Here is the most recent registration list as of 2-27-12
Last Name First Name Period Name Westville Role
Beedle Joe McGuire, Brian US Treasury Agent
Berezuk Pete Canaday, James * Grocer/Dry Goods/Banker
Bergstrom Gary Roberts, James Woodworker
Biren David Decker, Levi Federal Infantry - Pvt.
Bruce Jim Porter, J.L. Town Doctor
Bruce Kimberly Canaday, Mary * Grocer/Dry Goods
Butler Jim Lewis, Charles Lt. Col. Lt. Col - 176th NY
Chastain David Hegert. Henry Federal Infantry - Pvt.
Connolly Betsy Cadwallader, Sallie NY Ladies Relief Assoc/teacher
Edmiston Kevin Hannah, Alexander US Army clerk - 176th NY
Edmiston Mary May, Mary cook/domestic
Filson Chantal Rosseau, Edna Farmers wife
Gnagey Kay Holoman, Catherine Dressmaker
Harrington Todd Garland, John Ambrotypst
Harrington Vivian Garland, Sarah Assistant
Henry Ed Yarborough, John Tavern Keeper
Jerram Andrew Gray, Charles W. Federal Staff clerk
Jones Joanna Jones, Joana NY Ladies Relief Assoc/teacher
Kasmar Andrew Haus, Lafayette Store Clerk
Kimmel Gina Shectman, Gracie rural farmer
Kosek Keith Doyle, William S. Federal Infantry - Pvt.
Lloyd Johnny Andrew J. County Tax Collector
Lynn Bevin Hogan, Maggie Domestic
Mueller Phyllis Griffin, Rebecca Farmers wife
Murray Rob Balloch, George Mjr Freedmans Bureau Agent
Myers Diana Gould, Martha Butter Churning
Orrand Robert Richardson, Richmond Farmer
Orrand Elaine Richardson, Nancy
Parrott Edward-Ted Brooks, Allen W. Farmer
Pratt Joni Davis, Cynthia Cook/Domestic
Rodman William Cronk, William Federal Infantry - Pvt.
Silva Paul Peterburger, Samuel Boot Shop worker
Simpson Mark Barr, Thomas G. Teamster
Simpson Bev Barr, Mary L. Teamsters wife/cook
Simpson Cami Barr, Eva daughter
Simpson Travis Barr, Allen son
Smallcomb Megan Woodruff, Mollie * Vegetable Farmer
Sothan Michael Woodruff, William * Vegetable Farmer
Spring Megan Brogier, Ann widow
Trent Hank Stearnes, Charles (Thomas) Northern Investors
Trent Linda Stearnes, Elizabeth Northern Investors
Vincent Marta Mercer, Mary Seamstress
Willar Nathan Brooks, Joseph W. Teamster
Woodburn Matt Burke, Charles Broker & Mayor
More info at
Jim Butler
Last Name First Name Period Name Westville Role
Beedle Joe McGuire, Brian US Treasury Agent
Berezuk Pete Canaday, James * Grocer/Dry Goods/Banker
Bergstrom Gary Roberts, James Woodworker
Biren David Decker, Levi Federal Infantry - Pvt.
Bruce Jim Porter, J.L. Town Doctor
Bruce Kimberly Canaday, Mary * Grocer/Dry Goods
Butler Jim Lewis, Charles Lt. Col. Lt. Col - 176th NY
Chastain David Hegert. Henry Federal Infantry - Pvt.
Connolly Betsy Cadwallader, Sallie NY Ladies Relief Assoc/teacher
Edmiston Kevin Hannah, Alexander US Army clerk - 176th NY
Edmiston Mary May, Mary cook/domestic
Filson Chantal Rosseau, Edna Farmers wife
Gnagey Kay Holoman, Catherine Dressmaker
Harrington Todd Garland, John Ambrotypst
Harrington Vivian Garland, Sarah Assistant
Henry Ed Yarborough, John Tavern Keeper
Jerram Andrew Gray, Charles W. Federal Staff clerk
Jones Joanna Jones, Joana NY Ladies Relief Assoc/teacher
Kasmar Andrew Haus, Lafayette Store Clerk
Kimmel Gina Shectman, Gracie rural farmer
Kosek Keith Doyle, William S. Federal Infantry - Pvt.
Lloyd Johnny Andrew J. County Tax Collector
Lynn Bevin Hogan, Maggie Domestic
Mueller Phyllis Griffin, Rebecca Farmers wife
Murray Rob Balloch, George Mjr Freedmans Bureau Agent
Myers Diana Gould, Martha Butter Churning
Orrand Robert Richardson, Richmond Farmer
Orrand Elaine Richardson, Nancy
Parrott Edward-Ted Brooks, Allen W. Farmer
Pratt Joni Davis, Cynthia Cook/Domestic
Rodman William Cronk, William Federal Infantry - Pvt.
Silva Paul Peterburger, Samuel Boot Shop worker
Simpson Mark Barr, Thomas G. Teamster
Simpson Bev Barr, Mary L. Teamsters wife/cook
Simpson Cami Barr, Eva daughter
Simpson Travis Barr, Allen son
Smallcomb Megan Woodruff, Mollie * Vegetable Farmer
Sothan Michael Woodruff, William * Vegetable Farmer
Spring Megan Brogier, Ann widow
Trent Hank Stearnes, Charles (Thomas) Northern Investors
Trent Linda Stearnes, Elizabeth Northern Investors
Vincent Marta Mercer, Mary Seamstress
Willar Nathan Brooks, Joseph W. Teamster
Woodburn Matt Burke, Charles Broker & Mayor
More info at
Jim Butler