An event living history at Fort Wayne, Detroit is in the works for next year on July 27-29, 2012. This will be a semi-immersion living history but first person will be required of participants. The Fort will be open to the public and the LH will be advertised to the public for the 28th with tours available.
The impression will be the 5th Michigan Co. A who were the Sherlock Guards and were from the Wolverine Firehouse #3 in Detroit in 1861. Yup, the first 151st Anniversary event!
Please put this on your calendar to help us make this original Fort come alive.
We hosted an event there last year (Disaffected in Canada) and received many compliments and rave reviews for those that participated. This event started because of request to do another.
If you went to the event last year do not think you will be coming back to the same thing. We have many things planned all based on primary accounts.
A website and more info will be out soon.
The impression will be the 5th Michigan Co. A who were the Sherlock Guards and were from the Wolverine Firehouse #3 in Detroit in 1861. Yup, the first 151st Anniversary event!
Please put this on your calendar to help us make this original Fort come alive.
We hosted an event there last year (Disaffected in Canada) and received many compliments and rave reviews for those that participated. This event started because of request to do another.
If you went to the event last year do not think you will be coming back to the same thing. We have many things planned all based on primary accounts.
A website and more info will be out soon.