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Vicksburg National Military Park Sesquicentennial Remembrance Living History

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  • Vicksburg National Military Park Sesquicentennial Remembrance Living History

    We are planning our Remembrance Activities for the 150s here at Vicksburg NMP. We are going to have a Living History event Memorial Day Weekend of 2013 along with other activities. Details are currently being discussed, however we wanted to see what interest there was in the Living History Community. We look forward to having some of you here.

    Those interested please respond to this thread or send me a pm.
    Jake Koch
    The Debonair Society of Coffee Coolers, Brewers, and Debaters

    -Pvt. Max Doermann, 3x Great Uncle, Co. E, 66th New York Infantry. Died at Andersonville, Dec. 22, 1864.
    -Pvt. David Rousch, 4x Great Uncle, Co. A, 107th Ohio Infantry. Wounded and Captured at Gettysburg. Died at Andersonville, June 5, 1864.
    -Pvt. Carl Sievert, 3x Great Uncle, Co. H, 7th New York Infantry (Steuben Guard). Mortally Wounded at Malvern Hill.

  • #2
    Re: Vicksburg National Military Park Sesquicentennial Remembrance Living History

    I'm going to call and talk with Tim about doing something similar to Life on the Line.
    Patrick Landrum
    Independent Rifles


    • #3
      Re: Vicksburg National Military Park Sesquicentennial Remembrance Living History

      FINALLY got you a reply! Sorry for the delay. The MI boys are very interested. Shoot me an email....

      Will Eichler

      Member, Company of Military Historians
      Saginaw City Light Infantry
      Hubbard Winsor Lodge #420
      Stony Creek Lodge #5

      Civil War Digital Digest

      Historic Fort Wayne Coalition


      • #4
        Re: Vicksburg National Military Park Sesquicentennial Remembrance Living History

        I'd be interested. You can count on two, and I can likely muster 5 or so.
        Galen Wagner
        Mobile, AL

        Duty is, then, the sublimest word in our language.Do your duty in all things. You cannot do more. You should never wish to do less. -Col. Robert E.Lee, Superintendent of USMA West Point, 1852


        • #5
          Re: Vicksburg National Military Park Sesquicentennial Remembrance Living History

          Hmmm, Son No. 1 will be in college in the wilderness of Colorado Territory, so I will have less responsibilities at that time and mayhaps I could get an extra long Memorial Day weekend and come join the fun in Mississippi. I also have a comrade from the old Army of the Pacific days (think Raymond and Corinth) who now lives in Louisiana that I might be able to coax into action in '13.
          Yes, please keep the stream of info flowing. If I'm available, I'll be there.
          A full tigerrrr for beginning this project two years out. Will rats be on the bill of fare for this 'un?
          Paul Hadley
          Older and Mostly In the Way Wranglers
          Paul Hadley


          • #6
            Re: Vicksburg National Military Park Sesquicentennial Remembrance Living History

            Is the Navy invited?
            [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=4][FONT=Verdana]Bob Dispenza[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
            [COLOR=Navy]US Naval Landing Party ([url][/url][/COLOR]
            [COLOR=SeaGreen]Navy and Marine Living History Association ([url][/url][/COLOR]

            "The publick give credit for feat of arms, but the courage which is required for them, cannot compare with that which is needed to bear patiently, not only the thousand annoyances but the total absence of everything that makes life pleasant and even worth living." - Lt. Percival Drayton, on naval blockade duty.

            "We have drawn the Spencer Repeating Rifle. It is a 7 shooter, & a beautiful little gun. They are charged to us at $30.00. 15 of which we have to pay."
            William Clark Allen, Company K, 72nd Indiana Volunteers, May 17, 1863


            • #7
              Re: Vicksburg National Military Park Sesquicentennial Remembrance Living History

              Sounds interesting - Think we can get some guys out there. We did some living histories out there back in the early 80's - Still remember pea bread... Nasty stuff....
              George Susat
              Confederate Guard


              • #8
                Re: Vicksburg National Military Park Sesquicentennial Remembrance Living History

                Howdy Jake
                Thanks for the invitation. I would like to hear more, and see if I can make it fit into the schedule. What sort of impresions would you like to see?
                Best, Matt

                Welcome to the forum, Mr. Weeks. A cardinal rule of the forum is that you sign your full name to every post. Here is a link to the rules : - Silas Tackitt, one of the mod's
                Last edited by Silas; 07-02-2011, 08:46 PM. Reason: signature violation


                • #9
                  Re: Vicksburg National Military Park Sesquicentennial Remembrance Living History

                  Memorial Day 2013 would fit perfectly for my annual sojourn from Hawaii to back home (Shiloh next spring will be the interim). I would be very interested in participating in the LH at Vicksburg. Thank you for your consideration.
                  Chad Teasley

                  "Mississippians don't know, and refuse to learn, how to surrender to an enemy."
                  Lt Col James Autry, CSA, May 1862


                  • #10
                    Re: Vicksburg National Military Park Sesquicentennial Remembrance Living History

                    I might be interested if Im not working elsewhere in 2013.
                    Michael Mumaugh
                    Interpretive Ranger Mansfield SHS
                    Independent Rifles

                    "Fall of the Rebellion"
                    Outpost III
                    Pickett's Mill

                    "Desertion of Alabama troops in the Civil War was a manifestation of sectionalism in the state, due largely to the prevalence of poverty"-Bessie Martin


                    • #11
                      Re: Vicksburg National Military Park Sesquicentennial Remembrance Living History

                      I'm going to contact who I've normally worked with at the park and see what we can't work out in the same tone of what we did there at Life on the Line, but not on Memorial Day weekend. I've been putting together programs on the park since 06, and I would hate to miss out on the 150th. What we had talked about last February was multiple stops, with two sides, and all branches being represented. We'll see if that works out with what they have a budget for or not, but check back at the EBUFU folder in the next couple of days.
                      Patrick Landrum
                      Independent Rifles


                      • #12
                        Re: Vicksburg National Military Park Sesquicentennial Remembrance Living History

                        Pat ,

                        I would be willing to help with such an event as i am able . I would love to do a company of Illinois infantry for this one . There was action in May of 63 is that a possiblitiy ??

                        Rod Miller
                        [COLOR=SlateGray]Old Pards[/COLOR]
                        [COLOR=DarkRed]Cornfed Comrades[/COLOR]
                        [COLOR=Navy]Old Northwest Volunteers[/COLOR]

                        [FONT=Palatino Linotype]"We trust, Sir, that God is on our side." "It is more important to know that we are on God's side."
                        A. Lincoln[/FONT]

                        150th Anniversary
                        1861 Camp Jackson-Sgt. German Milita US
                        1st Manassas- Chaplain T. Witherspoon, 2nd Miss. Inf. CS
                        1862 Shiloh -Lt. ,6th Miss. Inf. CS
                        1863 VicksburgLH-Captain Cephas Williams, 113th Co.B US
                        Gettysburg BGA- Chaplain WilliamWay, 24th MI US
                        1864 Charleston Riot-Judge Charles Constable "Copperhead".
                        Bermuda Hundred Campaign-USCC Field Agent J.R. Miller


                        • #13
                          Re: Vicksburg National Military Park Sesquicentennial Remembrance Living History

                          I'm not saying yes or no to anything right now because I don't have dates to go with or the official word from the park. Right now the main federal push would be a Iowa troop headed up by Holler, since this was an idea he and I have talked about for years.
                          Patrick Landrum
                          Independent Rifles


                          • #14
                            Re: Vicksburg National Military Park Sesquicentennial Remembrance Living History

                            I'd like to participate, work and time permitting.
                            Warren Dickinson

                            Currently a History Hippy at South Union Shaker Village
                            Member of the original Pickett's Mill Interpretive Volunteer Staff & Co. D, 17th Ky Vol. Inf
                            Former Mudsill
                            Co-Creator of the States Rights Guard in '92


                            • #15
                              Re: Vicksburg National Military Park Sesquicentennial Remembrance Living History

                              Well I missed out on getting to try the rat last time, so if that is back on the menu I will have to mark this event on my things to do! Or maybe we can try camel???
                              Michael Mumaugh
                              Interpretive Ranger Mansfield SHS
                              Independent Rifles

                              "Fall of the Rebellion"
                              Outpost III
                              Pickett's Mill

                              "Desertion of Alabama troops in the Civil War was a manifestation of sectionalism in the state, due largely to the prevalence of poverty"-Bessie Martin

