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150th Shiloh FEDERAL Paddle Wheeler Adjunct

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  • #31
    Re: 150th Shiloh FEDERAL Paddle Wheeler Adjunct

    Originally posted by Matt Woodburn View Post
    I was a little distracted when I posted today as I was buying a former whore house on Cinco de Mayo. Yes, you read that correctly. I've been a little over extended lately.
    Suddenly, this paddlewheeler stuff seems a lot less interesting. Tell us more about this new project, Matt!
    John Wickett
    Former Carpetbagger
    Administrator (We got rules here! Be Nice - Sign Your Name - No Farbisms)


    • #32
      Re: 150th Shiloh FEDERAL Paddle Wheeler Adjunct

      Originally posted by dixieflyer View Post
      I just wish I could get all of my kids to memorize WHERE the Tennessee River is!

      Warren Dickinson
      Dang teachers and all their trick questions.
      Pat Brown


      • #33
        Re: 150th Shiloh FEDERAL Paddle Wheeler Adjunct

        Originally posted by brown View Post
        Dang teachers and all their trick questions.
        We're horrible Lindsey, just horrible.

        Warren Dickinson
        Warren Dickinson

        Currently a History Hippy at South Union Shaker Village
        Member of the original Pickett's Mill Interpretive Volunteer Staff & Co. D, 17th Ky Vol. Inf
        Former Mudsill
        Co-Creator of the States Rights Guard in '92


        • #34
          Re: 150th Shiloh FEDERAL Paddle Wheeler Adjunct

          This thing sounds like a friggin blast. I remember sitting at the Landing one night during Jim Butler's living history a few years back, wondering what it was like for those boys to get off the steamers with all hell breaking loose around them.

          Mike Phineas
          Bagram AF, Afghanistan
          Mike Phineas
          Arlington, TX
          24th Missouri Infantry
          Independent Volunteer Battalion

          "Oh, go in anywhere Colonel, go in anywhere. You'll find lovely fighting all along the line."

          -Philip Kearny


          • #35
            Re: 150th Shiloh FEDERAL Paddle Wheeler Adjunct

            Imagine when Buells men arrived and terrified men actually waded into the water to get ON the steamer to leave. They had to keep them off at point of a bayonet.

            Jim Butler

            Originally posted by Strawfoot View Post
            This thing sounds like a friggin blast. I remember sitting at the Landing one night during Jim Butler's living history a few years back, wondering what it was like for those boys to get off the steamers with all hell breaking loose around them.

            Mike Phineas
            Bagram AF, Afghanistan
            Jim Butler


            • #36
              Re: 150th Shiloh FEDERAL Paddle Wheeler Adjunct

              Ah, also Bull Nelson in all his glory... I often wonder how many of them skulkers later went on to become fine soldiers for the Army of the Tennessee.

              Mike Phineas
              Bagram, Afghanistan
              Mike Phineas
              Arlington, TX
              24th Missouri Infantry
              Independent Volunteer Battalion

              "Oh, go in anywhere Colonel, go in anywhere. You'll find lovely fighting all along the line."

              -Philip Kearny


              • #37
                Re: 150th Shiloh FEDERAL Paddle Wheeler Adjunct


                I bought some commercial property as an investment. I'll just run it as office space after my dad is done with it who is going to move to Franklin. Just had alot of irons in the fire when I was typing. Si nce there is interest in this, maybe I need to reopen the field tavern and bring in the working girls like Dennis and I did years ago. Guys seemed to really like that. Stay tuned for great future events, but start telling your pards about the Shiloh paddle wheeler as registration is coming. When it opens this is going to sell out like a rock concert. Tell your pards to be ready.
                Matt Woodburn
                Retired Big Bug
                Hiram Lodge #7, F&AM, Franklin, TN
                "There is a fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."


                • #38
                  Re: 150th Shiloh FEDERAL Paddle Wheeler Adjunct


                  I know an 'Angry Jeff Davis' to deal with him.

                  Jim Butler

                  Originally posted by Strawfoot View Post
                  Ah, also Bull Nelson in all his glory... I often wonder how many of them skulkers later went on to become fine soldiers for the Army of the Tennessee.

                  Mike Phineas
                  Bagram, Afghanistan
                  Jim Butler


                  • #39
                    Re: 150th Shiloh FEDERAL Paddle Wheeler Adjunct

                    Just remember the 15th Iowa was not with Buell or with the Army of the Ohio. They were unattached and were being sent to join up with Prentiss. After Shiloh They then joined up with the famed Crocker Brigade.
                    Last edited by Hairy Nation Boys; 05-10-2011, 10:05 AM.
                    Nathan Hellwig
                    AKA Harrison "Holler" Holloway
                    "It was the Union armies west of the Appalachians that struck the death knell of the Confederacy." Leslie Anders ,Preface, The Twenty-First Missouri


                    • #40
                      Re: 150th Shiloh FEDERAL Paddle Wheeler Adjunct

                      Originally posted by Strawfoot View Post
                      Ah, also Bull Nelson in all his glory... I often wonder how many of them skulkers later went on to become fine soldiers for the Army of the Tennessee.
                      You mean former NAVY OFFICER Bull Nelson?
                      [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=4][FONT=Verdana]Bob Dispenza[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
                      [COLOR=Navy]US Naval Landing Party ([url][/url][/COLOR]
                      [COLOR=SeaGreen]Navy and Marine Living History Association ([url][/url][/COLOR]

                      "The publick give credit for feat of arms, but the courage which is required for them, cannot compare with that which is needed to bear patiently, not only the thousand annoyances but the total absence of everything that makes life pleasant and even worth living." - Lt. Percival Drayton, on naval blockade duty.

                      "We have drawn the Spencer Repeating Rifle. It is a 7 shooter, & a beautiful little gun. They are charged to us at $30.00. 15 of which we have to pay."
                      William Clark Allen, Company K, 72nd Indiana Volunteers, May 17, 1863


                      • #41
                        Re: 150th Shiloh FEDERAL Paddle Wheeler Adjunct

                        Originally posted by pvt_jb View Post
                        If I could register now I would.
                        What Pvt jb said, doubled!
                        Charles Kibler
                        Co. A, Chesapeake Volunteer Guard
                        [I]"I have been up to see the Congress and they do not seem to be able to do anything except to eat peanuts and chew tobacco, while my army is starving."[/I]
                        Robert E. Lee


                        • #42
                          Re: 150th Shiloh FEDERAL Paddle Wheeler Adjunct


                          Does any one have access to the following information at the University of Iowa? It seems like there could be some very useful information in these documents for the upcoming event. Here is the listing:

                          Papers of Charles Cady (15th Iowa Volunteer Infantry). MsC17.

                          Thank you all for your time and help in this matter.

                          Brent Brumagin
                          Brent Brumagin


                          • #43
                            Re: 150th Shiloh FEDERAL Paddle Wheeler Adjunct

                            I am going to check out the State Historical Society in Iowa City for any information and Brandon Jolly and I are going to Des Moines in July.
                            Last edited by Hairy Nation Boys; 05-18-2011, 01:55 PM.
                            Nathan Hellwig
                            AKA Harrison "Holler" Holloway
                            "It was the Union armies west of the Appalachians that struck the death knell of the Confederacy." Leslie Anders ,Preface, The Twenty-First Missouri


                            • #44
                              Re: 150th Shiloh FEDERAL Paddle Wheeler Adjunct

                              The Charles Cady papers deal with life in the regiment at a later period of time than is involved in the impression, beginning in August of 1862. They are available online here.

                              If you follow the link back to the root, the University has digitized a significant portion of their collections and made them available on line. There are diaries and correspondence sets that cover California troops, the Western Theater of the war, and an unfortunate amount of materials covering the Eastern Theater, including an Iron Brigade diary. I wish the State Historical Society of Iowa would get follow suit, at least to the point to having a decent cataloging effort done of their collections.
                              Last edited by J. Donaldson; 05-18-2011, 02:17 PM. Reason: Added additional material pertaining to digitized collections.
                              Bob Welch

                              The Eagle and The Journal
                              My blog, following one Illinois community from Lincoln's election through the end of the Civil War through the articles originally printed in its two newspapers.


                              • #45
                                Re: 150th Shiloh FEDERAL Paddle Wheeler Adjunct

                                I was disappointed to finally get the time to sit down and read the preview of Boyd's Diary on google books only to find out that it cuts off right as Shiloh is heating up. I see you can get a new copy for under $10 on amazon so will probably go that route. There were a couple interesting nuggets in the portion I was able to read. I think alot of them have been mentioned already so will not try to repeat. Did anyone who has glanced at it find it interesting that bands played Dixie for the regiment on multiple occasions? I remember the account of Lincoln asking it to be played near the end of the war claiming somthing to the effect of it "being federal property again." It seems it was not yet taboo for this stage in the war. A couple other things in there, I apologize if they are repeats. Boyd describes the men carrying in his words - "a mule load" - which included 2 blankets, extra clothes, overcoat, and haversack. They recieved brand new Springfields on March 26. He also mentioned that many of the men gave out during their 4-5 mile march through St. Louis to their camp there at Benton Barracks on March 20th, that being their longest march at that point in time. That is just a little over two weeks before Shiloh. It seems these guys were certainly not "campaigners" at this point, but the epitomy of fresh fish all the way around. I apologize again if the info was repetitive, hopefully it is useful for some guys.
                                Jake Koch
                                The Debonair Society of Coffee Coolers, Brewers, and Debaters

                                -Pvt. Max Doermann, 3x Great Uncle, Co. E, 66th New York Infantry. Died at Andersonville, Dec. 22, 1864.
                                -Pvt. David Rousch, 4x Great Uncle, Co. A, 107th Ohio Infantry. Wounded and Captured at Gettysburg. Died at Andersonville, June 5, 1864.
                                -Pvt. Carl Sievert, 3x Great Uncle, Co. H, 7th New York Infantry (Steuben Guard). Mortally Wounded at Malvern Hill.

