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2nd Miss Combined Drill weekend May 13-15th

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  • 2nd Miss Combined Drill weekend May 13-15th

    Battalion Drill Weekend, 13-15 May 2011

    Who- Companies of the 2nd Mississippi: If you are planning to attend the 150th Manassas Event with the 2nd Mississippi, you are welcome to come.

    What- Drill weekend: We are hoping we can get companies to conduct some Battalion drill.

    Where- Sky Meadows State Park, Virginia

    When- 13-15 May 2011

    Why- Enable those to fine tune their 2nd Miss Impressions both in kit and drill. We will conduct soldier life scenarios for "some" public, and get a feel for how we can interpret for the park at the larger event in July prior to moving down to Manassas as the original unit did. The 2nd was located in this Area from late May – July, 1861 so this will be a fitting impression. Tents/Flys/ baggage are all encouraged! Again expectation is to get as many as want to come and possibly some portraying the 6th. Rations will be by company, as i don't want to burden the QM with another task, also Numbers will be managed by those companies wanting to come.
    [B][I]Skip Owens[/I][/B]


    [U]Southern Guard Living History Assn.

    The Company of Military Historians[/U]

  • #2
    Re: 2nd Miss Combined Drill weekend May 13-15th

    The 2nd Mississippi Infantry was drilled by Hardee's once arriving in Virginia (they did use at least one other manual as individual companies prior to be organized into a regiment). Note this is the Federal Hardee's as the Confederate version was not yet published. I offer this info to all so you can brush up proir to drill.
    Matt Woodburn
    Retired Big Bug
    Hiram Lodge #7, F&AM, Franklin, TN
    "There is a fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."


    • #3
      Re: 2nd Miss Combined Drill weekend May 13-15th

      I also wanted to state that this is in NO way manditory for the companies! I don't think there is any confusion but wanted to put out it is strictly for those companies or individual who want to participate in a Combined drill. Right Now we have 2 companies who have expressed they will participate. Individuals who would like to come in their 2nd Mississippi impressions are more than welcome to attend, we will consolidate to get maximum benefit for the weekend. There is NO registration fee or intent for mass ration issue, this will be by company or individual. Low Key event to meet a couple of effects stated above.

      [B][I]Skip Owens[/I][/B]


      [U]Southern Guard Living History Assn.

      The Company of Military Historians[/U]


      • #4
        Re: 2nd Miss Combined Drill weekend May 13-15th

        I would like to pass some information regarding the sky meadows drill coming up in 1 month.

        Intent- To allow as many companies as possible to have a venue to conduct company drill, improve impression, and develop company comradery. This is not going to be a back breaking event, we will have

        Impression- 2nd Mississippi per regulations described for the Manassas event 20-23 July 2011. If there are other units attending from outside 2nd they may wear grey overshirts or their manassas impression (Constitution Fencibles or CVG)

        Schedule- we will hold company drill on saturday during the day. School of the soldier, bayonet drill, skirmish drill and company drill will be at the company commanders discretion. we will hold 1 battalion drill session in the later part of the afternoon. Sunday we will hold 1 more additional battalion drill.

        March- pending weather we will hold 1 3-5 mile training march during the weekend. this is to get those in the mindset of what their equipment will need to look/feel for manassas, additionally get a feel for the land we will travel in July. This should be a judge for those questiong their physical conditions.

        Rations- This will be on the company or individual. I would recommend each individual plan with their company for rations. Again there will NO Regimental rations avaliable for this event as there will be for the Manassas event in July.

        water- will be provided by the site

        shelter- I would like to see A-frames if possible or other shelters. On friday The regimental staff will set up company streets for those companies coming.

        Expectations- I know now there are 2 companies coming with a possible 3rd. Those that are "individuals" can fall in with other companies or if there are enough we will consolidate into a 3rd or 4th company. This will allow for better Battalion drill and enable more men to prepare for Manassas in July.

        Please let me know if there are any questions, and also feel free to distribute as widely as possible. I will post this also on both FB and AC.

        Due outs:

        Cheers gentlemen and I hope you see the benifit of this weekend as I do!

        skip owens
        [B][I]Skip Owens[/I][/B]


        [U]Southern Guard Living History Assn.

        The Company of Military Historians[/U]


        • #5
          Re: 2nd Miss Combined Drill weekend May 13-15th

          Wish I could attend the shindig! But I am committed that same weekend. )-:


          • #6
            Re: 2nd Miss Combined Drill weekend May 13-15th

            Gentlemen- here is the attached schedule for the weekend;

            Schedule for May 13-15 Drill Weekend at sky meadows:

            Intent- As you can see we are going to do some drilling along with "lessons". Lessons are intended to continue learning but get men out of the hot sun. Keeping the weekend as both a physical and mental learning event. I will reach out to selected individuals to provide input to the lessons. Remember this is one of the first times in most our career as Living historians that we are going to be in a regimental and brigade formation.

            8:00PM Leaders call (NCOs and Officers) will meet at Regimental HQ. Intent is to review schedule and go over numbers for Sat

            0730AM- Reveille and Breakfast
            0900 Drill #1; School of the soldier review, formation of the company
            1000 Lesson #1 Location TBD (Shade) (All) 2nd Mississippi road to war
            1130 Noon meal
            1300PM Drill #2; Company Drill movements
            1400 Lesson #2; Battalion Drill discussion (All) 2nd Miss Regt movements at Manassas
            1500 Commanders time by company
            1600 Drill #3 Battalion Drill/ company skirmish drill
            1700 Lesson #3 Brigade drill discussion/ Bees Brigade movements at Manassas
            1830 Evening meal/ Companies dismissed
            1930 Evening entertainment

            0730AM- Reveille and Breakfast
            0900 Drill #4 Bayonet drill
            1000 Commanders final time for review
            1100 Clean up and release as needed

            - Water will be provided by the park
            - Wood will be gathered from the deadfall in the area
            - Sinks, will be in the local area, and modern for the #2 needs
            - Rations will be on the individual or the company as organized
            - tentage, prefered or flys. we will set up a company/regimental street.
            - Looking forward to seeing you all out at the relaxed but productive weekend. If anyone has entertainment ideas please let me know!
            [B][I]Skip Owens[/I][/B]


            [U]Southern Guard Living History Assn.

            The Company of Military Historians[/U]


            • #7
              Re: 2nd Miss Combined Drill weekend May 13-15th


              Outstanding TNG Schedule. I really like to the "Road to War"....putting out on the "Rock Drill".

