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Red River Enlistments

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  • Red River Enlistments

    Gents, here is the current list of those who have enlisted for Red River.

    Bevard, Jeremy
    Ferringer, Patrick
    Underwood, Tyler
    Young, Matthew

    Company A. Todd Morris Cmdg.
    Filliman, Paul Michael
    Morris, Todd

    Company B. ??? Cmdg.
    Picking, William
    Furey, Patrick

    Company D. (SCAR) Andrew Kasmar Cmdg.
    Angel, James B.
    Dawson, Kevin
    Forsyth, Zacharias
    Kirschner, Matthew
    Lakin, Matthew
    Scott, Tyler
    Taylor, Mackenzie Shayne

    Company C. (AOP&48th NY) Dom Dal Bello Cmdg.

    Company E. Bridger Phillip Cmdg.
    A.J. Klass

    If you have enlisted and do not see your name then you have either not filled out the enlistment form correctly or I have not yet received the conformation email from the event staff. Instructions for enlisting can be found at
    Last edited by Tyler Underwood; 03-23-2015, 07:04 PM.
    Tyler Underwood
    Pawleys Island #409 AFM
    Governor Guards, WIG

    Click here for the AC rules.

    The search function located in the upper right corner of the screen is your friend.

  • #2
    Re: Red River Enlistments

    We really need everyone to get this enlistment submitted as soon as possible. The enlistment simply gives us an idea of numbers and does not commit you to the event. Registration will go out later for that. We have already started planning some special scenarios and supply requirements and need an accurate idea of who is planning on attending to plan accordingly.

    Patrick M. Ferringer

    Governor Guards


    • #3
      Re: Red River Enlistments

      For those of you who are on the fence about going to Red River because of the length of the event you can now rest easy. I have been informed that anyone who cannot make the entire week can now meet up with the battalion on June 9th in Washington verses needing to be their NLT the 6th.

      Also please get your registrations in as this is being used to procure our rations. There isn't a large cooperation funding this, it is our registration monies that are being used to feed us. For further info on our battalion please visit
      Tyler Underwood
      Pawleys Island #409 AFM
      Governor Guards, WIG

      Click here for the AC rules.

      The search function located in the upper right corner of the screen is your friend.


      • #4
        Re: Red River Enlistments

        Folks, now that we are done with Bentonville please get enlisted for Red River ASAP! Registration closes on April 20th. I realize that when enlisting and registering everyone receives an email stating that you must have a group of four to participate and to be quite honest I wouldn't worry about the four man rule.

        Registration is $125 dollars per man payable to the event staff. This fee covers your rations for a week plus the use of the wagons. Please visit the Red River website for payment instructions.

        I am also asking that each participant pay pal $5 to This covers some extra items that will be issued to enhance everyone's experience.
        Tyler Underwood
        Pawleys Island #409 AFM
        Governor Guards, WIG

        Click here for the AC rules.

        The search function located in the upper right corner of the screen is your friend.


        • #5
          Re: Red River Enlistments


          A lot of great planning and effort have been put into this event. Where else can you campaign for a week!?

          Tyler and Pat are part of a great team. Having served with Jeremy Bevard many times, you will be in good hands.

          The Coy Commanders are also a class act.

          I can't attend, but if you can, I wouldn't miss this!
          Ivan Ingraham
          AC Moderator


          • #6
            Re: Red River Enlistments

            And for those who are just now catching wind of this event - and aren't used to perusing the folders: The initial details and chatter of the event can be found here:
            Last edited by Jon The Beloved; 03-23-2015, 07:41 PM.
            Jon Harris

            Mang Rifles & Friends
            Ora pro nobis!

            ~ McIlvaine’s 64th Ohio Infantry at Missionary Ridge 11/2019
            ~ Head’s 49th Tennessee Infantry at Fort Donelson - Defending The Heartland 2/2020
            ~ Wever’s 10th Iowa Infantry at Bentonville 3/2020
            ~ Opdycke's 125th Ohio Infantry at Franklin, 1863 - For God and the Right 5/2020
            ~ Pardee’s 42nd Ohio Infantry during the Vicksburg Campaign 5/2020
            ~ Day's Silent Machines, 12th U.S. Regulars during the Gettysburg Campaign 6/2020



            • #7
              Re: Red River Enlistments

              Ivan, thanks for the support and kind words! We can only hope that it will be half as good as Bentonville!

              Jon, thank you for posting the initial post!

              Everyone else, come out and enjoy a full week of hard campaigning. You will have a chance to see and do some things that you cant anywhere else.

              Start preparing your feet for the march. From point A to B we are looking at 30 - 35 miles with much more in between.

              Work on getting your kits together making sure you can meet the minimum guidelines.

              Work on your first person, and count on some good civilian interaction.

              And lastly, if you didn't get a chance to participate in the peep show at Bentonville or at previous events, there just might be another opportunity to see it again in Arkansas.
              Tyler Underwood
              Pawleys Island #409 AFM
              Governor Guards, WIG

              Click here for the AC rules.

              The search function located in the upper right corner of the screen is your friend.


              • #8
                Re: Red River Enlistments

                This really is a group effort. In order to make this happen we need registrations turned in. Cavalry, artillery, and wagons are lined up and ready. It is up to us to fill the ranks. This is an opportunity to take part in a very unique that likely will not happen again. Past Red River events are still talked about and set a high mark for a true campaigner experience. Do not miss your opportunity to be part of this! On top of what is planned by the main event organizers, we have many extras in the works that you will not want to miss. Get those registrations in! As Tyler said, do not worry about the four man battle groups. We will work out the details and you just need to get the registration in to secure your spots. Be sure to fill out the enlistment first then send the registration fee. Indicate you are with the 77th OVI, Tyler Underwood commanding. Details can be found in the link posted above by Mr. Harris.
                Patrick M. Ferringer

                Governor Guards


                • #9
                  Re: Red River Enlistments

                  Gents, this past weekend I was informed that Mr. Comer will be unable to attend Red River. If anyone would be interested in serving as the Company commander for Company B please let me know.
                  Tyler Underwood
                  Pawleys Island #409 AFM
                  Governor Guards, WIG

                  Click here for the AC rules.

                  The search function located in the upper right corner of the screen is your friend.


                  • #10
                    Re: Red River Enlistments

                    With Bentonville and Saylor's Creek over it is now time to think about Red River. There is a limited window to register. You must fill out the enlistment form on the website provided and send registration. The registration covers rations for a week, use of wagons for rations and ammunition, and some extras. You need to be enlisted and registered by April 20. You do not want to miss out on this opportunity to campaign for a week. Get those enlistments and registrations in to secure your spot on this unique event.

                    Contact Tyler Underwood or me with any questions. Here is the enlistment and registration link. There is also information posted regarding the event, but more detailed impression guidelines and info can be found at the 77th OVI page.

                    Patrick M. Ferringer

                    Governor Guards

