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Chickamauga, Kershaw's Birgade

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  • #46
    Re: Chickamauga

    Originally posted by Alexander Vasquez View Post
    I can't in good conscience go to Chickamauga as ANV; my 3x great grandfather's regiment (35th IL) was routed by Longstreet's boys there. Apparently they were the last regiment to try to march to correct the placement error that made the gap in the Union lines and got hit rear and flank at the same time, then broke and ran. He lived to get shot in the face at Mission. Ridge.

    That being said, any ideas or rumblings about a Federal adjunct?

    Alexander Vasquez
    Formerly of Co. C, 15 IA

    I know this reply is WAY late, but my unit has been getting some inquiries from various Federal types asking about this event. The 24th Missouri will field a Federal company for Chickamauga, it is a MAX effort for us under the Army of the Frontier, 1st Fed Div. Our captain, Cal Kinzer, has already been getting emails fromoutsiders and would probably welcome anybody off the AC site who wants to do Fed. There is also a chance we may be involved with Dom Dal Bello in some larger venture within the Brigade, but it is too early for details as of yet. Many of you know me, and my unit. For those who don't the link is in my sig line, where you will find our contact info.

    I saw this as a general thread on Chickamauga, and am not looking to rain on anyone's parade. If I did gray, I would be in on the CSA adjunct yesterday. For the others like me, who may be looking for a Fed unit for this event, we just wanted to offer an option.
    Mike Phineas
    Arlington, TX
    24th Missouri Infantry
    Independent Volunteer Battalion

    "Oh, go in anywhere Colonel, go in anywhere. You'll find lovely fighting all along the line."

    -Philip Kearny


    • #47
      Re: Chickamauga

      Thank you Mike for articulating some cogent points.

      As a member of the organizing team for Chickamauga, and of the executive committee of the BGA, I'll offer some observations, though I normally prefer to remain silent publically on military matters. Please pardon any deficiencies in my military vocabulary.

      We are grateful for primary portrayals on both sides, as well as to those who readily galvanize at events, such as the men of the Cotton States Battalion and King's Texans, who provided a number of Federal troops on Sunday at Shiloh. There are people in all facets of the hobby for whom historical scenarios and ratios trump personal preference.

      The BGA deals with problematic ratios by planning scenarios which allow the rotation of troops in and out of battles. The sooner registrations come in, the better we are able to plan for those anomalies.

      The event site to be used for the 2013 Chickamauga is a unique one, with generous acreage, and containing original Federal approaches. For those men who wish to portray Federals, please do contact Mike, Cal, and others who have already stepped up. The property is large enough that men on both sides will be able to insulate their in camp experiences from distractions.

      I'm also greatful to military men who have looked especially deep into the record, and have chosen to aid with some unusual and documented civilian portrayals for this event.

      As for stricter standards for troops galvanizing, well, some folks do better than others. We remain grateful that they will do so. Fellers, It's a Mainstream Event. There is a price to be paid to see numbers and to fight in numbers.

      I leave my spectacles in my pocket so I won't see poorly disguised women in the ranks either. I find that choice makes me a nicer person. And I need all the help I can get.

      We look forward to hosting you.

      All the best,

      Terre Lawson
      Civilian Governor, Blue Gray Alliance.
      Terre Hood Biederman
      Yassir, I used to be Mrs. Lawson. I still run period dyepots, knit stuff, and cause trouble.

      Wearing Grossly Out of Fashion Clothing Since 1958.

      ADVENTURE CALLS. Can you hear it? Come ON.


      • #48
        Re: Chickamauga

        Friends, this thread is for the Kershaw's Brigade effort. I'll change the title to help out.

        Second, Weldon and others bring up decent points. This particular campaigner effort that started at 150th Manassas was CS, last year it was US at Shiloh, in 2013 it is CS for Chickamauga. There are othe groups besides the WIG involved with this particular grouping. As for 2014 and 2015 events, the leadership will be better suited to let everyone know what is going on.
        Herb Coats
        Armory Guards &


        • #49
          Re: Chickamauga

          Sorry to hi-jack your thread, I guess I just didn't want to see that magnificent unit they are forming have to shoot at rabbits, the trees, or even each other for lack of targets... lol. That was a great post Terre.
          Mike Phineas
          Arlington, TX
          24th Missouri Infantry
          Independent Volunteer Battalion

          "Oh, go in anywhere Colonel, go in anywhere. You'll find lovely fighting all along the line."

          -Philip Kearny


          • #50
            Re: Chickamauga, Kershaw's Birgade

            I believe there is a progressive Federal battalion being formed for Chickamauga portraying a battalion from Van Deveer’s Brigade. Here is a link to the Facebook page:
            Andy Miller
            Co. A, 1st Minn.

            "Do your duty in all things. You cannot do more, you should never wish to do less." Gen. Robert E. Lee


            • #51
              Re: Chickamauga, Kershaw's Birgade

              Mike, no problem. There hasn't been much chat here about Federal participation. Andy, thanks for posting that link.
              Herb Coats
              Armory Guards &


              • #52
                Re: Chickamauga, Kershaw's Birgade

                After a few years away from "The Hobby" due to work, I'm in for this one. One of the last events I did before dropping out was the WIG (I think) living history at the National Battlefield Park as Kershaw's Brigade, and I loved it. Now I have nine months to lose 90 pounds, so I can fit in my electric blue trousers!
                Dave Eggleston


                • #53
                  Chickamauga, Kershaw's Birgade

                  Coordination has already taken place with the BGA CS Senior staff and permission was granted on Kershaws Brigade way before this thread started. Those who are participating should focus on the preparation of their mess or company levels. Brian, Chris, and the others at the brigade level are handling all the top level issues. We do this so that you don't have to and can concentrate on the main endstate: maximizing the Historical experience to portray those who fought before us.

                  That being said, I do not get on here often. If there is a concern most know me from FB or my personal email is below.

                  Just to add more to the Kershaws Brigade Update:

                  Rations will be 15$. This is a 5$ increase from 4th Texas but we will have more than enough to make up for it in subsistence. Also Antietam was green apples and corn, you will get more than this per the commissary Acounts of Kershaw. Please PayPal this to

                  Keep procuring your BG jackets, as stated before this is the mandatory peice of uniform for the event. Some companies are choosing to go the extra mile and get kepi's, trousers ect.. This is on you and your company commander. I know with economic hard times we can't all go procure a 3-400$ kit. All the vendors for the RD BG jackets have made viable, affordable options for all sized wallets. Again if you have a issue please contact Brian then Me for issues

                  -to ensure we don't have any confusion. This will be only Kershaws Brigade for the entire weekend. Galvanizing isn't even a option. I know the topic of force ratios has been mentioned. I completely agree and this has been worked with higher staff for a plan we will emplace during the weekend.

                  i ask you concentrate on this:Registration and impression refinement/procurement is what I am asking the participants to focus on for the time being.

                  Thank you gentlemen.

                  [B][I]Skip Owens[/I][/B]


                  [U]Southern Guard Living History Assn.

                  The Company of Military Historians[/U]


                  • #54
                    Re: Chickamauga, Kershaw's Birgade

                    Thought this might be of interest:

                    "It Was Easy to Distinguish Them From the Soldiers of Bragg's Army":
                    The Uniform of Longstreet's Corps at Chickamauga

                    Longstreet's troops had recently been newly uniformed, consisting of a dark-blue round jacket, closely fitting, with light-blue trousers, which made a line of Confederates resemble that of the enemy, the only difference being the "cut" of the garments—the Federals wearing a loose blouse instead of a tight-fitting jacket. The uniforms of the Eastern troops made quite a contrast with the tattered and torn homemade jeans of their Western brethren.1

                    Thus did Augustus Dickert, veteran of the 3rd South Carolina Infantry of Kershaw's Brigade, describe the appearance of Longstreet's men upon their arrival in Georgia in September, 1863. Braxton Bragg's Army of Tennessee was outnumbered and facing imminent battle with the Union Army of the Cumberland, under Major General William Rosecrans. The decision was made to reinforce Bragg with two divisions of Lee's Army of Northern Virginia. Two of Longstreet's divisions, those of Lafayette McLaws and John Bell Hood, were selected to go, along with Micah Jenkins' South Carolina brigade, formerly of Pickett's Division. The Confederates began boarding trains near Richmond on September 9th, but the time required to move all 12,000 troops resulted in a large portion of Longstreet's command, including all of the artillery, missing the great battle of Chickamauga on September 19th and 20th. The brigades that did arrive in time to participate were those of Kershaw and Humphreys, of McLaws' Division, and Law, Robertson, and Benning, of Hood's Division.2

                    As soon as Longstreet's men began to arrive at the front their appearance made an impact on the soldiers of the western army. On September 19th an Army of Tennessee artillerist recorded in his diary: "Our first impression was partly caused by the color of their uniform, but more by its uniformity, and the superior style of their equipments, in haversacks, canteens, and knapsacks. The contrast between them and Gen'l Bragg's motley, ragged troops was striking in the extreme."3

                    The Yankees, too, noticed and were confused by the appearance of Longstreet's men. At Chickamauga the men of the 125th Ohio hesitated to fire on Hood's advancing troops because of their uniforms. A veteran of that regiment wrote, "Those moving battalions did appear to wear blue, dusty blue, and probably they were clothed in blue jeans. The were Longstreet's men, just arrived from Virginia. We had never seen a Confederate clothed otherwise than in butternut or gray."4

                    Even General Ulysses S. Grant experienced an embarrassing encounter when he arrived in the area weeks later. "General Longstreet's corps was stationed there at the time, and wore blue of a little different shade from our uniform. Seeing a soldier in blue on this log, I rode up to him, commenced conversing with him, and asked whose corps he belonged to. He was very polite, and, touching his hat to me, said he belonged to General Longstreet's corps. I asked him a few questions—but not with a view of gaining any particular information—all of which he answered, and I rode off." Such cases of mistaken identity were likely compounded by the fact that many Union soldiers of the western armies wore short jackets and civilian hats.
                    Galen Wagner
                    Mobile, AL

                    Duty is, then, the sublimest word in our language.Do your duty in all things. You cannot do more. You should never wish to do less. -Col. Robert E.Lee, Superintendent of USMA West Point, 1852


                    • #55
                      Re: Chickamauga, Kershaw's Birgade


                      When you copy and past stuff from other people's articles... you may want to at least give credit to the original author, in this case James M. Schruefer who has that article copy written. Just a suggestion ;)

                      Since you did not post the entire artilce, I will post a link for the benefit of all.

                      Brad Ireland
                      Old Line Mess
                      4th VA CO. A


                      • #56
                        Re: Chickamauga, Kershaw's Birgade

                        Brad, I found the text on another site and the author, nor copyright information was listed. The lack thereof was not intentional. Thanks for the clarification.
                        Galen Wagner
                        Mobile, AL

                        Duty is, then, the sublimest word in our language.Do your duty in all things. You cannot do more. You should never wish to do less. -Col. Robert E.Lee, Superintendent of USMA West Point, 1852


                        • #57
                          Re: Chickamauga, Kershaw's Birgade

                          Is any additional information going to be forthcoming about this effort? Battalion structure, hype, info, etc? Looking forward to donning the blue kersey!
                          Jim Butler
                          Jim Butler


                          • #58
                            Re: Chickamauga, Kershaw's Birgade

                            SCAR will be forming a company for this effort in the 2nd SC battalion. Check out the brigade website at:

                            If you wish to sign up with our company and don the English blue, you need to register at the event website at:

                            Then email me at and I will provide instructions on where to send your $15 to cover rations and sign up with the battalion.
                            Sean Cooper will be commanding the SCAr company. Don't delay till after Gettysburg to sign up. Register now!

                            Jim Butler
                            Jim Butler


                            • #59
                              Re: Chickamauga, Kershaw's Birgade

                              Its going to be a good time! Anyone looking for a home shoot me an email. Jim posted the registration links above!



                              Jordan Ricketts
                              Jordan Ricketts


                              • #60
                                Re: Chickamauga, Kershaw's Birgade

                                After falling in with the Mossy Creek Mess (Company A) at Perryville, this is very tempting.
                                Mike Barnes

                                Blanket Collector (Hoarder)
                                44th VA / 25th OH

