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One month to go!

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  • One month to go!


    I am honored that Col. Owens has allowed me to be the Sgt. Major for Manassas. I know that I came into this with a little less than two months to go but I will do my best to handle and have everything ready in time for the event.

    Below I want to discus the main items that need to be handled since we only have a month to go.

    Morning Reports;
    I am going to have 4 morning reports made for each company. I need all 1st Sgts. to see me when they arrive to get their forms and I want to have the first report turned into me by Friday evening when the Battalion is formed at 6 pm so we can know our numbers. There will be one extra report per company just in case one is lost, damaged or messed up. If the 1st Sgts. have any questions they can email me at

    Mail Call;
    I am planning on doing a mail call at some time on Saturday and I encourage all companies to participate. This mail call is not limited to mail but can also include packages of clothing, toiletries, and goodies from home etc. I ask that those companies wishing to participate in the mail call please bulk their letters and packages together and turn them into me on Friday evening when rations are issued. I think that all mail should be addressed to Harpers Ferry since that was the last main camp for the 2nd.

    We are working on getting passes printed up so that men can leave the camp area and be accounted for. Just in case you want a funnel cake or a burrito!!

    Col. Owens has asked that each company provide an ammo box or boxes (with correct dates) for their companies’ rounds to be issued back to them during the event. These can also be turned into the Regt. QM Dept. when rations are issued. All ammo boxes will be recorded and labeled so that they are issued to the proper companies.

    The Adjutant and I are in charge of laying out the camp for the Battalion, but QM Sgt. Joseph Caridi has volunteered himself and Capt. Bill Birney to help with this. They will be on site early Friday morning along with myself.

    Preparing your self;
    Col. Owens and the other Staff members have already talked about this but I want to add my two cents. I know that this is not going to be a forced march event like some of the Hodge marches in years past but I encourage every man to get him self ready for this event physically. Walking several miles or more every day while wearing your kit in the next month will only benefit you. We will be maneuvering in the hot Virginia sun for hours on end. I also encourage every man to hydrate himself (With Water)for the whole week leading up to the event. Don’t wait till Friday to start drinking water. I know that this is basic stuff but I want everyone to have a good safe time. If you have any medical problems please let your 1st Sgt. or other NCO know. We do have Drs., EMT’s, Medics and other medical personnel in the ranks that can assist if a situation occurs.

    Brad Malone
    Sgt. Major

  • #2
    Re: One month to go!


    I need to make one change to my last post. For the mail call, envelopes and packages should have Winchester Va. as the destination instead of Harpers Ferry! The second spent more time there than at Harpers Ferry. Sorry for any incovenience!!


