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24th Illinois Federal adjunct Battalion - Perryville Oct 5-7, 2012

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  • 24th Illinois Federal adjunct Battalion - Perryville Oct 5-7, 2012

    24th Illinois Federal adjunct Battalion - Perryville Oct 5-7, 2012
    Submitted for your approval:

    SCAR, in conjunction with several other progressive units, will be forming a Federal adjunct battalion for the 150th annivesary of the Battle of Perryville on Oct 5-7, 2012. We have approval from the event organizer to put together this battalion. Companies structure has already begun, but not finalized:
    Co. A: SCAR - CO - to be determined
    Co. B: Shingle Roof Boys & Armory Guards - Jordan Roberts
    Co. C: SCAR - Ken Giddens
    Co. D: Trans-Miss - Michael Comer
    Co. E: Eastern Co.: Pete Berezuk
    Co. F: Hairy Nation Boys - POC Natahn Hellwig
    Co. G: Independent Rifles - Pat Landrum

    * Identified unit impression: 24th Illinois (A. McCooks 1st Corp, Rousseaus 3rd Div, Starkweathers 28th Brgde)
    * Impression guidelines will be published (these will be a bit more detailed and stricter than the overall event standards).
    * SCAR is working in conjunction with other groups to host this battalion, but Staff and leadership will be spread among all particpating groups. Goal is 130 men.
    * Additional activities to also include a tentative tactical and brief march.
    * Traditional EBUFU activities: ration issues, guard, drill, correct camps.

    If you would also like to form a progressive company for this effort, please contact Jim Butler at

    Jim Butler
    Jim Butler

  • #2
    Re: 24th Illinois Federal adjunct Battalion - Perryville Oct 5-7, 2012


    Co. A: SCAR - Sean Cooper
    Co. B: Shingle Roof Boys & Armory Guards - Jordan Roberts
    Co. C: SCAR - Ken Giddens
    Co. D: Trans-Miss - Michael Comer
    Co. E: Eastern Co.: Pete Berezuk
    Co. F: Hairy Nation Boys - John Wickett
    Co. G: Independent Rifles - Pat Landrum
    Co. H: open (each company must get 30+ preregistered or consolidated).
    Avg company strength of the 24th Ill at Perryville was 30-35.

    Lt. Col. - Jim Butler
    Adjutant - Lt. - Herb Coats
    Sgt. Major: Johnny Lloyd
    Clerk: Adam Clark
    Sr. Capt - wing - only of we are large enough
    QM - open

    Jim Butler
    Last edited by Coatsy; 04-12-2011, 10:39 AM.
    Jim Butler


    • #3
      Re: 24th Illinois Federal adjunct Battalion - Perryville Oct 5-7, 2012

      Starkweather's brigade, composed of the 24th Illinois, 79th
      Pennsylvania, 1st and 21st Wisconsin regiments, were on the ex-
      treme left, and if their ranks had given way the entire corps
      would have been flanked and lost. The gray coats time and again
      fiercely assailed this hero band, but each attack was repulsed
      with great loss to the attackers. Here it was, when a full brigade
      charged the 24th and threatened to crush it, that the hero youth,
      Brosch, waved the standard of his regiment, and shouted:
      "I received this flag to carry it forward to victory and no enemy shall see
      my back, ' ' and then fell mortally wounded.
      History of the 24th Illinois Volunteer Infantry Regiment (Old Hecker Regiment) [microform] (1911)

      Thanks to Matt Young and Eric Burke for providing us with this source.
      If anyone is interested in being part of the Federal Battalion being formed at the 150th Perryville, More info will be coming soon. You can also follow along on the progress at the Group page on Facebook Here


      • #4
        Re: 24th Illinois Federal adjunct Battalion - Perryville Oct 5-7, 2012

        Updated Fir Per Portryals and Rank strucure:

        Staff at Perryville:
        Regiment commanded by Sr. Capt. August Mauf (of Co. E) - Jim Butler
        Adjutant - 2nd Lt. Julius Pann - Herb Coats
        Sgt Major - William Vocke - Johnny Lloyd
        QM Sgt - John F. Goss - open

        Co. A: Capt. Geo. A. Guenther - SCAR - Sean Cooper
        Co. B: 1st Lt. Andrew Jacobi - Shingleroof Boys and Armory Guards - Jordan Roberts
        Co. C: 1st Lt. Wm. Blanke - SCAR - Ken Giddens
        Co. D: Capt. Leopold Decker - Trans-Miss - Michael Comer
        Co. E: 1st Lt. Arthur Erbe (of Co. H) - Eastern Co. - Pete Berezuk
        Co. F: 2nd Lt. Hugo Gerhardt - Hairy Nation Boys - John Wickett
        Co. G: 1st Lt. Peter Hand - Independent Rifles- Pat Landrum
        Co H: Cpt. Frederick Hartman - open slot

        * Identified unit impression: 24th Illinois (A. McCooks 1st Corp, Rousseaus 3rd Div, Starkweathers 28th Brgde)
        * Impression guidelines will be published (these will be a bit more detailed and stricter than the overall event standards).
        * SCAR is working in conjunction with other groups to host this battalion, but Staff and leadership will be spread among all particpating groups. Goal is 130 men.
        * Additional activities to also include a tentative tactical and brief march.
        * Traditional EBUFU activities: ration issues, guard, drill, correct camps.

        If you would also like to form a progressive company for this effort, please contact Jim Butler at

        Something to remember about the 24th Illinois. By the time these men arrived at Perryville a good portion of their senior officers as well as rank and file were left behind in hospitals in Louisville, due to disease that decimated the Regiment. So as you can see some companies were without their higher ranking officers and in fact the Regiment itself was commanded by the most Senior Captain available August Mauf who was pulled from Co E.

        About this time the 24th Illinois was incorporated in Starkweather's brigade and with the latter was assigned to Gen. Rousseau's division. Under his command the division, in unheard-of forced marches, followed the enemy to Elizabethtown, where the army turned into Salt River valley and marched through it to West Point, at the point Avliere the Salt River empties into the Ohio, and reached Louisville at the end of September. The city had been saved to the Union through the celerity of our troops, but the unusual hardships of the last few weeks threw thousands of our brave soldiers upon sick beds. Even the iron constitution of the "soldier from way back," Col. Mihalotzy, broke down, and when Rousseau's division started on October 1st in pursuit of the retreating Bragg, Col. Mihalotzy and a large number of officers and men of the regiment were obliged to remain in hospitals at Louisville.
        History of the 24th Illinois Volunteer Infantry Regiment (Old Hecker Regiment) [microform] (1911)

        Please stay tuned as much more info will be coming in the next couple weeks. :)
        Last edited by PetePaolillo; 04-15-2011, 11:48 PM.


        • #5
          Re: 24th Illinois Federal adjunct Battalion - Perryville Oct 5-7, 2012

          REVISION: Here are the ranks and portrayals you will have for the 2012 Perryville event for the 24th Illinois battalion.

          Portrayals and Rank strucure:
          Staff at Perryville:
          Regiment commanded by Sr. Capt. August Mauf (of Co. E) - Jim Butler
          Adjutant - 2nd Lt. Julius Pann - Herb Coats
          Sgt Major - William Vocke - Johnny Lloyd
          QM Sgt - John F. Goss - Joe Carridi

          Co. A: Capt. Geo. A. Guenther - SCAR - Sean Cooper
          Co. B: 1st Lt. Andrew Jacobi - Shingleroof Boys and Armory Guards - Jordan Roberts
          Co. C: 1st Lt. Wm. Blanke - SCAR - Ken Giddens
          Co. D: Capt. Leopold Decker - Trans-Miss - Michael Comer
          Co. E: 1st Lt. Arthur Erbe (of Co. H) - Eastern Co. - Pete Berezuk
          Co. F: 2nd Lt. Hugo Gerhardt - Hairy Nation Boys - John Wickett
          Co. G: 1st Lt. Peter Hand - Independent Rifles- Pat Landrum
          Co. H: Cpt. Frederick Hartman - open

          I made slight changes for organizational reasons.

          Jim Butler
          Last edited by Jim of The SRR; 04-16-2011, 01:23 PM.
          Jim Butler


          • #6
            Re: 24th Illinois Federal adjunct Battalion - Perryville Oct 5-7, 2012

            FYI, a general informational website regarding this campaigner effort at Perryville will be tentatively set up by the end of July. (after many of us get through Man-Bull-Nassas) We have a great facebook informational group set up as well. It is never too early to discuss the unit, guidelines, letters, personalities, etc. I'm still very impressed with the enthusiasm shown from many different messes and groups for this event. I have very very fond memories of the 2001 and 2002 events.

            Cheers all,
            Last edited by Coatsy; 08-05-2011, 12:19 PM.
            Herb Coats
            Armory Guards &


            • #7
              Re: 24th Illinois Federal adjunct Battalion - Perryville Oct 5-7, 2012

              I'm currently working on the webpage for the 24th effort at Perryville. I hope to have this sucker ready by tomorrow. There will be some historical notes, kit guidelines, and general info will be posted there.
              Herb Coats
              Armory Guards &


              • #8
                Re: 24th Illinois Federal adjunct Battalion - Perryville Oct 5-7, 2012

                Can't wait to see the website! This looks pretty cool.
                Kenny Pavia
                24th Missouri Infantry


                • #9
                  Re: 24th Illinois Federal adjunct Battalion - Perryville Oct 5-7, 2012

                  I'm excited about this as well. We held our first SRG event there at the anniversary event in '92. In one day our new "campaigner" unit grew from 30 to 70, completely surpassing our (Daryl Black and I) expectations. This time around I'm excited to be on the same ground, but doing Federal.
                  Warren Dickinson

                  Currently a History Hippy at South Union Shaker Village
                  Member of the original Pickett's Mill Interpretive Volunteer Staff & Co. D, 17th Ky Vol. Inf
                  Former Mudsill
                  Co-Creator of the States Rights Guard in '92


                  • #10
                    Re: 24th Illinois Federal adjunct Battalion - Perryville Oct 5-7, 2012

                    Hey Kenny,

                    A few of us "Stillwaters" will be in Company F if you are planning on coming!!

                    Jeremy Bevard
                    Civil War Digital Digest
                    Sally Port Mess


                    • #11
                      Re: 24th Illinois Federal adjunct Battalion - Perryville Oct 5-7, 2012

                      Awesome! It is definitely in the works. I was actually eyeing Co. F. I'm just waiting to see the website but I'm 98% sure I'll be planning on making it. Shiloh and Perryville will make for a great 2012!
                      Kenny Pavia
                      24th Missouri Infantry


                      • #12
                        Re: 24th Illinois Federal adjunct Battalion - Perryville Oct 5-7, 2012

                        The website for the 24th Illinois Battalion for 150th Perryville is complete:

                        Thanks to Herb Coats for his efforts on this. Registration is actually open now.

                        Jim Butler
                        Jim Butler


                        • #13
                          Re: 24th Illinois Federal adjunct Battalion - Perryville Oct 5-7, 2012

                          No worries Jim. If any changes need to be made to the website I'll get on it as quickly as I can.
                          Herb Coats
                          Armory Guards &


                          • #14
                            Re: 24th Illinois Federal adjunct Battalion - Perryville Oct 5-7, 2012

                            A shameless plug for Co. D. Trans-Miss boys, Western boys and any other boys. I'd be glad to have you in Co. D. Perryville is a great place and this should be a fine effort that Jim is putting together. Please consider Co. D when registering.
                            Michael Comer
                            one of the moderator guys


                            • #15
                              Re: 24th Illinois Federal adjunct Battalion - Perryville Oct 5-7, 2012


                              I need to borrow a set of colors for this unit for this event. If all we can get is a Federal generic flag, then that is ok, but I'd like to see if an Illinois flag is possible to obtain.

                              Whoever can provide said colors can be the color guard for this event/unit.

                              please contact me at if you can help. Let's talk about it.
                              Johnny Lloyd
                              John "Johnny" Lloyd
                              Think before you post... Rules on this forum here
                              Known to associate with the following fine groups: WIG/AG/CR

                              "Without history, there can be no research standards.
                              Without research standards, there can be no authenticity.
                              Without the attempt at authenticity, all is just a fantasy.
                              Fantasy is not history nor heritage, because it never really existed." -Me

                              Proud descendant of...

