For those of you not sure of what you will be doing October 21-23, there will be a nice experience happening at South Union Shaker Village. For those of us who have been preparing to portray the Shaker's at South Union, we are not sure of the perilous times that will be brought to our door.
I leave you with this image & these words from Eldress Nancy Moore's journal in 1861.
We have a feeling to record, some of the most important items or incidents, concerning this unnatural war, which has brought, and is now bringing so much destruction, distress, and desolation over our once free and happy land.
We shall notice such events as comes to our knowledge that have transpired here: thinking it might be read with some degree of interest in a future day; for, they so closely correspond with the Prophetic predictions of the Holy Wisdom. If this war goes on, as it has begun;(and it seems likely that it will) I think every prophecy contained in those books will be fulfilled to the letter.
I leave you with this image & these words from Eldress Nancy Moore's journal in 1861.
We have a feeling to record, some of the most important items or incidents, concerning this unnatural war, which has brought, and is now bringing so much destruction, distress, and desolation over our once free and happy land.
We shall notice such events as comes to our knowledge that have transpired here: thinking it might be read with some degree of interest in a future day; for, they so closely correspond with the Prophetic predictions of the Holy Wisdom. If this war goes on, as it has begun;(and it seems likely that it will) I think every prophecy contained in those books will be fulfilled to the letter.