Mark your calendars for the weekend of Sept. 27-28 and the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Pilot Knob in Missouri. I am hoping to raise a battalion of authentic reenactors who will portray Wood's 14th MO Cavalry at this event.
We will portray some of the Confederates in Sterling's Price's 1864 foray into Missouri. Price wasted several precious days and lost about 1,000 casualties within a half hour trying to take Ft. Davidson at Pilot Knob. The fort was guarding a railroad terminus and was under the command of Col. Thomas Ewing who had earned the hatred of many pro-Southern Missourians by issuing his infamous Order No. 11 which depopulated several counties in western Missouri in an attempt to control the guerilla activity there.
While Price's men were cavalry, the majority of them were on foot and a good percentage of them were unarmed. Captured Federal uniforms were not uncommon. The goal of this effort is to field a unit that will look like Price's men really did and not the usual stereotypical Confederate that is often seen at mainstream reenactments.
We will camp about 5 miles out of town, march along the route that Price's men and take part in the assaults on the original earthenwork fort. I hope to be able to arrange skirmishing on Shepard's Mt. with some authentic Federal units which will be the first time in 150 years that has taken place. The 14th was engaged in such action when they go near the fort.
Company commanders will be: Frank Aufmuth, Nic Clark, Terry Leggans and Cody Mobley.
If you want to be unarmed, you should buddy up with someone who is willing to take a hit so that you can recover their weapon for the next assault. All unarmed men should wear their own accoutrements and have their own rounds and caps.
Please let your company commander know whether you are are interested in portraying an unarmed recruit and who you're armed buddy will be. Also let them know if you are interested in wearing Federal uniform.
To keep things balanced, each company commander will have guideline on how many of each impression to have in their company.
Hat: Civilian style
Kepis are discouraged. Officers may wear them but I would prefer a civilian style hat for them also.
Jacket: Homespun/commutation jean wool jackets in butternut/brown colors
Civilian sack coat
Civilian frock coat
Federal sack coat – limited numbers – see footnote
NO GRAY military jackets unless that is all you have. Officers may wear jackets/coats of gray material if desired. See footnote
Trousers: Civilian style
CS style jean wool
Federal trousers - limited – see footnote
Shirt: Civilian style of proper materials and construction
Shoes: Military or civilian style shoes/boots of proper material and construction.
Haversack: Typical cloth CS style or civilian haversack
Federal haversack
Canteens: Tin drum
Federal smoothside or bullseye
Belt: Roller buckle
Georgia Frame
Any civilian type or generic Confederate style belt
Federal – do not turn buckle upside down
Cap Pouch: CS style of proper material and construction – leather or painted cloth
Federal cap pouch
Cartridge box: Generic CS style box of proper construction – a Trans-Mississippi style is preferred. Can be worn on sling or belt and be of leather or painted cloth.
Federal box on sling or belt. Leave box plate on so public can clearly see you are carrying Federal equipment and do not turn upside down.
Weapons: 1853 Enfield
’61 Springfield
’63 Springfield
’42 Springfield
Civilian style rifle
Shotgun – single or double barrel
A belt knife can be carried but must be secured in a scabbard.
NO Flintlocks or pistols. Officers may carry a sidearm if they choose.
Bayonet is optional but if carried, bring properly fitting scabbard
NOTE: I thought I would put my reasons about some of the restrictions on some uniform items. One of the main goals I have for this effort is to make a clear cut distinction between our group and the usual Confederates that attend this event.
Cabell’s Brigade was the only one in Price’s army that was clothed with a large number of gray jackets and looked like a military unit. I have purposely chosen an outfit that was not in gray. Most of the mainstreamers at this event will be wearing some form of gray probably so I would like to shy away from that. If you only have a gray jacket, then wear it. I don’t expect anyone to go out and purchase a new item of clothing just for this event unless you just want to use it as an excuse to get something new.
As to the limitations on Federal gear – There were a number of Price’s men who were wearing Federal uniforms but I do not want us to have so many that we tend to look like a Missouri Militia unit. Therefore, they will be limited to a certain percentage of each company. If you want to wear Federal uniform you will need to contact your company commander and let him know. He will control how many will be outfitted in his company based on numbers I give him.
This includes Federal trousers. While there were men wearing them, there will be many, many mainstreamers wearing them. To help make the distinction between us and them, I am limiting the wear of Federal trousers to those who are cleared to wear Federal coats also.
There is a Facebook page in place also:
We will portray some of the Confederates in Sterling's Price's 1864 foray into Missouri. Price wasted several precious days and lost about 1,000 casualties within a half hour trying to take Ft. Davidson at Pilot Knob. The fort was guarding a railroad terminus and was under the command of Col. Thomas Ewing who had earned the hatred of many pro-Southern Missourians by issuing his infamous Order No. 11 which depopulated several counties in western Missouri in an attempt to control the guerilla activity there.
While Price's men were cavalry, the majority of them were on foot and a good percentage of them were unarmed. Captured Federal uniforms were not uncommon. The goal of this effort is to field a unit that will look like Price's men really did and not the usual stereotypical Confederate that is often seen at mainstream reenactments.
We will camp about 5 miles out of town, march along the route that Price's men and take part in the assaults on the original earthenwork fort. I hope to be able to arrange skirmishing on Shepard's Mt. with some authentic Federal units which will be the first time in 150 years that has taken place. The 14th was engaged in such action when they go near the fort.
Company commanders will be: Frank Aufmuth, Nic Clark, Terry Leggans and Cody Mobley.
If you want to be unarmed, you should buddy up with someone who is willing to take a hit so that you can recover their weapon for the next assault. All unarmed men should wear their own accoutrements and have their own rounds and caps.
Please let your company commander know whether you are are interested in portraying an unarmed recruit and who you're armed buddy will be. Also let them know if you are interested in wearing Federal uniform.
To keep things balanced, each company commander will have guideline on how many of each impression to have in their company.
Hat: Civilian style
Kepis are discouraged. Officers may wear them but I would prefer a civilian style hat for them also.
Jacket: Homespun/commutation jean wool jackets in butternut/brown colors
Civilian sack coat
Civilian frock coat
Federal sack coat – limited numbers – see footnote
NO GRAY military jackets unless that is all you have. Officers may wear jackets/coats of gray material if desired. See footnote
Trousers: Civilian style
CS style jean wool
Federal trousers - limited – see footnote
Shirt: Civilian style of proper materials and construction
Shoes: Military or civilian style shoes/boots of proper material and construction.
Haversack: Typical cloth CS style or civilian haversack
Federal haversack
Canteens: Tin drum
Federal smoothside or bullseye
Belt: Roller buckle
Georgia Frame
Any civilian type or generic Confederate style belt
Federal – do not turn buckle upside down
Cap Pouch: CS style of proper material and construction – leather or painted cloth
Federal cap pouch
Cartridge box: Generic CS style box of proper construction – a Trans-Mississippi style is preferred. Can be worn on sling or belt and be of leather or painted cloth.
Federal box on sling or belt. Leave box plate on so public can clearly see you are carrying Federal equipment and do not turn upside down.
Weapons: 1853 Enfield
’61 Springfield
’63 Springfield
’42 Springfield
Civilian style rifle
Shotgun – single or double barrel
A belt knife can be carried but must be secured in a scabbard.
NO Flintlocks or pistols. Officers may carry a sidearm if they choose.
Bayonet is optional but if carried, bring properly fitting scabbard
NOTE: I thought I would put my reasons about some of the restrictions on some uniform items. One of the main goals I have for this effort is to make a clear cut distinction between our group and the usual Confederates that attend this event.
Cabell’s Brigade was the only one in Price’s army that was clothed with a large number of gray jackets and looked like a military unit. I have purposely chosen an outfit that was not in gray. Most of the mainstreamers at this event will be wearing some form of gray probably so I would like to shy away from that. If you only have a gray jacket, then wear it. I don’t expect anyone to go out and purchase a new item of clothing just for this event unless you just want to use it as an excuse to get something new.
As to the limitations on Federal gear – There were a number of Price’s men who were wearing Federal uniforms but I do not want us to have so many that we tend to look like a Missouri Militia unit. Therefore, they will be limited to a certain percentage of each company. If you want to wear Federal uniform you will need to contact your company commander and let him know. He will control how many will be outfitted in his company based on numbers I give him.
This includes Federal trousers. While there were men wearing them, there will be many, many mainstreamers wearing them. To help make the distinction between us and them, I am limiting the wear of Federal trousers to those who are cleared to wear Federal coats also.
There is a Facebook page in place also: