"When not at drill, the time was often spent in the vices of army life. A gambling epidemic broke out which spread with great rapidity, and but few escaped."
"All kinds of gambling were practiced. Morality for the time was ignored..."
"Soldiers purchased, at twenty-five cents each, souvenirs said to have been of the rope and the gallows used in the execution of John Brown."
Samuel W. Hankins, Simple Story of a Soldier, Life and Service in the 2d Mississippi Infantry (Nashville: Confederate Veteran, 1912.), 9.
"All kinds of gambling were practiced. Morality for the time was ignored..."
"Soldiers purchased, at twenty-five cents each, souvenirs said to have been of the rope and the gallows used in the execution of John Brown."
Samuel W. Hankins, Simple Story of a Soldier, Life and Service in the 2d Mississippi Infantry (Nashville: Confederate Veteran, 1912.), 9.