All, I apologize for the long delay in writing, but I came home to a busy week and am just now coming up for air. I just wanted to tell each of you what a great pleasure and a high honor it was to serve as your captain for the weekend. The experiences we all shared will be some of the most highly regarded of my time spent in the hobby. How cool was it to ride a paddle wheeler down the river and step off onto Pittsburgh Landing ? How cool was it to throw down in one place, get rushed to another and bed down somewhere else ? What an experience it was to see the battalion come together and step off Saturday morning to some of the best field music I've ever heard ! While our feet grew tired and bloody as the day wore on, your resolve grew greater. I was very proud of the attitudes you all maintained and the spirit in which you pushed through. Camp Saturday night was awesome. Our mounted officers were the best I've ever seen in the hobby, and I mean that sincerely. And we made it through Sunday and saw the need to consolidate with co. B and how realistic was that !!!!!!!!! What a great group of guys by the way !
The results of Matt Woodburn's efforts were so good that one would think that it's easy to put something like this together, but the reality is that this was an unprecedented effort. The talent, the thought, the work, the patience, the vision, and the guts to do it were nothing less than extraordinary. When you can let Matt and his staff know what their hard work meant to you individually.
The NCO staff we had from Friday through Sunday including the Sgt from Co. B ; my thanks to you all for diligent attention to your duties. What a treat it was as an officer to see you run the company. You really should be proud.
If only every event could just at least have the same quality group of guys !
I pray you all had a good week and are recovering well. Those who weren't able to make it can only read with envy, but lets hope this entices them to never miss another opportunity to step into the time and commemorate the 150th anniversary of the next battle we chose to participate together as one company again !
I wish each of you a very Happy Easter and look forward to seeing you soon.
With my highest regards I remain your obedient servant,
Dennis Neal
Captain Co. G
15th Iowa Inf.
The results of Matt Woodburn's efforts were so good that one would think that it's easy to put something like this together, but the reality is that this was an unprecedented effort. The talent, the thought, the work, the patience, the vision, and the guts to do it were nothing less than extraordinary. When you can let Matt and his staff know what their hard work meant to you individually.
The NCO staff we had from Friday through Sunday including the Sgt from Co. B ; my thanks to you all for diligent attention to your duties. What a treat it was as an officer to see you run the company. You really should be proud.
If only every event could just at least have the same quality group of guys !
I pray you all had a good week and are recovering well. Those who weren't able to make it can only read with envy, but lets hope this entices them to never miss another opportunity to step into the time and commemorate the 150th anniversary of the next battle we chose to participate together as one company again !
I wish each of you a very Happy Easter and look forward to seeing you soon.
With my highest regards I remain your obedient servant,
Dennis Neal
Captain Co. G
15th Iowa Inf.