In the lower right is the Cherry Mansion, Gen. Grant's Headquarters, while he was in Savannah, TN and from where he and his staff left upon hearing the boom of cannons the morning of the fight at Shiloh. We'll start Friday, Mar. 30th, 2012 at a location 800 yards south of the original Cherry Mansion that replicates the landing, bluff, and white mansion atop the bluff. It's going to be good.
Cherry Mansion/Savannah Landing Woodcut
This is a map of where we'll be in Savannah, TN on Friday until we're all picked up by the paddle wheeler early Saturday morning:
#1 is the orginal Cherry Mansion, Grant's Headquarters, from where he and his staff left the morning of the first day's fighting upon hearing the boom of cannons.
#2 is Wayne Jerrold's Riverside Park where multiple bus trips will deliver our 15th Iowa guys from the event site registration on Friday.
#3 is Wayne Jerrold's private property where we'll camp on Friday night until the last load is picked up by the paddle wheeler. We intend to stay on the flat field surrounded by trees that block the modern intrusions, and take the dirt road to the river to board.
Cherry Mansion/Savannah Landing Woodcut
This is a map of where we'll be in Savannah, TN on Friday until we're all picked up by the paddle wheeler early Saturday morning:
#1 is the orginal Cherry Mansion, Grant's Headquarters, from where he and his staff left the morning of the first day's fighting upon hearing the boom of cannons.
#2 is Wayne Jerrold's Riverside Park where multiple bus trips will deliver our 15th Iowa guys from the event site registration on Friday.
#3 is Wayne Jerrold's private property where we'll camp on Friday night until the last load is picked up by the paddle wheeler. We intend to stay on the flat field surrounded by trees that block the modern intrusions, and take the dirt road to the river to board.