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Criteria for Event Postings

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  • Criteria for Event Postings

    Has your event posting been approved by the AC staff? If not it needs to be otherwise your thread will disappear.

    Rules for acceptance -

    Events meet the following criteria:

    * Date/Location
    * Identified unit impression
    * Impression guidelines based on historic data
    * Established organization and structure with reasonable goals for numbers
    * Activities outside the event standard schedule that add value to the event for the participant
    * Traditional EBUFU activities: rations, guard, drill, some level of immersion even if temporary (i.e., overnight picket or short march, based on historic actions of course!)"
    * Website, Email List, FB page, etc

    For events that do not meet these criteria, or about which a concern remains, constructive feedback will be provided to the person who originally submitted the thread. The objective is not to limit event access to event advertisement. Rather, we want to ensure that the A-C community can have a bit more assurance that events promoted here conform to a common set of minimum expectations.
    Last edited by Coatsy; 01-22-2014, 01:12 PM. Reason: Updates
    Jim Kindred