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150th Maryland Campaign, Maryland , my Maryland

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  • 150th Maryland Campaign, Maryland , my Maryland

    Gents and Ladies,

    Not sure where this should be placed, but here is the press conference we just did announcing the event-

    It will be along the lines of September Storm, At High Tide, Return to Manassas and other such events I have organized.

    Please place accordingly- and here is the link to the news article-

    S. Chris Anders

    "Authenticity Glorifies the Campaign"

  • #2
    Re: 150th Maryland Campaign, Maryland , my Maryland

    His caps of 4,000 to 5,000 re-enactors and 2,000 spectators mean the event will be considerably smaller than the Battle of Antietam re-enactments staged in 1997 and 2002, which each attracted about 13,000 re-enactors and as many as 100,000 spectators.
    Anders said smaller numbers will allow for higher authenticity and better views for spectators.

    “The goal is that people actually see what happened in September 1862, what the troops looked like, how they camped, how they fought, not a fantasy world-type representation thereof,” he said.
    Very well put Chris. This is a polite way to say it will keep out the riff-raff.
    David Parent

    The Cracker Mess
    MLK Mess
    Black Hat Boys

    Veterans would tell of Sherman's ordering a flanking movement and instructing a subordinate how to report his progress: "See here Cox, burn a few barns occasionally, as you go along. I can't understand those signal flags, but I know what smoke means"


    • #3
      Re: 150th Maryland Campaign, Maryland , my Maryland

      I also agree, well put Chris.

      John A. Miller
      South Mountain State Battlefield
      Monterey Pass Battlefield
      John A. Miller, Director
      Monterey Pass Battlefield Park


      • #4
        Re: 150th Maryland Campaign, Maryland , my Maryland

        The comments on the article (at the bottom of the page) are great. I guess we are all "pathetic" "idiots" now.
        -Brandon Hand
        48th NY Co. F
        Unit Clerk/Newsletter Editor


        • #5
          Re: 150th Maryland Campaign, Maryland , my Maryland

          Didn't see the comments- looked for them...hummm
          S. Chris Anders

          "Authenticity Glorifies the Campaign"


          • #6
            Re: 150th Maryland Campaign, Maryland , my Maryland

            Ok found them- oh well, everyone has opinions, like well, you know
            S. Chris Anders

            "Authenticity Glorifies the Campaign"


            • #7
              Re: 150th Maryland Campaign, Maryland , my Maryland

              That just goes to show it doesn't matter how good of a thing you are trying to do you are still going to have haters. The event looks great though you can count on some boys from Florida coming up for sure.
              -Brandon Hand
              48th NY Co. F
              Unit Clerk/Newsletter Editor


              • #8
                Re: 150th Maryland Campaign, Maryland , my Maryland

                Great to see this event is going forward! Some of us up here in the Pacific Northwest are planning to go.

                Dan Limb
                Dan Limb
                One of THEM!

                "In the moment of action, remember the value of silence and order" -- Phormio of Athens

                "Your first duty is to get a decent hat. You cannot hope to do more. You should never wish to do less"

                Direct Descendent of
                James M. Hergesheimer, Co. A. 20th Iowa Infantry

                Capt. James G. Campbell, Co. F., 19th Illinois Infantry. Wounded at Missionary Ridge


                • #9
                  Re: 150th Maryland Campaign, Maryland , my Maryland

                  Have always enjoyed events that you have put together...This one will be no different! Hope to be there

                  Pete Bedrossian
                  150th NY/3rd NCT
                  Pete Bedrossian
                  150th NY/3rd N.C.T.


                  • #10
                    Re: 150th Maryland Campaign, Maryland , my Maryland

                    I know its still more than a year out but is there any more information on this?

                    EDIT: Never mind, I found the website at the end of the news article. But I do have another question- are there any groups here that are planning on going to this event? If I went, I would need to fall in with a unit.
                    Last edited by KPavia; 08-19-2011, 04:39 PM.
                    Kenny Pavia
                    24th Missouri Infantry


                    • #11
                      Re: 150th Maryland Campaign, Maryland , my Maryland


                      There are a lot of groups attending of course....probably waiting till their annual meetings to confirm, but I suspect the usual suspects plus pards.
                      The event will probably draw folks from all over the hobby, with anyone invited who agrees to meet the minimum regulations we will have posted everywhere...of course it is my goal to see folks push WAY past the base level, and we have always had folks who have done so in the majority.

                      From the larger umbrella groups we always have had the Southern Division, 3rd Battalion USV, NR, MG Army of the Ohio, Western Brigade and well as portions from the ANV, USV and other large organizations, with the added plus of Progressive battalions formed from the authentic community.

                      We have a hard 12 months ahead, but since Sharpsburg is my hometown, and these battlefields my home battlefields, I am honored the county has selected me to run with this program.

                      September Storm was good, often folks have said great. The bar is set, let's clear it by a mile!

                      S. Chris Anders

                      "Authenticity Glorifies the Campaign"


                      • #12
                        Re: 150th Maryland Campaign, Maryland , my Maryland

                        Well Put and nicely done. The boys of the 14th will be gathering up a very nice sized battalion to take the field! We have men coming from all over the country and from Europe as well. Going to be a great event!
                        Lt. Frank J Ruiz Jr.
                        14th Regt. NYSM
                        E. Company
                        "Red Legged Devils"
                        "[U]Union Volunteer[/U]s"
                        "Des Teufels Mess"


                        • #13
                          Re: 150th Maryland Campaign, Maryland , my Maryland

                          The website mentioned at the end of the article says that reenactor registration will open in November, 2011. I didn't see anything on the website that would allow one to do so however. Has registration moved somewhere else, or is it just not ready yet?
                          Jory Maloney


                          • #14
                            Re: 150th Maryland Campaign, Maryland , my Maryland

                            Ok Folks,

                            Here it is

                            Go there, check it out- registration will be open on Tuesday morning.

                            Many thanks to Courtney Abel and the Britney's Hope Team for helping me on this project.

                            If you attended September Storm, you know half the land, we finally signed the lease for an additional 160 acres adjacent to the property....more than double the size, and EXCELLENT GROUND.

                            More information will go up each day...........keep an eye on it, and register right away- the event is limited in participation, so get in early and save money!

                            S. Chris Anders

                            "Authenticity Glorifies the Campaign"


                            • #15
                              Re: 150th Maryland Campaign, Maryland , my Maryland

                              When I click on the link, some window called 'windows security' pops up and asks me for a password or this just my computer arguing with me, or is the site broken?
                              Jory Maloney

