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EFUBU Calendar Nominations, 2012

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  • EFUBU Calendar Nominations, 2012


    It is time, once again, to do our annual "Callouts" for the EFUBU folders. This time, we're looking toward 2012. Please submit the who, what, when, where, website, and why for your EFUBU events for 2012 in this thread.

    If you've already posted a thread to discuss your event, please post a link here.

    Rather than re-hashing the rules for what constitutes an "EFUBU" event (which I will rehash if folks demonstrate they don't remember them... please don't make me do it!), I thought you'd all enjoy a little time-travel...

    Do you remember when the A-C was hosted by some site called "Tripod"?
    Do you remember a time before "EFUBU" events? Back then, they were called "Alternative Events".

    Here were the rules from that bygone age, regarding "Alternative Events":
    Alternative Event Guidelines
    This is a set of general selection guidelines in the form of questions to better analyze prospective Alternative Circuit Events for inclusion in this schedule.

    1) Event Portrayal: Is the event portrayal in a documented historical setting? What "slice of life," or "vignette" in terms of the historic event scenario occurring on the given date, will we portray? How deeply will the firper be researched?

    2) Authenticity: Will there be guidelines and standards published well in advance? Will the material, physical, social, and political (period) culture of the unit impression be appropriate?

    3) Communication: Will there be a listserver? A website? Printed and mailed packets of materials? Will registration be individual or group?

    4) Logistics: How are the logistics to be handled? If it's a march, what has to be lined up in terms of landowner permission, cooperation of authorities, and a chase vehicle? Will there be special accomodations for people flying to the event. How will safety be handled? Will there be a logistics and admin support cell for this event?

    5) Location: Where is it physically going to be held in terms of geography and location? Is it on original ground? Will it trace or parallel original march routes? How much actual campaign movement is in this event?

    6) Participation: Who will participate? What type of event will it be? Will civilians be actively encouraged to have meaningful roles and interaction?

    7) Organization: Will the leadership selected be able to plan, organize, resource, and execute the event both on and off the field? Leadership i.e. who can execute? Who has the vision? Can and will this vision be instilled in the participants?

    8) Preservation: Is the money going in part, in whole (net), or not at all to preservation? If so, where and how much? Who benefits? Will the accounting be made public after the event?

    9) Freshness: Has this been done before? If so, has it been beat to death? Is this impression and event covering new ground? How does this event push the envelope?

    10) Camp life: Letters from home? Packages? Ration Issues? Equipment issues? Contests? Entertainment? Activities? Drill? Pickets? Guard Mount?

    11) Educational Opportunities: Will it be at a deserving NPS/State/Local/Private historical site where people are there looking for CW history? Are we educating ourselves through an immersive experience? Is this an event where people are there to gawk and be entertained?

    12) Attitudes: What kind of personality clashes might arise during the course of this event? Could they ruin the event? What is the mindset of those considering attendence? What do they say, what is their personality and attitude like when the event is discussed?


    Your Pard,
    Charles Heath
    The Rowdy Pards
    "listserver"... "mailed packets"... how quaint!
    John Wickett
    Former Carpetbagger
    Administrator (We got rules here! Be Nice - Sign Your Name - No Farbisms)

  • #2
    Re: EFUBU Calendar Nominations, 2012

    Fort Wayne LH: Sherlock Guards, July 27-29, 2012.

    Jeremy Bevard
    Civil War Digital Digest
    Sally Port Mess


    • #3
      Re: EFUBU Calendar Nominations, 2012

      Fort Gaines- January 2012

      Patrick Landrum
      Independent Rifles


      • #4
        Re: EFUBU Calendar Nominations, 2012

        John, what is the cut off date for submissions? Thanks!
        Herb Coats
        Armory Guards &


        • #5
          Re: EFUBU Calendar Nominations, 2012


          I didn't have a date in-mind when I started the thread, but realized that summer was about gone and we needed to start the process. We have an event listed for January, so I don't want to leave Landrum waiting too long. So...

          Let's cut nominations off at midnight Labor Day. That should leave plenty of time for folks to list their event and we'll try to get everything "over and done" as quickly as practicable thereafter.
          John Wickett
          Former Carpetbagger
          Administrator (We got rules here! Be Nice - Sign Your Name - No Farbisms)


          • #6
            Re: EFUBU Calendar Nominations, 2012

            Surrender of Secession - Westville, GA 1865 - October 24-28 2012

            Lewis M Robinson Jr
            Armory Guards
            Snake Nation Disciples

            "They were the dirtiest men I ever saw. A most ragged lean and hungry set of wolves. Yet there was a dash about them that the northern men lacked." Maryland Resident upon seeing the Confederate Army


            • #7
              Re: EFUBU Calendar Nominations, 2012

              Battle of Unison 150th Anniversary, Unison, VA November 2-4 2012

              What: Portrayal of the battle that took place in early November 1862 as the Army of the Potomac and the Army of Northern Virginia began their movement toward Fredericksburg. The battle featured cavalry, artillery and Federal infantry and was a running fight that took place over roughly 20 miles of Loudon County.
              For the infantry the event will feature a march of roughly 10 miles, along 100% of the original route, with skirmishing at the original locations. For Federal cavalry the march will be approximately 20 miles, again with skirmishing along the way in the same locations that the battle was fought 150 years ago. For those of you who participated in the Hodge preservation march back in the early 2000's, this is the same ground. There are also roles for a limited number of authentic civilians.
              When: November 2-4, 2012
              Where: Unison, VA (Loudon County, near Middleburg)
              Who: Hosted by the 1st Maine Cavalry, the Valley Light Horse, 1st Maryland, and the Unison Preservation Society
              Preservation Component: All proceeds from the event after expenses will be donated to the Unison Preservation Society for the preservation, maintenance and acquisition of original battlefield land.
              Communication: The event will have a website up in the next few months.
              Standards: Detailed standards will be posted, and those standards will be strictly enforced.
              General Info: This event will be a semi-immersion event. The community of Unison is nearly pristine, but there are modern power lines and cars do come by occasionally. The march will occour on dirt roads, and cross country, but there is one half mile stretch of pavement. The community of Unison will be hosting their 150th celebration of the battle, and we will put on a skirmish for the townspeople on Saturday mid day, otherwise this is a non-spectator event. This event is a serious marching event, and is not for the first time campaigner, or those who are out of shape. The temperatures will be cold at night, and there is a very real potential for adverse weather, but due to the nature of this event, it will go on rain or shine, so be prepared, and bring your "A" game.

              Take care,
              Tom Craig
              1st Maine Cavalry
              Tom Craig


              • #8
                Re: EFUBU Calendar Nominations, 2012

                I agree. Unison is a great event.
                S. Chris Anders

                "Authenticity Glorifies the Campaign"


                • #9
                  Re: EFUBU Calendar Nominations, 2012

                  Request for EFUBU Calendar Nomination:

                  A/C Thread:

                  When: February 9th – 11th, 2012
                  Primary Location: Dover, Tennessee / Land Between the Lakes Area
                  General Information: The event will take place rain / snow / shine. The weather is unpredictable and can be all previously listed. We strongly suggest that if you have any medical condition that may flare up or cause you harm, we recommend that you do not participate in this event – or consider arriving at Fort Donelson on Saturday to participate in Saturday’s interpretation.

                  1) Event Portrayal: We will be depicting the Confederate Retreat from Fort Henry to Donelson that occurred on February 6th – 7th, 1862. We will be marching from a non-disclosed camp (near Fort Henry) all the way to the gates of Fort Donelson over two days. Total distance approximately 10miles. The event dates are within a day or two of the actual occurrence.

                  2) Authenticity: Guidelines are being finalized and will be published within 1 week of this post. We will form 3 - 30 man companies that will depict the following Infantry units: 27th Alabama, 10th Tennessee, 48th Tennessee, 26th Alabama, 15th Arkansas, 4th Mississippi. We will also form 1 company of Cavalry to depict Gantt’s 9th Tennessee Cavalry Battalion. Guidelines will be furnished to support the research of efforts of each man and their commanders based on local artifact and published research available. Each company commander can select what unit or combination of units they would like to portray.

                  3) Communication: The bulk of the general information will be available on the current thread on the event, along with registration packets. Registration can be either individual or as a group.

                  4) Logistics: We have permits being signed with Land Between the Lakes, City of Dover, and Fort Donelson National Battlefield. We have the full support of County EMS, Stewart County Sheriff’s Department, City of Dover Police Department, and FODO Law Enforcement who will escort us into the fort during the last 3.8 miles of the march. We have plans of actions in case of medical emergency or otherwise. Primary administration support will come from Fort Donelson National Battlefield.

                  5) Location: The event will be held on the actual geography and location of the original retreat. Though not the exact retreat route taken by the Confederates, it will be an original route taken by pursuing Federals and is the most direct and safest route. There will be two days of actual marching (approx 5 miles each) with two nights of campaigning. From Thursday night until Saturday morning all marching will be on dirt roads or trails. Saturday morning march until we reach the fort will be on modern roads (3.8 miles) until we reach Fort Donelson.

                  6) Participation: We are opening this up to A/C forum members and those who are looking to do a ‘True’ campaign style event. We will monitor registration to ensure that authenticity is followed.

                  7) Organization: 3 – Companies of infantry will be formed. Volunteers to lead a company are being accepted. 1 company has already been taken. We can add another company if needed. The Cavalry commander has already been selected.

                  8) Preservation: Any proceeds available after costs of permits and rations will be donated to land preservation as it relates to Fort Donelson National Battlefield. As an example, FODO is on the verge of finally getting land that was purchased by the Preservation costs. We can dedicate this money to the closing costs of the property. We will make public the final monetary donation made to FODO.

                  9) Freshness: Has this been done before? Not to this scale. Individuals have done it, small groups have done it, but not a full Confederate column with support marching completely from one point to the other, especially with all the government agencies working together to make this happen. Let me stress, we are not marching half way or to the South Welcome Station, we will be going from Henry to Donelson – door to door. Each participant will be shuttled to the initial camp site and will not have access to anything except for what they bring. For 48 hours, we will push the envelope.

                  10) Camp Life: We have secured to mule drawn wagons to support the event. After camping at our base camp, the next morning will find each company loading their equipment onto these wagons. The wagons will be transported by modern means to our second camp site in which each group will ‘re-issue’ their equipment. We will repeat this process again once we enter the confines of Fort Donelson. We will have a ration issue in which the registration fee will go to support.

                  11) Educational Opportunities: LBL, US Forrest Service, Stewart County, City of Dover, and Fort Donelson National Battlefield will all benefit from this event in regards to bringing attention to all Civil War related history in the area. We anticipate that the event will be edgy for both the novice and seasoned campaigner. During the last 3.8 miles of the march, we will be marching through a populated area with the intent of bringing attention to ourselves and ultimately visitation at the park for the weekend.

                  12) Attitudes: John Walsh and Jerry Ross will be the two main event coordinators and will command the column – a combined 40+ year re-enacting experience. We will have 3-company commanders and 1 – Cavalry commander who will report to them. We will leave all personal conflicts to be handled within the company as the discretion of the company commanders. Ultimately, we will be under the rules and guidelines of each government agency while on their property. Since the event coordinator’s names will be listed as the responsible party on the permits, any conflict escalating to the point of hampering the event or causing conflict with the government agencies will be immediately excused from the event.
                  John Walsh

                  "Is a gentleman with a brostache invited to this party?''


                  • #10
                    Re: EFUBU Calendar Nominations, 2012

                    I went longer than labor day... Let's call this a "Last Call".
                    I'll leave nominations open until Thursday.

                    Thanks, folks!
                    John Wickett
                    Former Carpetbagger
                    Administrator (We got rules here! Be Nice - Sign Your Name - No Farbisms)


                    • #11
                      Re: EFUBU Calendar Nominations, 2012

                      I'll throw in Occupation of New Madrid:

                      Original location, 150th anniversary, same time as the historic events.
                      Michael Comer
                      one of the moderator guys


                      • #12
                        Re: EFUBU Calendar Nominations, 2012

                        Originally posted by huntdaw View Post
                        I'll throw in Occupation of New Madrid:

                        Original location, 150th anniversary, same time as the historic events.
                        Could you fill in some of the details here, Mike? Location, Host Unit, Website (if available). Are you the main point of contact?

                        John Wickett
                        Former Carpetbagger
                        Administrator (We got rules here! Be Nice - Sign Your Name - No Farbisms)


                        • #13
                          Re: EFUBU Calendar Nominations, 2012


                          Location is Hunter-Dawson State Historic Site in New Madrid, MO. The Hunter house, a 15 room antebellum mansion, was used as Pope's headquarters after the fall of the city. Pope had 140 men as a guard and the portrayal will have them camped in the yard and surrounding field.

                          Host is Missouri State Parks. I am the POC and there is no website but we are using this facebook page instead:!/groups/280372681982251/
                          Michael Comer
                          one of the moderator guys


                          • #14
                            Re: EFUBU Calendar Nominations, 2012

                            Great! Thanks, Michael!

                            Nominations are now closed. Thank you, everyone!
                            John Wickett
                            Former Carpetbagger
                            Administrator (We got rules here! Be Nice - Sign Your Name - No Farbisms)

