I was scanning through the list of soldeirs from Co. G that posted on the roster thread. I think this soldier would be a great pick for my impression for Shiloh.
AMON (ARNON), Joseph, Co. G, enlisted 24 October 1861, residence Knoxville,
Marion County, IA, nativity Indiana and age 23. Mustered 25 November 1861
and wounded severely in thigh 6 April 1862 at Shiloh, Tennessee. Discharged
for disability 14 June 1862 at Keokuk, Iowa.
AMON (ARNON), Joseph, Co. G, enlisted 24 October 1861, residence Knoxville,
Marion County, IA, nativity Indiana and age 23. Mustered 25 November 1861
and wounded severely in thigh 6 April 1862 at Shiloh, Tennessee. Discharged
for disability 14 June 1862 at Keokuk, Iowa.