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Registration Update 7-30-12

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  • Registration Update 7-30-12


    The time is closing in to get your registations in for Perryville. I must have the registration in my hand by SEPTEMBER 10 in order to have it where it will be. Jordan Ricketts went to a planning meeting last weekend and here is what he said "Just got back from Perryville... All I can say is we are going to be going on ground that reenactors have never been on before! The scenarios are on the exact site the real actions took place! Sounds like its going to be the last big one there."

    Don't miss out on this unique opportunity. There aren't many places that we get to march and fight on the actual ground that the men we are portraying fought and died on. If you are not on the list get your registration in. If you are on the list please encourage your friends to join us. See you in the field!

    Perryville Registration 7-30-12

    Co.A Cooper

    Burke, Eric
    Cooper, Sean
    Paolillo, Pete
    Ransom, Dick
    Temm, Chuck
    Hollis, Matthew
    McDonald, Bruce
    Merritt, Hal
    Neveau, Dylan
    Silva, Paul

    Co. B Blunt

    White, Ray
    Evans, Lou
    Green, William
    Guss, John
    Verkler, Brandon

    Co. C Roberts

    Coats, Herb
    Herr, Dustin
    Lehrter, Sean

    Color Guard

    Craddock, Pat
    Gallagher, Thad
    Runyon, Justin
    Woodburn, Matt

    Co. D Comer

    Comer, Michael
    Serour, Mark
    Bohnert, Matt
    Miller, Rod
    Morin, Don
    Perkin, Frank

    Co. E Berezuk

    Berezuk, Pete
    Bruce, Jim
    Salland, Patrick
    Heckman, John
    Smallwood, Gene
    Swartz, Gary

    Co. F Wicket

    Bevard, Jeremy
    Cassady, Matthew
    Holloway, Harrison
    Collicott, Sean
    Stafford, Robert
    Steele, Thomas

    Co. G Landrum

    Co. H Boccadoro

    Boccadoro, Paul
    Cole, Tim
    Hayes, Jeff
    Holman, John
    Nichols, Jared


    Butler, Jim
    Lloyd, Johnny
    Smotherman, Joe
    Sean Cooper