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Travel Mercies

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  • Travel Mercies

    Gents, travel blessings! See you at sky meadows tonight or the event site tomorrow- or anytime there after. Regimental will be set tomorrow and companies will have their area.

    Remember the only hard time is 6 pm on Friday for formation of the 2nd Miss and drill after. Per Sgt Majs guidance and roster duty company assignments are posted. Leut Eric Fair will be OOD.

    I will have my iPhone on me through friday mid afternoon to recieve emails to the address below should their be major issues. Camp maps have been established and posted on this forum. All registration and parking info too. I am headed to recon reg site, parking site and all other important terrain. As I see important info I will post here for SA.

    For those from charleston SC from back in the 70's-80's: in the imortal words of sonny Goldberg of Sonnys furniture store on King St, "drive safely we want you to get here!!"

    Cheers gents!
    [B][I]Skip Owens[/I][/B]


    [U]Southern Guard Living History Assn.

    The Company of Military Historians[/U]

  • #2
    Re: Travel Mercies

    From Skip who is on site:

    "Matt, this was my observation at the event. I asked the guy at the gate and he said the band is just checked by hired security. I don't want guys getting upset at this. We can think through it and not make it a big deal... Just take em off after you leave the parking lot and enter the event. (There must be some kind of wrist band thing that they want us as reenactors to wear. Make sure you can take it off after registering, but keep it on you for the event. -Matt

    Also up till Friday at 0800 (maybe later) guys may drop off company baggage in the regimental area.

    I walked down to Little Bull Run and it's flowing with cool water.. About 100yds from our camp. Good for us as we'll have a place to get in the water to cool off. Bring your drawers as there is a neighborhood behind the woods and I don't wantany of you naked in front of some guy's little daughter who calls the cops. - Matt

    The company fires will need to be in the field, just outside the wood line, but we are going to be fine and shouldn't have many atrocities to look at.

    -Porta-johns and other modern items are out if site...

    -We have a couple cool places of level ground for our organized activites. Bring your bowie knife, throwing knife, etc. as there is a regimental contest with a prize of a bottle of whiskey and money to spend at the event. -Matt

    -Regimental Comm. will be making runs tomorrow and Friday with the goods.

    -The regiment's company streets will be aligned south to north into the woods. Fires will be in outside the wood line. Streets will be aligned as we fall in facing the woods, A on right, B on left, etc. Regt HQ will be in the woodline adjacent to the 2d Miss white sign.

    All in all in my opinion we are sitting high on the hog!"

    Good news for all of us. Woods, shade, flowing creek, fun and merriment. Everyone drive safely!
    Matt Woodburn
    Retired Big Bug
    Hiram Lodge #7, F&AM, Franklin, TN
    "There is a fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."


    • #3
      Re: Travel Mercies

      From Skip on site:

      If guys need correctly packaged rounds, Tim Shieds of S&S Sutlery has 1500 rounds with 1859 labels on them that have the caps packed inside and he'll hold them for you if you need them. His cell number direct to the tent on site is 717-752-0085. Please pass this to your guys.
      Matt Woodburn
      Retired Big Bug
      Hiram Lodge #7, F&AM, Franklin, TN
      "There is a fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."


      • #4
        Re: Travel Mercies

        Um, Matt, you do know that drawers do sort of let your goolies hang out and all? Just sayin'.

        That's welcome news, though.
        Bob Muehleisen
        Furious Five
        Cin, O.

