This is a run down of the men who have submitted their 11th Penn Federal Adjunct Registration. If you have only completed your registration for the main Maryland, My Maryland registration, this is only step one of two. See the following website to complete your registration for the adjunct and submit your ration payment of $10 via check, or $10.60 via PayPal.
11th Penn Reserve Registration Website:
This will be an outstanding event with planning assisted from Bill Birney and is not one to be missed. There is a cap on the main event registration, so get yours in soon!
11th Penn Reserve Adjunct Registration Roster as on 6/3/2012:
Johnny Lloyd
Jeremy Bevard
Thomas Steele
Art Stone
William Fabus
Robby Cook
Aaron Gamble
Matt Bohnert
James O'Dea
Ian Fulford
Greg Swank
William Flemming
Jackson Foster
Paul Flemming
James Owens
Jonathan Gillis
Mark Burroughs
Edward Van Zile
Brian Emerson
Bill Bamann
William Watson
Ed Davenport
Rob Westbrook
John Legg
Robert Stafford
Christopher Adams
Mark Bonekowski
Andrew Roscoe
Jeff Johannes
Doug Lyons
If your name is not on this list:
1) it should be - this will be one hell of an event!
2) You have not submitted your Adjunct registration and Ration payment.
See the 11th Penn Reserve website to complete the registration. There are multiple methods to complete it - PDF, DOC, etc. Please find the one that will work best for you.
11th Penn Reserve Registration Website:
11th Penn Reserve - Maryland, My Maryland Federal Adjunct Facebook Page:
11th Penn Reserve - Company B Facebook Pages:
11th Penn Reserve - Company D Facebook Pages:
If you have any questions or problems, let me know asap.
Thomas Steele
11th Penn Reserve Inf. (recreated)
This is a run down of the men who have submitted their 11th Penn Federal Adjunct Registration. If you have only completed your registration for the main Maryland, My Maryland registration, this is only step one of two. See the following website to complete your registration for the adjunct and submit your ration payment of $10 via check, or $10.60 via PayPal.
11th Penn Reserve Registration Website:
This will be an outstanding event with planning assisted from Bill Birney and is not one to be missed. There is a cap on the main event registration, so get yours in soon!
11th Penn Reserve Adjunct Registration Roster as on 6/3/2012:
Johnny Lloyd
Jeremy Bevard
Thomas Steele
Art Stone
William Fabus
Robby Cook
Aaron Gamble
Matt Bohnert
James O'Dea
Ian Fulford
Greg Swank
William Flemming
Jackson Foster
Paul Flemming
James Owens
Jonathan Gillis
Mark Burroughs
Edward Van Zile
Brian Emerson
Bill Bamann
William Watson
Ed Davenport
Rob Westbrook
John Legg
Robert Stafford
Christopher Adams
Mark Bonekowski
Andrew Roscoe
Jeff Johannes
Doug Lyons
If your name is not on this list:
1) it should be - this will be one hell of an event!
2) You have not submitted your Adjunct registration and Ration payment.
See the 11th Penn Reserve website to complete the registration. There are multiple methods to complete it - PDF, DOC, etc. Please find the one that will work best for you.
11th Penn Reserve Registration Website:
11th Penn Reserve - Maryland, My Maryland Federal Adjunct Facebook Page:
11th Penn Reserve - Company B Facebook Pages:
11th Penn Reserve - Company D Facebook Pages:
If you have any questions or problems, let me know asap.
Thomas Steele
11th Penn Reserve Inf. (recreated)