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Regimenal Officer of the Day

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  • Regimenal Officer of the Day

    2nd Miss-
    We are looking to fill the position of Officer of the Day for Friday during the day through the evening hour of 12PM. this will be a good opportunity for someone wanting to learn the duties of a regimental officer and yet still be with their company for the weekend. You will handle all the duties needed of the regiment by the brigade. We will have a "duty company" through out the day on Friday to handle the numerous tasks that my come down from brigade. The SGT Maj will post the Duty Company roster to the company commanders shortly.

    If you are interested in this position please contact you COMPANY COMMANDER not me on this for permission and other information. Just wanted to get this out to the masses as its something i would like to have handled...

    I also know that some companies only have the Capt and Leut so if there is a 3rd/4th or 5th SGT that can fill this duty it will be appreciated.. again this is for 12 hours while the duty company is operating, this would take some duties off the staff during the first 12 hours of the "main event"

    thanks and see you i the field!

    [B][I]Skip Owens[/I][/B]


    [U]Southern Guard Living History Assn.

    The Company of Military Historians[/U]

  • #2
    Re: Regimenal Officer of the Day


    If you can't find anyone to do OD, I can do it for you. Although I need drill practice (much like everyone of us does), I can help-out if you need a company-grade officer to do the job. Mind you, though, I don't have an LT yet as backup if you do. But I will be glad to help.
    Johnny Lloyd
    John "Johnny" Lloyd
    Think before you post... Rules on this forum here
    Known to associate with the following fine groups: WIG/AG/CR

    "Without history, there can be no research standards.
    Without research standards, there can be no authenticity.
    Without the attempt at authenticity, all is just a fantasy.
    Fantasy is not history nor heritage, because it never really existed." -Me

    Proud descendant of...


    • #3
      Re: Regimenal Officer of the Day

      Thanks Johnny, I would prefer you focus on your company! You are gentlemen and a Scholar for the offer. I will keep you in the loop though!

      See you next week!
      [B][I]Skip Owens[/I][/B]


      [U]Southern Guard Living History Assn.

      The Company of Military Historians[/U]


      • #4
        Re: Regimenal Officer of the Day

        Originally posted by elcid01 View Post
        Thanks Johnny, I would prefer you focus on your company! You are gentlemen and a Scholar for the offer. I will keep you in the loop though!

        See you next week!
        I figured so... didn't see any takers so I "volunteered rather than be volun-told" for the good of the unit. ;)
        Johnny Lloyd
        John "Johnny" Lloyd
        Think before you post... Rules on this forum here
        Known to associate with the following fine groups: WIG/AG/CR

        "Without history, there can be no research standards.
        Without research standards, there can be no authenticity.
        Without the attempt at authenticity, all is just a fantasy.
        Fantasy is not history nor heritage, because it never really existed." -Me

        Proud descendant of...

