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Maryland my Maryland: 4th Texas Rations

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  • Maryland my Maryland: 4th Texas Rations

    Gents -

    The following are the names of the people who have paid for rations. If you are not on the list, pay the ration fee so you can be fed. C/Os, if you know people who need to pay, please get a hold of them to do so. If anyone has a mate who hasn't paid, please push them to pay.

    From now until the end of the month the cost is $10. July 1st the ration payment goes up to $15. Ration payment closes for good on August 1st.

    DO NOT Respond to this post. There is no need to fill up the thread with questions.

    If you need to pay, use the following email for Paypal : Please send as a 'gift' that way we don't lose money. Also, when you submit a payment, please indicate which company you are with. C/Os names are in bold.

    Skip Owens
    Bill Birney
    Joe Caridi

    Co. A (4th Tx)
    Ron Lauser
    Joe Lutsky
    John Dale
    Stewart Douglas
    Rob Fletcher
    Wayne Thomas
    Russ Jones
    Sean Cooney
    Travis Moser
    Brain King
    Kevin Coyle
    Pat Lynch
    Randy Ubben
    Will Chapman
    Mike Espenshade
    George Jurand

    Co. B (23rd VA)
    Nick Medwid
    Byron Faidley
    Patrick Carmichael
    Pat Smith
    Donald Currin
    Harvey Speer
    Addison Speer
    David Speer
    Richard Kesler

    Co. C, D, H (Liberty Rifles)
    Paul Boccadoro
    Carter Bertone
    Jonathan Bracken
    Adam Cragle
    John Holman
    Jason Spellman
    Kaleb Dissinger
    Michael Clark
    Sam Harrelson
    Wade Rogers

    Co. E (Palmetto Guards)
    Even Scott
    Gabe Brooks
    Shannon Brunner
    Bryant Roberts
    Luke McDonald
    Joseph Knight
    Conan Felix
    Mark Bingham
    Ron Vido

    Co. F (Old Guard)
    Shawn Spicer
    George Susat
    Warren Dickinson
    Cameron Stinnett
    Eric Martin
    Jeremy Powell
    Brandon Jolly
    Richard Russell
    Justin Bowden
    Tim Phillips
    Curtis Burchfield

    Co. G (CVG)
    James Gilbert
    Walter Rohracher
    Jonathan Bachmann
    Dan Cassella
    Colin Zimmerman
    Joe Bordonaro

    Co. I (Armory Guards)
    Mark Taylor
    Herb Coates
    Travis Hebert
    Randy Gann
    Jacob Gann
    Daniel Powell
    John McMillian
    Brian DesRochers
    Robert Saye
    David Parent
    Doug Jarrett
    Jesse Riggs
    Billy Tucker
    Alec Hartertt

    Co. K (Washington Guard)
    Jason Hamby
    Bob Bowser
    Scott Calcagni
    Dane Utter
    Last edited by Moose; 06-21-2012, 11:05 AM.
    Joseph Caridi
    Washington's Guard/Potomac Legion

  • #2
    Re: Maryland my Maryland: 4th Texas Rations


    July 1st the Payment goes up to $15. I will post an updated list of people paid on July 1st.

    There are some companies that really need to pay:

    Staff- 3 left to pay
    Band- 7 left to pay
    Co. A- 6 left to pay
    Co. B-20 left to pay
    Co. C,D,H-27 left to pay
    Co. E- 8 left to pay
    Co. F- 3 left to pay
    Co. G- 21 left to pay
    Co. I-10 left to pay
    Co. K- 11 left to pay
    Unknown Company- 8 left to pay

    If you don't have Paypal, PM me and I'll send you a mailing address. Rations are part of the experience of the 4th Texas Adj. Battalion. Please Pay!

    If you have Paypal: , send as "gift"

    Joseph Caridi
    Washington's Guard/Potomac Legion


    • #3
      Re: Maryland my Maryland: 4th Texas Rations


      I have made the decison to not do the funds increase starting July 1st. That's right, the ration payment will stay at $10.

      There are a few reasons I am doing this. First is, we are only about 50% paid for rations in the battlion. Second is, there have been some late addations to the battalion or the word has been spread too slowly. I take the responisbility for this, and I want everyone to have an equal chance in sending their money in. Third and finally, the rations are big part of this adjunct. The staff is working really hard to make a menu that mimics the rations of the Texans and the sorcing only form the local area of Western Maryland to give you food that was grown on the same lands the Texans would have eaten from.

      Please pay the ration fee. This is a BIG part of the adjunct and the Texan experiance during the Maryland Campaign.

      Joseph Caridi
      Washington's Guard/Potomac Legion


      • #4
        Re: Maryland my Maryland: 4th Texas Rations


        An updated list of paid as of 07/02. Please keep them coming in, and remember to put down the company designation, your company commander, or the host unit.
        Company contacts are in Italics.

        Skip Owens
        Philip Brown
        Bill Birney
        Joe Caridi

        Company A
        Ron Lauser
        Joe Lutsky
        John Dale
        Stewart Douglas
        Rob Fletcher
        Wayne Thomas
        Russ Jones
        Sean Cooney
        Travis Moser
        Brain King
        Kevin Coyle
        Pat Lynch
        Randy Ubben
        Will Chapman
        Mike Espenshade
        George Jurand
        Anthony DiAngelo

        Company B
        Nick Medwid
        Byron Faidley
        Patrick Carmichael
        Pat Smith
        Donald Currin
        Harvey Speer
        Addison Speer
        David Speer
        Richard Kesler
        Jim Mullens
        C. White
        A. White
        Ian Blackwelder
        Paul Boulden
        Robert Moss
        Shelton Moss
        Patrick Lacey
        (+10 paid with out named attached to payment)

        Company C,D,H
        Paul Boccadoro
        Carter Bertone
        Jonathan Bracken
        Adam Cragle
        John Holman
        Jason Spellman
        Kaleb Dissinger
        Michael Clark
        Sam Harrelson
        Wade Rogers
        Andrew Turner
        Keisel Ryan**
        Thayer, Charlie
        Nichols Jared
        Tim Cole
        StGermain Stephen

        Company E
        Even Scott
        Gabe Brooks
        Shannon Brunner
        Bryant Roberts
        Luke McDonald
        Joseph Knight
        Conan Felix
        Mark Bingham
        Ron Vido

        Company F
        Shawn Spicer
        George Susat
        Warren Dickinson
        Cameron Stinnett
        Eric Martin
        Jeremy Powell
        Brandon Jolly
        Richard Russell
        Justin Bowden
        Tim Phillips
        Curtis Burchfield
        Dan Stewart
        HornJr William
        Krausz Jason
        Krausz Mark

        Company G
        James Gilbert
        Walter Rohracher
        Jonathan Bachmann
        Dan Cassella
        Colin Zimmerman
        Joe Bordonaro
        Mike Dingess
        Mark Prestianni

        Company I
        Mark Taylor
        Herb Coates
        Travis Hebert
        Randy Gann
        Jacob Gann
        Daniel Powell
        John McMillian
        Brian DesRochers
        Robert Saye
        David Parent
        Doug Jarrett
        Jesse Riggs
        Billy Tucker
        Alec Hartertt
        Lewis Robinson
        Bobby Novak
        Frederick Becton
        Thomas Holman
        Dylan Woodliff
        Kiev Thompson
        Liciber Rich
        Jones Rickey
        Perkin, Frank

        Company K
        Jason Hamby
        Bob Bowser
        Scott Calcagni
        Dane Utter
        Gingras Thomas
        Krahling, Dan

        Left to Pay:
        Staff- 2 left to pay
        Ambulance Crew - 5 left to pay
        Band- 7 left to pay
        Co. A- 6 left to pay
        Co. B-10 left to pay
        Co. C,D,H-23 left to pay
        Co. E- 8 left to pay
        Co. F- ALL PAID
        Co. G- 21 left to pay
        Co. I-10 left to pay
        Co. K- 8 left to pay
        Unknown Company- 4 left to pay
        Last edited by Moose; 07-03-2012, 01:06 PM.
        Joseph Caridi
        Washington's Guard/Potomac Legion


        • #5
          Maryland my Maryland: 4th Texas Rations

          We have 238 registered for the regiment, and about 75% payed up on rations... We are sticking to plan for company participation in numbers warrants the amount of rations that company will obtain for the weekend.
          [B][I]Skip Owens[/I][/B]


          [U]Southern Guard Living History Assn.

          The Company of Military Historians[/U]


          • #6
            Re: Maryland my Maryland: 4th Texas Rations

            Paid Update 07/23

            Gents -
            We still have some people out there to pay. There are couple of companies that really need to push it hard.

            Skip Owens
            Philip Brown
            Bill Birney
            Joe Caridi

            Company A
            Ron Lauser
            Joe Lutsky
            John Dale
            Stewart Douglas
            Rob Fletcher
            Wayne Thomas
            Russ Jones
            Sean Cooney
            Travis Moser
            Brain King
            Kevin Coyle
            Pat Lynch
            Randy Ubben
            Will Chapman
            Mike Espenshade
            George Jurand
            Anthony DiAngelo

            Company B
            Nick Medwid
            Byron Faidley
            Patrick Carmichael
            Pat Smith
            Donald Currin
            Harvey Speer
            Addison Speer
            David Speer
            Richard Kesler
            Jim Mullens
            C. White
            A. White
            Ian Blackwelder
            Paul Boulden
            Robert Moss
            Shelton Moss
            Patrick Lacey
            Scott Williams
            Logan Timmons
            Micheal Thomas
            Alex Ferrel
            Chris Oliver
            Christopher O'Donnell
            Edmund Culpepper
            Bud Kudley
            Patrick Clark
            Kevin Legg
            Aaron Sparks
            Paul Sparks
            Tom Taylor
            Jake Steel

            Company C,D,H
            Paul Boccadoro
            Carter Bertone
            Jonathan Bracken
            Adam Cragle
            John Holman
            Jason Spellman
            Kaleb Dissinger
            Michael Clark
            Sam Harrelson
            Wade Rogers
            Andrew Turner
            Keisel Ryan**
            Thayer, Charlie
            Nichols Jared
            Tim Cole
            StGermain Stephen
            Goodrich David**
            Goodrich Tyler

            Company E
            Even Scott
            Gabe Brooks
            Shannon Brunner
            Bryant Roberts
            Luke McDonald
            Joseph Knight
            Conan Felix
            Mark Bingham
            Ron Vido

            Company F
            Shawn Spicer
            George Susat
            Warren Dickinson
            Cameron Stinnett
            Eric Martin
            Jeremy Powell
            Brandon Jolly
            Richard Russell
            Justin Bowden
            Tim Phillips
            Curtis Burchfield
            Dan Stewart
            HornJr William
            Krausz Jason
            Krausz Mark

            Company G
            James Gilbert
            Walter Rohracher
            Jonathan Bachmann
            Dan Cassella
            Colin Zimmerman
            Joe Bordonaro
            Mike Dingess
            Mark Prestianni
            Shaika Grant
            Shaika Jacob**
            Shaika Steve
            Magargle William

            Company I
            Mark Taylor
            Herb Coates
            Travis Hebert
            Randy Gann
            Jacob Gann
            Daniel Powell
            John McMillian
            Brian DesRochers
            Robert Saye
            David Parent
            Doug Jarrett
            Jesse Riggs
            Billy Tucker
            Alec Hartertt
            Lewis Robinson
            Bobby Novak
            Frederick Becton
            Thomas Holman
            Dylan Woodliff
            Kiev Thompson
            Liciber Rich
            Jones Rickey
            Perkin, Frank
            Raterink John
            Price Aron
            Sanders Kyle
            Marvin Alonzo-Greer

            Company K
            Jason Hamby
            Bob Bowser
            Scott Calcagni
            Dane Utter
            Gingras Thomas
            Krahling, Dan
            Tripp Andy
            Dilman Cody
            Hornberger Chase
            Hoffmeier Eric

            Kuhn Alex

            Ambulance Corps
            Schruefer James

            Left to Pay:
            Staff- 2 left to pay
            Ambulance Crew - 4 left to pay
            Band- 6 left to pay
            Co. A- 6 left to pay
            Co. B-7 left to pay
            Co. C,D,H-20 left to pay
            Co. E- 8 left to pay
            Co. F- ALL PAID
            Co. G- 17 left to pay
            Co. I-4 left to pay
            Co. K- 3 left to pay
            Unknown Company- 4 left to pay
            Joseph Caridi
            Washington's Guard/Potomac Legion


            • #7
              Re: Maryland my Maryland: 4th Texas Rations

              Ration Paid Update 08/07/2012
              We have 54 men left to pay. Let's get it done! I am giving you until the 31st of August to pay your ration fee (which I feel is very generous..)
              If you know you can not make it, or know a mate who can not, please let me know and I will take them off the roster.

              Skip Owens
              Philip Brown
              Bill Birney
              Joe Caridi
              Derrick James

              Kuhn Alex
              Alberta Brian

              Ambulance Corps
              Schruefer James
              Merrick Brian

              Company A
              Ron Lauser
              Joe Lutsky
              John Dale
              Stewart Douglas
              Rob Fletcher
              Wayne Thomas
              Russ Jones
              Sean Cooney
              Travis Moser
              Brain King
              Kevin Coyle
              Pat Lynch
              Randy Ubben
              Will Chapman
              Mike Espenshade
              George Jurand
              Anthony DiAngelo
              Langley Zach
              Dan Ingram
              Cory Ingram

              Company B
              Nick Medwid
              Byron Faidley
              Patrick Carmichael
              Pat Smith
              Donald Currin
              Harvey Speer
              Addison Speer
              David Speer
              Richard Kesler
              Jim Mullens
              C. White
              A. White
              Ian Blackwelder
              Paul Boulden
              Robert Moss
              Shelton Moss
              Patrick Lacey
              Scott Williams
              Logan Timmons
              Micheal Thomas
              Alex Ferrel
              Chris Oliver
              Christopher O'Donnell
              Edmund Culpepper
              Bud Kudley
              Patrick Clark
              Kevin Legg
              Aaron Sparks
              Paul Sparks
              Tom Taylor
              Jake Steel
              John Dishman
              Phil Sheridan
              Wil Preston

              Company C, D, H
              Paul Boccadoro
              Carter Bertone
              Jonathan Bracken
              Adam Cragle
              John Holman
              Jason Spellman
              Kaleb Dissinger
              Michael Clark
              Sam Harrelson
              Wade Rogers
              Andrew Turner
              Keisel Ryan
              Thayer, Charlie
              Nichols Jared
              Tim Cole
              StGermain Stephen
              Goodrich David
              Goodrich Tyler
              Dee Kimmer

              Company E
              Even Scott
              Gabe Brooks
              Shannon Brunner
              Bryant Roberts
              Luke McDonald
              Joseph Knight**
              Conan Felix
              Mark Bingham
              Ron Vido
              Gidick Daniel
              Carter Colin

              Company F
              Shawn Spicer
              George Susat
              Warren Dickinson
              Cameron Stinnett
              Eric Martin
              Jeremy Powell
              Brandon Jolly
              Richard Russell
              Justin Bowden
              Tim Phillips
              Curtis Burchfield
              Dan Stewart
              HornJr William
              Krausz Jason
              Krausz Mark

              Company G
              James Gilbert
              Walter Rohracher
              Jonathan Bachmann
              Dan Cassella
              Colin Zimmerman
              Joe Bordonaro
              Mike Dingess
              Mark Prestianni
              Shaika Grant
              Shaika Jacob
              Shaika Steve
              Magargle William
              McGowan Gerry
              McGowan Justin
              Morrow Mason
              Morrow Shawn
              Timoney Conor
              Barker Clayton
              DeStefano Paul
              Merrill Pat

              Company I
              Mark Taylor
              Herb Coates
              Travis Hebert
              Randy Gann
              Jacob Gann
              Daniel Powell
              John McMillian
              Brian DesRochers
              Robert Saye
              David Parent
              Doug Jarrett
              Jesse Riggs
              Billy Tucker
              Alec Hartertt
              Lewis Robinson
              Bobby Novak
              Frederick Becton
              Thomas Holman
              Dylan Woodliff
              Kiev Thompson
              Liciber Rich
              Jones Rickey
              Perkin, Frank
              Raterink John
              Price Aron
              Sanders Kyle
              Marvin Alonzo-Greer
              Edmiston Kevin
              Shultz Andy
              smith eric
              Spence Dennie

              Company K
              Jason Hamby
              Bob Bowser
              Scott Calcagni
              Dane Utter
              Gingras Thomas**
              Krahling, Dan
              Tripp Andy
              Dilman Cody
              Hornberger Chase
              Benner Brandon
              Hoffman Jared
              Hoffmeier Eric
              Donald Jones
              Jared Hamby

              Left to pay:
              Staff- 2 left to pay
              Ambulance Crew - 5 left to pay
              Band- 5 left to pay
              Co. A- 4 left to pay
              Co. B- 4 left to pay
              Co. C,D,H-20 left to pay
              Co. E- 5 left to pay
              Co. F- ALL PAID
              Co. G- 5 left to pay
              Co. I- ALL PAID
              Co. K- 2 left to pay
              Unknown Company- 2 left to pay
              Joseph Caridi
              Washington's Guard/Potomac Legion


              • #8
                Maryland my Maryland: 4th Texas Rations

                Cut off is 31 Aug... Again companies are getting rations for the numbers who have paid..
                [B][I]Skip Owens[/I][/B]


                [U]Southern Guard Living History Assn.

                The Company of Military Historians[/U]


                • #9
                  Re: Maryland my Maryland: 4th Texas Rations

                  Gents -

                  Today is August 31st. Last call for rations!

                  Tomorrow the final list will be generated and emails sent to the Company C/Os of who paid.

                  Joseph Caridi
                  Washington's Guard/Potomac Legion


                  • #10
                    Re: Maryland my Maryland: 4th Texas Rations


                    Here is the final list of men paid for the event.

                    Skip Owens
                    Philip Brown
                    Bill Birney
                    Joe Caridi
                    Neil Hurst
                    Derrick James

                    Co. A
                    Ron Lauser
                    Joe Lutsky
                    John Dale
                    Stewart Douglas
                    Rob Fletcher
                    Wayne Thomas
                    Russ Jones
                    Sean Cooney
                    Travis Moser
                    Brain King
                    Kevin Coyle
                    Pat Lynch
                    Randy Ubben
                    Will Chapman
                    Mike Espenshade
                    George Jurand
                    Anthony DiAngelo
                    Langley Zach
                    Dan Ingram
                    Cory Ingram
                    Daly Tom
                    Kuropatwa Tony

                    Co. B
                    Nick Medwid
                    Byron Faidley
                    Patrick Carmichael
                    Pat Smith
                    Donald Currin
                    Harvey Speer
                    Addison Speer
                    David Speer
                    Richard Kesler
                    Jim Mullens
                    C. White
                    A. White
                    Ian Blackwelder
                    Paul Boulden
                    Robert Moss
                    Shelton Moss
                    Patrick Lacey
                    Scott Williams
                    Logan Timmons
                    Micheal Thomas
                    Alex Ferrel
                    Chris Oliver
                    Christopher O'Donnell
                    Edmund Culpepper
                    Bud Kudley
                    Patrick Clark
                    Kevin Legg
                    Aaron Sparks
                    Paul Sparks
                    Tom Taylor
                    Jake Steel
                    John Dishman
                    Phil Sheridan
                    Will Preston

                    Co. C, D, H
                    Paul Boccadoro
                    Carter Bertone
                    Jonathan Bracken
                    Adam Cragle
                    John Holman
                    Jason Spellman
                    Kaleb Dissinger
                    Michael Clark
                    Sam Harrelson
                    Wade Rogers
                    Andrew Turner
                    Keisel Ryan
                    Thayer, Charlie
                    Nichols Jared
                    Tim Cole
                    StGermain Stephen
                    Goodrich David
                    Goodrich Tyler
                    Dee Kimmer
                    Lyon Scott
                    Swan Kyle
                    Sawyer Josh
                    Pashong Waylon
                    Kennedy Jake
                    Kuhn Alex
                    Alberta Brian
                    Barrett Matt
                    Broadhead Ian
                    Asselin Brett
                    Asselin Sean

                    Co. E
                    Even Scott
                    Gabe Brooks
                    Shannon Brunner
                    Bryant Roberts
                    Luke McDonald
                    Joseph Knight
                    Conan Felix
                    Mark Bingham
                    Ron Vido
                    Gidick Daniel
                    Carter Colin
                    Steven Lewis

                    Co. F
                    Shawn Spicer
                    George Susat
                    Warren Dickinson
                    Cameron Stinnett
                    Eric Martin
                    Jeremy Powell
                    Brandon Jolly
                    Richard Russell
                    Justin Bowden
                    Tim Phillips
                    Curtis Burchfield
                    Dan Stewart
                    HornJr William
                    Krausz Jason
                    Krausz Mark

                    Co. G
                    James Gilbert
                    Walter Rohracher
                    Jonathan Bachmann
                    Dan Cassella
                    Colin Zimmerman
                    Joe Bordonaro
                    Mike Dingess
                    Mark Prestianni
                    Shaika Grant
                    Shaika Jacob
                    Shaika Steve
                    Magargle William
                    McGowan Gerry
                    McGowan Justin
                    Morrow Mason
                    Morrow Shawn
                    Timoney Conor
                    Barker Clayton
                    DeStefano Paul
                    Merrill Pat
                    Shemelia Ed
                    Hern Dusty

                    Co. I
                    Mark Taylor
                    Herb Coates
                    Travis Hebert
                    Randy Gann
                    Jacob Gann
                    Daniel Powell
                    John McMillian
                    Brian DesRochers
                    Robert Saye
                    David Parent
                    Doug Jarrett
                    Jesse Riggs
                    Billy Tucker
                    Alec Hartertt
                    Lewis Robinson
                    Bobby Novak
                    Frederick Becton
                    Thomas Holman
                    Dylan Woodliff
                    Kiev Thompson
                    Liciber Rich
                    Jones Rickey
                    Perkin, Frank
                    Raterink John
                    Price Aron
                    Sanders Kyle
                    Marvin Alonzo-Greer
                    Edmiston Kevin
                    Shultz Andy
                    smith eric
                    Spence Dennie

                    Co. K
                    Jason Hamby
                    Bob Bowser
                    Scott Calcagni
                    Dane Utter
                    Gingras Thomas
                    Krahling, Dan
                    Tripp Andy
                    Dilman Cody
                    Hornberger Chase
                    Benner Brandon
                    Hoffman Jared
                    Hoffmeier Eric
                    Donald Jones
                    Jared Hamby
                    Karn Brody
                    Hatch David

                    Ambulance Corps
                    Schruefer James
                    Merrick Brian
                    Patton Jason
                    Hermann Marc
                    Joseph Caridi
                    Washington's Guard/Potomac Legion


                    • #11
                      Re: Maryland my Maryland: 4th Texas Rations

                      Awesome event Saturday evening-Sunday morning!

                      Rations were plentiful, and appropriate for the Season. Joe - if you get a chance, could you post the 4th TX citation for the flour?

                      Paul B.

                      23rd VA Vol. Regt.
                      Paul B. Boulden Jr.

                      RAH VA MIL '04
                      (Loblolly Mess)
                      [URL=""]23rd VA Vol. Regt.[/URL]
                      [URL=""]Waggoner's Company of the Virginia Regiment [/URL]

                      [URL=""]Company of Military Historians[/URL]
                      [URL=""]Museum of the Confederacy[/URL]
                      [URL=""]Historic Sandusky [/URL]

                      Inscription Capt. Archibold Willet headstone:

                      "A span is all that we can boast, An inch or two of time, Man is but vanity and dust, In all his flower and prime."


                      • #12
                        Re: Maryland my Maryland: 4th Texas Rations


                        Here is the main source we used for ration for the 4th Texas. The quotes are taken from the The Antietam Manuscript of Ezra Ayres Carman. He was one of the foremost Antietam scholars, and he was the Lt. Col. of the 13th NJ (who fought at Antietam). What makes his work so unique, is that he collected first hand accounts from both sides of the battle lines, and from each distinct portion of the battle. He was a veteran talking to other veterans about their experiences at Antietam.

                        The direct source I took this from was an online source:

                        The Battle Begins: Daybreak to 7:30 a.m.
                        THE PRELUDE TO ANTIETAM
                        September 16, 1862
                        by Ezra A. Carman (originally Chapter 13)

                        "The officers and men of Hood's Division, being without food for three days, except a half ration of beef for one day, and green corn gathered from the field, Hood rode
                        back to Lee's headquarters and requested him to send two or more brigades to his relief, or at least for the night, in order that his men might have a chance to cook their
                        meager rations of flour. Lee said that he would cheerfully do so, but he knew of no command that could be spared for the purpose; he, however, suggested that Hood
                        see Jackson and endeavor to obtain assistance from him. After riding a long time in search of Jackson, Hood finally found him alone, lying on the ground, asleep, by
                        the foot of a tree. He aroused him and made known the half-starved condition of his troops, upon which Jackson ordered Lawton's and Trimble's brigades to his relief.
                        He exacted of Hood, however, a promise that he would move to the support of these brigades the moment he was called upon. It was now after 10 o'clock, his two
                        brigades were relieved and fell back to a position about 200 yards in rear of the Dunkard Church and Hood rode off in search of his wagons, that his men might
                        prepare to cook their flour."

                        The Battle Intensifies: 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m.
                        Daybreak to 7:30 AM
                        by Ezra A. Carman (originally Chapter 15)

                        "When Hood was relieved by Lawton, on the night of the 16th, and retired to the woods about 250 yards in rear of the Dunkard Church, it was to get food for his men,
                        who had been nearly famished for three days, and he road in search of his wagons. It was with much difficulty that he found these in the darkness, and they contained
                        flour only. Not until nearly dawn was this in the hands of his men and they were without cooking utensils. It was dawn before the dough was prepared, which the men
                        proceeded to cook on ramrods. About 4 a.m. Hood sent his aid to General D.H. Hill, apprising him of his condition and asking if he could furnish any troops to assist
                        in holding the position on the left, to which Hill replied that he could not. As we have seen, the fighting began at dawn, in and near the East Woods, and, soon
                        thereafter, Hood received notice from Lawton that he would require all the assistance he could give him, and later, when Hartsuff and Gibbon advanced, an officer of
                        Lawton's staff dashed up to Hood, saying "General Lawton sends his compliments, with the request that you come at once to his support" and added that Lawton had
                        been wounded. "To Arms" was instantly sounded, and quite a number of Hood's men were obliged to go to the front, leaving their uncooked rations behind; some
                        carried the half-cooked dough on their ramrods and ate it as they went forward."

                        I hope this helps illustrate why we issued the rations we did. We included a few extras in there for you boys, but we tried to keep things generally by the history for the main ration issues.

                        Joseph Caridi
                        Washington's Guard/Potomac Legion

