The Army of the Pacific is re-forming, and we are recruiting to field a campaign battalion for the 150th Wilson's Creek event (10-14 AUG 2011). Dom Dal Bello will once again command the battalion.
While this isn't strictly an EBUFU event, the AoP has always been committed to providing a first-rate field impression at events, and we will do so once again. Also, all proceeds from this event are going directly to the Wilson's Creek National Battlefield Foundation to support their efforts at historic land preservation, expanding their museum (one of the largest collections of Trans-Mississippi theater ACW artifiacts), and their educational/conservation programs.
Registration this time is DIRECTLY through the Event Registration. There are no extra fees for falling in with the AOP at this event.
When registering, please use the following for UNIT and AFFILIATION:
-UNIT: Type "AOP" plus "Your Local Unit/Commander" (ex: AOP/Blue Boys Mess)
-AFFILIATION: FRONTIER BRIGADE. The AoP is not on the registration form, and the Frontier Brigade, also headquartered west of the Mississippi, and whom we will fall-in next to, has allowed us to process through them.
In addition, please inform the AoP of your registration so we can organize. Unlike previous practice, we will not have this information before the event does. Please email: (Note this is a new email address).
More info to follow and be posted on the AOP website, but here are the basics:
ORGANIZATION of AoP: To be determined based on enrollment. Minimum 20-man companies preferred. As always pards will not be broken up; full companies encouraged to register together.
GUIDING IMPRESSION: 1st U.S. Infantry - "Regulars, By God!" - (dark blue trousers, uniform hats). Please contact us if you are in need of dark blue trousers. UNIFORM GUIDELINES: More info to follow.
Due to the nature of the Wilson's Creek battle, participants should be prepared for a "dual impression." (i.e., civilian trousers - even for U.S. troops). More uniform details to follow on the AoP website.
RATIONS: This time around, rations will not be issued by the Army of the Pacific at Wilson's Creek. Each mess/squad will be responsible for their own rations. Ration guidelines and list of approved foodstuffs will be promulgated prior to the event and enforced.
ACTIVITIES: We are offering the "AoP" experience, including police guard in camps, fatigue duty, period drill. AoP Field Regulations in effect.
HISTORIC MARCH: There is an opportunity to particiapte in a historic march administered by the NPS on Wed 8/10 for those of us on site. The AoP will participate if interest develops. More to follow, but you can find info here.
We are excited about this opportunity to "get the band back togther" and we look forward to re-connecting with old pards, meeting new ones, and putting the AoP back in the field!!!
The Army of the Pacific is re-forming, and we are recruiting to field a campaign battalion for the 150th Wilson's Creek event (10-14 AUG 2011). Dom Dal Bello will once again command the battalion.
While this isn't strictly an EBUFU event, the AoP has always been committed to providing a first-rate field impression at events, and we will do so once again. Also, all proceeds from this event are going directly to the Wilson's Creek National Battlefield Foundation to support their efforts at historic land preservation, expanding their museum (one of the largest collections of Trans-Mississippi theater ACW artifiacts), and their educational/conservation programs.
Registration this time is DIRECTLY through the Event Registration. There are no extra fees for falling in with the AOP at this event.
When registering, please use the following for UNIT and AFFILIATION:
-UNIT: Type "AOP" plus "Your Local Unit/Commander" (ex: AOP/Blue Boys Mess)
-AFFILIATION: FRONTIER BRIGADE. The AoP is not on the registration form, and the Frontier Brigade, also headquartered west of the Mississippi, and whom we will fall-in next to, has allowed us to process through them.
In addition, please inform the AoP of your registration so we can organize. Unlike previous practice, we will not have this information before the event does. Please email: (Note this is a new email address).
More info to follow and be posted on the AOP website, but here are the basics:
ORGANIZATION of AoP: To be determined based on enrollment. Minimum 20-man companies preferred. As always pards will not be broken up; full companies encouraged to register together.
GUIDING IMPRESSION: 1st U.S. Infantry - "Regulars, By God!" - (dark blue trousers, uniform hats). Please contact us if you are in need of dark blue trousers. UNIFORM GUIDELINES: More info to follow.
Due to the nature of the Wilson's Creek battle, participants should be prepared for a "dual impression." (i.e., civilian trousers - even for U.S. troops). More uniform details to follow on the AoP website.
RATIONS: This time around, rations will not be issued by the Army of the Pacific at Wilson's Creek. Each mess/squad will be responsible for their own rations. Ration guidelines and list of approved foodstuffs will be promulgated prior to the event and enforced.
ACTIVITIES: We are offering the "AoP" experience, including police guard in camps, fatigue duty, period drill. AoP Field Regulations in effect.
HISTORIC MARCH: There is an opportunity to particiapte in a historic march administered by the NPS on Wed 8/10 for those of us on site. The AoP will participate if interest develops. More to follow, but you can find info here.
We are excited about this opportunity to "get the band back togther" and we look forward to re-connecting with old pards, meeting new ones, and putting the AoP back in the field!!!