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Guarding the Santa Fe AAR - Under-Promising & Over-Delivering

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  • Guarding the Santa Fe AAR - Under-Promising & Over-Delivering

    Not sure where the AAR thread is for this and can't believe I am first - maybe over on Facebook. Anyway, my oldest comrades in the hobby and I decided to meet on the prairie for this event and our long journeys from Maryland, Idaho and Chicago were rewarded, in spades. To me the measure of an event is "did it seem real?" Standing on guard post #2 at 3:00 AM in 38 degrees and a strong wind below the starry skies of Kansas was real...nothing to do but try to stay on your feet awake and do your job...trying to determine if that is a Pawnee trying to run the guard or a deer in the fields (we had both)...and making sure the Captain or OOD doesn't sneak up on you. Ditto the next morning on wagon escort after the first mile of the march peering ahead at every tree line for potential trouble...which also happened.

    You know its a good event when a real military schedule is maintained, you never know what is going to happen, the leadership is superb at all levels and all the little pieces (sutlers, wagons, cooks, collodian artist, NPS support) fit perfectly. Kudos to the organizers who over-delivered on an experience I will never forget in the midst of old and new comrades.

    Lots of different vignettes, from guard scenarios, to bayonet drill, to inspections (many) to drill and dress parade...all made you feel like a lone company on the prairie in a frontier fort in 1863. The ultimate side show of the big show.

    Ft Larned is amazing...ya gotta go. Just seeing the resources (accouterments, hats, uniforms and blankets, cookware, etc) inside was jaw dropping. In our barracks room of 68 racks there were 40 Child's US blankets and the rest from National Historical Society run from the 80's...a treasure trove. Several of us pledged to "save the blankets" if a fire started :)

    Thanks to the Bully Boys, 24th MO and friends for delivering the real deal. Salute.
    Soli Deo Gloria
    Doug Cooper

    "The past is never dead. It's not even past." William Faulkner

    Please support the CWT at

  • #2
    Re: Guarding the Santa Fe AAR - Under-Promising & Over-Delivering

    That sounds awesome, thanks for sharing your impressions. I try to tell people about reenacting in the real west...maybe someday folks will catch on that there are some amazing events and venues out there.

    Take care,
    Tom Craig
    1st Maine Cavalry
    Tom Craig


    • #3
      Re: Guarding the Santa Fe AAR - Under-Promising & Over-Delivering

      Sound like an event worth traveling long distances for...
      Thomas Aagaard


      • #4
        Re: Guarding the Santa Fe AAR - Under-Promising & Over-Delivering

        Totally agree, worth every moment of the trip. And that's saying something, with the 50 hour round trip drive. ;)

        Thanks to Tyler, Cal, and the 24th for a fantastic weekend!

        Andrew Engel
        Yam Hill Mess


        • #5
          Re: Guarding the Santa Fe AAR - Under-Promising & Over-Delivering


          Thank you for the kind words. We have been contacted so many times after the event to do it again, even if it's outside of the typical 60-65 timeframe. If we do, think 3rd US, 1866. ;-)

          All, if you are not a member of the Facebook Page, please join so you can get any future event updates.

          Tyler Heusinkveld

          18th/19th Century Apprentice Tailor
          Member of:
          24th Missouri
          Bully Boys Mess
          Carolinas Militia Company
          Founding Member - Civil War Period Tailors FB Page

          "Let us at all times remember that all American citizens are brothers of a common country, and should dwell together in the bonds of fraternal feeling."

          --Abraham Lincoln, November 20, 1860 Remarks at Springfield, Illinois


          • #6
            Re: Guarding the Santa Fe AAR - Under-Promising & Over-Delivering


            What is the link to the FB Group? Congrats on a great effort. I have seen a lot of positive feedback from this event.
            ERIC TIPTON
            Former AC Owner

