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Fort Sanders Joint Adjunct October 11-13, 2013

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  • Fort Sanders Joint Adjunct October 11-13, 2013

    What: 150th Battle of Fort Sanders Adjunct
    When: October 11-13, 2013

    Where: Corryton, TN

    Who: Confederate host- Mossy Creek Mess
    Federal host- Sally Port Mess

    POC: Confederate- Sean Cooper
    Federal- Sam Lowe

    Plan: Event participants will arrive at the main event site Friday night. Once you register you will go to a rally point. A shuttle will carry you a few miles off the main site to another property for Friday night. We will set up opposing picket lines during the night. Saturday morning Federal pickets will be driven back as the Confederates prepare for the main assault. Once this morning action is over, we will re-form the two groups and then march to the main site where you will continue your respective adjunct.
    Confederate participants will be engaged in running a guard mount, various fatigue duties, etc… We will also be participating in the main event battles. Rations will be provided and are included in your registration fee. Please register through Sean Cooper ( and not through the main event site.
    Federal participants will be engaged in running a guard mount, various fatigue duties, etc… We will also be participating in the main event battles. Rations will be provided and are included in your registration fee. Please register through Sam Lowe ( and not through the main event site.

    Military Command: Confederate- Sean Cooper and Herb Coats
    Federal- Sam Lowe
    Last edited by Coatsy; 07-03-2013, 03:37 PM. Reason: Event has been approved, Herb Coats, Moderator
    Sean Cooper

  • #2
    Re: Fort Sanders Joint Adjunct October 11-13, 2013

    Thanks for posting this effort Sean. Many of the Georgia guys are very excited about this event after the previous EBFUF "Race to Knoxville" event that was put on, and the Federal Enginnering Team at Ft. Sanders effort from 2011.
    Herb Coats
    Armory Guards &


    • #3
      Re: Fort Sanders Joint Adjunct October 11-13, 2013

      Sean ,

      Had a great time last year at Sanders, look forward to making it again this year. Bummed I can't make the winter encampment, the huts look great.
      Take care,
      Kyle W. Sanders

      Armory Guards
      Pick'in eny Mess

      "America has no north, no south, no east, no west. The sun rises over the hills and sets over the mountains, the compass just points up and down, and we can laugh now at the absurd notion of there being a north and a south. We are one and undivided." -Sam Watkins-1st Tennessee


      • #4
        Re: Fort Sanders Joint Adjunct October 11-13, 2013


        We shall see you there!
        Sean Cooper


        • #5
          Re: Fort Sanders Joint Adjunct October 11-13, 2013

          Update 1-30-13


          I had a planning meeting last night and our plan was approved by everyone so we are a go! All we are waiting on is for registration to open up for the main event so we can open our registration. We should be able to open it up by the end of February. I'll keep everyone posted.

          Also an update on the confederate side of things. We are going to be raising two companies for the event. Herb Coats and the Armory Guards will be heading up one company and Sean Cooper and SCAR will be heading up the other company. You will just check which company on your registration form!

          We have tons of stuff planned. We hope to see you there!
          Sean Cooper


          • #6
            Re: Fort Sanders Joint Adjunct October 11-13, 2013

            Sean you can count me in. I am looking forward to it!
            Tyler Underwood
            Pawleys Island #409 AFM
            Governor Guards, WIG

            Click here for the AC rules.

            The search function located in the upper right corner of the screen is your friend.


            • #7
              Re: Fort Sanders Joint Adjunct October 11-13, 2013

              Tyler looking forward to meeting you and working with you. See you there!
              Sean Cooper


              • #8
                Re: Fort Sanders Joint Adjunct October 11-13, 2013

                All right folks! After a long wait (drumroll please), registration is open for the Fort Sanders Adjunct. Early registration needs to be post marked by August 23rd and is $30. Late registraton needs to be post marked by September 22nd and is $35. Registraton covers your event fee+rations and some surprises! You must register through the adjunct in order to participate with us! Please e-mail me if you have any questions or need a registraton form. Thanks! See you in the field!
                Sean Cooper


                • #9
                  Re: Fort Sanders Joint Adjunct October 11-13, 2013

                  Could we have a link please? I understand the Civilians register through this as well. Thanks.
                  Robert Orrand
                  N. B. Forrest Camp 215, SCV
                  Civilian Adjunct - Mayor of Dover, Purdy, Raymond, Layette, and more to come... and oh yeah Gettysburg
                  4thTN CSA - Co A - Shelby Greys


                  • #10
                    Re: Fort Sanders Joint Adjunct October 11-13, 2013

                    Confederate/Civilian Registration
                    Battle of Fort Sanders Adjunct
                    October 10-13, 2013

                    PLEASE WRITE LEGIBLE:

                    NAME:_____________________________________________ ______________________

                    ADDRESS:__________________________________________ _______________________

                    UNIT:_________________________ E-MAIL:____________________________________


                    PLEASE CHECK ONE:
                    ____ SCAR CO. Sean Cooper commanding.
                    ____AG CO. Herb Coats commanding.
                    ____Civilian- Bev Simpson Coordinator. (All civilians are by invitation only. Please contact Bev at if you need an invitation.
                    Registration Rates are as follows: (includes your event fee+rations) (non-refundable)
                    Early Registration is $30. All early registration must be post marked by the 23rd of August.
                    Late Registration is $35. All late registrations must be post marked by the 22nd of September.
                    No Walk-ons will be allowed. You must register through the adjunct in order to participate with us!
                    Mail Registrations to :
                    Sean Cooper
                    821 W. Mountcastle St.
                    Jefferson City, TN 37760

                    Please e-mail Sean Cooper at if you have any questions. Thanks.
                    Sean Cooper


                    • #11
                      Re: Fort Sanders Joint Adjunct October 11-13, 2013

                      Thank you sir.
                      Robert Orrand
                      N. B. Forrest Camp 215, SCV
                      Civilian Adjunct - Mayor of Dover, Purdy, Raymond, Layette, and more to come... and oh yeah Gettysburg
                      4thTN CSA - Co A - Shelby Greys


                      • #12
                        Re: Fort Sanders Joint Adjunct October 11-13, 2013

                        You are welcome!
                        Sean Cooper


                        • #13
                          Re: Fort Sanders Joint Adjunct October 11-13, 2013

                          I have been posting some information that I have been reserching of the events leading up to the attack. Here is a little of it.

                          And now some confederate info!!!!

                          "The Knoxville Campain, Burnside and Longstreet in East Tennessee" by Earl J. Hess

                          Page 105.

                          “Longstreet began the siege woefully unprepared to starve the Federals out or to break through their defenses. He had brought no entrenching tools along, and his pioneer parties had only a few shovels. Fortunately his me found “a large number of picks and spades in the abandoned wagons” at Lenoir’s Station. Wheeler’s cavalry carried them to Knoxville “upon their horses,” and the infantry used the entrenching tools to construct earthworks.

                          The Confederates were on very short rations. William Rhadamanthus Montgomery reported that no bread was available on November 18 and the men had had no meat for three days. Longstreet’s chief commissary, Maj. Raphael J. Moses, was able to accumulate a reserve of no more than three day’s rations by the time the siege ended. It was a narrow margin of safety for twelve thousand hungry men.

                          Page 106

                          The Federals could see their enemy at work across the valley, “busy as swarming bees at work felling trees, digging and fortifying. The Rebel fortifications “seemed to grow like magic.” The basic work was finished by November 20, but much fine-tuning took place for the rest of the siege.

                          Page 107

                          “We now have the enemy bagged in Knoxville,” optimistically reported John Bratton to his wife, “but we cannot take him out of the bag.” Longstreet informed Bragg that Burnside’s position at Knoxville was stronger than Grant’s position at Chattanooga, and he “gives no sign of moving out to meet us, nor attempting to escape.”
                          Sean Cooper


                          • #14
                            Re: Fort Sanders Joint Adjunct October 11-13, 2013

                            Some More Historical Information

                            "The Knoxville Campain, Burnside and Longstreet in East Tennessee" by Earl J. Hess"
                            Life in the Confederate Trenches
                            Page 119-120
                            Longstreet’s men were on short rations when they crossed the Tennessee River, and they relied on slim issues of food for extended periods of time before the siege ended. A member of the 15th Georgia reported that his comrades lived on three days’ rations for twelve days by diligently foraging for food.
                            The Confederates improvised shelter along their trench by digging holes in the back wall. Elijah Tyler Tollison of the Hampton Legion in Bratton’s brigade stayed in his hole most of the time while off duty. The Confederates also suffered from a lack of shoes. Many Rebels were barefoot, leaving “bloody stains on frozen ground.” Alexander forced his artillery drivers to give up their footwear to the gunners. Longstreet allowed him men to trade their worn shoes for better ones owned by captured Yankees.
                            Another way to ease the footwear problem was to make moccasins out of raw beef hides. The needy soldier placed his foot on the hairy side of the hide so a piece of it could be cut to match. Then he pierced holes along the edges and tied the flaps across his foot with thongs made of leather. “They were better than nothing for a time,” commented a man in the 15th Alabama, “but when near the fire they shrank amazingly, and when wet by the rains, they became too large.”
                            Sean Cooper


                            • #15
                              Re: Fort Sanders Joint Adjunct October 11-13, 2013

                              "The Knoxville Campain, Burnside and Longstreet in East Tennessee" by Earl J. Hess"

                              Skirmishing and Sniping

                              Page. 118-119

                              The Confederates skirmished and sniped a great deal along the lines at Knoxville to wear down the defenders. They placed head logs on top of their parapets to protect sharpshooters. Benjamin was so harrassed by their fire at Fort Sanders that he put brush along the interior crest of the parapet.

                              When a particular Confederate sniper hit several men, Ferrero told Sgt. Frank Tucker of Buckley's battery to do something about him. Tucker raised his cap to draw the sharpshooter's fire and saw the smoke fifteen feet up a tree that was about seven hundred yards away. He carefully aimed a piece and fired, knocking down the entire tree. The Confederate ran way, unhurt.

                              Capt. Wendell D. Wiltsie of the 20th Michigan was wounded in the trenches on November 24 and died four days later. Byron Cutcheon believed the shot was fired from a distance of 880 yards.
                              Sean Cooper

