October will be here before we know it! The hardtack is ordered and Jim's working on the bacon. If you haven't had a SCAR bacon issue it's worth the price of admition! Below is a registration list as of 6-30-12. If you see any errors, please let me know. Encourage your friends to get those registrations in. Who will be the first company to fill up?
Registration as of 6-30-12
Color Guard:
Gallagher, Thad
Runyon, Justin
Woodburn, Matt
Co. A:
Burke, Eric
Cooper, Sean
Hollis, Matthew
McDonald, Bruce
Neveau, Dylan
Paolillo, Pete
Ransom, Dick
Silva, Paul
Temm, Chuck
Evans, Lou
Green, William
Guss, John
Verkler, Brandon
White, Ray
Coats, Herb
Lehrter, Sean
Comer, Michael
Perkin, Frank
Serour, Mark
Berezuk, Pete
Bruce, Jim
Heckman, John
Salland, Patrick
Smallwood, Gene
Swartz, Gary
Co. F:
Bevard, Jeremy
Cassady, Matthew
Collicott, Sean
Holloway, Harrison
Stafford, Robert
Steele, Thomas
Butler, Jim
Lloyd, Johnny
Smotherman, Joe
October will be here before we know it! The hardtack is ordered and Jim's working on the bacon. If you haven't had a SCAR bacon issue it's worth the price of admition! Below is a registration list as of 6-30-12. If you see any errors, please let me know. Encourage your friends to get those registrations in. Who will be the first company to fill up?
Registration as of 6-30-12
Color Guard:
Gallagher, Thad
Runyon, Justin
Woodburn, Matt
Co. A:
Burke, Eric
Cooper, Sean
Hollis, Matthew
McDonald, Bruce
Neveau, Dylan
Paolillo, Pete
Ransom, Dick
Silva, Paul
Temm, Chuck
Evans, Lou
Green, William
Guss, John
Verkler, Brandon
White, Ray
Coats, Herb
Lehrter, Sean
Comer, Michael
Perkin, Frank
Serour, Mark
Berezuk, Pete
Bruce, Jim
Heckman, John
Salland, Patrick
Smallwood, Gene
Swartz, Gary
Co. F:
Bevard, Jeremy
Cassady, Matthew
Collicott, Sean
Holloway, Harrison
Stafford, Robert
Steele, Thomas
Butler, Jim
Lloyd, Johnny
Smotherman, Joe