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Spring Drill... One more try! (May 21, Fishers, IN)

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  • Spring Drill... One more try! (May 21, Fishers, IN)

    To the Gentlemen of the Joe Matthews' Rifles,

    You are invited to join the Liberty Hall Volunteers, Company I, 4th Virginia at the Conner Prairie Civil War event ( May 21-22, 2011 for the chance to drill as a company and review the important portions of The School of the Soldier, Company, and (maybe) Battalion that you will need to know for the Manassas Event.

    The Officers and NCO's for the Joe Matthews' Rifles will be in attendance.

    If you wish to join the Liberty Hall Volunteers for the entirety of the event, you are more than welcome to do so. "Generic" mid-war CS impressions are appropriate. However, if you wish to "dress to impress"...

    The scenario being portrayed is "Camp Paxton", May of 1863, where the LHV were in-camp prior to the campaign into Pennsylvania. English imported uniforms and equipment would be very appropriate for this impression.
    • Jacket: Richmond Depot, Type 2, made of English blue gray kersey, or a wool:cotton blend material, such as jeancloth or satinette.
    • Trousers: English blue or blue gray kersey, or CS issue.
    • Hat: CS kepi or slouch hat.
    • Accoutrements: English or CS issue.
    • Arms: Almost any three-band military musket would be appropriate, including Enfield, Lorenz, and US Issue smoothbore or rifled muskets.
    • Baggage: CS or English knapsacks -or- your trusty blanket roll.

    If you can't make it to Conner Prairie, don't worry. We will have time to cover what needs to be covered at the event. AND... The Joe Matthews' Rifles were not known for drill-field precision. (wink!)

    I hope to see you at Conner Prairie. But, more importantly, Get Registered for Manassas!!!
    Last edited by LibertyHallVols; 05-10-2011, 11:04 AM.
    John Wickett
    Former Carpetbagger
    Administrator (We got rules here! Be Nice - Sign Your Name - No Farbisms)

  • #2
    Re: Spring Drill... One more try! (May 21, Fishers, IN)

    What are the registration procedures for CP?
    John Raterink

    "If they carried short rifles and shot people far away, they had to be cool"


    • #3
      Re: Spring Drill... One more try! (May 21, Fishers, IN)

      I don't know... I've never registered! ;)

      Honestly, I think it is handled by the unit. You're with the 4th.
      John Wickett
      Former Carpetbagger
      Administrator (We got rules here! Be Nice - Sign Your Name - No Farbisms)


      • #4
        Re: Spring Drill... One more try! (May 21, Fishers, IN)

        I just want to let you know these fellers fell in with our Independent Guard Battalion at Conner Prairie and was the last company on the left wing both days. On both days they performed well - real well. Without question these fellows have been doing their homework in both drill and material culture and it showed. While the rest of us were breaking off the rust of a long winter nap and having some difficulty with our on field performance, especially myself with my first battalion event as a captain, our guest company was a great inspiration on how we should perform.

        It was a great pleasure and priviledge sharing the field with you.

        Thanks guys, great showing! If I were a a Yank at Manassas I would have reason to fear.

        See you on the march,

        Jas. T. Lemon
        Captain - 50th Va Co. D

