper collar soldiers, the ones that pee on themselves when a car backfires and would be better fit for counting beans and puffying up their own egos and kissing each others @$(#*$*..."
    Thomas "Uncle Tom" Yearby, 20 March 2009

  • #2
    Re: Fate Cards

    Thank you, Company H! So far, you have offered the most volunteers to take advantage of this unique opportunity. If this idea comes off as hoped, you will have a very special experience. If this doesn't come off due to logistical demands, it won't be from a lack of effort on the part of the staff. Thanks, comrades. I knew I could count on you.

    Bill Birney
    William Birney
    Columbia Rifles

    "The OTB is made up of the dregs of humanity, the malcontents, the bit*#ers and moaners, the truth tellers, the rebellious, etc. In other words, the ones that make good soldiers when the firing starts or the marching gets tough. The $&#*$& is run by parade ground, paper collar soldiers, the ones that pee on themselves when a car backfires and would be better fit for counting beans and puffying up their own egos and kissing each others @$(#*$*..."
    Thomas "Uncle Tom" Yearby, 20 March 2009


    • #3
      Re: Fate Cards

      This is a great opportunity to participate in a accurate senerio depicting the after battle actions, send in your names to bill if you would like to participate... would be cool if whole messes volunteer as you will be with pards in a secluded accurate location away from the regiment to replicate the battle losses after saturday.

      Additionally get your registrations sent! We are sitting strong, but need to get a better visibility on numbers.. 10 Authentic Companies, Full Staff, Commissary wagons, QM wagons, Music, and More...
      [B][I]Skip Owens[/I][/B]


      [U]Southern Guard Living History Assn.

      The Company of Military Historians[/U]

