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Fight mit Sigel!

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  • Fight mit Sigel!

    Words by F. Poole
    Music: The Girl I Left Behind Me

    I've come shust now to tells you how,
    I goes mit regimentals,
    To schlauch dem voes of Liberty,
    Like dem old Continentals,
    Vot fights mit England long ago,
    To save der Yankee Eagle;
    Und now I gets my sojer clothes;
    I'm going to fight mit Sigel.

    Ven I comes from der Deutsche Countree,
    I vorks somedimes at baking;
    Den I keeps a lager beer saloon,
    Und den I goes shoe-making;
    But now I was a sojer been
    To save der Yankee Eagle,
    To schlauch dem tam secession volks,
    I goes to fight mit Sigel.

    I gets ein tam big rifle guns,
    Und puts him to mine shoulder,
    Den march so bold like a big jackhorse,
    Und may been someding bolder;
    I goes off mit de volunteers
    To save der Yankee Eagle;
    To give dem Rebel vellers fits.
    I goes to fight mit Sigel.

    Dem Deutschen mens mit Sigel's band
    At fighting have no rival;
    Und ven Cheff Davis mens ve meet,
    Ve schlauch em like de tuyvil.
    Dere's only von ting vot I fear,
    Ven pattling for der Eagle,
    I vont get not no lager beer,
    Ven I goes to fight mit Sigel.

    For rations dey gives salty pork,
    I dinks dat was a great sell;
    I petter likes de saurkraut,
    Der Schvitzer-kase und bretzel.
    If Fighting Joe will give us dem,
    Ve'll save der Yankee Eagle,
    Und I'll put mine frau in breech-a-loons,
    To go and fight mit Sigel.
    Rod Miller
    [COLOR=SlateGray]Old Pards[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=DarkRed]Cornfed Comrades[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=Navy]Old Northwest Volunteers[/COLOR]

    [FONT=Palatino Linotype]"We trust, Sir, that God is on our side." "It is more important to know that we are on God's side."
    A. Lincoln[/FONT]

    150th Anniversary
    1861 Camp Jackson-Sgt. German Milita US
    1st Manassas- Chaplain T. Witherspoon, 2nd Miss. Inf. CS
    1862 Shiloh -Lt. ,6th Miss. Inf. CS
    1863 VicksburgLH-Captain Cephas Williams, 113th Co.B US
    Gettysburg BGA- Chaplain WilliamWay, 24th MI US
    1864 Charleston Riot-Judge Charles Constable "Copperhead".
    Bermuda Hundred Campaign-USCC Field Agent J.R. Miller

  • #2
    Re: Fight mit Sigel!

    If you’re interested in a song German soldiers in the ACW actually sang, you can’t go wrong with “Morgenrot”:

    Or “Ich Hatt’ Einen Kameraden”:

    There’s also “Hinaus in die Ferne”:

    Alternatively, you might have an old 48er in your ranks sinking “Die Gedanken Sind Frei” or “Burgerlied”

    Finally, for another take on period caricatures of German soldiers, there’s this:

    by Grant P. Robinson

    I met him again, he was trudging along,
    His knapsack with chickens was swelling;
    He'd "Blenkered" these dainties, and thought it no wrong,
    From some secessionist's dwelling.
    "What regiment's yours? and under whose flag
    Do you fight?" said I, touching his shoulder;
    Turning slowly around, he smilingly said,
    For the thought made him stronger and bolder;
    "I fights mit Sigel."

    The next time I saw him his knapsack was gone,
    His cap and canteen were missing;
    Shell, shrapnel, and grape, and the swift rifle ball
    Around him and o'er him were hissing.
    How are you, my friend, and where have you been,
    And for what and for whom are you fighting?
    He said, as a shell from the enemy's gun
    Sent his arm and his musket 'a-kiting,"
    "I fights mit Sigel."

    And once more I saw him and knelt by his side,
    His life blood was rapidly flowing;
    I whispered of home, wife, children, and friends,
    The bright land to which he was going;
    And have you no word for the dear ones at home,
    The "wee one," the father or mother?
    "Yaw! yawl" said he, "tell them! Oh! tell them I fights"-
    Poor fellow he thought of no other--
    "I fights mit Sigel."

    We scraped out a grave, and he dreamlessly sleeps
    On the banks of the Shenandoah River;
    His home and his kindred alike are unknown,
    His reward in the hands of the Giver.
    We placed a rough board at the head of his grave,
    "And we left him alone in his glory,"
    But on it we marked ere we turned from the spot,
    The little we knew of his story--
    "I fights mit Sigel."
    Michael A. Schaffner

