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150th Shiloh FEDERAL Paddle Wheeler Adjunct

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  • #91
    Re: 150th Shiloh FEDERAL Paddle Wheeler Adjunct

    This the link to the website that Tripp Corbin has built for our event. Click on the link and then on the original 15th Iowa's recruiting poster.

    150th Shiloh, 15th Iowa Infantry

    Tripp has done a great job so be sure to thank him next time you see him!
    Matt Woodburn
    Retired Big Bug
    Hiram Lodge #7, F&AM, Franklin, TN
    "There is a fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."


    • #92
      Re: 150th Shiloh FEDERAL Paddle Wheeler Adjunct

      Looking foward to it.
      Joe Blunt
      "...don't rush the judgement, until all the facts are in."


      • #93
        Re: 150th Shiloh FEDERAL Paddle Wheeler Adjunct

        Guys, it's day two and we're right at 320 guys registered and paid. First, great job to all of you for getting this done fast! You have set a record for registering and should be proud we can get something done when we set our minds to it. We have 100 slots left on the boat and that is it.

        I want you to know what I'm thinking. Alot of guys get paid on Fridays, so alot of guys get paid TODAY. I think that means guys will now have money to get registered that needed to get paid first. We are registering just over 30 per day after the first day rush. Let's do some simple math. At a registration rate of 33 guys per day, we will get 100 registrations in 3 more days. So, Sat., Sun., and Mon. That makes me estimate sell out, done, over, no more on next Tuesday. Why do I take you through this math exercise? So you know how much time you have left. If you think you can register and get aboard in a week, I think you're wrong. You need to register THIS WEEKEND.

        If you are waiting to get in a company because a commander said you had to wait, that means you are on his waiting list. If the guys in front of you register, you are out of luck and missed this adventure. Don't wait because you want to be in the ranks with your pards. Find another company and move now. We're only formed up for part of the weekend and you can visit your pards in camp so long as you're nice to your Orderly. If I had been told to wait to register, I'd be scrambling for another company NOW just to make sure I'm coming along on the boat. I'd find my pards and make my own fun when I get there, but right now is the time I'd be pushing to the front of the registration line. Now go fight for your slot. Now you know the inside scoop.

        Company commanders and points of contact, get your guys registered this weekend!
        Matt Woodburn
        Retired Big Bug
        Hiram Lodge #7, F&AM, Franklin, TN
        "There is a fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."


        • #94
          Re: 150th Shiloh FEDERAL Paddle Wheeler Adjunct

          We are at a total of 340 registered and paid. That's leaves 80 slots left.
          Matt Woodburn
          Retired Big Bug
          Hiram Lodge #7, F&AM, Franklin, TN
          "There is a fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."


          • #95
            Re: 150th Shiloh FEDERAL Paddle Wheeler Adjunct

            Just registered with Co. H!
            Brian White
            [URL=""]Wambaugh, White, & Co.[/URL]


            • #96
              Re: 150th Shiloh FEDERAL Paddle Wheeler Adjunct

              85% sold out. Five companies sold out.
              Matt Woodburn
              Retired Big Bug
              Hiram Lodge #7, F&AM, Franklin, TN
              "There is a fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."


              • #97
                Re: 150th Shiloh FEDERAL Paddle Wheeler Adjunct

                Only 23 slots left! Co. A has 2 slots, Co. E has 11 slots, Co. F has 4 slots but is opening them to all comers today, Co. G has 3 slots, Co. H has 4 slots with one held for a friend who is fighting in the sand box. This is about done kids. If you want in, now is the time to contact one of the company commanders/points of contact and actually register. You must contact the company commander/point of contact prior to registering. All the links to register are in this thread.
                Matt Woodburn
                Retired Big Bug
                Hiram Lodge #7, F&AM, Franklin, TN
                "There is a fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."


                • #98
                  Re: 150th Shiloh FEDERAL Paddle Wheeler Adjunct

                  10 slots left! 8 slots in Co. E, and 2 slots in Co. H. Then this is full.

                  I and Steve Hesson inspected the boat yesterday and made notes. Bottom line, this is going work well. Great crew and the captain loves what I do in real life, so I'll be taking care of him. You guys are in for a great time, and this is just to get you to our "Pittsburg Landing" where more historic fun begins.

                  Last call!
                  Matt Woodburn
                  Retired Big Bug
                  Hiram Lodge #7, F&AM, Franklin, TN
                  "There is a fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."


                  • #99
                    Re: 150th Shiloh FEDERAL Paddle Wheeler Adjunct

                    One slot left in Co. H for the whole regiment (other than a few slots held for guys overseas fighting for our protection who can't register due to incoming fire at the moment and their pards, and our band). Beg and plea of Wickett and Ricketts or you really did miss the boat. Yep, really. Sorry. Who will be the last man?
                    Matt Woodburn
                    Retired Big Bug
                    Hiram Lodge #7, F&AM, Franklin, TN
                    "There is a fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."

