What: Fort Pulaski Confederate Garrison Living History
Where: Fort Pulaski National Monument, Savannah, Georgia
When: April 6th-8th, 2018.
Why: Last year, the southeastern coast got hammered by Hurricane Matthew. Fort Pulaski, like several other historic sites along the coast, lost a lot of money due to site closings and repair costs. Recently, park staff expressed their interest in bigger, more accurate living history events for the public and as a way to get "back in the saddle" after literally being underwater last fall.
What I am hoping to do is garner enough interest to raise at least two companies of 10 men each and portray the Confederate garrison of spring, 1862. Not only will this be a great event on the original site, but also provide inroads of further authentic-minded events at Pulaski, such as the 155th anniversary of the Immortal 600. If we get enough interest to portray more than two companies, we can definitely add a third (or fourth!) company if necessary. The more the merrier!
Updates will be posted as soon as they are received by park staff and organizers. Please feel free to sound off if you are interested in raising a company!
Group Page! https://www.facebook.com/groups/266653383782431/