Missionary Ridge is 140 days from today. Since we are getting ever-closer, we figured it was time to put out some more specific information so you know what to expect. If you are looking for an event schedule, you will not see one.
All we will tell you is that we are representing the 64th Ohio, 4th Florida Infantry, 1st Illinois Light, Battery M and the 5th Company Washington Louisiana Artillery. The dates we are portraying are November 23rd, 24th and 25th, 1863. If you want to know exactly what we are going to do, you are welcome to read to your heart's content. We will not be releasing any further details about the scenario other than what you will find here.
Everything we will do is based upon regimental histories and eyewitness accounts of the 64th Ohio and 4th Florida. Here is a partial list of our sources: Official Reports from “Storming the Heights” By Matt Spruill, first person accounts from “With Sheridan’s Division at Missionary Ridge”, By John K. Shellenberger, first person accounts from the “Silas Mallory Diary, Company K of the 64th Ohio” and the thesis "By the Noble Daring of Her Sons: The Florida Brigade of the Army of Tennessee" By Jonathan C. Sheppard.
This event will occur in real-time with minor accommodations to fit it into the time parameters of a typical event weekend. You will be expected to remain in a 19th century mindset for the duration of the event. You will be kept busy. While first person is not absolutely required, a first person packet will be sent to participants for the 64th Ohio and 4th Florida containing information to get you into the right mindset.
We expect you to refrain from discussing social media, modern politics, memes or any other 21st century rubbish that doesn't belong in 1863. We have selected one of the most well-known scenarios of the Civil War to afford you the opportunity to live history. You will get out of this event what you put into it. We encourage all groups to put in your very best effort to prepare your impressions and be ready to do what they did.
Please see that proper military protocol is followed throughout the duration of the event and the chain of command is used. Enlisted men, as per army regulations are prohibited from consuming alcohol. We realize that men can be mischievous and find ways of obtaining the “soldiers joy” and it is inevitable that some will find themselves in possession of spirits. With that said, we are cognizant of this and will not tolerate drunkenness. If this happens, you will be asked to leave the event. Better yet, enjoy your drinks during Preservation Poker on Thursday night.
Read the Guidelines. (Click Here) Distribute the guidelines again to your groups. We EXPECT EVERYONE to follow the uniform guidelines. This should go without saying, but we know that there will be some of you who have never attended and EBUFU event. You have four months to buy that gear you are missing. You have 140 days to talk among your pards and make sure everyone is squared away. Wear your traps where they should be worn. Clean your gun until it shines. And bring your period shovels, pick axes, etc. You are going to need them!
Contrary to some rumors, there will be NO long march. That isn’t what happened. If you want to get in shape for a better impression, better health or whatever reason, go for it. This event will be a physical and mental challenge, but not because we will be traveling long distances.
Registration opens Thursday at 4:00 PM. We encourage everyone to arrive in time for Silas' Preservation Poker on Thursday at 5:30 PM.
The event will go live Friday afternoon. If you are not there, you will miss the beginning of the scenario. There will be accommodations made for late arrivals, but we highly suggest taking the extra day off to get to the event site by Friday at noon at the latest. Arrive with a correct kit, and fully functioning and CLEAN rifle. We would hate to have to send someone home because they cannot do what is asked of them prior to arrival.
Missionary Ridge will be held on private land just south of Chickamauga, Georgia, so during your trip, we encourage you to take advantage of the great local Civil War sites, including the original Missionary Ridge, Lookout Mountain, Chickamauga, Orchard Knob, Chattanooga National Cemetery and Brown's Ferry.
We should have adequate parking for the event. However, for the sake of efficiency and space, please ride with as many of your group as possible. And aren't some of the best times when you are on the road with your friends? Make it a road trip. Visit the sites. Ride together. And geez, it's good for the environment.
Bring your "A" Game. Be prepared to be tired and experience what the soldiers experienced. History has written the script for us. All we want to do is set the stage for you to live the experience for yourself. Take full advantage and let's work together to make this a memorable occasion for us all.
I will close here with a short story about Randy Compton. Randy is the landowner of the site and fortunately for us, he may even be more excited about this event than we are... if that is possible. After we sent the site plan to him, I spoke to him on the phone and he said:
"This is real!"
"When I saw this, the hairs stood up on the back of my neck."
"We are really going to do this!"
I couldn't have said it better Randy. We really are.
The Missionary Ridge Core Planning Committee is: Ken Cornett, Will Debord, Seth Hancock, Eric Tipton and Tyler Underwood.