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Antietam NMP LH - September 28-30th, 2012 - 7th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry

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  • Antietam NMP LH - September 28-30th, 2012 - 7th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry

    Hi gents,

    With all the excitement of the 150th more focused on the adjunct reenactment (that is not a bad thing) for the c/p/h community, I wanted to get an announcement out that the Hard Heads and Mess #3 will be hosting a living history at Antietam NMP the last weekend of September to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the battle. Author and historian Lance Herdegen will be with us and is working with the park superintendent to make this a worthwhile time. Date of the LH weekend is September 28-30th and will be by invite only. Uniform & equipage standards, event packet, research sources, and potentially a website will be forthcoming in May.

    If you have any questions, feel free to post. I am imagining a cap of 50 participants for our event. If you have been to one of the old Hogg Mess (Stones River), Hard Head Mess, or Mess #3 Living Histories, we will try to implement a march on the field retracting the steps of the men we attempt to portray, docent readings, and I think this one will have a few unique surprises we normally do not have a chance to be a part in. If you like really getting to know about the men of Gibbon's Western Brigade and others from the west at the battle of Antietam, this event will be one to remember.

    Thank you for your time and more to come.

    Tom Klas
    Hard Head Mess
    Citizens Guard

  • #2
    Re: Antietam NMP LH - September 28-30th, 2012 - 7th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry


    While this is shaping up to be a busy time of year, this will be a worthwhile event. The events that Tom mentions above are among my favorites over my years. A lot of time and effort is being put into the research and planning, and the hope is every participant will depart when the event ends having learned something new.

    Looking forward to it!
    Andy Ackeret
    A/C Staff
    Mess No. 3 / Hard Head Mess / O.N.V


    • #3
      Re: Antietam NMP LH - September 28-30th, 2012 - 7th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry

      I'm looking forward to the docent rich battlefield touring, something Tom always has at one of his events. To do a lving history on the battlefield is made that much better when primary source accounts on what actually happened on the ground one stands on, well that rocks.

      Thanks Tom and crew for all of the work. I look forward to falling in.

      Steve Acker


      • #4
        Re: Antietam NMP LH - September 28-30th, 2012 - 7th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry

        Hi everyone,

        Sorry for the delay in posting details but we finally have our packet ready for registration on this event. Please see the Hard Head Mess Webpage at to review our event packet. If you have any questions, please let me know. We realize there are a lot of event going on around this time and are not looking to take others away from important efforts. If you can attend and want to represent the men of the 7th Wisconsin, feel free to contact us.


        Tom Klas
        Hard Head Mess
        Citizens Guard


        • #5
          Re: Antietam NMP LH - September 28-30th, 2012 - 7th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry

          Looks like I should very likely be able to attend. Quantico is very close to Antietam! Looking forward to it!
          Dan Chmelar
          Semper Fi


          • #6
            Re: Antietam NMP LH - September 28-30th, 2012 - 7th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry

            Hi gents,

            Just a friendly reminder that registration will close for this one by July 31st. Please see our Website for a registation packet and feel free to e-mail me at with any questions you have.

            Thank you,

            Tom Klas
            Hard Head Mess
            Citizens Guard


            • #7
              Re: Antietam NMP LH - September 28-30th, 2012 - 7th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry

              Hi gents,

              Just a simple reminder that registration will close for this living history on July 31st. We thank those that plan to attend and those that wish they could. Seems to be a back weekend for a lot of comrades. Registration is $20.00 and we have the event packet online at

              If you have any questions, please let me know. We are about three weeksaway from the deadline.


              Tom Klas
              Tom Klas
              Hard Head Mess
              Citizens Guard


              • #8
                Re: Antietam NMP LH - September 28-30th, 2012 - 7th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry

                I have been off the grid for many years. My last ACW event was in 2008 with this same crew of guys at the same location. It was one of the best living histories I have ever attended and Tom, Steve and all of the "Hardheads" and "Hoggs" do a great job with research and education. At the time, I lived seven hours from the site and drove there with my son for the weekend--they live twice as far and hosted a better event at the actual site than I had attended there over the years, and growing up I lived just ninety minutes down the road. It is worth the drive and you will not be disappointed.

                Unfortunately, I can't make it this year. I am actually looking to get back in the hobby in a limited capacity with my son, but time and committments prevent it right now. Gents, if you need a rear rank two and a drummer, we will be available starting next spring.

                Hope all is well and this would have been a great event to come back into the hobby; I know I left it on a high note!

                Ivan F. Ingraham
                Ivan Ingraham
                AC Moderator


                • #9
                  Re: Antietam NMP LH - September 28-30th, 2012 - 7th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry

                  Hi Ivan,

                  Great to hear from you comrade. We have some events up our sleeve for next year and look forward to seeing you next year with your son. We had a great time as the Calico Sixth in 2008, now this time we look forward to telling the story of the Huckleberry Seventh and the 3rd Wisconsin.

                  Thanks Ivan,

                  Tom Klas
                  Hard Head Mess
                  Citizens Guard


                  • #10
                    Re: Antietam NMP LH - September 28-30th, 2012 - 7th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry

                    Hi gents,

                    Many thanks to those whom came from large distances to make our LH at Antietam last weekend. Impressions were great and it is always great to learn new things while reading docents and getting first hand accounts from Lance Herdegen.

                    We have some pictures from the weekend on the ONV webpage at:

                    Hope see see many of you at Vicksburg next year and if all goes well this winter an NPS LH at Gettysburg some time next year.


                    Tom Klas
                    Hard Head Mess
                    Citizens Guard

