Transcribed & submitted by Diane Korten, korten@ne.uswest.net and submitted
to the IAGenWeb Project Archives, a part of The USGenWeb Project.
Copyright(c)1998 by Diane Korten.
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15th Iowa Infantry Roster; L - Z
LAFLESH, Levi J. , Co. H, missing at Atlanta
LAIR, Joseph, Co. D, Co. K
LAIRD, William C., Co. C, enlisted 30 Oct 1861, residence Peoria, nativity
Ohio, age 25. Mustered 31 Dec. 1861. Promoted Fifth Sergeant 1 Nov 1862;
Fourth Sergeant 16 April 1863; Third Sergeant 7 June 1863; Second Sergeant
14 August 1863. Reduced to ranks 1 February 1864. Re-enlisted and
re-mustered 8 March 1864. Wounded in abdomen 5 July 1864 at Kenesaw
Mountain, GA (Reported: wounded at Nickajack Creek). Mustered out 24 July
1865 Louisville, KY.
LAMBERT, Frank, Co. A, wounded at Shiloh
LANE, Isaac, Co. E
LANE, Morris A., Co. E
LANSTRUM, Christian E., Co. B
LAMB (LAMM), Milton C., Co. K, buried in Colorado.
LAMSON, John W., Co. K
LAREW, James, Co. G
LARGENT, Daniel W., Co. A
LARGENT, John M., Co. A
LARUE, George W., Co. B, interred at God's Acre, Savannah, Georgia in
January 1865, buried in the Southwest part of the cemetery. (Cedar Valley
Times, 3 May 1866, Cedar Rapids, Linn County, Iowa)
LATISSAW, George, Co. D
LATHROP, Jason R., Co. C, wounded at Atlanta
LAUSER, Michael, Co. G
LAWDERBAUGH (LANDERBAUGH), David, Co. A, died 15 December 1863
LAWES, Wiley D., Co. H
LAWHEAD, Alfred, Co. G
LAYTON, Nathan, Co. K
LEARNING, Elisha, Co. C
LEE, George W., Co. I
LEE, James A. (Andrew) , Co. G, wounded at Nickajack Creek
LEIBIG, George B., Co. G
LENEHAN, Thomas, Co. B, killed at Ezra Church battle, Atlanta, Georgia on
28 July 1864, buried near Allatoona, Georgia
LEONARD, George W., Co. F
LEONARD, Martin, Co. D
LEONARD, Nathan A., Co. B
LESLIE, Thomas, Co. D
LEVI, Lightfoot, Co. E
LEWIS, George, Co. C
LEWIS, Henry (Jacob H.), Co. C
LEWIS, John, Co. F
LINDSEY (LINDSAY), John M., Co. D, died 1 November 1941 at age 93 in Iowa.
LINVILLE, Henderson, Co. F
LIPPINCOTT, Thomas C., Co. I
LISTER, George W., Co. B
LISTER, Samuel, Co. B
LITTLE, Joseph, Co., C, missing at Atlanta
LIVELY, Elias, Co. D
LLOYD, Calvin, Co. B, died 27 May 1862
LLOYD, Samuel, Co. C, wounded at Shiloh and killed at Corinth
LLOYD, William Z., Co. K, enlisted and mustered 2 October 1864 at age 23
years. Mustered out 24 July 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky. William was born
26 June 1840 in Ohio and located in Pottawattamie County, Iowa in 1871.
(Additional information supplied by William Lloyd's great-granddaughter,
LOCK, Joshua F., Co. E, wounded at siege of Atlanta
LOCKER, George W., Co. G, enumerated in the 1890 United States Census for
Civil War soldiers and widows in Nebraska.
LONG, August, (Unassigned)
LONG, Charles, Co. B, GAR Post 109, Norfolk, Madison County, Nebraska.
LONG, James M., Co. K, wounded at Shiloh
LONSBURY, William, Co. K
LOTT, John W., Co. B
LOUTHAN, Hugh D., Co. I, wounded at Atlanta, died 2 August 1864, buried at
Marietta, Georgia
LOVE, James, Co. A, wounded at battle of Bentonville and died at New York
from the effects of his wound
LOVEJOY, Benjamin F., Co. B, wounded at Atlanta
LOVEJOY, John, killed at Atlanta
LUALLEN, Pleasant, Co. D, Co. K
LUDER, Ioton, Co. I
LUDINGTON, John W., Co. K, GAR Post 289, Palmer, Merrick County, Nebraska.
LUMPKINS (LUMPKIN), Wilson (William), Co. B, wounded at Nickajack Creek
LUNDY, Edmund, Co. C
LUNDY, Eli, Co. C
LUNT, Edward D., Co. B, missing at Atlanta. GAR Post 39, Pleasant Hill,
Saline County, Nebraska and GAR Post 47, Denver, Denver County, Colorado.
LYMAN, Benjamin, Co. F
LYON, Robert, Co. B, wounded at Corinth
LYON, Thomas W., Co. B
LYSTER, Lewis M., Co. E, died 14 July 1867, interred at Des Moines Co.,
MACY, John W., Co. A
MADISON, Gregg A., Co. D, wounded at Corinth
MADISON, William W., Co. F
MAGEE (MC GEE), John A., Co. I, wounded at Corinth
MAHAN, Joseph W., Co. I
MAHAN, Thomas, Co. I
MAJOR (MAJORS), William, Co. A, killed at siege of Atlanta on 13 August
1864, buried near Atlanta, Georgia
MAJORS, Francis M., Co. D
MAKINSTER (MC KINSTER), Daniel, Co. A, enlisted 1 October 1861 at Lyons,
Iowa, residence Lyons, Clinton County, IA and age 21. Mustered 16 November
1861. Re-enlisted and re-mustered 29 January 1864 and wounded in the left
foot on 21 July 1864 at Kenesaw Mountain, Georgia. He was mustered out 24
July 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky and then returned to Iowa where he made
his home. He received a Civil War disability pension. Daniel was born 30
October 1840 at Cuba, Allegany County, New York. He was a member of the
G.A.R. and died 14 September 1903 at Redfield, Dallas County, Iowa.
Daniel's brother, William Makinster, also served in Co. A. (Roster and
Records of Iowa Soldiers in the War of the Rebellion…1861-1865 records his
name as Daniel McKinster.) (Additional information supplied by Daniel's
great-granddaughter Donna Mastain Kirwan)
MAKINSTER (MC KINSTER), William U., Co. A, enlisted 30 September 1861 at
Lyons, Iowa, mustered 16 November 1861 and residence Lyons, Clinton County,
IA. Re-enlisted and re-mustered 29 January 1864, promoted Sixth Corporal 5
January 1865 and promoted Fifth Corporal 1 June 1865. Mustered out 24 July
1865 at Louisville, Kentucky. William was born 18 March 1843 in New York.
He was a member of the G.A.R. and served as standard bearer of the Robert
Anderson Post, Waterloo, Iowa for many years. He died 14 November 1924 at
Waterloo, Black Hawk County, Iowa. His brother, Daniel Makinster, also
served in Co. A. (Roster and Records of Iowa Soldiers in the War of the
Rebellion…1861-1865 records his name as William McKinster, nativity Ohio
and age 21.) (Additional information supplied by William's great-grandniece
Donna Mastain Kirwan)
MALANY, John, Co. A, wounded at Corinth
MALI, Albert, Co. I
MANNAN, Thomas, Co. D
MARA, John, Co. A, wounded at Corinth and wounded and missing at Atlanta.
GAR Post 38, Waverly, Lancaster County, Nebraska.
MARDIS, Samuel, Co. B
MARKWELL, Wallace, Co. I
MADISON, Gregg A., Co. D
MARRIOTT, Samuel, Co. E
MARSHAL, T. H. B., missing at Atlanta
MARSHALL, Calvin, Co. D
MARSHALL, Clark, Co. D, wounded at Nickajack Creek
MARSHALL, F. H. Benton, Co. H
MARSHALL, Thomas, Co. H
MARSHALL, William N., Co. I
MART, Marion J., Co. G, GAR Post 91, Minden, Kearney County, Nebraska.
MARTIN, Frank U., Co. H
MARTIN, James, Co. C, wounded at Nickajack Creek
MARTIN, John, Co. A
MARTIN, William, Co. A
MARTZ (MARTS), Squire, Co. D, wounded at Atlanta
MASCKEY, James T. (G.), Co. E
MASERVA, William, Co. D, wounded at Shiloh and missing at Atlanta
MASON, Robert P., Co. C
MATHER, Andrew, Co. C
MATHIS, Frederick B., Co. K
MATHIS, James H., Co. B
MATHIS, William A., Co. K, missing at Atlanta
MATTHEWS, Clark S., Co. G, wounded at Shiloh
MAY, Draper, Co. G
MAYERS, John, Co. G
MAYES (MAZE), James A., Co. G, died 20 March 1865
MAYHEIR, David, Co. E, died 19 May 1865
MAYNARD, Benjamin F., Co. H
MAYRE, John, Co. G
MC ALLISTER, Barnard, Co. A
MC ANINCH, George, Co. B
MC ARTHUR, Henry Clay, Co. E, Co. K, severely wounded at Atlanta. GAR Post
25, Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska.
MC ARTHUR, William, Co. E, Co. K
MC BEATH, Daniel, Co. D
MC BIRNEY, George, Co. A
MC CANNA, Francis, Co. I
MC CAULEY, Patrick, Co. A
MC CAULEY, James, Co. B
MC CHRISTY, Isaac, wounded at Atlanta
MC CLAIN, Alexander, Co. K
MC CLANNAHAN, Elijah, Co. H, GAR Post 118, Tekamah, Burt County, Nebraska.
MC CLEAN, John, Co. K
MC CLURE, Robert M., Co. G
MC CONNELL, Andrew, Co. D, wounded and missing at Atlanta
MC CORD, Aaron, Co. H
MC CORD, John, Co. E
MC CORD, William H. H., Co. F
MC COUN (MC COWAN), William T., Co. F, died 26 June 1862
MC CRACKEN, Joseph W., Co. E, GAR Post 80, Red Cloud, Webster County,
MC CRARY, William M., Co. E
MC CUMSEY, Smith, Co. H
MC CUNE, William H., Co. A
MC DANIELS, Perry, Co. H
MC DOWELL, William B., Co. K, Co. D, wounded at Atlanta
MC FARLAN, John A., Co. H, GAR Post 50, Nebraska.
MC GILVERY, Alexander, Co. G
MC GREGOR, William, Co. A
MC INTOSH, Duncan, Co. B
MC KAY, Hugh, Co. D
MC KEE, Archibald Michael, Co. F, enlisted 10 October 1861, residence Mills
County, Iowa and age 22. Mustered 18 November 1861 and wounded in neck
severely 6 April 1862 at Shiloh, Tennessee. Re-enlisted and re-mustered 29
January 1864 and mustered out 24 July 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky.
Archibald was born in Jefferson County, Missouri to Michael McKee Jr. (b.
1806 SC) and Elizabeth Gamble (b. 1816 PA). He and his family moved to
Carroll County, Illinois in the 1850's. Most of his family was in Cerro
Gordo County, Iowa by 1870. The burial place of Archibald is being
researched and is now unknown. (See: Archibald's Two Letters Home)
(Additional information provided by Archibald McKee's great-grandniece
MC KENNEY (MC KINNEY), Edwin D., Co. H, GAR Post 40, Ord, Valley County,
MC KINLEY, William H., Co. D
MC KINZIE, Lyman W., Co. I
MC LAIN, Wilson S., Co. D
MC LEAN, W. S., wounded and missing at Atlanta
MC LENAHAN (MC LANEHAN) (MCLENNAHAN), William, Co. A, wounded at Shiloh and
died 19 September 1863
MC LEOD, John, killed at Shiloh
MC MANIMIE, James Nelson, Co. H
MC MANUS, John, Co. C
MC MURRAY (MC MURREY), Andrew B., Co. C, died 1 October 1864
MC NATT, William S., Co. D
MC NIECE, Martin, Co. A, wounded at Kenesaw Mountain
MC NEAL, Anderson, Co. G
MC NEAL, Henry, Co. B
MC NEIL, Alfred, Co. G
MC NUTT, Oliver P., Co. G
MC PHERSON (MC PHERRON), Asbury S., Co. F, residing 1896 in Redlands, San
Bernardino County, California (mentioned in Greenbury T. Jones minors
pension papers)
MC STAY, John M., Co. K
MC VAY, Jacob, Co. G, wounded at Shiloh
MEAGHEN, Thomas C., Co. H
MEANS, James M., Co. B
MEANS, John P., Co. A
MEEK, David S., Co. A
MEEK, Reuben, Co. B
MEFFORD, Andrew, Co. A, enlisted 10 February 1862, residence Cedar Rapids,
nativity Ohio and age 28. Mustered 5 March 1862. Wounded in right hand 21
July 1864 near Atlanta, Georgia and mustered out 24 July 1865 at
Louisville, Kentucky.
MEFFORD, Bird, Co. A
MELTON, Robert F., Co. A
MENDENHALL, Joseph H., Co. F
MENDENHALL, William, Co. F
MERRILL, John H., Co. G
MERTZ, Mathias, Co. K
METCALF, Harry, Co. I
METCALF, Warren, Co. G
METZ, Charles, Co. G
METZ, Henry, Co. G
MEYERS, John, Co. G
MIDDLETON, Gilbert, Co. E
MIDDLETON, Milican, (Unassigned)
MIDDLETON, William H., (Unassigned)
MIDDLEWORTH (MIDDLESWATH), Bartholomew (William Clark), Co. G, died 15
November 1862
MILLER, Andrew, Co. K
MILLER, Benjamin F., Co. G, died 23 September 1864, buried at Marietta,
MILLER, David T., Co. G
MILLER, Edgar T., Co. I, Co. C
MILLER, Elisha, Co. K
MILLER, John, Co. E, wounded at Shiloh
MILLER, John, Co. B
MILLER, John R., Co. A
MILLER, Joseph F., Co. C
MILLER, Joseph M., Co. C
MILLER, Robert A., Co. K, interred at God's Acre, Savannah, Georgia in
March 1865. Buried in the Southwest part of the cemetery. (Cedar Valley
Times, 3 May 1866, Cedar Rapids, Linn County, Iowa)
MILLER, William, Co. E, wounded at Nickajack Creek
MILLIKEN, James P., Co. G
MINGAL, William H., Co. K
MINNICK, Samuel, Co. E
MINNICK, William H., Co. H
MITCHELL, Alexander, Co. E
MITCHELL, Andrew, Co. A, enlisted 28 September 1861, as Second Corporal,
residence Cedar Rapids, nativity Scotland and age 25. Mustered 16 November
1861. Promoted Quartermaster Sergeant 1 March 1862, reduced to ranks 3
September 1862, promoted Fourth Sergeant 18 October 1862, Third Sergeant 10
November 1862 and Second Sergeant 1 March 1863. Wounded slightly in foot 22
July 1864 at Atlanta, Georgia. Promoted First Sergeant 16 November 1864,
First Lieutenant 22 December 1864 and Captain 15 January 1865. Mustered out
24 July 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky. Andrew is buried in the St. Michael's
Cemetery, Norway, Benton County, Iowa. He was born 1836 and died in 1902.
Cemetery reading by Sue Soden, IA GenWeb Project County Coordinator for
the Benton County GenWeb site. Thanks Sue!
MITCHELL, Daniel B., Co. A
MOELLER, Werner, Co. F MOLES, Achilles, Co. I
MOLESWORTH, Joseph S., Co. K
MOMYER, Benjamin F., Co. K, wounded at Corinth and killed at Atlanta
MOMYER, Cyrus J. (J.), Co. K, wounded at Corinth and missing at Atlanta
MOMYER, Perry A., (Unassigned)
MONNIN (MONIN), George Joseph, Co. H, enlisted 25 November 1861, residence
St. John, IA and age 23. Mustered 13 December 1861 and re-enlisted and
re-mustered 29 November 1864. Mustered out 24 July 1865 at Louisville,
Kentucky. George was born 11 January 1836 in Develier, Canton Bern,
Switzerland. (His nativity is listed as France in Roster and Records of
Iowa Soldiers.) He emigrated with his father, step-mother and brothers to
Montgomery County, Ohio. They went to Shelby County, Ohio in 1853 and then
to St. John, Iowa. George married Mary Petitjean in Ohio and returned to
Rockford Township, Pottawattamie County, Iowa where he died in 1914.
(Additional information provided by George Monnin's great-grandniece
MONROE, Daniel C., Co. D, died 6 February 1862, interred at Wapello Co.,
MONSON, Charles A., Co. H
MONTGOMERY, Joseph A., Co. F
MOON, John D., Co. A
MOORE, Charles, Co. F
MOORE, George, Co. E
MOORE, Henry, Co. E
MOORE, John, Co. D
MOORE, John D., Co. A, wounded at Shiloh (not listed in Roster and Records
of Iowa Soldiers)
MOORE, John H., Co. A
MOORE, Thomas L., Co. B
MOORE, William H., Co. A, wounded and missing at Atlanta
MORE, Henry, wounded at siege of Atlanta
MOREHEAD, William, Co. H
MOREY, Elanson, Co. A
MORGAN, Anson D., Co. B, killed at Corinth
MORGAN, Henry, Co. I, wounded at Shiloh
MORGAN, James E., Co. D, Co. K, wounded at Jonesboro or Lovejoy
MORGAN, John, Co. I
MORGAN, John N., Co. K
MORGAN, Nathan, Co. A
MORGAN, William D., Co. E
MORIAT (MOWAT), Aaron, Co. F, wounded at battle of Corinth
MORLAND, Henry, Co. B, wounded at Shiloh
MORRIS, Edwin, Co. G
MORRIS (MORIS) , Harrison, Co. G, wounded at Shiloh and killed at Atlanta
MORRIS, Neal, Co. F, died 17 May 1862
MORRIS, Thomas J., Co. F, wounded at Atlanta
MORRIS, Van J. R., Co. E
MORROW, George, Co. F, Co. G
MORROW, William, Co. F, Co. I, wounded at Atlanta. GAR Post 45,
Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska.
MOSHIER, David W., Co. E
MOSIER, Andrew, Co. H, wounded at Shiloh
MOSS, George W., Co. D, enlisted and mustered 10 November 1861, residence
Eden Grove, nativity Illinois and age 19. Mustered out 2 June 1865 at
Washington, DC.
MOSS, James J., Co. D, enlisted 13 April 1864, residence Wapello Co., IA,
nativity Indiana and age 18. Wounded at Kenesaw Mountain, GA and mustered
out 24 July 1865 at Louisville, KY.
MOSS, John P., Co. G, enlisted 17 Jan 1864, residence Marion Co., IA,
nativity Ohio and age 18. Mustered 13 February 1864 and killed in battle 22
July 1864 near Atlanta, GA.
MOTE, Butler, Co. G
MOTE, William, Co. G
MOUNCE, James, Co. C
MUIR, Thomas I., Co. E
MUIR, William P. L., Co. E, wounded at Shiloh, wounded at Corinth and
wounded and missing at Atlanta
MULLEN, John, Co. G
MURPHY, Charles, Co. K
MURPHY (MC MURPHY), James, Co. I, wounded at Shiloh
MURPHY, Michael, Co. A
MURPHY, Patrick, Co. H, wounded at Kenesaw Mountain, and missing and
wounded at Atlanta
MURPHY, Thomas H. B., Co. C, missing at Atlanta
MURPHY, Thomas, wounded at siege of Atlanta
MURRAY, A., Co. A, died 30 December 1861 (not listed in Roster and Records
of Iowa Soldiers)
MURRAY, George B., Co. F, wounded at Shiloh. Enumerated in the 1890 United
States Census for Civil War soldiers and widows in Nebraska.
MUZZY, Lewis B., Co. E
MYERS, David, Co. K, Co. G, wounded at Corinth
MYERS, John D., Co. C, died 12 January 1863
MYERS, Wesley W., Co. C
NAGLE, Webb, Co. B
NASLER (NOSLER), James H., Co. D, wounded at Shiloh and died 27 April 1862,
interred at Wapello Co., Iowa
NEIGHBORS, Rhenish, Co. D
NEIL, James L., Co. K
NELSON, Alexander C., Co. D, died 25 January 1862, interred at Wapello
County, Iowa
NELSON, Charles, Co. G
NELSON, Franklin B., Co. C
NELSON, James F., Co. I
NELSON, William W., (Surgeon) residing 1896 in Birmingham, Van Buren Co.,
Iowa (mentioned in Greenbury T. Jones minors pension papers)
NEROMIAH, Simon, missing at Atlanta
NETHEROW, David, Co. G
NEWELL, William, Co. G
NEWLAND, Jasper N., Co. B
NICHOLLS, Charles, Co. G
NICHOLLS, William, Co. G
NOLAND, Jasper N., Co. K
NORDYKE, Erastus H., Co. A, wounded at Kenesaw Mountain and killed at Ezra
Church battle, Atlanta, Georgia on 28 July 1864, buried near Atlanta,
NORTON, Patrick, Co. A, wounded at Atlanta
NOWITNEY, Joseph, Co. I
NOYES, Chester W., Co. H
NOYES, Sylvester H., Co. H
NUTT (NATT), David, Co. F, died 12 September 1863, buried at City Cemetery,
Vicksburg, Mississippi
OAKLEY, John S., Co. B
OGG, Jefferson, Co. D, GAR Post 3, Seward, Seward County, Nebraska and Post
4, Fremont, Dodge County, Nebraska.
OGLEBY, Marion, Co. B
OHAVER, Solomon, Co. I
OLDINBURG, Edward, Co. I
OLDHAN, Robert W., Co. C
ORM, Christopher, Co. E, killed at Atlanta
ORM, Jonathan F., Co. E, wounded at Atlanta
ORM, Oliver, Co. E, wounded at Nickajack Creek
ORM, Robert, Co. E, wounded at Atlanta
OVERMAN, Stephen D., Co. H
OVERMIER (OVERMIRE), Amos, Co. B, missing at Atlanta
OVERTON, Fernando C., Co. C
OVERTON, Stephen, Co. G
OWEN, Hadley D., Co. D
OWEN, Henry, Co. G
OWENS, William H., Co. H
PAIR, William N., (Unassigned)
PAISLEY, William A., Co. C
PALMER, Henry A., Co. A, missing or prisoner at Shiloh
PALMER, Henry C., Co. H
PALMER, Melvin R., Co. I, wounded at Shiloh
PALMER, Samuel B., Co. G
PALMER, Thomas, Co. D, wounded at Ezra Church battle, Atlanta, Georgia
PAQUIN, Oliver, Co. E
PARK, John W. (M.), Co. H
PARKISON, William T., Co. F
PARKER, Asa Z., Co. I, wounded at Corinth
PARKER, Edward M., Co. I
PARKER, Edwin, Co. H
PARKER, James M., Co. B
PARKER, Joel, Co. I
PARKER, Moses J. H., Co. A
PARKER, William H., Co. G, died 15 September 1863
PARKER, William, Co. K, died 6 June 1862
PARKS, James, Co. A
PARSON (PARSONS), Jonah M. (W.), Co. F, wounded at Shiloh
PATTERSON, Timothy, Co. F
PATTON, David, Co. K
PAUL, Joseph H., Co. G, wounded at Kenesaw Mountain
PAYNE, Henry, Co. A
PAYNE, John, Co. B, wounded at Shiloh
PAYTON, George, Co. E
PEARSON, Ferdinand, Co. E
PEARSON, George, Co. E
PECKMUM, James, Co. B
PENNIMAN (PERRYMAN) , Jesse B., Co. A (age 22 from Lyons) killed in action
at Shiloh 6 April 1862
PEPPER, Leander C., Co. H
PERKINS, Charles E., Co. K
PERKINS, George S., Co. H, died 6 September 1862
PERKINS (PERKINE), Zelora H. (Zelord) (Zenord), Co. C, enlisted and
mustered 19 October 1864. Zelora died 1 January 1865 at Savannah, Georgia.
He is interred at God's Acre, Savannah, Georgia, buried in the Southwest
part of the cemetery. (Cedar Valley Times, 3 May 1866, Cedar Rapids, Linn
County, Iowa) and also reported buried at National Cemetery in Beaufort,
South Carolina. He was born 2 November 1846 and is the brother to Betsy
Perkins, wife of 15th Iowa soldier, Lysander Woodard. (Information supplied
by Lysander Woodard's gr-gr-gr-granddaughter: Melissa)
PERRY, George J., Co. D, enlisted and mustered 30 September 1864, residence
Linn County, Iowa, nativity Connecticut and age 29. Mustered out 2 June
1865 in Washington, D. C.
PERSINGER, Richard T., Co. I
PETERS, John G., Co. F, enlisted and mustered 15 October 1864 at age 24
(age stated as 35 in Roster and Records of Iowa Soldiers). Mustered out 24
July 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky. His monthly pay during the war was
around $13.00. John was born in Germany in 1840 and married Martha
Koppendinjer on 18 July 1866 at Grundy Center, Grundy Co., IA. John was
naturalized as a U.S. citizen on 10 September 1872 at Grundy Center and
later move to Butler County, Iowa. He died in 1894 at age 54 and is buried
at Aplington Cemetery, Butler County, Iowa. (Information supplied by John
Peter's gr-gr-grandson: Daniel)
PETERSON, William, Co. E
PETERSON, William, Co. H
PETTY, Samuel, Co. C
PEYTON, George, killed at Shiloh
PHIFER, George B., Co. G
PHIFER, Henry, Co. G
PHIFER, Joseph, Co. G
PHILIPS, Henry, Co. K, enlisted and mustered 31 October 1864, age 34.
Mustered out 24 July 1865, Louisville, Kentucky.
PHILIPS, Perry, Co. E, enlisted 14 October 1861, residence Keosauqua,
nativity Ohio and age 25. Mustered 1 December 1861. Died of chronic
diarrhea 9 March 1864 at Keosauqua, Iowa.
PHILLIPS, David, Co. B, enlisted and mustered 14 Oct 1864, residence Fort
Dodge and age 22. Mustered out 24 July 1865 at Louisville, KY. GAR Post
246, Emerick, Madison County, Nebraska.
PHILLIPS (PHILIPS), Francis M., Co. D, enlisted and mustered 22 Jan 1862,
residence Agency City, nativity Iowa and age 18. Re-enlisted and
re-mustered 8 March 1864. Wounded in shoulder 22 July 1864 near Atlanta,
GA. Promoted Sixth Corporal; Fifth Corporal 19 Nov 1864; Fourth Sergeant 28
April 1865. Mustered out 24 July 1865 at Louisville, KY. GAR Post 155,
Kenesaw, Adams County, Nebraska.
PHILO, Avery, Co. I, died 23 June 1862
PHINNEY, Calvin C., Co. C, GAR Post 139, Utica, Seward County, Nebraska.
PHIPPS, Albert, Co. I, died 10 April 1901 and buried in Oak Hill, Cherokee
County, Iowa, Lot 28, Block 3.
PIERCE, John Milton, Co. I, born in 1826 and nativity Indiana. John
immigrated to Franklin County, Iowa from Randolph County, Indiana 1855 to
1859. Enlisted in Waterloo, Iowa 21 October 1864, post office address:
Ackley, Hardin County, Iowa. John died of acute diarrhea 7 June 1865 at
Haywood Hospital in Washington, D.C. and is buried at Arlington National
Cemetery. (Information supplied by John Pierce's gr-gr-granddaughter D.
PIERCE, John W., Co. E, wounded at Corinth
PINDELL, Stephen, Co. F
PIPES, Jonathan, Co. C
PLATT, Edward, Co. E
PLATT, Zenas M. (James), Co. H, wounded at Shiloh
POLSER (PALSEY), John Perry, Co. B, wounded at Corinth and died 27 October
POMUTZ, George, (age 32, residence New Buda Twp., Decatur County, IA,
nativity Hungary) appointed Adjutant 23 December 1861. Mustered 23 December
1861, wounded slightly in shoulder 6 April 1862 at Shiloh. Promoted
Lieutenant Colonel 1 August 1862; Colonel on 22 April 1863; Brigadier
General on 17 August 1864 and Brevet Major General of Volunteers on 13
March 1865. He came to America in 1848 and had received military education
in Hungary. At the close of the war he was appointed Consul General of the
United States at St. Petersburg, Russia and died there 12 October 1882.
POOL, Phelix (Felix), Co. F, missing at Atlanta
POOL, William, Co. F, died 6 January 1862
POPE, Hiram D., Co. K, missing at Atlanta
POPE, John T., Co. K
PORTER, James S., Co. D, wounded at Shiloh. GAR Post 192, Ewing, Holt
County, Nebraska.
PORTER, Jonathan R., Co. E, wounded at Shiloh
PORTER, Vear, Co. E, wounded at Shiloh
POSEGETE (POSEGATE), Francis, Co. G, enlisted 20 Janurary 1862, residence
Indianola, Warren Co., IA, nativity Illinois and age 20. Mustered 6
February 1862. Discharged for disability 15 August 1862 at Keokuk, Iowa.
POST, Ethan, Co. B
POTTER, John, Co. F
POWELL, Elihu, Co. B
POWNELL (POWNEL), James Mattis, Co. K, enlisted 1 February 1862, residence
Ottumwa, nativity Ohio and age 44. Mustered 13 February 1862 and discharged
for disability 25 November 1862 at Grand Junction, Tennessee. James Mattis
Pownell's father was Joshua Pownell born 14 March 1770 and died 23 October
1831. (Information provided by James Pownell's gr-grandson: James)
PRATT, A. J., Co. A, died 26 May 1862 (not listed in Roster and Records of
Iowa Soldiers)
PRATT, Cornelius, Co. E
PRIMROSE, James, Co. A, wounded and missing at Atlanta
PRINCE, Albert, (Unassigned)
PROBST, Charles, Co. D
PUMROY, Grimes, Co. D
PURSLEY, William H., Co. B
PYATT, Andrew I., Co. A
QUINNETT, Vandamon, Co. B
QUAINTANCE, Charles, Co. C
QUEERY, Robert F., Co. F
QUIGLEY, Robert, Co. F
RABURN, John R., Co. D
RALPH, James A., Co. G
RALSTON, John, Co. D
RAMBO, Hassel, Co. I, enlisted 4 October 1861 as Seventh Corporal, mustered
24 January 1862, residence Charleston, Lee Co., IA and nativity Iowa.
Hassel died of chronic diarrhea 3 June 1862 at the Division Hospital and is
buried in Shiloh National Cemetery, Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee, section
G, grave 110. He was born 14 March 1841 in Van Buren County, Iowa.
Additional information supplied by Jim. Hassel Rambo is the younger brother
to Jim's gr-grandfather.
RANDOLPH, Levi M. (W.), Co. K, wounded at Shiloh
RANDOLPH, William S., Co. I
RANKIN, James (C.), Co. K, missing at Atlanta
RAPENN, Henry, Co. A
RAUN, Jerry, Co. K
RAYBORN (RAYBURN), Marion, wounded or sick at Shiloh (Chicago Tribune,
Monday, 21 April 1862) and missing at Atlanta
RAYBURN, Alexander, Co. D
RAYGER, Thomas, Co. B, wounded at Atlanta
REA, David F., Co. C
REA, John C., Co. C, wounded at Corinth and missing at Atlanta
REAVES (REEVES), John H., Co. G, wounded at Nickajack Creek, died 12 August
1864 and buried at Rome, Georgia
REDDEN, Isaac, Co. B
REDMAN, William, Co. D
REED, Andrew, Co. A
REED, Nathan, Co. C
REED, Joseph C., Co. F
REED, Samuel M., Co. E
REED, Samuel M., Co. I
REED, Samuel P., Co. A
REED, William J., Co. C
REEK, Benjamin F., missing at Atlanta
REES, George L., Co. B, died 7 February 1863, buried at Young's Point,
REES, Joseph N., Co. I
REEVES, Austin G., Co. H
REID, Daniel, Co. A
REID (REED), Elias, Co. G, wounded at Corinth and wounded at Atlanta
REID, Harvey M., Co. G
REID (REED), Hugh Thompson, reported paralyzed by ball in the back of head
at Shiloh (Chicago Tribune, 12 April 1862). Mustered in 22 February 1862.
Appointed Colonel on 1 November 1861. Promoted Brigadier General 13 March
1863. He was born 18 October 1811 in Union City, Union County, Indiana and
his father was a native of South Carolina. Hugh came to Keokuk, Iowa in
1843 to practice law and died 28 August 1874 in Keokuk.
REID, James Monroe, Co. I (age 32 from Keokuk) wounded slightly in the neck
on 6 April 1862 at Shiloh. Brother to Col. Hugh T. Reid.
REID (REED), Samuel P., Co. D, wounded at Corinth and wounded and missing
at Atlanta
REIGLE, Benjamin, Co. B
REILEY, John, Co. K
REYNOLDS , Charles M. I., Co. D
REYNOLDS, Ezra M., Co. D
REYNOLDS, George D. (J.), Co. D, severely wounded in the arm at Atlanta
REYNOLDS, James H., Co. D
RHANEY (RHAMY), William H. (A.), Co. E, wounded at Nickajack Creek
RHODES, James, Co. F
RICE, Ananias S., Co. G
RICE, James E., Co. H, wounded at Corinth, died 26 September 1863, buried
at Vicksburg, Mississippi
RICHARDS, Joseph, Co. I
RICHARDSON, George B., Co. K
RICHEY, James L., Co. K
RICHMOND, John M. (W.), Co. E, wounded at Nickajack Creek
RIDDLEN (RIDDEN), Timothy, Co. G, wounded at Corinth
RIDER, William H., Co. D, Co. F
RILEY, John, Co. G, missing at Atlanta
RIDNOUR, William J., Co. D, Co. K
RIDNOUR, William J., Co. K
ROACH, Andrew J., Co. D, wounded at Nickajack Creek
ROACH, Andrew T., Co. D, wounded at Shiloh
ROBERTS, James N., Co. E, wounded at Atlanta, died 17 September 1864,
buried at Rome, Georgia
ROBERTS, John, Co. K
ROBERTS, John H., Co. I
ROBERTS, Samuel L., Co. G, missing or prisoner at Corinth and wounded at
Ezra Church battle, Atlanta, Georgia. GAR Post 94, Alma, Harlan County,
ROBERTS, Thomas J. (I.), Co. F, died 10 July 1862
ROBERTS, William, (Unassigned)
ROBERTS, William M., Co. E
ROBINSON, Henry N., Co. E
ROBINSON, James D., Co. H
ROBINSON, Lorenzo S., Co. B
ROGERS, Adam A., Co. I, wounded at Shiloh
ROGERS, Alexander B., Co. H
ROGERS, George D., Co. H
ROGERS, George W., Co. K
ROGERS, Newton J. (B.), Co. E - (See: Newton at Shiloh)
ROMESHA, William H., Co. C, wounded at siege of Atlanta
ROMINE, John T., Co. E
ROOT, Edwin D., Co. E
ROPER, George W., Co. B
ROSE, James H., Co. E
ROSE, Philip, Co. K
ROSE, Warren Wm., Co. H, wounded at Atlanta
ROSS, Benjamin, Co. H
ROSS, Wesley, Co. A
ROTH, Eli, Co. H
ROTH, Frederick, Co. H
ROW, Andrew, Co. B
ROWE, John, Co. F, wounded at Atlanta
ROWEN, Francis A., Co. K
ROWELL, Loren, Co. I, missing at Atlanta
ROWELL, William H., Co. I, missing at Atlanta. Enumerated in the 1890
United States Census for Civil War soldiers and widows in Nebraska.
ROWLEY, Andrew J., Co. D
ROYNES, Joseph, Co. F
RUDD, John, Co. I
RUDLOFF, John, Co. I
RULDIN, Isaac, (Unassigned)
RUMSEY, Byron, Co. F
RUS, Samuel T., Co. B
RUSH, Jackson, Co. D
RUSSELL, Benjamin F., Co. F, killed at Shiloh
RUSSELL, George W., Co. B
RUSSEL, Newell, Co. H
RUSSELL, Robert, Co. F
RUSSELL, William D., Co. K
RYAN, Morgan, Co. F
RYAN, Joseph, Co. D
RYERSON (RYNSON), John L., Co. F, wounded at Shiloh
RYERSON , William, Co. F
RYNE, Joseph, killed at Shiloh
RYNEARSON, Sylvester, Co. C, enlisted 1 November 1861 as Fourth Corporal,
residence Laredo, and age 25. Mustered 31 December 1861, promoted Second
Sergeant 1 March 1862, First Sergeant 1 May 1862, Second Lieutenant 4
October 1862, First Lieutenant 10 December 1862 and Captain 24 June 1865.
Mustered out 29 June 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky. A Genealogy of
Reyniersen Family by Peter M. Rinearson and Arthur P. Rynearson (1997)
states, "Sylvester was the son of Abraham Rynearson and Rachael Ball and
born 5 December 1835 at Mason, Warren County, Ohio. He married Mary Jane
Clark daughter of John D. Clark and Sarah E. Bowyer. Sylvester died 3
January 1912 at Arcanum, Darke County, Ohio".The Civil War Letters of
Sylvester Rynearson 1861-1865 was published by Edward Rynearson Michaels.
(Sources available information forwarded by Daniel Rynearson.)
RYNSBURGER (RHYNESBERGER), Dick (Dirk), Co. A, wounded at Shiloh
RYNSBURGER (RHYNESBERGER) , Marinas (Marius), Co. A, wounded at Shiloh and
wounded at Atlanta
SACORA, Joseph, Co. C
SAFFORD, Thomas (B.), Co. G
SAMES, Edward, Co. K, GAR Post 187, Cambridge, Furnas County, Nebraska.
SAN PIERRE, Edward, Co. I
SANDERS, Richard, mortally wounded at Nickajack Creek
SANDERS, John W., Co. G
SANDERS, Levi H., Co. G
SANDERS, Richard, Co. G
SANDERS, William, Co. E
SARGENT, D., missing at Atlanta
SAUSER, Michael, Co. G
SAVEY, C. I., Co. B
SAXTON, Joseph H., Co. C
SCANLON, John, Co. F
SCHUVERS, Henry, Co. I, wounded at Shiloh
SCOFIELD, Isaac, Co. K
SCOTT, Daniel W., Co. F, wounded at Shiloh
SCOTT, John W., Co. F
SCOTT, Thomas W., Co. D
SCOTT, William, Co. E
SCRIVENS (SCIVER), Alphonse C., Co. A, died 13 January 1862
SCRIVENS, Benjamin H., Co. A
SCULLY, John, Co. H
SEABORN, Samuel I., Co. D
SEALLS, Barney, Co. A
SEATER, William W., Co. F, wounded at Kenesaw Mountain, died 24 June 1864,
buried at Big Shanty, Georgia
SEELY, Julius C., Co. B
SEEVERS, James A., Co. C
SELDER, Lafayette, Co. A
SELLERS, James D., Co. E, killed at Kenesaw Mountain
SELLERS, William H., Co. E, wounded at Atlanta
SELLS (SELLERS), Jacob, Co. A, wounded at Shiloh
SEVERSON, Wesley F., Co. A
SEWELL, Elias, Co. K
SEYMOUR, Henry C., Co. E
SHADBOLDT, Jerome, Co. C
SHAFFNER, Daniel, Co. D
SHAKON, Philip, Co. H
SHANNON, John D., Co. C
SHARP, David, Co. B
SHAW, Benjamin H., Co. A
SHAW, Edward L., Co. K, GAR Post 25, Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska.
SHAW, John B., Co. D
SHAW, William, Co. D, died 17 September 1864, buried at Marietta, Georgia
SHAWL, Henry B., Co. D
SHEARER, George W., Co. H
SHEEVERS (SHIEVERS), Henry , Co. I, wounded at Ezra Church battle, Atlanta,
SHEFFIELD, Eugene S., Co. D
SHELDON, Horace I., Co. K
SHEPARD, Joshua B. (Barney), Co. H, died 20 (21) March 1862
SHEPHARD, Styles F., Co. G
SHEPHERD, David A., Co. B
SHEPHERD, William W., Co. D
SHEPHERDSON, Meryland J. (Mayland), Co. F, GAR Post 115, Wymore, Gage
County, Nebraska.
SHEPHERDSON (SHEPARDSON), William H., Co. F, residing 1896 at Box 126,
Glenwood, Mills County, Iowa (mentioned in Greenbury T. Jones minors
pension papers)
SHERMAN, Henry, Co. C
SHERWOOD, William T., Co. G
SHIPLEY, James G., Co. K
SHIRLEY, John, Co. D
SHOEN, Frederick William, Co. B
SHOOK, John H., Co. F, GAR Post 103, Brownville, Nemaha County, Nebraska.
SHREEVES, Charles H., Co. D, wounded at Shiloh and wounded at Kenesaw
SHREVERS, Rudolph, Co. I
SHRIVER, Charles E., Co. E
SHRIVER, Thomas, Co. E
SHRUNK, Thomas, Co. C
SHUEY, Jacob, Co. K
SHULAR, Francis M., Co. K
SHULAR, John W., Co. K
SHULL, Isaiah, Co. A
SHULL, Richard R., Co. A, GAR Post 27, Clarks, Merrick County, Nebraska.
SIEFFORD, William, Co. F
SIMMONS, Benjamin F., Co. D
SIMMONS, Joseph B., Co. C
SIMMONS, William T., Co. H
SIMONS, Chester W., Co. A
SIMS, John B. (D.), Co. A, wounded at Shiloh
SIPPLE, James W., Co. F, wounded at battle of Corinth
SIMPSON, Lloyd D., Co. I
SIMS, Edward, (Unassigned)
SISLER, Michael N., Co. F
SKANK, Lewis W., Co. G
SKINNER, Daniel J., Co. B, wounded at Shiloh, GAR Post 22, Colorado
Springs, El Paso County, Colorado.
SLATE, William S., Co. A, wounded at battle of Bentonville
SLEY, B. E., wounded at Atlanta
SLOCUM, John D., Co. H
SLONEKER (SLONEMAKER), Jacob, Co. F, wounded at Atlanta
SMALLWOOD, Elijah (Elisha), Co. I, died 12 June 1862
SMITH, Augustus, Co. E, killed at Atlanta on 22 July 1864, buried near
Atlanta, Georgia
SMITH, Edward, Co. C
SMITH, Edward, Co. K
SMITH, Ellis, Co. A, missing at Atlanta
SMITH, Elihu, Co. A, missing at Atlanta
SMITH, Frederick, Co. F
SMITH, Isaiah A., wounded at siege of Atlanta
SMITH, James, Co. A
SMITH, James, Co. E
SMITH, James, Co. F
SMITH, James, Co. K, wounded at Shiloh
SMITH, James E., Co. K
SMITH, James H., Co. B
SMITH, John, Co. A
SMITH, John, Co. E
SMITH, John W., Co. E
SMITH, Oliver, Co. C, killed at Corinth
SMITH, Samuel C., Co. G
SMITH, Uriah A., Co. C
SMITH, William, Co. F
SMITH, William, Co. F
SMITH, William P., Co. E
SMITH, Wilson T. , Co. B
SMOCK, Charles, Co. D
SNELL, Isaac W., Co. F
SNODGRASS, George, Co. B
SNOW, Jackson P., Co. A, enumerated in the 1890 United States Census for
Civil War soldiers and widows in Nebraska.
SNUER, John S., Co. A
SOCTON, John, Co. E
SOLEN, Charles, Co. B
SOUTH, Byron, Co. G, missing at Atlanta
SPAIN, Milton, Co. C
SPATES (SPAITS), Rezin T., Co. C, wounded at Ezra Church battle, Atlanta,
SPATES, William, Co. C
SPATZ, Frederick, Co. K
SPEARS, John A., Co. K
SPENCE, William A., Co. C
SPENCER, Darwin, Co. G, died 1 June 1862, buried at Monterey, Tennessee
SPENCER, Elisha G., Co. H
SPERES, Isaac, Co. G
SPETHMAN, Leopold, Co. B, enumerated in the 1890 United States Census for
Civil War soldiers and widows in Nebraska.
SPITELL, Mathias, Co. G
SPOTT, Frank, Co. B
SPOTT, Henry, Co. B
SPOTTS, Franklin, Co. H, died 15 July 1865, buried Cave Hill National
Cemetery, Louisville, Kentucky
SPURRIER, Robert W., Co. F
ST. JOHN, John F., Co. E, Co. K, wounded at Kenesaw Mountain
STACKLEY, John, Co. C, wounded at Atlanta
STAGE, John W., (Unassigned)
STAHL, Buchary T., (Unassigned)
STAHL, Zachariah, Co. I
STAIN, James H., Co. B
STAIN, William H., Co. B
STALCOP (STALCUP), Mathias W., Co. G, Co. K, wounded at Atlanta
STANBERRY, William, Co. B
STANFIELD, Joseph W., Co. G, Co. K
STANFIELD, Samuel, Co. G, died 14 January 1864
STANFIELD, Thomas J., Co. C
STANLEY, Charles, (Unassigned)
STANWOOD, Sabin C., Co. H, GAR Post 3, Seward, Seward County, Nebraska.
STARRET, James B., Co. D
STATTS, Abraham J., Co. I
STAUBS, Charles E., Co. A
STEEL, George K., Co. K
STEEL, James A., Co. E
STENNETT, Charles, Co. F, enlisted 10 October 1861 at age 23, residence
Frankfort, Montgomery County, IA, born 27 July 1838 in Edwards County,
Illinois. (Nativity stated Pennsylvania in Roster and Records of Iowa
Soldiers) Mustered 18 November 1861 and re-enlisted and re-mustered 1
January 1864 (29 January 1864 also reported). Mustered out on 24 July 1864
at Louisville, Kentucky. Charles was married to Tabitha Louise Lowe on 27
April 1863. Charles service was limited by both sickness and absence. He
was sent home for illness in 1862 and was then recalled to the regiment and
failed to return (no record of why). He was then dragged back by the Army
in 1863. He argued with the army regarding this matter for a few days but
then rejoined and served well but for being sent to the hospital near Rome,
Georgia and again later. Though he saw some of the fighting, much of the
war he was ill and later documents indicate he was never fully recovered.
(Information supplied by Charles Stennett's great-grandson: Dave)
STENNETT, Hugh L., enlisted 26 August 1861 and was one of nine "extra" men
and subsequently enlisted in the 13th U.S. Infantry 16 November 1861.
Technically, Hugh was in the 15th Iowa for a few months but is not listed
in Roster and Records of Iowa Soldiers... (Information supplied by a
Montgomery County, IA, Stennett researcher: Dave)
STEPHENS, John M., Co. H
STERNES, Charles, Co. F
STEVENS, Benjamin S., Co. D
STEVENS, Stephen, Co. D, missing at Atlanta
STEWART, Charles, Co. A, wounded at Shiloh
STEWART, Franklin H., Co. K
STEWART, John P., Co. D
STEWART, William, Co. E
STIDGER, William C., Co. E, Co. I, wounded at Shiloh and wounded at Corinth
STIGMAN, John, Co. I STONE, Alfred L., Co. H, missing or prisoner at
Corinth and killed at siege of Atlanta on 19 August 1864, buried near
Atlanta, Georgia
STONE, Andrew B., Co. K
STONE, Freeman M. , Co. K, wounded at Shiloh
STONE, John Y., Co. F, wounded at Shiloh
STONE, Truman, Co. G STOUGH, John, Co. F
STOUGHTON, Benjamin F., Co. B, wounded at Shiloh
STOW, Ebenezer G., Co. K
STREETER, Levi J. (I.), Co. H, wounded at Shiloh and missing at Atlanta
STRODE, Newton, Co. B, enumerated in the 1890 United States Census for
Civil War soldiers and widows in Nebraska.
STUCKER (STUCKEY), Jeptha C. (I. C.), Co. F, died 24 March 1862
STUART (STEWART), Charles M., Co. C
STUART (STEWART), Oscar E., Co. E, wounded at Atlanta
STUDER, Adolphus G., Co. B, wounded at Shiloh
SUITS, William B., Co. D
SULGROVE, Emanuel, Co. I
SUMNER, Charles W., Co. A
SUMSTINE, Peter, Co. A
SURLES, George W., Co. H
SWAGGART, Daniel, Co. G
SWANSON, Willliam M. (N. W.), Co. A, Co. H
SWEENEY, James, Co. A, wounded at Kenesaw Mountain
SWEENHART, William H., Co. A
SWEET, Melvin, Co. E, wounded at Shiloh
SWYHEART, Manuel, Co. I
SYSTER, Lewis M., Co. E
TAIRNA, Patrick, Co. B
TANNER, Alva C., Co. C, killed at siege of Atlanta
TANNER, Walter A., Co. C, killed at Corinth
TARPENNING, Francis M. (W.), Co. F, wounded at battle of Corinth
TARPENNING, John, Co. F, GAR Post 126, Bazile Mills, Knox County, Nebraska.
TARPENNING, Lucas Jr. (Lewis), Co. F, died 2 or 3 June 1862
TAYLOR, Daniel S., Co. E
TAYLOR, Henry P. (J. H.), Co. B, died 15 March 1862
TAYLOR, John G., Co. A
TAYLOR, Matthew A., Co. F
TEAL, Cornelius, Co. B
TEATER, Lysander, Co. I
TEBUS, William, Co. B
TERNES, Peter, Co. G
TERREL, Jackson, Co. B
TERRILL, Edward, Co. A
THARP, Wilford D., Co. H
THATCHER, Amos D., Co. E
THATCHER, Isaac B., Co. E, wounded at Shiloh and wounded at Corinth
THATCHER, Jonathan, Co. E
THAYER, Gilbert, Co. D
THAYER, Merrick W., Co. F, killed at Shiloh
THAYER, Seth, Co. A
THEDENS, Henry, Co. F
THOMAS, Benjamin F., Co. E, wounded at Atlanta
THOMAS, Isaac, Co. I
THOMAS, Josiah, Co. D
THOMAS, John H. (A.), Co. K
THOMAS, John M., Co. E
THOMAS, Luther B., Co. I, missing at Atlanta. GAR Post 4, Fremont, Dodge
County, Nebraska and Post 1, Kearney, Buffalo County, Nebraska.
THOMAS, Loren S., Co. B
THOMAS, Samuel C., Co. I, missing at Atlanta. GAR Post 18, Fairmont,
Fillmore County, Nebraska.
THOMPSON, George B., Co. E
THOMPSON, Oscar, Co. A, died 2 March 1862
THOMPSON, Thomas, Co. H
THOMPSON, William, Co. E
THOMSON, Edwin B., Co. B
THORNBUN, Joseph, Co. C
THORNLEY, Edward, Co. C, GAR Post 1, Kearney, Buffalo County, Nebraska.
THORNTON, Francis M., Co. H
THORNTON, Thomas J., Co. B
THORNTON, William, Co. A
TIBBETTS, James P., Co. A, GAR Post 51, Wilber, Saline County, Nebraska.
TICE, Daniel N., Co. K
TIMBREL, Jacob T., Co. C, wounded at Atlanta
TISHUE, William K., Co. D
TOBEY, Sheldon, Co. A
TODD, Johnathan Vinson (Jonathan N.), Co. H, enlisted and mustered 17
October 1864, residence near Urbana, Benton Co., IA, nativity Tennessee and
age 37. Mustered out 24 July 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky. Although it is
believed that he was born in Tennessee, the 1870 census states Arkansas. He
married Mary Todd who was born with the same surname as her married name.
Johnathan was the father of ten girls and one boy and died in 1890. One
daughter, Josephine Todd, married William H. Cumberland.(Information
supplied by Johnathan Todd's great-grandson: William H. Cumberland.)
TOLBERT (TALBERT), Benjamin, Co. E, died 25 October 1863, buried at
Vicksburg, Mississippi
TOOLE, George W., Co. E
TORR, Wilford (William) H., Co. B., died 12 June 1862
TOTTON (TOLTEN), Johnson, Co. C, GAR Post 11, Grand Island, Hall County,
TOVEREA, John, Co. G, wounded at Shiloh
TOVEY, Franklin, Co. B
TOVEY, John A., Co. B, killed at Atlanta
TOVEY, Peter, Co. H
TOWNSEND, Alamander, Co. A
TRAUL, Andrew B., Co. K
TRICK, George S., Co. D
TRIMBELL, Jacob F., Co. C, wounded at Shiloh
TRESLER, John L. (S.), Co. F, wounded at Atlanta
TRESTER, Edmund C., Co. F
TRISLER, Emanuel F., Co. F, residing 1896 in Glenwood, Mills County, Iowa
(mentioned in Greenbury T. Jones minors pension papers)
TROTH, Isaac M. (N.), Co. F, killed at Shiloh
TROTH, James A., Co. B
TROTH, Zimri, Co. F
TRUESDELL, Jacob P., Co. H
TRUMP, George, Co. D
TRUMP, John, Co. A
TSCHOEL, Baptist, Co. C
TUCKER, Seldon H., Co. H
TULL, James, Co. H, died 17 September 1864
TURNER, Henry, Co. D
TURNER, William, Co. G
TURNER, William Y., Co. F
TYLER, Loren, Co. H
ULICK, August, Co. F, enlisted and mustered 15 November 1864 at age 20.
Mustered out 24 July 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky.
ULM, David W., Co. I, residence Ottumwa, Wapello County, IA, nativity
UMBARGER, Christopher C., Co. H, residence Richfield, Fayette County, IA,
nativity Indiana.
UMSTEAD, Daniel, Co. I, residence Keokuk, Lee County, IA, nativity Ireland.
UTTERBACK, Addison, Co. F, residence Mills County, nativity Indiana.
UTTERBACK (UTTERBOCK), Sidnor (Snyder) (Sidney) , Co. F, residence
Glenwood, nativity Indiana and died 31 May 1862.
VAN DAMARK, Zara, Co. B, enlisted and mustered 4 October 1864 and mustered
out 20 June 1865 at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
VAN HOUSTON, John H., Co. B, residence Fort Dodge, Webster County, IA,
nativity Ohio.
VAN HOUT, Cornelius, Co. I, residence Eddyville and nativity Holland.
VAN RIPER, Peter, Co. A, nativity Michigan.
VAN ROOYEN, Peter, Co. I, residence Pella, Marion County, IA, nativity
VAN VALTENBERG, Daniel, Co. E, nativity Indiana.
VAN WINKLE, Amos, Co. H, residence Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie County,
IA, nativity Illinois.
VANDERWALL, Henry V., Co. I, wounded at Shiloh.
VANDEVEER, George F., Co. A, residence Cedar Rapids, Linn County, IA,
nativity New York.
VANCLEAVE (VANCLEAVER), George W., Co. B, residence Fort Dodge, Webster
County, IA, nativity Ohio and died 18 April 1862.
VANCLEAVE, Henry, Co. C, enlisted and mustered 1 January 1862, residence
Peoria, nativity Indiana and age 22. Wounded in left leg severely 23 July
1864 near Atlanta, Georgia. Discharged 27 January 1865 at Pocotaligo, South
Carolina. Enumerated in the 1890 United States Census for Civil War
soldiers and widows in Nebraska. Henry died in the early 1900's in Elgin,
Antelope Co., Nebraska. (Information supplied by Henry VanCleave's
gr-grandson: Lanny)
VANCLEAVE, John T., Co. B, residence Des Moines, Polk County, IA.
VANCLEAVE, Joshua V., Co. C, enlisted and mustered 1 January 1862,
residence Peoria, nativity Indiana and age 24. Wounded in hand slightly 3
October 1862 at Corinth, Mississippi. Discharged 3 January 1863 at St.
Louis, Missouri. It appears that Joshua was transferred to the Signal Corps
rather than a full discharge and also was listed as historian for Co. C.
VANDERLINDER, Laccus, Co. C, residence Pella, Marion County, IA, nativity
VANDERWALL, Henry N. (V.), Co. I, residence Keokuk, Lee County, IA,
nativity Holland.
VANHOUSER, Valentine, Co. I, enlisted and mustered 7 April 1864 at age 21.
Deserted 6 October 1864 at Louisville, Kentucky.
VANMORREL, Henry, Co. C, residence Pella, Marion County, IA, nativity
VANMORREL (VANDERMORREL), John, Co. C, residence Pella, Marion County, IA,
nativity Holland and died 11 October 1864, buried at Kenesaw Mountain,
residence Mills County and nativity Pennsylvania. Residing 1896 in
Hillsdale, Mills County, Iowa (mentioned in Greenbury T. Jones minors
pension papers), wounded at Atlanta.
VANSICKLE, Chauncey M., Co. C, enlisted and mustered 15 October 1864 at age
18 and mustered out 24 July 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky. (Also: 27th
Infantry, Co. I)
VANSKIKE, Samuel, Co. D, residence Ottumwa, Wapello County, IA, nativity
VANTREESE (VANTRESE) (VANTRUSE), James S., Co. E, residence Keosauqua, Van
Buren County, IA, nativity Ohio and wounded at Corinth and wounded at
VANVOAST, Albert, Co. D, residence Clark County, nativity Indiana and
missing at Atlanta.
VAUGHN, Amos C., Co. G, enlisted and mustered 26 September 1864, residence
Iowa and age 22. Mustered out 2 June 1865 at Washington, D.C.
VAUGHN, William F., Co. K, nativity Wisconsin.
VAUGHT, Simon, Co. B, residence Davenport, Scott County, IA, nativity
VERRIPS, Daniel, Co. I, residence Pella, Marion County, IA, nativity
Holland and missing at Atlanta.
VERVERS, John, Co. C, residence Pella, Marion County, IA, nativity Holland.
VIERS, Charles M., Co. K, nativity Ohio.
VINCENT, Hiram G. (J.), Co. H, residence Calhoun, Harrison County, IA,
nativity New York and wounded at Shiloh (Chicago Tribune, Monday, 21 April
1862). GAR Post 187, Cambridge, Furnas County, Nebraska.
VINCENT, James E., Co. H, residence Calhoun, Harrison County, IA, nativity
New York.
VINCENT, Jonathan, Co. H, residence Calhoun, Harrison County, IA, nativity
New York and wounded at siege of Atlanta.
VINCENT, John D., Co. D, residence Ottumwa, Wapello County, IA, nativity
VINTON, Charles V. (B.), Co. G, residence Indianola, nativity Ohio and
wounded at Corinth and killed at Atlanta.
VIRGIL, William H., Co. D, residence Davenport, Scott County, IA, nativity
New York.
VOGANTHALER, Andrew, Co. F, enlisted and mustered 15 November 1864 at age
37 and mustered out 24 July 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky.
WACHT, Nicholas, Co. I, enlisted and mustered 27 September 1864. Mustered
out 2 June 1865 at Washington, D.C.
WADDELL, James, Co. G, residence Des Moines, Polk County, IA, nativity
WADDELL, William, Co. C, enlisted and mustered 4 October 1864 at age 18.
Mustered out 24 July 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky.
WADE, Abraham, Co. H, residence Waverly, Bremer County, IA, nativity
WADE, Absalom, Co. D, residence Ottumwa, Wapello County, IA, nativity Iowa
and died 4 August 1862.
WADE, John, Co. C, residence Des Moines, Polk County, IA.
WAGONER, George, Co. C, residence Davenport, Scott County, IA, nativity
WAGNER, Houston, Co. G, nativity Iowa.
WALDO, Joseph A., Co. B, residence Dallas County, nativity Ohio.
WALDO, William W., Co. B, residence Boone, nativity Ohio.
WALKER, Charles, Co. G, Co. K, residence Knoxville, Marion County, IA,
nativity Indiana or Iowa.
WALKER, Elias C., Co. B, residence Dubuque, Dubuque County, IA.
WALKER, George W., Co. A, residence Keokuk, Lee County, IA, nativity Ohio.
WALKER, Manuel Mike, Co. I, enlisted and mustered 14 November 1864.
Mustered out 24 July 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky.
WALKER, Smith, Co. C, residence Granville, nativity Illinois.
WALKER, Thomas A., Co. G, residence Warren County, nativity Indiana.
WALKER, William H. (A.), Co. D, Co. K, residence Ottumwa, Wapello County,
IA, nativity Illinois and mortally wounded at Atlanta.
WALL, Thomas, Co. G, enlisted and mustered 15 October 1864. Deserted 27
October 1864 at Cave Springs, Kentucky.
WALLACE, George W., Co. K, Co. D, residence Ottumwa, Wapello County, IA,
nativity Ohio and wounded at Shiloh.
WALLACE, Henry L., Co. F, residence Davenport, Scott County, IA, nativity
New York.
WALLACE, Isaac H., Co. H, residence Bedford, Taylor County, IA, nativity
WALLICK, Jeremiah, Co. A, nativity Ohio.
WALLING, Harman, Co. D, residence Dubuque, Dubuque County, IA, nativity
WALLIS, Jareld D., Co. K, enlisted and mustered 8 October 1864 at age 25.
Mustered out 24 July 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky.
WALTERS, Dennis, Co. K, enlisted and mustered 21 October 1861 at age 18.
Mustered out 24 July 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky.
WALTERS, George, Co. I, residence Keokuk, Lee County, IA, nativity Hanover.
WALTON, Pierce, Co. C, residence Davenport, Scott County, IA. WARD, James,
Co. G, nativity Canada.
WARD, William, Co. I, residence Hancock County, Illinois, nativity Indiana
and wounded at Shiloh and died 24 March 1864.
WARE, George W., Co. D, residence Ottumwa, Wapello County, IA, nativity
WAREHINE, Andrew, Co. E, residence Fort Madison, Lee County, IA, nativity
WARNER, Israel S. (J. S.), Co. C, residence Hopewell, Mahaska County, IA,
nativity Ohio and wounded at Shiloh and Corinth, died 7 June (14 August)
WARNER, Orson A., Co. F, residence Sidney, Fremont County, IA, nativity New
York. Residing 1896 in Syracuse, Otoe County, Nebraska (mentioned in
Greenbury T. Jones minors pension papers); wounded at Atlanta. GAR Post 21,
Syracuse, Otoe County, Nebraska.
WARREN, Christopher, Co. E, residence Keosauqua, Van Buren County, IA,
nativity Ireland and wounded at Jonesboro or Lovejoy.
WARREN, Lewis, Co. K, residence Ottumwa, Wapello County, IA, nativity
WARREN, John K., Co. B, residence Des Moines, Polk County, IA, nativity
WARREN, Lewis, Co. D, Co. K, residence Pottawattamie County, nativity
Connecticut and wounded at Corinth.
WARRINGTON, John H., Co. B, residence Adel, Dallas County, IA, nativity
WASHBURN, George D., Co. B, residence Davenport, Scott County, IA, nativity
WASHINGTON, Patrick, Co. G, nativity Nova Scotia.
WASSON, John A., Co. G, residence Panora, Guthrie County, IA, nativity
WASSON, William H. H., Co. A, residence Des Moines, Polk County, IA,
nativity Indiana.
WATENPAUGH, Ephraim, Co. B, residence Third Congressional District.
WATROUS, Albert B., Co. G, nativity Ohio.
WATSON, Joseph H., Co. B, residence Winterset, Madison County, IA, nativity
New Hampshire.
WATSON, Otis, Co. E, residence Danville, Des Moines County, IA, nativity
WATSON, William , Co. A, residence Lyons, Clinton County, IA, nativity
Scotland and wounded at Kenesaw Mountain.
WATSON, William L., Co. I, residence Charleston, Lee County, IA, nativity
Indiana and wounded near Atlanta, Georgia.
WATTERMAN, Ford, Co. B, residence Adel, Dallas County, IA, nativity Ohio.
WAYLER, Jean, Co. G, nativity Germany.
WEAVER, Cyrus, Co. C, residence Oskaloosa, Mahaska County, IA, nativity
WEAVER, David E., Co. H, residence Marietta, Marshall County, IA, nativity
Ohio. GAR Post 5, Boulder, Boulder County, Colorado.
WEAVER, John, Co. D, residence Franklin, nativity Germany.
WEAVER, Samuel, Co. H, residence Memory, nativity Indiana.
WEBB, David G., Co. K, enlisted and mustered 1 October 1864 at age 25. Died
27 February 1865 at Field Hospital, South Carolina.
WEBB, Charles, Co. G, residence Indianola, nativity New York.
WEBBER, Henry, Co. K, enlisted and mustered 11 October 1864 at age 23.
Discharged 1 July 1865 at Indianapolis, Indiana, by General Order No. 77.
WEBSTER, Davidson, Co. H, residence Fort Dodge, Webster County, IA,
nativity Maine.
WEBSTER, James H., Co. B, residence Des Moines, Polk County, IA.
WEBSTER, Richard F., Co. F, enlisted and mustered 15 November 1864 at age
34. Mustered out 24 July 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky. Enumerated in the
1890 United States Census for Civil War soldiers and widows in Nebraska.
WEBSTER, Wheeler R., Co. H, residence Union Ridge, nativity New York.
WEBSTER, William I., Co. I, residence Smyrna, Clarke County, IA, nativity
Ohio and enumerated in the 1890 United States Census for Civil War soldiers
and widows in Nebraska.
WEEKS, Ezekiel S., Co. F, residence Glenwood, Mills County, IA, nativity
WEEKS, Lucas A., Co. D, residence Davenport, Scott County, IA, nativity
WELCH, Henry D., Co. I, residence Simpson, nativity England.
WELCH, Isaiah M. (J. W.), Co. G, residence Knoxville, Marion County, IA,
nativity Illinois.
WELCH, James A., Co. G, residence Knoxville, Marion County, IA, nativity
WELCH, John A., Co. G, residence Knoxville, Marion County, IA, nativity
WELCH, J. W., Co. H
WELLMAN, Madison, Co. D, residence Blakesburg, Wapello County, IA, nativity
Kentucky and wounded at Shiloh. Died 1 June 1862, buried at Shiloh National
Cemetery, Tennessee.
WELLMAN (WILLIMAN), John, Co. D, residence Blakesburg, Wapello County, IA,
nativity Iowa and wounded at Shiloh.
WELLS, John F., Co. G, residence Marion County, IA, nativity Ohio. GAR Post
229, Newport, Rock County, Nebraska.
WELLS, Levi, Co. B, residence Des Moines, Polk County, IA, nativity
Illinois and wounded at Atlanta.
WELLS, William C., Co. I, residence Osceola, Clarke County, IA, nativity
Ohio. (See: Wells at Corinth)
WELLS, William K., Co. C, residence Davenport, Scott County, IA,.
WELSH, Henry, Co. K, enlisted and mustered 31 October 1864 at age 18.
Mustered out 26 June 1865 at Washington, D.C.
WELSH, Peter, Co. K, enlisted and mustered 5 October 1864 at age 32.
Mustered out 24 July 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky. GAR Post 72, Hardy,
Nuckolls County, Nebraska.
WELSH, Robert F. G., Co. F, residence Fourth Congressional District.
WENTWORTH, Henry P., Co. B, residence First Congressional District.
WENZEL, Conrad, Co. B, residence Des Moines, Polk County, IA, nativity
Indiana and killed at Shiloh.
WENZEL, William H., Co. K, nativity Bohemia.
WERTZ, Matthew, mortally wounded at Columbia, South Carolina
WESCHE, Henry, Co. B, residence Third Congressional District.
WEST, Albert, Co. G, nativity England.
WESTBROOK, James M., Co. F, enlisted and mustered 15 November 1864 at age
27. Mustered out 24 July 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky.
WESTCOTT, Alvin, Co. K, residence Keokuk, Lee County, IA, nativity Ohio.
WESTCOTT, Christopher L., Co. E, Co. K, residence Keosauqua, Van Buren
County, IA, nativity Rhode Island.
WESTFIELD, George J., Co. D, residence Davenport, Scott County, IA,
nativity New York.
WETMORE, Helan, Co. C, enlisted 20 October 1864. Mustered out 27 June1865
at Washington, D.C.
WHALEY, Joseph, Co. H, residence Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie County, IA,
nativity Delaware and wounded at Shiloh.
WHALEY, Warren, Co. G, residence Maron County, IA, nativity Iowa.
WHALIN, Edmond, Co. F, residence Keokuk, Lee County, IA, nativity Ireland.
WHALING, Orvill M., Co. C, residence Peoria, nativity Connecticut.
WHEELOCK, Charles M., Co. A, residence Lyons, Clinton County, IA, nativity
Vermont and wounded at Shiloh
WHEELOCK, John A., Co. A, residence Lyons, Clinton County, IA, nativity
WHISENNAND, Stephen H., Co. F, enlisted and mustered 15 November 1864 at
age 24. Mustered out 24 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky.
WHISLER, Christian, Co. F, residence Davenport, Scott County, IA, nativity
WHITE, Isaiah, Co. I, residence Clark County, IA, nativity Iowa and missing
at Atlanta.
WHITE, James H., Co. B, residence Second Congressional District.
WHITE, John, Co. G, residence Knoxville, Marion County, IA, nativity
Pennsylvania and wounded at Shiloh and at Atlanta.
WHITE, John, Co. I, residence Keokuk, Lee County, IA, nativity Ohio.
WHITE, J. W., Co. D, residence Mahaska County, nativity Virginia.
WHITE, William, Co. B, residence Big Creek. WHITE, William H., Co. I,
residence Hancock County, Illinois.
WHITENACK, Robert H., Co. A, residence Cedar Rapids, Linn County, IA,
nativity Indiana.
WHITEWORTH, William, Co. G, residence Burlington, nativity Illinois.
WHITLOCK, Asa, Co. C, residence Hopewell, Mahaska County, IA, nativity
WHITLOCK (WHITLACK), Ezra B., Co. C, residence Hopewell, Mahaska County,
IA, nativity Kentucky and wounded at Shiloh.
WHITMIRE, Jacob, Co. I, died 25 May 1862
WHITMORE, G. W., Co. B, rejected 9 November 1861 by Mustering Officer.
WHITNEY (WHITING), John A. C., Co. F, residence Cass County, IA, nativity
New York. Residing 1896 in Neola, Pottawattamie County, Iowa (mentioned in
Greenbury T. Jones minors pension papers), wounded at Shiloh. GAR Post 35,
Grand Junction, Mesa County, Colorado.
WHITTAKER (WHITAKER), Noah, Co. C, residence Union Mills, Mahaska County,
IA, nativity Indiana and died 6 January 1862.
WHITTIER, Edward A., Co. D, residence Dubuque, Dubuque County, IA, nativity
WIDEL, Adam, Co. H, residence Monmouth, Jackson County, IA, nativity
WIGGINS, Nathaniel, Co. F, residence Des Moines, Polk County, IA, nativity
New York.
WIGGINS, Van Buren, Co. B, residence Winterset, Madison County, IA,
nativity New Hampshire.
WILBUR, Clark H., Co. H, nativity New York and buried in state of
WILCOX, Alfred R. (B.), Co. K, residence Ottumwa, Wapello County, IA,
nativity Ohio and wounded at Shiloh (Chicago Tribune, Monday, 21 April
WILCOX, Alfred, Co. D, residence Ottumwa, Wapello County, IA, nativity
WILCOX, William, Co. F, residence Dubuque, Dubuque County, IA, nativity
WILCOX, William S., Co. C, residence Davenport, Scott County, IA,.
WILKIN, Matthew W., Co. K, enlisted and mustered 28 October 1864 at age 35.
Mustered out 30 June 1865 at Washington, D.C. (Also: First Cavalry, Co. D)
WILKINS, Hiram, Co. C, residence Oskaloosa, Mahaska County, IA, nativity
Indiana and died 4 August 1864, buried at Rome, Georgia.
WILKINS, Resin, Co. B, residence Des Moines, Polk County, IA, nativity
WILKINS, Stephen, Co. D, residence Ottumwa, Wapello County, IA, nativity
Ohio and wounded at Corinth.
WILLEMACK, Wenzell, Co. F, residence Davenport, Scott County, IA, nativity
WILLIAMS, Benjamin, Co. C, residence Granville, nativity Ohio.
WILLIAMS, Benjamin F., Co. C, residence Oskaloosa, Mahaska County, IA,
nativity Ohio.
WILLIAMS, Charles, Co. A, nativity Ireland.
WILLIAMS, Charles E., Co. F, residence Gaston, nativity Ohio.
WILLIAMS, Clark, Co. C, residence Oskaloosa, Mahaska County, IA, nativity
WILLIAMS, George, Co. F, residence Davenport, Scott County, IA, nativity
WILLIAMS, Henry, Co. G, residence Grinnell, Poweshiek County, IA, nativity
Nova Scotia.
WILLIAMS, James R., Co. I, residence Charleston, Lee County, IA, nativity
Iowa. GAR Post 12, Sidney, Cheyenne County, Nebraska.
WILLIAMS, Lewis H., Co. B, residence Des Moines, Polk County, IA, nativity
Indiana. WILLIAMS, Simeon, Co. H, residence Fairfield, nativity Illinois.
WILLIAMS, William H. H., Co. K, Co. D, residence Ottumwa, Wapello County,
IA, nativity Kentucky or Tennessee and wounded at Corinth.
WILLIAMS, William W., Co. I, residence Osceola, Clarke County, IA, nativity
WILLIS, William, Co. H, residence Calhoun, Harrison County, IA, nativity
New York.
WILLSON, Eldridge, Co. K, enlisted and mustered 15 October 1864 at age 24.
Mustered out 24 July 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky.
WILSON, George W., Co. F, enlisted and mustered 15 October 1864 at age 34.
Mustered out 8 July 1865 at Newark, New Jersey.
WILSON, Henry V., Co. C, enlisted and mustered 1 October 1864. Deserted 6
November 1864 at Resaca, Georgia.
WILSON, James, Co. D, residence Davenport, Scott County, IA, nativity Ohio.
WILSON, Jefferson, Co. H, residence Mount Pleasant, Henry County, IA,
nativity Indiana.
WILSON, John, Co. H, residence Monticello, nativity Canada.
WILSON (WILLE), John J., Co. E, residence Keokuk, Lee County, IA, nativity
New York and wounded at Shiloh (Chicago Tribune, Friday, 18 April 1862).
WILSON, Joseph R., Co. D, residence Ottumwa, Wapello County, IA, nativity
WILSON, Marshall H., Co. I, residence Albia, Marion County, IA, nativity
Ohio and killed at Shiloh.
WILSON, Richard M., Co. D, residence Ottumwa, Wapello County, IA, nativity
Ohio and mortally wounded at Atlanta.
WILSON, Robert, Co. E, residence Keokuk, Lee County, IA, nativity New York.
GAR Post 25, Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska.
WILSON, Samuel, Co. A, residence Cedar Rapids, Linn County, IA, nativity
England and missing at Atlanta.
WILSON, Thomas H., Co. B, Co. H, residence Stumptown and Des Moines, Polk
County, IA, nativity Pennsylvania.
WILSON, William B. H., Co. G, nativity Indiana and died 23 February 1865.
WINGROVE, William, Co. K, nativity Ireland.
WINKLER, John W., Co. K, Co. D, residence Ottumwa, Wapello County, IA,
nativity Ohio or Illinois and killed at Shiloh, buried at Shiloh National
Cemetery, Tennessee. WINN, Charles, Co. D, residence Ottumwa, Wapello
County, IA, nativity Ohio.
WINNING, Eli A., Co. C, residence Des Moines, Polk County, IA.
WINTERS, David K., Co. B, residence Des Moines, Polk County, IA, nativity
Ohio and wounded at Corinth.
WINTERS, William B., Co. D, residence Keokuk, Lee County, IA, nativity
Pennsylvania and wounded at Shiloh.
WINTERS, William S., Co. C, residence Granville, nativity Indiana and
missing at Atlanta.
WITHROW, Eli, Co. F, residence Glenwood, Mills County, IA, nativity
Kentucky. Residing 1896 in Plymouth, Amador County, California (mentioned
in Greenbury T. Jones minors pension papers).
WISDOM, Francis M., Co. E, enlisted and mustered 28 September 1864.
Mustered out 6 June 1865 at Washington, D.C.
WOLF, Carl, Co. C, enlisted and mustered 18 October 1864 at age 27.
Mustered out 24 July 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky.
WOLF, Charles W., Co. K, enlisted and mustered 11 October 1864 at age 22.
Mustered out 24 July 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky.
WOLF, James W., Co. B, residence Knoxville, Marion County, IA, nativity
Ohio. WOLF, John, Co. A, residence Davenport, Scott County, IA, nativity
WOLF, John, Co. C, enlisted and mustered 5 October 1864. Mustered out 5
October 1864, died 7 April 1865 at Newbern, N.C. and buried in Newbern
Cemetery, Newbern, North Carolina, plot 12, grave 2183.
WOLF (WOLFE), Porter A., Co. D, residence Davenport, Scott County, IA,
nativity Ohio. GAR Post 31, Ashland, Saunders County, Nebraska.
WOLF, Thomas, Co. G, nativity Holland.
WOLTON, Henry W., Co. C, residence Pella, Marion County, IA, nativity North
WOLVERTON, Peter, Co. B, residence Davenport, Scott County, IA, nativity
New Jersey.
WOOD, John H., Co. K, residence Newbern, nativity Ohio and mortally wounded
at Atlanta on 12 August 1864, buried at Marietta, Georgia.
WOOD, William, Co. A, residence Cedar Rapids, Linn County, IA, nativity
Indiana and died at Shiloh.
WOOD (WOODS), John, Co. A, residence Cedar Rapids, Linn County, IA,
nativity Indiana and died 22 or 23 December 1861 buried at Oakland
Cemetery, Keokuk, Iowa (also was reported as being buried at Shiloh
National Cemetery, Tennessee).
WOODARD (WOODWARD), Lysander, Co. C, enlisted and mustered 12 October 1864,
residence Davenport, Scott County, IA and age 45. He was a substitute for
Lewis Tompkins who was drafted. After wading the swamps between Savannah
and Goldsboro, Lysander was sent to the hospital at New Burn, NC. He was
sent about 24 March 1865 to Fort Shylar, NY and was mustered out 12 June
1865 at Louisville, Kentucky. Lysander was born 1 May 1822 at Potton,
Quebec, Canada and married Betsy Perkins, sister to 15th Iowa soldier
Zelora H. Perkins. Lysander died 2 December 1908 in Britton, Marshall
County, South Dakota. (Information supplied by Lysander Woodard's
gr-gr-gr-granddaughter: Melissa)
WOODMANSEE, Hinkley S., Co. F, residence Glenwood, Mills County, IA,
nativity Ohio and wounded at battle of Corinth.
WOODROW, Charles W., Co. E, residence Mount Pleasant, Henry County, IA,
nativity New York.
WOODWARD, Addison A., Co. H, residence Webster City, Hamilton County, IA,
nativity Wisconsin.
WOOLKIT, John F., Co. C, residence Keokuk, Lee County, IA, nativity
WOOLORVUS (WOLOVOUS), Cornelius, Co. I, residence Pella, Marion County, IA,
nativity Holland and wounded and missing at Atlanta
WOOLSEY, Burrel F., Co. I, enlisted and mustered 28 September 1864.
Mustered out 2 June 1865 at Washington, D.C.
WORK, William V., Co. D, residence North Liberty, Johnson County, IA,
nativity Pennsylvania.
WRIGHT, Daniel, Co. G, nativity Indiana.
WRIGHT, Edgar, Co. F, residence Des Moines, Polk County, IA, nativity New
WRIGHT, Jesse M., Co. E, residence Keokuk, Lee County, IA, nativity
WRIGHT, Thomas J., Co. E, residence Burlington, nativity Iowa and mortally
wounded at Atlanta on 21 July 1864, buried near Atlanta, Georgia.
WRIGHT, Reuben H., Co. B, residence Dubuque, Dubuque County, IA, nativity
New York.
WRIGHT, William, Co. H, residence Janesville, Bremer County, IA, nativity
WYANT, James W., Co. I
WYLIE, James J., Co. G, nativity Canada.
WYNER, Peter, Co. F, residence Davenport, Scott County, IA, nativity
WYANT, James, Co. I, residence Osceola, Clarke County, IA, nativity Indiana
and died 20 May (26 March) 1862.
WYATT, Humphrey (Humprey) B., Co. G, Co. K, residence Indianola, nativity
North Carolina and wounded at Shiloh.
WYATT, John W., Co. I, enlisted and mustered 27 September 1864. Mustered
out 2 June 1865 at Washington, D.C.
WYCAFF, Hazeal, Co. K, residence Gosport, Marion County, IA, nativity Ohio.
WYLEY, John, (Unassigned), residence Van Buren, Jackson County, IA,
nativity Kentucky.
WYMAN, Wilson, Co. B, enlisted and mustered 1 January 1864 at age 28 as
Under Cook. Mustered out 14 July 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky.
WYMORE, Amos, Co. C, residence Hopewell, Mahaska County, IA, nativity
WYMORE, Greeneburgh N. (Greenburgh W.), Co. C, residence Hopewell, Mahaska
County, IA, nativity Indiana and wounded at Corinth.
YEAGER, Cornelius, Co. B, residence Davenport, Scott County, IA, nativity
YEAST, Samuel, Co. C, enlisted and mustered 6 October 1864 at age 33.
Mustered out 24 July 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky.
YOUNG, Milton M., Co. K, residence Knoxville, Marion County, IA, nativity
Indiana and wounded at Shiloh and missing at Atlanta.
YOUNG, Thomas, Co. B, residence Davenport, Scott County, IA.
YOUNGBLOOD, James M., Co. C (Co. D), residence Laredo, nativity Missouri
and wounded at Shiloh (Chicago Tribune, Monday, 21 April 1862). GAR Post
70, Creighton, Knox County, Nebraska.
ZACHAN (ZAEHAN), Nicholas, Co. E, residence Keosauqua, Van Buren County,
IA, nativity Germany and wounded at Shiloh.
ZEBU, A., Co. K
ZELLER, Christian, Co. C, residence Davenport, Scott County, IA.
ZIMMERMAN, George W., Co. D, residence Ottumwa, Wapello County, IA,
nativity Ohio and wounded at Shiloh.
ZIMPHER, Jacob, Co. F, residence Dubuque, Dubuque County, IA, nativity
ZORNES (ZOMES), Samuel F., Co. I, residence Eddyville, nativity Indiana and
missing at Atlanta.
Transcribed & submitted by Diane Korten, korten@ne.uswest.net and submitted
to the IAGenWeb Project Archives, a part of The USGenWeb Project.
Copyright(c)1998 by Diane Korten.
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15th Iowa Infantry Roster; L - Z
LAFLESH, Levi J. , Co. H, missing at Atlanta
LAIR, Joseph, Co. D, Co. K
LAIRD, William C., Co. C, enlisted 30 Oct 1861, residence Peoria, nativity
Ohio, age 25. Mustered 31 Dec. 1861. Promoted Fifth Sergeant 1 Nov 1862;
Fourth Sergeant 16 April 1863; Third Sergeant 7 June 1863; Second Sergeant
14 August 1863. Reduced to ranks 1 February 1864. Re-enlisted and
re-mustered 8 March 1864. Wounded in abdomen 5 July 1864 at Kenesaw
Mountain, GA (Reported: wounded at Nickajack Creek). Mustered out 24 July
1865 Louisville, KY.
LAMBERT, Frank, Co. A, wounded at Shiloh
LANE, Isaac, Co. E
LANE, Morris A., Co. E
LANSTRUM, Christian E., Co. B
LAMB (LAMM), Milton C., Co. K, buried in Colorado.
LAMSON, John W., Co. K
LAREW, James, Co. G
LARGENT, Daniel W., Co. A
LARGENT, John M., Co. A
LARUE, George W., Co. B, interred at God's Acre, Savannah, Georgia in
January 1865, buried in the Southwest part of the cemetery. (Cedar Valley
Times, 3 May 1866, Cedar Rapids, Linn County, Iowa)
LATISSAW, George, Co. D
LATHROP, Jason R., Co. C, wounded at Atlanta
LAUSER, Michael, Co. G
LAWDERBAUGH (LANDERBAUGH), David, Co. A, died 15 December 1863
LAWES, Wiley D., Co. H
LAWHEAD, Alfred, Co. G
LAYTON, Nathan, Co. K
LEARNING, Elisha, Co. C
LEE, George W., Co. I
LEE, James A. (Andrew) , Co. G, wounded at Nickajack Creek
LEIBIG, George B., Co. G
LENEHAN, Thomas, Co. B, killed at Ezra Church battle, Atlanta, Georgia on
28 July 1864, buried near Allatoona, Georgia
LEONARD, George W., Co. F
LEONARD, Martin, Co. D
LEONARD, Nathan A., Co. B
LESLIE, Thomas, Co. D
LEVI, Lightfoot, Co. E
LEWIS, George, Co. C
LEWIS, Henry (Jacob H.), Co. C
LEWIS, John, Co. F
LINDSEY (LINDSAY), John M., Co. D, died 1 November 1941 at age 93 in Iowa.
LINVILLE, Henderson, Co. F
LIPPINCOTT, Thomas C., Co. I
LISTER, George W., Co. B
LISTER, Samuel, Co. B
LITTLE, Joseph, Co., C, missing at Atlanta
LIVELY, Elias, Co. D
LLOYD, Calvin, Co. B, died 27 May 1862
LLOYD, Samuel, Co. C, wounded at Shiloh and killed at Corinth
LLOYD, William Z., Co. K, enlisted and mustered 2 October 1864 at age 23
years. Mustered out 24 July 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky. William was born
26 June 1840 in Ohio and located in Pottawattamie County, Iowa in 1871.
(Additional information supplied by William Lloyd's great-granddaughter,
LOCK, Joshua F., Co. E, wounded at siege of Atlanta
LOCKER, George W., Co. G, enumerated in the 1890 United States Census for
Civil War soldiers and widows in Nebraska.
LONG, August, (Unassigned)
LONG, Charles, Co. B, GAR Post 109, Norfolk, Madison County, Nebraska.
LONG, James M., Co. K, wounded at Shiloh
LONSBURY, William, Co. K
LOTT, John W., Co. B
LOUTHAN, Hugh D., Co. I, wounded at Atlanta, died 2 August 1864, buried at
Marietta, Georgia
LOVE, James, Co. A, wounded at battle of Bentonville and died at New York
from the effects of his wound
LOVEJOY, Benjamin F., Co. B, wounded at Atlanta
LOVEJOY, John, killed at Atlanta
LUALLEN, Pleasant, Co. D, Co. K
LUDER, Ioton, Co. I
LUDINGTON, John W., Co. K, GAR Post 289, Palmer, Merrick County, Nebraska.
LUMPKINS (LUMPKIN), Wilson (William), Co. B, wounded at Nickajack Creek
LUNDY, Edmund, Co. C
LUNDY, Eli, Co. C
LUNT, Edward D., Co. B, missing at Atlanta. GAR Post 39, Pleasant Hill,
Saline County, Nebraska and GAR Post 47, Denver, Denver County, Colorado.
LYMAN, Benjamin, Co. F
LYON, Robert, Co. B, wounded at Corinth
LYON, Thomas W., Co. B
LYSTER, Lewis M., Co. E, died 14 July 1867, interred at Des Moines Co.,
MACY, John W., Co. A
MADISON, Gregg A., Co. D, wounded at Corinth
MADISON, William W., Co. F
MAGEE (MC GEE), John A., Co. I, wounded at Corinth
MAHAN, Joseph W., Co. I
MAHAN, Thomas, Co. I
MAJOR (MAJORS), William, Co. A, killed at siege of Atlanta on 13 August
1864, buried near Atlanta, Georgia
MAJORS, Francis M., Co. D
MAKINSTER (MC KINSTER), Daniel, Co. A, enlisted 1 October 1861 at Lyons,
Iowa, residence Lyons, Clinton County, IA and age 21. Mustered 16 November
1861. Re-enlisted and re-mustered 29 January 1864 and wounded in the left
foot on 21 July 1864 at Kenesaw Mountain, Georgia. He was mustered out 24
July 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky and then returned to Iowa where he made
his home. He received a Civil War disability pension. Daniel was born 30
October 1840 at Cuba, Allegany County, New York. He was a member of the
G.A.R. and died 14 September 1903 at Redfield, Dallas County, Iowa.
Daniel's brother, William Makinster, also served in Co. A. (Roster and
Records of Iowa Soldiers in the War of the Rebellion…1861-1865 records his
name as Daniel McKinster.) (Additional information supplied by Daniel's
great-granddaughter Donna Mastain Kirwan)
MAKINSTER (MC KINSTER), William U., Co. A, enlisted 30 September 1861 at
Lyons, Iowa, mustered 16 November 1861 and residence Lyons, Clinton County,
IA. Re-enlisted and re-mustered 29 January 1864, promoted Sixth Corporal 5
January 1865 and promoted Fifth Corporal 1 June 1865. Mustered out 24 July
1865 at Louisville, Kentucky. William was born 18 March 1843 in New York.
He was a member of the G.A.R. and served as standard bearer of the Robert
Anderson Post, Waterloo, Iowa for many years. He died 14 November 1924 at
Waterloo, Black Hawk County, Iowa. His brother, Daniel Makinster, also
served in Co. A. (Roster and Records of Iowa Soldiers in the War of the
Rebellion…1861-1865 records his name as William McKinster, nativity Ohio
and age 21.) (Additional information supplied by William's great-grandniece
Donna Mastain Kirwan)
MALANY, John, Co. A, wounded at Corinth
MALI, Albert, Co. I
MANNAN, Thomas, Co. D
MARA, John, Co. A, wounded at Corinth and wounded and missing at Atlanta.
GAR Post 38, Waverly, Lancaster County, Nebraska.
MARDIS, Samuel, Co. B
MARKWELL, Wallace, Co. I
MADISON, Gregg A., Co. D
MARRIOTT, Samuel, Co. E
MARSHAL, T. H. B., missing at Atlanta
MARSHALL, Calvin, Co. D
MARSHALL, Clark, Co. D, wounded at Nickajack Creek
MARSHALL, F. H. Benton, Co. H
MARSHALL, Thomas, Co. H
MARSHALL, William N., Co. I
MART, Marion J., Co. G, GAR Post 91, Minden, Kearney County, Nebraska.
MARTIN, Frank U., Co. H
MARTIN, James, Co. C, wounded at Nickajack Creek
MARTIN, John, Co. A
MARTIN, William, Co. A
MARTZ (MARTS), Squire, Co. D, wounded at Atlanta
MASCKEY, James T. (G.), Co. E
MASERVA, William, Co. D, wounded at Shiloh and missing at Atlanta
MASON, Robert P., Co. C
MATHER, Andrew, Co. C
MATHIS, Frederick B., Co. K
MATHIS, James H., Co. B
MATHIS, William A., Co. K, missing at Atlanta
MATTHEWS, Clark S., Co. G, wounded at Shiloh
MAY, Draper, Co. G
MAYERS, John, Co. G
MAYES (MAZE), James A., Co. G, died 20 March 1865
MAYHEIR, David, Co. E, died 19 May 1865
MAYNARD, Benjamin F., Co. H
MAYRE, John, Co. G
MC ALLISTER, Barnard, Co. A
MC ANINCH, George, Co. B
MC ARTHUR, Henry Clay, Co. E, Co. K, severely wounded at Atlanta. GAR Post
25, Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska.
MC ARTHUR, William, Co. E, Co. K
MC BEATH, Daniel, Co. D
MC BIRNEY, George, Co. A
MC CANNA, Francis, Co. I
MC CAULEY, Patrick, Co. A
MC CAULEY, James, Co. B
MC CHRISTY, Isaac, wounded at Atlanta
MC CLAIN, Alexander, Co. K
MC CLANNAHAN, Elijah, Co. H, GAR Post 118, Tekamah, Burt County, Nebraska.
MC CLEAN, John, Co. K
MC CLURE, Robert M., Co. G
MC CONNELL, Andrew, Co. D, wounded and missing at Atlanta
MC CORD, Aaron, Co. H
MC CORD, John, Co. E
MC CORD, William H. H., Co. F
MC COUN (MC COWAN), William T., Co. F, died 26 June 1862
MC CRACKEN, Joseph W., Co. E, GAR Post 80, Red Cloud, Webster County,
MC CRARY, William M., Co. E
MC CUMSEY, Smith, Co. H
MC CUNE, William H., Co. A
MC DANIELS, Perry, Co. H
MC DOWELL, William B., Co. K, Co. D, wounded at Atlanta
MC FARLAN, John A., Co. H, GAR Post 50, Nebraska.
MC GILVERY, Alexander, Co. G
MC GREGOR, William, Co. A
MC INTOSH, Duncan, Co. B
MC KAY, Hugh, Co. D
MC KEE, Archibald Michael, Co. F, enlisted 10 October 1861, residence Mills
County, Iowa and age 22. Mustered 18 November 1861 and wounded in neck
severely 6 April 1862 at Shiloh, Tennessee. Re-enlisted and re-mustered 29
January 1864 and mustered out 24 July 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky.
Archibald was born in Jefferson County, Missouri to Michael McKee Jr. (b.
1806 SC) and Elizabeth Gamble (b. 1816 PA). He and his family moved to
Carroll County, Illinois in the 1850's. Most of his family was in Cerro
Gordo County, Iowa by 1870. The burial place of Archibald is being
researched and is now unknown. (See: Archibald's Two Letters Home)
(Additional information provided by Archibald McKee's great-grandniece
MC KENNEY (MC KINNEY), Edwin D., Co. H, GAR Post 40, Ord, Valley County,
MC KINLEY, William H., Co. D
MC KINZIE, Lyman W., Co. I
MC LAIN, Wilson S., Co. D
MC LEAN, W. S., wounded and missing at Atlanta
MC LENAHAN (MC LANEHAN) (MCLENNAHAN), William, Co. A, wounded at Shiloh and
died 19 September 1863
MC LEOD, John, killed at Shiloh
MC MANIMIE, James Nelson, Co. H
MC MANUS, John, Co. C
MC MURRAY (MC MURREY), Andrew B., Co. C, died 1 October 1864
MC NATT, William S., Co. D
MC NIECE, Martin, Co. A, wounded at Kenesaw Mountain
MC NEAL, Anderson, Co. G
MC NEAL, Henry, Co. B
MC NEIL, Alfred, Co. G
MC NUTT, Oliver P., Co. G
MC PHERSON (MC PHERRON), Asbury S., Co. F, residing 1896 in Redlands, San
Bernardino County, California (mentioned in Greenbury T. Jones minors
pension papers)
MC STAY, John M., Co. K
MC VAY, Jacob, Co. G, wounded at Shiloh
MEAGHEN, Thomas C., Co. H
MEANS, James M., Co. B
MEANS, John P., Co. A
MEEK, David S., Co. A
MEEK, Reuben, Co. B
MEFFORD, Andrew, Co. A, enlisted 10 February 1862, residence Cedar Rapids,
nativity Ohio and age 28. Mustered 5 March 1862. Wounded in right hand 21
July 1864 near Atlanta, Georgia and mustered out 24 July 1865 at
Louisville, Kentucky.
MEFFORD, Bird, Co. A
MELTON, Robert F., Co. A
MENDENHALL, Joseph H., Co. F
MENDENHALL, William, Co. F
MERRILL, John H., Co. G
MERTZ, Mathias, Co. K
METCALF, Harry, Co. I
METCALF, Warren, Co. G
METZ, Charles, Co. G
METZ, Henry, Co. G
MEYERS, John, Co. G
MIDDLETON, Gilbert, Co. E
MIDDLETON, Milican, (Unassigned)
MIDDLETON, William H., (Unassigned)
MIDDLEWORTH (MIDDLESWATH), Bartholomew (William Clark), Co. G, died 15
November 1862
MILLER, Andrew, Co. K
MILLER, Benjamin F., Co. G, died 23 September 1864, buried at Marietta,
MILLER, David T., Co. G
MILLER, Edgar T., Co. I, Co. C
MILLER, Elisha, Co. K
MILLER, John, Co. E, wounded at Shiloh
MILLER, John, Co. B
MILLER, John R., Co. A
MILLER, Joseph F., Co. C
MILLER, Joseph M., Co. C
MILLER, Robert A., Co. K, interred at God's Acre, Savannah, Georgia in
March 1865. Buried in the Southwest part of the cemetery. (Cedar Valley
Times, 3 May 1866, Cedar Rapids, Linn County, Iowa)
MILLER, William, Co. E, wounded at Nickajack Creek
MILLIKEN, James P., Co. G
MINGAL, William H., Co. K
MINNICK, Samuel, Co. E
MINNICK, William H., Co. H
MITCHELL, Alexander, Co. E
MITCHELL, Andrew, Co. A, enlisted 28 September 1861, as Second Corporal,
residence Cedar Rapids, nativity Scotland and age 25. Mustered 16 November
1861. Promoted Quartermaster Sergeant 1 March 1862, reduced to ranks 3
September 1862, promoted Fourth Sergeant 18 October 1862, Third Sergeant 10
November 1862 and Second Sergeant 1 March 1863. Wounded slightly in foot 22
July 1864 at Atlanta, Georgia. Promoted First Sergeant 16 November 1864,
First Lieutenant 22 December 1864 and Captain 15 January 1865. Mustered out
24 July 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky. Andrew is buried in the St. Michael's
Cemetery, Norway, Benton County, Iowa. He was born 1836 and died in 1902.
Cemetery reading by Sue Soden, IA GenWeb Project County Coordinator for
the Benton County GenWeb site. Thanks Sue!
MITCHELL, Daniel B., Co. A
MOELLER, Werner, Co. F MOLES, Achilles, Co. I
MOLESWORTH, Joseph S., Co. K
MOMYER, Benjamin F., Co. K, wounded at Corinth and killed at Atlanta
MOMYER, Cyrus J. (J.), Co. K, wounded at Corinth and missing at Atlanta
MOMYER, Perry A., (Unassigned)
MONNIN (MONIN), George Joseph, Co. H, enlisted 25 November 1861, residence
St. John, IA and age 23. Mustered 13 December 1861 and re-enlisted and
re-mustered 29 November 1864. Mustered out 24 July 1865 at Louisville,
Kentucky. George was born 11 January 1836 in Develier, Canton Bern,
Switzerland. (His nativity is listed as France in Roster and Records of
Iowa Soldiers.) He emigrated with his father, step-mother and brothers to
Montgomery County, Ohio. They went to Shelby County, Ohio in 1853 and then
to St. John, Iowa. George married Mary Petitjean in Ohio and returned to
Rockford Township, Pottawattamie County, Iowa where he died in 1914.
(Additional information provided by George Monnin's great-grandniece
MONROE, Daniel C., Co. D, died 6 February 1862, interred at Wapello Co.,
MONSON, Charles A., Co. H
MONTGOMERY, Joseph A., Co. F
MOON, John D., Co. A
MOORE, Charles, Co. F
MOORE, George, Co. E
MOORE, Henry, Co. E
MOORE, John, Co. D
MOORE, John D., Co. A, wounded at Shiloh (not listed in Roster and Records
of Iowa Soldiers)
MOORE, John H., Co. A
MOORE, Thomas L., Co. B
MOORE, William H., Co. A, wounded and missing at Atlanta
MORE, Henry, wounded at siege of Atlanta
MOREHEAD, William, Co. H
MOREY, Elanson, Co. A
MORGAN, Anson D., Co. B, killed at Corinth
MORGAN, Henry, Co. I, wounded at Shiloh
MORGAN, James E., Co. D, Co. K, wounded at Jonesboro or Lovejoy
MORGAN, John, Co. I
MORGAN, John N., Co. K
MORGAN, Nathan, Co. A
MORGAN, William D., Co. E
MORIAT (MOWAT), Aaron, Co. F, wounded at battle of Corinth
MORLAND, Henry, Co. B, wounded at Shiloh
MORRIS, Edwin, Co. G
MORRIS (MORIS) , Harrison, Co. G, wounded at Shiloh and killed at Atlanta
MORRIS, Neal, Co. F, died 17 May 1862
MORRIS, Thomas J., Co. F, wounded at Atlanta
MORRIS, Van J. R., Co. E
MORROW, George, Co. F, Co. G
MORROW, William, Co. F, Co. I, wounded at Atlanta. GAR Post 45,
Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska.
MOSHIER, David W., Co. E
MOSIER, Andrew, Co. H, wounded at Shiloh
MOSS, George W., Co. D, enlisted and mustered 10 November 1861, residence
Eden Grove, nativity Illinois and age 19. Mustered out 2 June 1865 at
Washington, DC.
MOSS, James J., Co. D, enlisted 13 April 1864, residence Wapello Co., IA,
nativity Indiana and age 18. Wounded at Kenesaw Mountain, GA and mustered
out 24 July 1865 at Louisville, KY.
MOSS, John P., Co. G, enlisted 17 Jan 1864, residence Marion Co., IA,
nativity Ohio and age 18. Mustered 13 February 1864 and killed in battle 22
July 1864 near Atlanta, GA.
MOTE, Butler, Co. G
MOTE, William, Co. G
MOUNCE, James, Co. C
MUIR, Thomas I., Co. E
MUIR, William P. L., Co. E, wounded at Shiloh, wounded at Corinth and
wounded and missing at Atlanta
MULLEN, John, Co. G
MURPHY, Charles, Co. K
MURPHY (MC MURPHY), James, Co. I, wounded at Shiloh
MURPHY, Michael, Co. A
MURPHY, Patrick, Co. H, wounded at Kenesaw Mountain, and missing and
wounded at Atlanta
MURPHY, Thomas H. B., Co. C, missing at Atlanta
MURPHY, Thomas, wounded at siege of Atlanta
MURRAY, A., Co. A, died 30 December 1861 (not listed in Roster and Records
of Iowa Soldiers)
MURRAY, George B., Co. F, wounded at Shiloh. Enumerated in the 1890 United
States Census for Civil War soldiers and widows in Nebraska.
MUZZY, Lewis B., Co. E
MYERS, David, Co. K, Co. G, wounded at Corinth
MYERS, John D., Co. C, died 12 January 1863
MYERS, Wesley W., Co. C
NAGLE, Webb, Co. B
NASLER (NOSLER), James H., Co. D, wounded at Shiloh and died 27 April 1862,
interred at Wapello Co., Iowa
NEIGHBORS, Rhenish, Co. D
NEIL, James L., Co. K
NELSON, Alexander C., Co. D, died 25 January 1862, interred at Wapello
County, Iowa
NELSON, Charles, Co. G
NELSON, Franklin B., Co. C
NELSON, James F., Co. I
NELSON, William W., (Surgeon) residing 1896 in Birmingham, Van Buren Co.,
Iowa (mentioned in Greenbury T. Jones minors pension papers)
NEROMIAH, Simon, missing at Atlanta
NETHEROW, David, Co. G
NEWELL, William, Co. G
NEWLAND, Jasper N., Co. B
NICHOLLS, Charles, Co. G
NICHOLLS, William, Co. G
NOLAND, Jasper N., Co. K
NORDYKE, Erastus H., Co. A, wounded at Kenesaw Mountain and killed at Ezra
Church battle, Atlanta, Georgia on 28 July 1864, buried near Atlanta,
NORTON, Patrick, Co. A, wounded at Atlanta
NOWITNEY, Joseph, Co. I
NOYES, Chester W., Co. H
NOYES, Sylvester H., Co. H
NUTT (NATT), David, Co. F, died 12 September 1863, buried at City Cemetery,
Vicksburg, Mississippi
OAKLEY, John S., Co. B
OGG, Jefferson, Co. D, GAR Post 3, Seward, Seward County, Nebraska and Post
4, Fremont, Dodge County, Nebraska.
OGLEBY, Marion, Co. B
OHAVER, Solomon, Co. I
OLDINBURG, Edward, Co. I
OLDHAN, Robert W., Co. C
ORM, Christopher, Co. E, killed at Atlanta
ORM, Jonathan F., Co. E, wounded at Atlanta
ORM, Oliver, Co. E, wounded at Nickajack Creek
ORM, Robert, Co. E, wounded at Atlanta
OVERMAN, Stephen D., Co. H
OVERMIER (OVERMIRE), Amos, Co. B, missing at Atlanta
OVERTON, Fernando C., Co. C
OVERTON, Stephen, Co. G
OWEN, Hadley D., Co. D
OWEN, Henry, Co. G
OWENS, William H., Co. H
PAIR, William N., (Unassigned)
PAISLEY, William A., Co. C
PALMER, Henry A., Co. A, missing or prisoner at Shiloh
PALMER, Henry C., Co. H
PALMER, Melvin R., Co. I, wounded at Shiloh
PALMER, Samuel B., Co. G
PALMER, Thomas, Co. D, wounded at Ezra Church battle, Atlanta, Georgia
PAQUIN, Oliver, Co. E
PARK, John W. (M.), Co. H
PARKISON, William T., Co. F
PARKER, Asa Z., Co. I, wounded at Corinth
PARKER, Edward M., Co. I
PARKER, Edwin, Co. H
PARKER, James M., Co. B
PARKER, Joel, Co. I
PARKER, Moses J. H., Co. A
PARKER, William H., Co. G, died 15 September 1863
PARKER, William, Co. K, died 6 June 1862
PARKS, James, Co. A
PARSON (PARSONS), Jonah M. (W.), Co. F, wounded at Shiloh
PATTERSON, Timothy, Co. F
PATTON, David, Co. K
PAUL, Joseph H., Co. G, wounded at Kenesaw Mountain
PAYNE, Henry, Co. A
PAYNE, John, Co. B, wounded at Shiloh
PAYTON, George, Co. E
PEARSON, Ferdinand, Co. E
PEARSON, George, Co. E
PECKMUM, James, Co. B
PENNIMAN (PERRYMAN) , Jesse B., Co. A (age 22 from Lyons) killed in action
at Shiloh 6 April 1862
PEPPER, Leander C., Co. H
PERKINS, Charles E., Co. K
PERKINS, George S., Co. H, died 6 September 1862
PERKINS (PERKINE), Zelora H. (Zelord) (Zenord), Co. C, enlisted and
mustered 19 October 1864. Zelora died 1 January 1865 at Savannah, Georgia.
He is interred at God's Acre, Savannah, Georgia, buried in the Southwest
part of the cemetery. (Cedar Valley Times, 3 May 1866, Cedar Rapids, Linn
County, Iowa) and also reported buried at National Cemetery in Beaufort,
South Carolina. He was born 2 November 1846 and is the brother to Betsy
Perkins, wife of 15th Iowa soldier, Lysander Woodard. (Information supplied
by Lysander Woodard's gr-gr-gr-granddaughter: Melissa)
PERRY, George J., Co. D, enlisted and mustered 30 September 1864, residence
Linn County, Iowa, nativity Connecticut and age 29. Mustered out 2 June
1865 in Washington, D. C.
PERSINGER, Richard T., Co. I
PETERS, John G., Co. F, enlisted and mustered 15 October 1864 at age 24
(age stated as 35 in Roster and Records of Iowa Soldiers). Mustered out 24
July 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky. His monthly pay during the war was
around $13.00. John was born in Germany in 1840 and married Martha
Koppendinjer on 18 July 1866 at Grundy Center, Grundy Co., IA. John was
naturalized as a U.S. citizen on 10 September 1872 at Grundy Center and
later move to Butler County, Iowa. He died in 1894 at age 54 and is buried
at Aplington Cemetery, Butler County, Iowa. (Information supplied by John
Peter's gr-gr-grandson: Daniel)
PETERSON, William, Co. E
PETERSON, William, Co. H
PETTY, Samuel, Co. C
PEYTON, George, killed at Shiloh
PHIFER, George B., Co. G
PHIFER, Henry, Co. G
PHIFER, Joseph, Co. G
PHILIPS, Henry, Co. K, enlisted and mustered 31 October 1864, age 34.
Mustered out 24 July 1865, Louisville, Kentucky.
PHILIPS, Perry, Co. E, enlisted 14 October 1861, residence Keosauqua,
nativity Ohio and age 25. Mustered 1 December 1861. Died of chronic
diarrhea 9 March 1864 at Keosauqua, Iowa.
PHILLIPS, David, Co. B, enlisted and mustered 14 Oct 1864, residence Fort
Dodge and age 22. Mustered out 24 July 1865 at Louisville, KY. GAR Post
246, Emerick, Madison County, Nebraska.
PHILLIPS (PHILIPS), Francis M., Co. D, enlisted and mustered 22 Jan 1862,
residence Agency City, nativity Iowa and age 18. Re-enlisted and
re-mustered 8 March 1864. Wounded in shoulder 22 July 1864 near Atlanta,
GA. Promoted Sixth Corporal; Fifth Corporal 19 Nov 1864; Fourth Sergeant 28
April 1865. Mustered out 24 July 1865 at Louisville, KY. GAR Post 155,
Kenesaw, Adams County, Nebraska.
PHILO, Avery, Co. I, died 23 June 1862
PHINNEY, Calvin C., Co. C, GAR Post 139, Utica, Seward County, Nebraska.
PHIPPS, Albert, Co. I, died 10 April 1901 and buried in Oak Hill, Cherokee
County, Iowa, Lot 28, Block 3.
PIERCE, John Milton, Co. I, born in 1826 and nativity Indiana. John
immigrated to Franklin County, Iowa from Randolph County, Indiana 1855 to
1859. Enlisted in Waterloo, Iowa 21 October 1864, post office address:
Ackley, Hardin County, Iowa. John died of acute diarrhea 7 June 1865 at
Haywood Hospital in Washington, D.C. and is buried at Arlington National
Cemetery. (Information supplied by John Pierce's gr-gr-granddaughter D.
PIERCE, John W., Co. E, wounded at Corinth
PINDELL, Stephen, Co. F
PIPES, Jonathan, Co. C
PLATT, Edward, Co. E
PLATT, Zenas M. (James), Co. H, wounded at Shiloh
POLSER (PALSEY), John Perry, Co. B, wounded at Corinth and died 27 October
POMUTZ, George, (age 32, residence New Buda Twp., Decatur County, IA,
nativity Hungary) appointed Adjutant 23 December 1861. Mustered 23 December
1861, wounded slightly in shoulder 6 April 1862 at Shiloh. Promoted
Lieutenant Colonel 1 August 1862; Colonel on 22 April 1863; Brigadier
General on 17 August 1864 and Brevet Major General of Volunteers on 13
March 1865. He came to America in 1848 and had received military education
in Hungary. At the close of the war he was appointed Consul General of the
United States at St. Petersburg, Russia and died there 12 October 1882.
POOL, Phelix (Felix), Co. F, missing at Atlanta
POOL, William, Co. F, died 6 January 1862
POPE, Hiram D., Co. K, missing at Atlanta
POPE, John T., Co. K
PORTER, James S., Co. D, wounded at Shiloh. GAR Post 192, Ewing, Holt
County, Nebraska.
PORTER, Jonathan R., Co. E, wounded at Shiloh
PORTER, Vear, Co. E, wounded at Shiloh
POSEGETE (POSEGATE), Francis, Co. G, enlisted 20 Janurary 1862, residence
Indianola, Warren Co., IA, nativity Illinois and age 20. Mustered 6
February 1862. Discharged for disability 15 August 1862 at Keokuk, Iowa.
POST, Ethan, Co. B
POTTER, John, Co. F
POWELL, Elihu, Co. B
POWNELL (POWNEL), James Mattis, Co. K, enlisted 1 February 1862, residence
Ottumwa, nativity Ohio and age 44. Mustered 13 February 1862 and discharged
for disability 25 November 1862 at Grand Junction, Tennessee. James Mattis
Pownell's father was Joshua Pownell born 14 March 1770 and died 23 October
1831. (Information provided by James Pownell's gr-grandson: James)
PRATT, A. J., Co. A, died 26 May 1862 (not listed in Roster and Records of
Iowa Soldiers)
PRATT, Cornelius, Co. E
PRIMROSE, James, Co. A, wounded and missing at Atlanta
PRINCE, Albert, (Unassigned)
PROBST, Charles, Co. D
PUMROY, Grimes, Co. D
PURSLEY, William H., Co. B
PYATT, Andrew I., Co. A
QUINNETT, Vandamon, Co. B
QUAINTANCE, Charles, Co. C
QUEERY, Robert F., Co. F
QUIGLEY, Robert, Co. F
RABURN, John R., Co. D
RALPH, James A., Co. G
RALSTON, John, Co. D
RAMBO, Hassel, Co. I, enlisted 4 October 1861 as Seventh Corporal, mustered
24 January 1862, residence Charleston, Lee Co., IA and nativity Iowa.
Hassel died of chronic diarrhea 3 June 1862 at the Division Hospital and is
buried in Shiloh National Cemetery, Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee, section
G, grave 110. He was born 14 March 1841 in Van Buren County, Iowa.
Additional information supplied by Jim. Hassel Rambo is the younger brother
to Jim's gr-grandfather.
RANDOLPH, Levi M. (W.), Co. K, wounded at Shiloh
RANDOLPH, William S., Co. I
RANKIN, James (C.), Co. K, missing at Atlanta
RAPENN, Henry, Co. A
RAUN, Jerry, Co. K
RAYBORN (RAYBURN), Marion, wounded or sick at Shiloh (Chicago Tribune,
Monday, 21 April 1862) and missing at Atlanta
RAYBURN, Alexander, Co. D
RAYGER, Thomas, Co. B, wounded at Atlanta
REA, David F., Co. C
REA, John C., Co. C, wounded at Corinth and missing at Atlanta
REAVES (REEVES), John H., Co. G, wounded at Nickajack Creek, died 12 August
1864 and buried at Rome, Georgia
REDDEN, Isaac, Co. B
REDMAN, William, Co. D
REED, Andrew, Co. A
REED, Nathan, Co. C
REED, Joseph C., Co. F
REED, Samuel M., Co. E
REED, Samuel M., Co. I
REED, Samuel P., Co. A
REED, William J., Co. C
REEK, Benjamin F., missing at Atlanta
REES, George L., Co. B, died 7 February 1863, buried at Young's Point,
REES, Joseph N., Co. I
REEVES, Austin G., Co. H
REID, Daniel, Co. A
REID (REED), Elias, Co. G, wounded at Corinth and wounded at Atlanta
REID, Harvey M., Co. G
REID (REED), Hugh Thompson, reported paralyzed by ball in the back of head
at Shiloh (Chicago Tribune, 12 April 1862). Mustered in 22 February 1862.
Appointed Colonel on 1 November 1861. Promoted Brigadier General 13 March
1863. He was born 18 October 1811 in Union City, Union County, Indiana and
his father was a native of South Carolina. Hugh came to Keokuk, Iowa in
1843 to practice law and died 28 August 1874 in Keokuk.
REID, James Monroe, Co. I (age 32 from Keokuk) wounded slightly in the neck
on 6 April 1862 at Shiloh. Brother to Col. Hugh T. Reid.
REID (REED), Samuel P., Co. D, wounded at Corinth and wounded and missing
at Atlanta
REIGLE, Benjamin, Co. B
REILEY, John, Co. K
REYNOLDS , Charles M. I., Co. D
REYNOLDS, Ezra M., Co. D
REYNOLDS, George D. (J.), Co. D, severely wounded in the arm at Atlanta
REYNOLDS, James H., Co. D
RHANEY (RHAMY), William H. (A.), Co. E, wounded at Nickajack Creek
RHODES, James, Co. F
RICE, Ananias S., Co. G
RICE, James E., Co. H, wounded at Corinth, died 26 September 1863, buried
at Vicksburg, Mississippi
RICHARDS, Joseph, Co. I
RICHARDSON, George B., Co. K
RICHEY, James L., Co. K
RICHMOND, John M. (W.), Co. E, wounded at Nickajack Creek
RIDDLEN (RIDDEN), Timothy, Co. G, wounded at Corinth
RIDER, William H., Co. D, Co. F
RILEY, John, Co. G, missing at Atlanta
RIDNOUR, William J., Co. D, Co. K
RIDNOUR, William J., Co. K
ROACH, Andrew J., Co. D, wounded at Nickajack Creek
ROACH, Andrew T., Co. D, wounded at Shiloh
ROBERTS, James N., Co. E, wounded at Atlanta, died 17 September 1864,
buried at Rome, Georgia
ROBERTS, John, Co. K
ROBERTS, John H., Co. I
ROBERTS, Samuel L., Co. G, missing or prisoner at Corinth and wounded at
Ezra Church battle, Atlanta, Georgia. GAR Post 94, Alma, Harlan County,
ROBERTS, Thomas J. (I.), Co. F, died 10 July 1862
ROBERTS, William, (Unassigned)
ROBERTS, William M., Co. E
ROBINSON, Henry N., Co. E
ROBINSON, James D., Co. H
ROBINSON, Lorenzo S., Co. B
ROGERS, Adam A., Co. I, wounded at Shiloh
ROGERS, Alexander B., Co. H
ROGERS, George D., Co. H
ROGERS, George W., Co. K
ROGERS, Newton J. (B.), Co. E - (See: Newton at Shiloh)
ROMESHA, William H., Co. C, wounded at siege of Atlanta
ROMINE, John T., Co. E
ROOT, Edwin D., Co. E
ROPER, George W., Co. B
ROSE, James H., Co. E
ROSE, Philip, Co. K
ROSE, Warren Wm., Co. H, wounded at Atlanta
ROSS, Benjamin, Co. H
ROSS, Wesley, Co. A
ROTH, Eli, Co. H
ROTH, Frederick, Co. H
ROW, Andrew, Co. B
ROWE, John, Co. F, wounded at Atlanta
ROWEN, Francis A., Co. K
ROWELL, Loren, Co. I, missing at Atlanta
ROWELL, William H., Co. I, missing at Atlanta. Enumerated in the 1890
United States Census for Civil War soldiers and widows in Nebraska.
ROWLEY, Andrew J., Co. D
ROYNES, Joseph, Co. F
RUDD, John, Co. I
RUDLOFF, John, Co. I
RULDIN, Isaac, (Unassigned)
RUMSEY, Byron, Co. F
RUS, Samuel T., Co. B
RUSH, Jackson, Co. D
RUSSELL, Benjamin F., Co. F, killed at Shiloh
RUSSELL, George W., Co. B
RUSSEL, Newell, Co. H
RUSSELL, Robert, Co. F
RUSSELL, William D., Co. K
RYAN, Morgan, Co. F
RYAN, Joseph, Co. D
RYERSON (RYNSON), John L., Co. F, wounded at Shiloh
RYERSON , William, Co. F
RYNE, Joseph, killed at Shiloh
RYNEARSON, Sylvester, Co. C, enlisted 1 November 1861 as Fourth Corporal,
residence Laredo, and age 25. Mustered 31 December 1861, promoted Second
Sergeant 1 March 1862, First Sergeant 1 May 1862, Second Lieutenant 4
October 1862, First Lieutenant 10 December 1862 and Captain 24 June 1865.
Mustered out 29 June 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky. A Genealogy of
Reyniersen Family by Peter M. Rinearson and Arthur P. Rynearson (1997)
states, "Sylvester was the son of Abraham Rynearson and Rachael Ball and
born 5 December 1835 at Mason, Warren County, Ohio. He married Mary Jane
Clark daughter of John D. Clark and Sarah E. Bowyer. Sylvester died 3
January 1912 at Arcanum, Darke County, Ohio".The Civil War Letters of
Sylvester Rynearson 1861-1865 was published by Edward Rynearson Michaels.
(Sources available information forwarded by Daniel Rynearson.)
RYNSBURGER (RHYNESBERGER), Dick (Dirk), Co. A, wounded at Shiloh
RYNSBURGER (RHYNESBERGER) , Marinas (Marius), Co. A, wounded at Shiloh and
wounded at Atlanta
SACORA, Joseph, Co. C
SAFFORD, Thomas (B.), Co. G
SAMES, Edward, Co. K, GAR Post 187, Cambridge, Furnas County, Nebraska.
SAN PIERRE, Edward, Co. I
SANDERS, Richard, mortally wounded at Nickajack Creek
SANDERS, John W., Co. G
SANDERS, Levi H., Co. G
SANDERS, Richard, Co. G
SANDERS, William, Co. E
SARGENT, D., missing at Atlanta
SAUSER, Michael, Co. G
SAVEY, C. I., Co. B
SAXTON, Joseph H., Co. C
SCANLON, John, Co. F
SCHUVERS, Henry, Co. I, wounded at Shiloh
SCOFIELD, Isaac, Co. K
SCOTT, Daniel W., Co. F, wounded at Shiloh
SCOTT, John W., Co. F
SCOTT, Thomas W., Co. D
SCOTT, William, Co. E
SCRIVENS (SCIVER), Alphonse C., Co. A, died 13 January 1862
SCRIVENS, Benjamin H., Co. A
SCULLY, John, Co. H
SEABORN, Samuel I., Co. D
SEALLS, Barney, Co. A
SEATER, William W., Co. F, wounded at Kenesaw Mountain, died 24 June 1864,
buried at Big Shanty, Georgia
SEELY, Julius C., Co. B
SEEVERS, James A., Co. C
SELDER, Lafayette, Co. A
SELLERS, James D., Co. E, killed at Kenesaw Mountain
SELLERS, William H., Co. E, wounded at Atlanta
SELLS (SELLERS), Jacob, Co. A, wounded at Shiloh
SEVERSON, Wesley F., Co. A
SEWELL, Elias, Co. K
SEYMOUR, Henry C., Co. E
SHADBOLDT, Jerome, Co. C
SHAFFNER, Daniel, Co. D
SHAKON, Philip, Co. H
SHANNON, John D., Co. C
SHARP, David, Co. B
SHAW, Benjamin H., Co. A
SHAW, Edward L., Co. K, GAR Post 25, Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska.
SHAW, John B., Co. D
SHAW, William, Co. D, died 17 September 1864, buried at Marietta, Georgia
SHAWL, Henry B., Co. D
SHEARER, George W., Co. H
SHEEVERS (SHIEVERS), Henry , Co. I, wounded at Ezra Church battle, Atlanta,
SHEFFIELD, Eugene S., Co. D
SHELDON, Horace I., Co. K
SHEPARD, Joshua B. (Barney), Co. H, died 20 (21) March 1862
SHEPHARD, Styles F., Co. G
SHEPHERD, David A., Co. B
SHEPHERD, William W., Co. D
SHEPHERDSON, Meryland J. (Mayland), Co. F, GAR Post 115, Wymore, Gage
County, Nebraska.
SHEPHERDSON (SHEPARDSON), William H., Co. F, residing 1896 at Box 126,
Glenwood, Mills County, Iowa (mentioned in Greenbury T. Jones minors
pension papers)
SHERMAN, Henry, Co. C
SHERWOOD, William T., Co. G
SHIPLEY, James G., Co. K
SHIRLEY, John, Co. D
SHOEN, Frederick William, Co. B
SHOOK, John H., Co. F, GAR Post 103, Brownville, Nemaha County, Nebraska.
SHREEVES, Charles H., Co. D, wounded at Shiloh and wounded at Kenesaw
SHREVERS, Rudolph, Co. I
SHRIVER, Charles E., Co. E
SHRIVER, Thomas, Co. E
SHRUNK, Thomas, Co. C
SHUEY, Jacob, Co. K
SHULAR, Francis M., Co. K
SHULAR, John W., Co. K
SHULL, Isaiah, Co. A
SHULL, Richard R., Co. A, GAR Post 27, Clarks, Merrick County, Nebraska.
SIEFFORD, William, Co. F
SIMMONS, Benjamin F., Co. D
SIMMONS, Joseph B., Co. C
SIMMONS, William T., Co. H
SIMONS, Chester W., Co. A
SIMS, John B. (D.), Co. A, wounded at Shiloh
SIPPLE, James W., Co. F, wounded at battle of Corinth
SIMPSON, Lloyd D., Co. I
SIMS, Edward, (Unassigned)
SISLER, Michael N., Co. F
SKANK, Lewis W., Co. G
SKINNER, Daniel J., Co. B, wounded at Shiloh, GAR Post 22, Colorado
Springs, El Paso County, Colorado.
SLATE, William S., Co. A, wounded at battle of Bentonville
SLEY, B. E., wounded at Atlanta
SLOCUM, John D., Co. H
SLONEKER (SLONEMAKER), Jacob, Co. F, wounded at Atlanta
SMALLWOOD, Elijah (Elisha), Co. I, died 12 June 1862
SMITH, Augustus, Co. E, killed at Atlanta on 22 July 1864, buried near
Atlanta, Georgia
SMITH, Edward, Co. C
SMITH, Edward, Co. K
SMITH, Ellis, Co. A, missing at Atlanta
SMITH, Elihu, Co. A, missing at Atlanta
SMITH, Frederick, Co. F
SMITH, Isaiah A., wounded at siege of Atlanta
SMITH, James, Co. A
SMITH, James, Co. E
SMITH, James, Co. F
SMITH, James, Co. K, wounded at Shiloh
SMITH, James E., Co. K
SMITH, James H., Co. B
SMITH, John, Co. A
SMITH, John, Co. E
SMITH, John W., Co. E
SMITH, Oliver, Co. C, killed at Corinth
SMITH, Samuel C., Co. G
SMITH, Uriah A., Co. C
SMITH, William, Co. F
SMITH, William, Co. F
SMITH, William P., Co. E
SMITH, Wilson T. , Co. B
SMOCK, Charles, Co. D
SNELL, Isaac W., Co. F
SNODGRASS, George, Co. B
SNOW, Jackson P., Co. A, enumerated in the 1890 United States Census for
Civil War soldiers and widows in Nebraska.
SNUER, John S., Co. A
SOCTON, John, Co. E
SOLEN, Charles, Co. B
SOUTH, Byron, Co. G, missing at Atlanta
SPAIN, Milton, Co. C
SPATES (SPAITS), Rezin T., Co. C, wounded at Ezra Church battle, Atlanta,
SPATES, William, Co. C
SPATZ, Frederick, Co. K
SPEARS, John A., Co. K
SPENCE, William A., Co. C
SPENCER, Darwin, Co. G, died 1 June 1862, buried at Monterey, Tennessee
SPENCER, Elisha G., Co. H
SPERES, Isaac, Co. G
SPETHMAN, Leopold, Co. B, enumerated in the 1890 United States Census for
Civil War soldiers and widows in Nebraska.
SPITELL, Mathias, Co. G
SPOTT, Frank, Co. B
SPOTT, Henry, Co. B
SPOTTS, Franklin, Co. H, died 15 July 1865, buried Cave Hill National
Cemetery, Louisville, Kentucky
SPURRIER, Robert W., Co. F
ST. JOHN, John F., Co. E, Co. K, wounded at Kenesaw Mountain
STACKLEY, John, Co. C, wounded at Atlanta
STAGE, John W., (Unassigned)
STAHL, Buchary T., (Unassigned)
STAHL, Zachariah, Co. I
STAIN, James H., Co. B
STAIN, William H., Co. B
STALCOP (STALCUP), Mathias W., Co. G, Co. K, wounded at Atlanta
STANBERRY, William, Co. B
STANFIELD, Joseph W., Co. G, Co. K
STANFIELD, Samuel, Co. G, died 14 January 1864
STANFIELD, Thomas J., Co. C
STANLEY, Charles, (Unassigned)
STANWOOD, Sabin C., Co. H, GAR Post 3, Seward, Seward County, Nebraska.
STARRET, James B., Co. D
STATTS, Abraham J., Co. I
STAUBS, Charles E., Co. A
STEEL, George K., Co. K
STEEL, James A., Co. E
STENNETT, Charles, Co. F, enlisted 10 October 1861 at age 23, residence
Frankfort, Montgomery County, IA, born 27 July 1838 in Edwards County,
Illinois. (Nativity stated Pennsylvania in Roster and Records of Iowa
Soldiers) Mustered 18 November 1861 and re-enlisted and re-mustered 1
January 1864 (29 January 1864 also reported). Mustered out on 24 July 1864
at Louisville, Kentucky. Charles was married to Tabitha Louise Lowe on 27
April 1863. Charles service was limited by both sickness and absence. He
was sent home for illness in 1862 and was then recalled to the regiment and
failed to return (no record of why). He was then dragged back by the Army
in 1863. He argued with the army regarding this matter for a few days but
then rejoined and served well but for being sent to the hospital near Rome,
Georgia and again later. Though he saw some of the fighting, much of the
war he was ill and later documents indicate he was never fully recovered.
(Information supplied by Charles Stennett's great-grandson: Dave)
STENNETT, Hugh L., enlisted 26 August 1861 and was one of nine "extra" men
and subsequently enlisted in the 13th U.S. Infantry 16 November 1861.
Technically, Hugh was in the 15th Iowa for a few months but is not listed
in Roster and Records of Iowa Soldiers... (Information supplied by a
Montgomery County, IA, Stennett researcher: Dave)
STEPHENS, John M., Co. H
STERNES, Charles, Co. F
STEVENS, Benjamin S., Co. D
STEVENS, Stephen, Co. D, missing at Atlanta
STEWART, Charles, Co. A, wounded at Shiloh
STEWART, Franklin H., Co. K
STEWART, John P., Co. D
STEWART, William, Co. E
STIDGER, William C., Co. E, Co. I, wounded at Shiloh and wounded at Corinth
STIGMAN, John, Co. I STONE, Alfred L., Co. H, missing or prisoner at
Corinth and killed at siege of Atlanta on 19 August 1864, buried near
Atlanta, Georgia
STONE, Andrew B., Co. K
STONE, Freeman M. , Co. K, wounded at Shiloh
STONE, John Y., Co. F, wounded at Shiloh
STONE, Truman, Co. G STOUGH, John, Co. F
STOUGHTON, Benjamin F., Co. B, wounded at Shiloh
STOW, Ebenezer G., Co. K
STREETER, Levi J. (I.), Co. H, wounded at Shiloh and missing at Atlanta
STRODE, Newton, Co. B, enumerated in the 1890 United States Census for
Civil War soldiers and widows in Nebraska.
STUCKER (STUCKEY), Jeptha C. (I. C.), Co. F, died 24 March 1862
STUART (STEWART), Charles M., Co. C
STUART (STEWART), Oscar E., Co. E, wounded at Atlanta
STUDER, Adolphus G., Co. B, wounded at Shiloh
SUITS, William B., Co. D
SULGROVE, Emanuel, Co. I
SUMNER, Charles W., Co. A
SUMSTINE, Peter, Co. A
SURLES, George W., Co. H
SWAGGART, Daniel, Co. G
SWANSON, Willliam M. (N. W.), Co. A, Co. H
SWEENEY, James, Co. A, wounded at Kenesaw Mountain
SWEENHART, William H., Co. A
SWEET, Melvin, Co. E, wounded at Shiloh
SWYHEART, Manuel, Co. I
SYSTER, Lewis M., Co. E
TAIRNA, Patrick, Co. B
TANNER, Alva C., Co. C, killed at siege of Atlanta
TANNER, Walter A., Co. C, killed at Corinth
TARPENNING, Francis M. (W.), Co. F, wounded at battle of Corinth
TARPENNING, John, Co. F, GAR Post 126, Bazile Mills, Knox County, Nebraska.
TARPENNING, Lucas Jr. (Lewis), Co. F, died 2 or 3 June 1862
TAYLOR, Daniel S., Co. E
TAYLOR, Henry P. (J. H.), Co. B, died 15 March 1862
TAYLOR, John G., Co. A
TAYLOR, Matthew A., Co. F
TEAL, Cornelius, Co. B
TEATER, Lysander, Co. I
TEBUS, William, Co. B
TERNES, Peter, Co. G
TERREL, Jackson, Co. B
TERRILL, Edward, Co. A
THARP, Wilford D., Co. H
THATCHER, Amos D., Co. E
THATCHER, Isaac B., Co. E, wounded at Shiloh and wounded at Corinth
THATCHER, Jonathan, Co. E
THAYER, Gilbert, Co. D
THAYER, Merrick W., Co. F, killed at Shiloh
THAYER, Seth, Co. A
THEDENS, Henry, Co. F
THOMAS, Benjamin F., Co. E, wounded at Atlanta
THOMAS, Isaac, Co. I
THOMAS, Josiah, Co. D
THOMAS, John H. (A.), Co. K
THOMAS, John M., Co. E
THOMAS, Luther B., Co. I, missing at Atlanta. GAR Post 4, Fremont, Dodge
County, Nebraska and Post 1, Kearney, Buffalo County, Nebraska.
THOMAS, Loren S., Co. B
THOMAS, Samuel C., Co. I, missing at Atlanta. GAR Post 18, Fairmont,
Fillmore County, Nebraska.
THOMPSON, George B., Co. E
THOMPSON, Oscar, Co. A, died 2 March 1862
THOMPSON, Thomas, Co. H
THOMPSON, William, Co. E
THOMSON, Edwin B., Co. B
THORNBUN, Joseph, Co. C
THORNLEY, Edward, Co. C, GAR Post 1, Kearney, Buffalo County, Nebraska.
THORNTON, Francis M., Co. H
THORNTON, Thomas J., Co. B
THORNTON, William, Co. A
TIBBETTS, James P., Co. A, GAR Post 51, Wilber, Saline County, Nebraska.
TICE, Daniel N., Co. K
TIMBREL, Jacob T., Co. C, wounded at Atlanta
TISHUE, William K., Co. D
TOBEY, Sheldon, Co. A
TODD, Johnathan Vinson (Jonathan N.), Co. H, enlisted and mustered 17
October 1864, residence near Urbana, Benton Co., IA, nativity Tennessee and
age 37. Mustered out 24 July 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky. Although it is
believed that he was born in Tennessee, the 1870 census states Arkansas. He
married Mary Todd who was born with the same surname as her married name.
Johnathan was the father of ten girls and one boy and died in 1890. One
daughter, Josephine Todd, married William H. Cumberland.(Information
supplied by Johnathan Todd's great-grandson: William H. Cumberland.)
TOLBERT (TALBERT), Benjamin, Co. E, died 25 October 1863, buried at
Vicksburg, Mississippi
TOOLE, George W., Co. E
TORR, Wilford (William) H., Co. B., died 12 June 1862
TOTTON (TOLTEN), Johnson, Co. C, GAR Post 11, Grand Island, Hall County,
TOVEREA, John, Co. G, wounded at Shiloh
TOVEY, Franklin, Co. B
TOVEY, John A., Co. B, killed at Atlanta
TOVEY, Peter, Co. H
TOWNSEND, Alamander, Co. A
TRAUL, Andrew B., Co. K
TRICK, George S., Co. D
TRIMBELL, Jacob F., Co. C, wounded at Shiloh
TRESLER, John L. (S.), Co. F, wounded at Atlanta
TRESTER, Edmund C., Co. F
TRISLER, Emanuel F., Co. F, residing 1896 in Glenwood, Mills County, Iowa
(mentioned in Greenbury T. Jones minors pension papers)
TROTH, Isaac M. (N.), Co. F, killed at Shiloh
TROTH, James A., Co. B
TROTH, Zimri, Co. F
TRUESDELL, Jacob P., Co. H
TRUMP, George, Co. D
TRUMP, John, Co. A
TSCHOEL, Baptist, Co. C
TUCKER, Seldon H., Co. H
TULL, James, Co. H, died 17 September 1864
TURNER, Henry, Co. D
TURNER, William, Co. G
TURNER, William Y., Co. F
TYLER, Loren, Co. H
ULICK, August, Co. F, enlisted and mustered 15 November 1864 at age 20.
Mustered out 24 July 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky.
ULM, David W., Co. I, residence Ottumwa, Wapello County, IA, nativity
UMBARGER, Christopher C., Co. H, residence Richfield, Fayette County, IA,
nativity Indiana.
UMSTEAD, Daniel, Co. I, residence Keokuk, Lee County, IA, nativity Ireland.
UTTERBACK, Addison, Co. F, residence Mills County, nativity Indiana.
UTTERBACK (UTTERBOCK), Sidnor (Snyder) (Sidney) , Co. F, residence
Glenwood, nativity Indiana and died 31 May 1862.
VAN DAMARK, Zara, Co. B, enlisted and mustered 4 October 1864 and mustered
out 20 June 1865 at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
VAN HOUSTON, John H., Co. B, residence Fort Dodge, Webster County, IA,
nativity Ohio.
VAN HOUT, Cornelius, Co. I, residence Eddyville and nativity Holland.
VAN RIPER, Peter, Co. A, nativity Michigan.
VAN ROOYEN, Peter, Co. I, residence Pella, Marion County, IA, nativity
VAN VALTENBERG, Daniel, Co. E, nativity Indiana.
VAN WINKLE, Amos, Co. H, residence Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie County,
IA, nativity Illinois.
VANDERWALL, Henry V., Co. I, wounded at Shiloh.
VANDEVEER, George F., Co. A, residence Cedar Rapids, Linn County, IA,
nativity New York.
VANCLEAVE (VANCLEAVER), George W., Co. B, residence Fort Dodge, Webster
County, IA, nativity Ohio and died 18 April 1862.
VANCLEAVE, Henry, Co. C, enlisted and mustered 1 January 1862, residence
Peoria, nativity Indiana and age 22. Wounded in left leg severely 23 July
1864 near Atlanta, Georgia. Discharged 27 January 1865 at Pocotaligo, South
Carolina. Enumerated in the 1890 United States Census for Civil War
soldiers and widows in Nebraska. Henry died in the early 1900's in Elgin,
Antelope Co., Nebraska. (Information supplied by Henry VanCleave's
gr-grandson: Lanny)
VANCLEAVE, John T., Co. B, residence Des Moines, Polk County, IA.
VANCLEAVE, Joshua V., Co. C, enlisted and mustered 1 January 1862,
residence Peoria, nativity Indiana and age 24. Wounded in hand slightly 3
October 1862 at Corinth, Mississippi. Discharged 3 January 1863 at St.
Louis, Missouri. It appears that Joshua was transferred to the Signal Corps
rather than a full discharge and also was listed as historian for Co. C.
VANDERLINDER, Laccus, Co. C, residence Pella, Marion County, IA, nativity
VANDERWALL, Henry N. (V.), Co. I, residence Keokuk, Lee County, IA,
nativity Holland.
VANHOUSER, Valentine, Co. I, enlisted and mustered 7 April 1864 at age 21.
Deserted 6 October 1864 at Louisville, Kentucky.
VANMORREL, Henry, Co. C, residence Pella, Marion County, IA, nativity
VANMORREL (VANDERMORREL), John, Co. C, residence Pella, Marion County, IA,
nativity Holland and died 11 October 1864, buried at Kenesaw Mountain,
residence Mills County and nativity Pennsylvania. Residing 1896 in
Hillsdale, Mills County, Iowa (mentioned in Greenbury T. Jones minors
pension papers), wounded at Atlanta.
VANSICKLE, Chauncey M., Co. C, enlisted and mustered 15 October 1864 at age
18 and mustered out 24 July 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky. (Also: 27th
Infantry, Co. I)
VANSKIKE, Samuel, Co. D, residence Ottumwa, Wapello County, IA, nativity
VANTREESE (VANTRESE) (VANTRUSE), James S., Co. E, residence Keosauqua, Van
Buren County, IA, nativity Ohio and wounded at Corinth and wounded at
VANVOAST, Albert, Co. D, residence Clark County, nativity Indiana and
missing at Atlanta.
VAUGHN, Amos C., Co. G, enlisted and mustered 26 September 1864, residence
Iowa and age 22. Mustered out 2 June 1865 at Washington, D.C.
VAUGHN, William F., Co. K, nativity Wisconsin.
VAUGHT, Simon, Co. B, residence Davenport, Scott County, IA, nativity
VERRIPS, Daniel, Co. I, residence Pella, Marion County, IA, nativity
Holland and missing at Atlanta.
VERVERS, John, Co. C, residence Pella, Marion County, IA, nativity Holland.
VIERS, Charles M., Co. K, nativity Ohio.
VINCENT, Hiram G. (J.), Co. H, residence Calhoun, Harrison County, IA,
nativity New York and wounded at Shiloh (Chicago Tribune, Monday, 21 April
1862). GAR Post 187, Cambridge, Furnas County, Nebraska.
VINCENT, James E., Co. H, residence Calhoun, Harrison County, IA, nativity
New York.
VINCENT, Jonathan, Co. H, residence Calhoun, Harrison County, IA, nativity
New York and wounded at siege of Atlanta.
VINCENT, John D., Co. D, residence Ottumwa, Wapello County, IA, nativity
VINTON, Charles V. (B.), Co. G, residence Indianola, nativity Ohio and
wounded at Corinth and killed at Atlanta.
VIRGIL, William H., Co. D, residence Davenport, Scott County, IA, nativity
New York.
VOGANTHALER, Andrew, Co. F, enlisted and mustered 15 November 1864 at age
37 and mustered out 24 July 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky.
WACHT, Nicholas, Co. I, enlisted and mustered 27 September 1864. Mustered
out 2 June 1865 at Washington, D.C.
WADDELL, James, Co. G, residence Des Moines, Polk County, IA, nativity
WADDELL, William, Co. C, enlisted and mustered 4 October 1864 at age 18.
Mustered out 24 July 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky.
WADE, Abraham, Co. H, residence Waverly, Bremer County, IA, nativity
WADE, Absalom, Co. D, residence Ottumwa, Wapello County, IA, nativity Iowa
and died 4 August 1862.
WADE, John, Co. C, residence Des Moines, Polk County, IA.
WAGONER, George, Co. C, residence Davenport, Scott County, IA, nativity
WAGNER, Houston, Co. G, nativity Iowa.
WALDO, Joseph A., Co. B, residence Dallas County, nativity Ohio.
WALDO, William W., Co. B, residence Boone, nativity Ohio.
WALKER, Charles, Co. G, Co. K, residence Knoxville, Marion County, IA,
nativity Indiana or Iowa.
WALKER, Elias C., Co. B, residence Dubuque, Dubuque County, IA.
WALKER, George W., Co. A, residence Keokuk, Lee County, IA, nativity Ohio.
WALKER, Manuel Mike, Co. I, enlisted and mustered 14 November 1864.
Mustered out 24 July 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky.
WALKER, Smith, Co. C, residence Granville, nativity Illinois.
WALKER, Thomas A., Co. G, residence Warren County, nativity Indiana.
WALKER, William H. (A.), Co. D, Co. K, residence Ottumwa, Wapello County,
IA, nativity Illinois and mortally wounded at Atlanta.
WALL, Thomas, Co. G, enlisted and mustered 15 October 1864. Deserted 27
October 1864 at Cave Springs, Kentucky.
WALLACE, George W., Co. K, Co. D, residence Ottumwa, Wapello County, IA,
nativity Ohio and wounded at Shiloh.
WALLACE, Henry L., Co. F, residence Davenport, Scott County, IA, nativity
New York.
WALLACE, Isaac H., Co. H, residence Bedford, Taylor County, IA, nativity
WALLICK, Jeremiah, Co. A, nativity Ohio.
WALLING, Harman, Co. D, residence Dubuque, Dubuque County, IA, nativity
WALLIS, Jareld D., Co. K, enlisted and mustered 8 October 1864 at age 25.
Mustered out 24 July 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky.
WALTERS, Dennis, Co. K, enlisted and mustered 21 October 1861 at age 18.
Mustered out 24 July 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky.
WALTERS, George, Co. I, residence Keokuk, Lee County, IA, nativity Hanover.
WALTON, Pierce, Co. C, residence Davenport, Scott County, IA. WARD, James,
Co. G, nativity Canada.
WARD, William, Co. I, residence Hancock County, Illinois, nativity Indiana
and wounded at Shiloh and died 24 March 1864.
WARE, George W., Co. D, residence Ottumwa, Wapello County, IA, nativity
WAREHINE, Andrew, Co. E, residence Fort Madison, Lee County, IA, nativity
WARNER, Israel S. (J. S.), Co. C, residence Hopewell, Mahaska County, IA,
nativity Ohio and wounded at Shiloh and Corinth, died 7 June (14 August)
WARNER, Orson A., Co. F, residence Sidney, Fremont County, IA, nativity New
York. Residing 1896 in Syracuse, Otoe County, Nebraska (mentioned in
Greenbury T. Jones minors pension papers); wounded at Atlanta. GAR Post 21,
Syracuse, Otoe County, Nebraska.
WARREN, Christopher, Co. E, residence Keosauqua, Van Buren County, IA,
nativity Ireland and wounded at Jonesboro or Lovejoy.
WARREN, Lewis, Co. K, residence Ottumwa, Wapello County, IA, nativity
WARREN, John K., Co. B, residence Des Moines, Polk County, IA, nativity
WARREN, Lewis, Co. D, Co. K, residence Pottawattamie County, nativity
Connecticut and wounded at Corinth.
WARRINGTON, John H., Co. B, residence Adel, Dallas County, IA, nativity
WASHBURN, George D., Co. B, residence Davenport, Scott County, IA, nativity
WASHINGTON, Patrick, Co. G, nativity Nova Scotia.
WASSON, John A., Co. G, residence Panora, Guthrie County, IA, nativity
WASSON, William H. H., Co. A, residence Des Moines, Polk County, IA,
nativity Indiana.
WATENPAUGH, Ephraim, Co. B, residence Third Congressional District.
WATROUS, Albert B., Co. G, nativity Ohio.
WATSON, Joseph H., Co. B, residence Winterset, Madison County, IA, nativity
New Hampshire.
WATSON, Otis, Co. E, residence Danville, Des Moines County, IA, nativity
WATSON, William , Co. A, residence Lyons, Clinton County, IA, nativity
Scotland and wounded at Kenesaw Mountain.
WATSON, William L., Co. I, residence Charleston, Lee County, IA, nativity
Indiana and wounded near Atlanta, Georgia.
WATTERMAN, Ford, Co. B, residence Adel, Dallas County, IA, nativity Ohio.
WAYLER, Jean, Co. G, nativity Germany.
WEAVER, Cyrus, Co. C, residence Oskaloosa, Mahaska County, IA, nativity
WEAVER, David E., Co. H, residence Marietta, Marshall County, IA, nativity
Ohio. GAR Post 5, Boulder, Boulder County, Colorado.
WEAVER, John, Co. D, residence Franklin, nativity Germany.
WEAVER, Samuel, Co. H, residence Memory, nativity Indiana.
WEBB, David G., Co. K, enlisted and mustered 1 October 1864 at age 25. Died
27 February 1865 at Field Hospital, South Carolina.
WEBB, Charles, Co. G, residence Indianola, nativity New York.
WEBBER, Henry, Co. K, enlisted and mustered 11 October 1864 at age 23.
Discharged 1 July 1865 at Indianapolis, Indiana, by General Order No. 77.
WEBSTER, Davidson, Co. H, residence Fort Dodge, Webster County, IA,
nativity Maine.
WEBSTER, James H., Co. B, residence Des Moines, Polk County, IA.
WEBSTER, Richard F., Co. F, enlisted and mustered 15 November 1864 at age
34. Mustered out 24 July 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky. Enumerated in the
1890 United States Census for Civil War soldiers and widows in Nebraska.
WEBSTER, Wheeler R., Co. H, residence Union Ridge, nativity New York.
WEBSTER, William I., Co. I, residence Smyrna, Clarke County, IA, nativity
Ohio and enumerated in the 1890 United States Census for Civil War soldiers
and widows in Nebraska.
WEEKS, Ezekiel S., Co. F, residence Glenwood, Mills County, IA, nativity
WEEKS, Lucas A., Co. D, residence Davenport, Scott County, IA, nativity
WELCH, Henry D., Co. I, residence Simpson, nativity England.
WELCH, Isaiah M. (J. W.), Co. G, residence Knoxville, Marion County, IA,
nativity Illinois.
WELCH, James A., Co. G, residence Knoxville, Marion County, IA, nativity
WELCH, John A., Co. G, residence Knoxville, Marion County, IA, nativity
WELCH, J. W., Co. H
WELLMAN, Madison, Co. D, residence Blakesburg, Wapello County, IA, nativity
Kentucky and wounded at Shiloh. Died 1 June 1862, buried at Shiloh National
Cemetery, Tennessee.
WELLMAN (WILLIMAN), John, Co. D, residence Blakesburg, Wapello County, IA,
nativity Iowa and wounded at Shiloh.
WELLS, John F., Co. G, residence Marion County, IA, nativity Ohio. GAR Post
229, Newport, Rock County, Nebraska.
WELLS, Levi, Co. B, residence Des Moines, Polk County, IA, nativity
Illinois and wounded at Atlanta.
WELLS, William C., Co. I, residence Osceola, Clarke County, IA, nativity
Ohio. (See: Wells at Corinth)
WELLS, William K., Co. C, residence Davenport, Scott County, IA,.
WELSH, Henry, Co. K, enlisted and mustered 31 October 1864 at age 18.
Mustered out 26 June 1865 at Washington, D.C.
WELSH, Peter, Co. K, enlisted and mustered 5 October 1864 at age 32.
Mustered out 24 July 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky. GAR Post 72, Hardy,
Nuckolls County, Nebraska.
WELSH, Robert F. G., Co. F, residence Fourth Congressional District.
WENTWORTH, Henry P., Co. B, residence First Congressional District.
WENZEL, Conrad, Co. B, residence Des Moines, Polk County, IA, nativity
Indiana and killed at Shiloh.
WENZEL, William H., Co. K, nativity Bohemia.
WERTZ, Matthew, mortally wounded at Columbia, South Carolina
WESCHE, Henry, Co. B, residence Third Congressional District.
WEST, Albert, Co. G, nativity England.
WESTBROOK, James M., Co. F, enlisted and mustered 15 November 1864 at age
27. Mustered out 24 July 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky.
WESTCOTT, Alvin, Co. K, residence Keokuk, Lee County, IA, nativity Ohio.
WESTCOTT, Christopher L., Co. E, Co. K, residence Keosauqua, Van Buren
County, IA, nativity Rhode Island.
WESTFIELD, George J., Co. D, residence Davenport, Scott County, IA,
nativity New York.
WETMORE, Helan, Co. C, enlisted 20 October 1864. Mustered out 27 June1865
at Washington, D.C.
WHALEY, Joseph, Co. H, residence Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie County, IA,
nativity Delaware and wounded at Shiloh.
WHALEY, Warren, Co. G, residence Maron County, IA, nativity Iowa.
WHALIN, Edmond, Co. F, residence Keokuk, Lee County, IA, nativity Ireland.
WHALING, Orvill M., Co. C, residence Peoria, nativity Connecticut.
WHEELOCK, Charles M., Co. A, residence Lyons, Clinton County, IA, nativity
Vermont and wounded at Shiloh
WHEELOCK, John A., Co. A, residence Lyons, Clinton County, IA, nativity
WHISENNAND, Stephen H., Co. F, enlisted and mustered 15 November 1864 at
age 24. Mustered out 24 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky.
WHISLER, Christian, Co. F, residence Davenport, Scott County, IA, nativity
WHITE, Isaiah, Co. I, residence Clark County, IA, nativity Iowa and missing
at Atlanta.
WHITE, James H., Co. B, residence Second Congressional District.
WHITE, John, Co. G, residence Knoxville, Marion County, IA, nativity
Pennsylvania and wounded at Shiloh and at Atlanta.
WHITE, John, Co. I, residence Keokuk, Lee County, IA, nativity Ohio.
WHITE, J. W., Co. D, residence Mahaska County, nativity Virginia.
WHITE, William, Co. B, residence Big Creek. WHITE, William H., Co. I,
residence Hancock County, Illinois.
WHITENACK, Robert H., Co. A, residence Cedar Rapids, Linn County, IA,
nativity Indiana.
WHITEWORTH, William, Co. G, residence Burlington, nativity Illinois.
WHITLOCK, Asa, Co. C, residence Hopewell, Mahaska County, IA, nativity
WHITLOCK (WHITLACK), Ezra B., Co. C, residence Hopewell, Mahaska County,
IA, nativity Kentucky and wounded at Shiloh.
WHITMIRE, Jacob, Co. I, died 25 May 1862
WHITMORE, G. W., Co. B, rejected 9 November 1861 by Mustering Officer.
WHITNEY (WHITING), John A. C., Co. F, residence Cass County, IA, nativity
New York. Residing 1896 in Neola, Pottawattamie County, Iowa (mentioned in
Greenbury T. Jones minors pension papers), wounded at Shiloh. GAR Post 35,
Grand Junction, Mesa County, Colorado.
WHITTAKER (WHITAKER), Noah, Co. C, residence Union Mills, Mahaska County,
IA, nativity Indiana and died 6 January 1862.
WHITTIER, Edward A., Co. D, residence Dubuque, Dubuque County, IA, nativity
WIDEL, Adam, Co. H, residence Monmouth, Jackson County, IA, nativity
WIGGINS, Nathaniel, Co. F, residence Des Moines, Polk County, IA, nativity
New York.
WIGGINS, Van Buren, Co. B, residence Winterset, Madison County, IA,
nativity New Hampshire.
WILBUR, Clark H., Co. H, nativity New York and buried in state of
WILCOX, Alfred R. (B.), Co. K, residence Ottumwa, Wapello County, IA,
nativity Ohio and wounded at Shiloh (Chicago Tribune, Monday, 21 April
WILCOX, Alfred, Co. D, residence Ottumwa, Wapello County, IA, nativity
WILCOX, William, Co. F, residence Dubuque, Dubuque County, IA, nativity
WILCOX, William S., Co. C, residence Davenport, Scott County, IA,.
WILKIN, Matthew W., Co. K, enlisted and mustered 28 October 1864 at age 35.
Mustered out 30 June 1865 at Washington, D.C. (Also: First Cavalry, Co. D)
WILKINS, Hiram, Co. C, residence Oskaloosa, Mahaska County, IA, nativity
Indiana and died 4 August 1864, buried at Rome, Georgia.
WILKINS, Resin, Co. B, residence Des Moines, Polk County, IA, nativity
WILKINS, Stephen, Co. D, residence Ottumwa, Wapello County, IA, nativity
Ohio and wounded at Corinth.
WILLEMACK, Wenzell, Co. F, residence Davenport, Scott County, IA, nativity
WILLIAMS, Benjamin, Co. C, residence Granville, nativity Ohio.
WILLIAMS, Benjamin F., Co. C, residence Oskaloosa, Mahaska County, IA,
nativity Ohio.
WILLIAMS, Charles, Co. A, nativity Ireland.
WILLIAMS, Charles E., Co. F, residence Gaston, nativity Ohio.
WILLIAMS, Clark, Co. C, residence Oskaloosa, Mahaska County, IA, nativity
WILLIAMS, George, Co. F, residence Davenport, Scott County, IA, nativity
WILLIAMS, Henry, Co. G, residence Grinnell, Poweshiek County, IA, nativity
Nova Scotia.
WILLIAMS, James R., Co. I, residence Charleston, Lee County, IA, nativity
Iowa. GAR Post 12, Sidney, Cheyenne County, Nebraska.
WILLIAMS, Lewis H., Co. B, residence Des Moines, Polk County, IA, nativity
Indiana. WILLIAMS, Simeon, Co. H, residence Fairfield, nativity Illinois.
WILLIAMS, William H. H., Co. K, Co. D, residence Ottumwa, Wapello County,
IA, nativity Kentucky or Tennessee and wounded at Corinth.
WILLIAMS, William W., Co. I, residence Osceola, Clarke County, IA, nativity
WILLIS, William, Co. H, residence Calhoun, Harrison County, IA, nativity
New York.
WILLSON, Eldridge, Co. K, enlisted and mustered 15 October 1864 at age 24.
Mustered out 24 July 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky.
WILSON, George W., Co. F, enlisted and mustered 15 October 1864 at age 34.
Mustered out 8 July 1865 at Newark, New Jersey.
WILSON, Henry V., Co. C, enlisted and mustered 1 October 1864. Deserted 6
November 1864 at Resaca, Georgia.
WILSON, James, Co. D, residence Davenport, Scott County, IA, nativity Ohio.
WILSON, Jefferson, Co. H, residence Mount Pleasant, Henry County, IA,
nativity Indiana.
WILSON, John, Co. H, residence Monticello, nativity Canada.
WILSON (WILLE), John J., Co. E, residence Keokuk, Lee County, IA, nativity
New York and wounded at Shiloh (Chicago Tribune, Friday, 18 April 1862).
WILSON, Joseph R., Co. D, residence Ottumwa, Wapello County, IA, nativity
WILSON, Marshall H., Co. I, residence Albia, Marion County, IA, nativity
Ohio and killed at Shiloh.
WILSON, Richard M., Co. D, residence Ottumwa, Wapello County, IA, nativity
Ohio and mortally wounded at Atlanta.
WILSON, Robert, Co. E, residence Keokuk, Lee County, IA, nativity New York.
GAR Post 25, Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska.
WILSON, Samuel, Co. A, residence Cedar Rapids, Linn County, IA, nativity
England and missing at Atlanta.
WILSON, Thomas H., Co. B, Co. H, residence Stumptown and Des Moines, Polk
County, IA, nativity Pennsylvania.
WILSON, William B. H., Co. G, nativity Indiana and died 23 February 1865.
WINGROVE, William, Co. K, nativity Ireland.
WINKLER, John W., Co. K, Co. D, residence Ottumwa, Wapello County, IA,
nativity Ohio or Illinois and killed at Shiloh, buried at Shiloh National
Cemetery, Tennessee. WINN, Charles, Co. D, residence Ottumwa, Wapello
County, IA, nativity Ohio.
WINNING, Eli A., Co. C, residence Des Moines, Polk County, IA.
WINTERS, David K., Co. B, residence Des Moines, Polk County, IA, nativity
Ohio and wounded at Corinth.
WINTERS, William B., Co. D, residence Keokuk, Lee County, IA, nativity
Pennsylvania and wounded at Shiloh.
WINTERS, William S., Co. C, residence Granville, nativity Indiana and
missing at Atlanta.
WITHROW, Eli, Co. F, residence Glenwood, Mills County, IA, nativity
Kentucky. Residing 1896 in Plymouth, Amador County, California (mentioned
in Greenbury T. Jones minors pension papers).
WISDOM, Francis M., Co. E, enlisted and mustered 28 September 1864.
Mustered out 6 June 1865 at Washington, D.C.
WOLF, Carl, Co. C, enlisted and mustered 18 October 1864 at age 27.
Mustered out 24 July 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky.
WOLF, Charles W., Co. K, enlisted and mustered 11 October 1864 at age 22.
Mustered out 24 July 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky.
WOLF, James W., Co. B, residence Knoxville, Marion County, IA, nativity
Ohio. WOLF, John, Co. A, residence Davenport, Scott County, IA, nativity
WOLF, John, Co. C, enlisted and mustered 5 October 1864. Mustered out 5
October 1864, died 7 April 1865 at Newbern, N.C. and buried in Newbern
Cemetery, Newbern, North Carolina, plot 12, grave 2183.
WOLF (WOLFE), Porter A., Co. D, residence Davenport, Scott County, IA,
nativity Ohio. GAR Post 31, Ashland, Saunders County, Nebraska.
WOLF, Thomas, Co. G, nativity Holland.
WOLTON, Henry W., Co. C, residence Pella, Marion County, IA, nativity North
WOLVERTON, Peter, Co. B, residence Davenport, Scott County, IA, nativity
New Jersey.
WOOD, John H., Co. K, residence Newbern, nativity Ohio and mortally wounded
at Atlanta on 12 August 1864, buried at Marietta, Georgia.
WOOD, William, Co. A, residence Cedar Rapids, Linn County, IA, nativity
Indiana and died at Shiloh.
WOOD (WOODS), John, Co. A, residence Cedar Rapids, Linn County, IA,
nativity Indiana and died 22 or 23 December 1861 buried at Oakland
Cemetery, Keokuk, Iowa (also was reported as being buried at Shiloh
National Cemetery, Tennessee).
WOODARD (WOODWARD), Lysander, Co. C, enlisted and mustered 12 October 1864,
residence Davenport, Scott County, IA and age 45. He was a substitute for
Lewis Tompkins who was drafted. After wading the swamps between Savannah
and Goldsboro, Lysander was sent to the hospital at New Burn, NC. He was
sent about 24 March 1865 to Fort Shylar, NY and was mustered out 12 June
1865 at Louisville, Kentucky. Lysander was born 1 May 1822 at Potton,
Quebec, Canada and married Betsy Perkins, sister to 15th Iowa soldier
Zelora H. Perkins. Lysander died 2 December 1908 in Britton, Marshall
County, South Dakota. (Information supplied by Lysander Woodard's
gr-gr-gr-granddaughter: Melissa)
WOODMANSEE, Hinkley S., Co. F, residence Glenwood, Mills County, IA,
nativity Ohio and wounded at battle of Corinth.
WOODROW, Charles W., Co. E, residence Mount Pleasant, Henry County, IA,
nativity New York.
WOODWARD, Addison A., Co. H, residence Webster City, Hamilton County, IA,
nativity Wisconsin.
WOOLKIT, John F., Co. C, residence Keokuk, Lee County, IA, nativity
WOOLORVUS (WOLOVOUS), Cornelius, Co. I, residence Pella, Marion County, IA,
nativity Holland and wounded and missing at Atlanta
WOOLSEY, Burrel F., Co. I, enlisted and mustered 28 September 1864.
Mustered out 2 June 1865 at Washington, D.C.
WORK, William V., Co. D, residence North Liberty, Johnson County, IA,
nativity Pennsylvania.
WRIGHT, Daniel, Co. G, nativity Indiana.
WRIGHT, Edgar, Co. F, residence Des Moines, Polk County, IA, nativity New
WRIGHT, Jesse M., Co. E, residence Keokuk, Lee County, IA, nativity
WRIGHT, Thomas J., Co. E, residence Burlington, nativity Iowa and mortally
wounded at Atlanta on 21 July 1864, buried near Atlanta, Georgia.
WRIGHT, Reuben H., Co. B, residence Dubuque, Dubuque County, IA, nativity
New York.
WRIGHT, William, Co. H, residence Janesville, Bremer County, IA, nativity
WYANT, James W., Co. I
WYLIE, James J., Co. G, nativity Canada.
WYNER, Peter, Co. F, residence Davenport, Scott County, IA, nativity
WYANT, James, Co. I, residence Osceola, Clarke County, IA, nativity Indiana
and died 20 May (26 March) 1862.
WYATT, Humphrey (Humprey) B., Co. G, Co. K, residence Indianola, nativity
North Carolina and wounded at Shiloh.
WYATT, John W., Co. I, enlisted and mustered 27 September 1864. Mustered
out 2 June 1865 at Washington, D.C.
WYCAFF, Hazeal, Co. K, residence Gosport, Marion County, IA, nativity Ohio.
WYLEY, John, (Unassigned), residence Van Buren, Jackson County, IA,
nativity Kentucky.
WYMAN, Wilson, Co. B, enlisted and mustered 1 January 1864 at age 28 as
Under Cook. Mustered out 14 July 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky.
WYMORE, Amos, Co. C, residence Hopewell, Mahaska County, IA, nativity
WYMORE, Greeneburgh N. (Greenburgh W.), Co. C, residence Hopewell, Mahaska
County, IA, nativity Indiana and wounded at Corinth.
YEAGER, Cornelius, Co. B, residence Davenport, Scott County, IA, nativity
YEAST, Samuel, Co. C, enlisted and mustered 6 October 1864 at age 33.
Mustered out 24 July 1865 at Louisville, Kentucky.
YOUNG, Milton M., Co. K, residence Knoxville, Marion County, IA, nativity
Indiana and wounded at Shiloh and missing at Atlanta.
YOUNG, Thomas, Co. B, residence Davenport, Scott County, IA.
YOUNGBLOOD, James M., Co. C (Co. D), residence Laredo, nativity Missouri
and wounded at Shiloh (Chicago Tribune, Monday, 21 April 1862). GAR Post
70, Creighton, Knox County, Nebraska.
ZACHAN (ZAEHAN), Nicholas, Co. E, residence Keosauqua, Van Buren County,
IA, nativity Germany and wounded at Shiloh.
ZEBU, A., Co. K
ZELLER, Christian, Co. C, residence Davenport, Scott County, IA.
ZIMMERMAN, George W., Co. D, residence Ottumwa, Wapello County, IA,
nativity Ohio and wounded at Shiloh.
ZIMPHER, Jacob, Co. F, residence Dubuque, Dubuque County, IA, nativity
ZORNES (ZOMES), Samuel F., Co. I, residence Eddyville, nativity Indiana and
missing at Atlanta.